Rusty, bent, cemetery nails on the threshold, under the door, in a flower pot: what do they mean? What to do with nails on the threshold, how to neutralize damage?

Rusty, bent, cemetery nails on the threshold, under the door, in a flower pot: what do they mean? What to do with nails on the threshold, how to neutralize damage?

Contribution to nails.

Extraneous objects often find themselves at our doors. Not everything is aware of what it means and can drag jewelry or some interesting things into the house. In this article we will tell you what a nail on the threshold or near the door means.

The nails are on the threshold, under the door, is it damage?

It is worth noting that this is one of the options for the lining, which is often used by experienced magicians and sorcerers. Most often, these are representatives of black magic who, using such objects, try to harm the person whose door is a lining.

Nails on the threshold:

  • Nails work in the same way as needles, pins, knife fragments and other sharp objects. Their main task is to worsen your health and cause suffering. Such linings are not carried out for death, and do not lead to death. However, a person will hurt and suffer a lot. This is precisely the main goal of the lining in the form of nails.
  • Usually they can be seen in several interpretations. Depending on the location, as well as the type of lining, you can determine what it is done and why. If we are accustomed to the appearance of precious and expensive things on the streets, then the emergence of strange objects on our threshold causes a lot of strange thoughts, and not in vain. Everything that is superimposed on valuables and thrown out onto the road is not designed for a specific person.
  • The sorcerer is trying to get rid of some kind of illness or damage by shifting to a precious object. That is, he should not intentionally cause evil to some particular person. With nails, sharp objects that are directly under your door, the situation is different. That is, a person deliberately seeks to make you badly, and lead to illness.
Nails at the door
Nails at the door

What do nails on the threshold mean?

Decoding is carried out depending on the type of object and its condition.

Nails on the threshold:

  • If it's a rusty nail, then there is a possibility that he was taken from the lid of the coffin. It usually has an average thickness and length. Most often, such products are not put on death, but on some serious and serious illness. The main task of such a lining is to lead to failures and constant diseases. That is, a person is exhausted due to the fact that it is exhausted, as a result of ailments.
  • They can also put a new, but bent nail. It also speaks of a lining with which they want to harm you, and worsen your health. In most cases, such a lining is aimed at deteriorating the operation of the musculoskeletal system. That is, you can start limp, an intervertebral hernia or serious problems with the spine and bones will appear. Arthritis can become inflamed, arthrosis is diagnosed or something like that.
  • If the nail is very thin, there are several of them, They are rusty, they are mainly placed in order to sow the family discord, to worsen relations between spouses. Thus, they are trying to break happiness in their personal life.
  • Rusty nails on the threshold, under the door indicate that ill -wishers wish impotence for your husband. Which will automatically lead to discord, deterioration of relations in the family.
  • Nail in the doorbell It indicates that they want to harm your family charter. Perhaps someone wants to take your husband or family happiness from you. This may be as a result of the work of envious people, or a woman who is secretly in love with your spouse.
Thick nails
Thick nails

A nail on the threshold, under the door: what to do?

What to do with a nail in the doorbill? There is a special ceremony with which it is possible to neutralize the effect of black magic. To do this, you will have to go to church in advance and take holy water, a little incense, as well as three sacred candles.


  • After that, come home, all this time try not to look at the nail, not to touch it with your hands and other objects. Next, take the red thread, tie one part on the left hand, and the other, a longer piece, tie around the waist. Threads should not interconnect.
  • After that, take the holy water and pour a few drops to the ground that you take in your yard. Let the earth dry, it should be completely dry, but impregnated with holy water.
  • Further, for the ritual, you need to put three candles on the table, simulating the shape of a triangle. One of the corners should be where you are standing. After that, several pieces of white paper are taken.
  • The teeth of the pliers are washed with holy water. It is necessary to go out the door, put the right hand behind the back, and with the help of the left hand that is tied with a thread, and the pliers, it is necessary to extract a nail from the door jamb.
  • It is laid out on a white sheet and introduced into the house. Now light all three candles that you have. Take a nail, pliers and heat for several minutes until they become red.
  • You need to say the word "fire". After that, you will need to lower the hot nail into sacred water, pronounce the word "water".
  • After that, turn the pliers over in such a way that the edge of the object looks up and pronounce the “air”. After that, everything is laid out on the ground, which was sprinkled with holy water and pronounce the word "earth". Next, it is necessary to wrap the sharp object in the paper and take it into the yard, bury deeper.
  • All objects that participated in the ritual must be washed with holy water, including pliers. An oilcloth or a tablecloth that was on the table is erased. You also need to take a shower and wash the things that were on you during the ritual. Do not forget to bury the red threads that were tied to your waist, as well as the wrist with a nail. With the help of incense, okuti an apartment, sanctify it. During such a ritual, damage is completely removed, a person who wanted to make you bad will not harm you. That is, the entire effect of damage is completely canceled.
Old nails

A nail on the threshold, near the door, at work, near the table: how to throw it away?

In no case should you lift with your bare hands, touch your feet or hold your gaze for a long time. Many people think that you can put on gloves and raise this item, and then throw it away. However, in fact, damage is also transmitted through gloves. Therefore, this method of protection does not work.


  • In no case should you remove a nail from the door jamb using pliers or tweezers that have no rubber pens. The fact is that the metal transfers negative energy very well, so it is impossible to use it to raise and remove nails from the threshold. A good option would be to use a regular sheet of white paper, as well as a broom. It is best to take old items that are immediately thrown away after that, and are taken out of the entrance.
  • In no case, a nail along with a scoop, a broom or paper should be brought home. That is, you took a broom at home, which you do not need, dared a nail on paper, and carried it away from the house. Best of all the paper that you used to raise a nail, burn near your own home. All objects that participated in the rituals when raising nails and other sharp objects from the threshold must be thrown away or burned. It is best to bury.
  • After you notice an extraneous object under your door or on the threshold, remove it, throw it away. After that, you need to come home, wash, take a shower and read our prayer several times. All lining negatively affect the energy of a person, and can significantly harm him.

Please note that nails can be placed not only under the door, drive into the doorbell, but also put in the workplace. That is, if you work in the office, it is quite possible that you will find such an object under your table, in the table or even clogged in the desktop cover.

Rusty Nail
Rusty Nail

A nail in a flower pot: what to do?

This is also a sign of damage, but most likely it is made on cemetery land. That is, in a flower pot along with a nail soil from the cemetery. At the same time, the flower will not necessarily wander. If it grows well, then this does not speak of the lack of damage. Perhaps the plant also participates in the poisoning of your life.


  • You can give a flower to someone from not very good acquaintances
  • Bury it in the forest, along with a pot and nails
  • Destroy the flower, and burn the soil
Old nail
Old nail

It is necessary to act exactly in the same way, and in no case do not touch the extraneous object with bare hands. It will be advisable to produce a ritual to throw a nail, as well as invite a clergyman to your workplace in order to fumulate and sanctify it.

Video: Rusty nails at the door

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