Signs of the blind woman Nina from the series "Blind": the list will accept from the clairvoyant woman Nina for love, money, luck, for weight loss

Signs of the blind woman Nina from the series

The clairvoyant woman Nina, who starred in the famous series “Blind”, stopped seeing in childhood, but thanks to the Higher Forces she began to have a unique magical gift - with the help of his grandmother can predict the future, as well as fate to those people who turn to her. In addition, Baba Nina looks into her soul, understands the intricacies of the character of a person, can see the intentions and wishes of a person and the people around him.

People from all over the country turn to the blind for tips and predictions. For her help, the grandmother does not take anything, but she helps all those who need help, wisdom and magical power of the predictor.

Signs from the film "Blind" - is it true or fiction?

The series "Blind" was able to win the attention of tens of thousands of spectators, since it is true. Below are the facts that confirm this:

  1. The heroine of this series baba Nina in life actually has the gift of clairvoyance. She accepts people in a simple village, advises them what to do in a certain situation.
  2. The gift of Baba Nina is considered unusual, the more help gives the heroine to people, her abilities are increasingly intensifying.
  3. Each plot of the series is real. Grandma once already tried to help people. It was on the stories told that the script of the series made up.
  4. In each separate series, the grandmother gives advice, for example, you cannot bring photos that were scanned. There is no human energy in such a picture, and she cannot tell something useful.
  5. The actors who starred in the series are also trying to listen to the recommendations of the heroine. But they are also afraid of Baba Nina, do not describe her own life.
  6. The film is held real rites. Baba Nina does not hide her words that help people, since not everyone can get to her.
  7. When the shooting was conducted, the heroes-children were unusually reacted to Baba Nina. Each child was near her for a long time, did not want to leave after the end of work.
  8. Blind woman Nina was born sighted. She lost her sight when an accident occurred with her in childhood. It was after that that she became clairvoyant.
  9. The abilities of the heroine are considered hereditary. One of her great -grandmother treated people, the other was a good herb.
Baba Nina Blind clairvoyant: the address of residence where the blind woman Nina lives

Nina's grandmother's advice, how to get married?

Unmarried girls listen to what Baba Nina advises to get married:

  • Cut the nails first on the left hand, then on the right. Having done on the contrary, you run the risk of being alone, becoming someone's mistress.
  • Do not change the buttons from the old clothes.
  • When you read the book, do not bend the pages, use the bookmark.
  • Do not give the groom cowards or socks - he can leave you.
  • Do not give your shoes to another woman (girlfriend, sister) - You will share one man.
  • Do not shoe new shoes on a date - This is to relationships that will be frivolous and short.
  • The most ideal moment for the offer to get married is evening on Friday. But at the same time, announce your own engagement the next day.
  • If someone will break the plate on your date with your beloved, step over it-you will have a happy marriage.
  • Happy stone for the bride and groom is turquoise. The color of this stone is considered a symbol of constancy.
  • The guarantee of fidelity in ancient times was a broken six -ladder. The young halves carried it with them to always be together.
Baba Nina about love
Baba Nina about love

"Blind": signs about love

  • You can’t buy shoes with a second half - parting.
  • Sleep with your beloved under different blankets. Put a skein of white threads under your mattress - the husband will not change.
  • Do not trust put food to the spouse to other households.
  • Have only an even number of cups in the family - avoid marriage difficulties.
  • Stry your spouse shirt yourself - Start with the sleeve, finish the collar.
  • Do not wear your beloved clothes - you can leave.
  • Make sure that there are no tangled wires in the house - this is to confusing relations.
  • When you settled in a new apartment or house, do not buy new slippers during the year - You risk changing your beloved.

Blind woman Nina, clairvoyant: signs if lonely

So, what does Baba Nina advise:

  • Do not take silk bedding, if not married.
  • Do not finish your mother's things - You will be alone.
  • Do not buy a black umbrella. He will scare happiness, especially if you are not married.
  • Do not start a cat until you arrange your personal life.
  • Do not catch the bouquet who throws the bride during the wedding. If a young couple has a real love - you will be lucky in love, if fake - do not get married.
  • Do not wear pearls - This is to loneliness.
  • Do not wear different laces on shoes - You will remain unmarried.

"Blind": Sign about a wedding dress

  • Do not decorate the top of the dress in the waist line with flowers - the birth will be complex.
  • Do not dress a red dress at the wedding - the family will have quarrels, strife.
  • Do not choose the dress in which the bottom is separated with a corset. Refuse such an outfit. We put on a dress that will be whole - your family will be strong and cohesive.
The dress should not be separated by a corset
The dress should not be separated by a corset
  • Do not look at yourself in the mirror before the wedding itself. Of course, every bride wants to know how she looks on her happiest day. In this case, look in the mirror without putting on some element of the outfit, for example, a veil, one glove or decoration.
  • Do not take an outfit for rent - Your family life will be unhappy.
  • Do you want your spouse to have a strong relationship? After marriage Keep your dress in the bedroom for at least 3 months.

Signs of Baba Nina Blind on family relations

  • So that you never part with your spouse, keep your own and his things in one closet -so advises Blind Baba Nina.
  • Do not keep in the room where you sleep dolls. Because of this, your family, love may collapse.
  • Do not hang the clock Right above the bed. They are able to destroy happiness in the family.
  • Do not listen to the advice of parents, loved ones regarding their personal lives (exception - tips about alcoholism, cruelty). It is better to leave the drinking husband so that your lives do not destroy because of this.
  • Do not buy your spouse shoes - You can leave, stay alone.
  • Do not sleep with your husband under various bedding - you will go with him different roads. Always lay a sheet, pillowcases, tumors from one set of linen.
  • Do not set a photo where you kissing With a spouse, to show other people. It leads to treason.
  • Kiss more often with your husband during the full moon - strengthen love.
  • Never chat about the future - swim family luck.

"Blind": signs about work

  • When you go to work, capture new notebook and pen. Stand up a good relationship with the authorities.
  • Do not look for a successful workplace at the beginning of the week. Even having found a good option, refuse it - the work will not bring anything good.
  • Get up before the sun rises. Lie down approximately two hours before midnight.
  • Tie a red cord on your hand - attract good luck, focus on your job search.
  • Do not order business cards at once, how to go to work - you can be quickly fired.
  • Do not bite the seeds at work. If you put them in the corner of the desktop - normal. Luzing the seeds during working hours - to scandals with the director, minor problems, unnecessary bustle, unexpected verification.
At work to a scandal
At work to a scandal
  • Broken mirror at the workplace - Bad sign. You will encounter troubles. There will be a more mirror, there will be more problems themselves.
  • Pigeon, flying into the working window is a positive sign. You will be increased wages, promoted.
  • You will see at work spider - Wait for good relations with the director, employees.
  • You can’t sit with a person who has recently been fired at the same table - you will also be fired.
  • Do not hold an open door to the office.
  • Have you got to work quickly? Your business will go fine. If something prevented you from a job during the road, take a ruin.
  • Do not work during the church holiday.
  • If some employee sits in your work chair, he wants to be fired.
  • Did the director praise you? Wait for the increase in wages.
  • Did you break the cup at work? Wait for troubles, scandals with colleagues, boss - about this warns Baba Nina.
  • Are you proud of your own work? Do not boast. The envy of other people does not bring good luck, attracts negative energy.

Baba Nina about bay leaf

  • To restore harmony in the family, make Ekiban. Baba Nina advises to take 7 garlic teeth, as many bay leaves, oak twigs, clover, rosemary, ash, mountain ash, mountain ash.
  • So that a young couple has a happy life, put in their shoes before the wedding bay leaves and mountain ash. Do this in the evening, on the eve of the wedding.
  • Before you break the mountain ash, choose those branches that you will like more. Do not tear the plant idle. In the morning, remove the bay leaf and mountain ash, throw it away, ask for happiness from the Universe.

"Blind": sign about the pin

  • That pin that was not fastened, do not unbutton yourself - Bad sign. So briefly, but very unequivocally says Baba Nina.

The series "Blind" - wash the window: signs

  • Wash the window initially from the inside, only after that wash it outside. If you do not adhere to this signs, happiness will never go to your house, You will bring only troubles, troubles on your family.
  • We advise you to listen to this advice of Baba Nina, because it is not difficult to fulfill it. And the consequences of non -fulfillment are quite terrible.
  • Do not throw garbage into the window (you can).
Wash inside first
Wash inside first

Blind Baba Nina: How to lose weight?

  • The blind woman Nina recommends listening to the next advice - do not follow the recommendations of other people, especially strangers. You still do not know what kind of intentions people advise. Maybe they belong to the category of "energy vampires". During your weight loss, they can eat your energy. Life, given your beliefs.
  • Just lose weight on the waning moon.
  • Do not conspire to lose weight. This is a useless activity.
  • You can not take food from strangers. Not every person gives good.
  • You will overcome the buttons on the jacket, soon get better.
  • Do not wear things that you are small. Your weight will fluctuate.
  • Do not wear other people's things.

Tips from the blind grandmother Nina - pricked a finger

  • Never do not shit or sew things on another person. If you prick it, blood will go, this person can die very ambulance, possibly at the end of the year.
  • Take your finger - quarrel with your family people, maybe even for a long time. Therefore, when you sew, use a thimble. This sign from Baba Nina is considered quite old, but she is true.

Signs about dishes, cups with blue flowers - "blind"

  • If you have cups at home, which depict blue flowers, throw them away. Otherwise, your personal life will be full of failures and problems - a useful advice from Baba Nina.
Shouldn't be at home
Shouldn't be at home

Series "Blind" about signs with bread crumbs

  • Bread is considered a difficult product. It is the basis of life. Each nation was considered sacred, so do not throw it, do not step on the crumbs from the loaf that you cut.
  • The crumbs that you will have after eating do not throw out, give it to birds - as it asks clairvoyant woman Nina. The birds of our ancestors were considered a sacred symbol. If they fly to you, then relatives who have already died.
  • If the bread, when baked, cracked, then someone from close people will leave.

Sign: Dilute tea with cold water - "blind"

  • Dilute tea with water - this sign is generally considered bad, judging by the words baba Nina. Very soon, wait for conflicts with others.
  • Do not dilute black tea with water - Wait for the scandal with the second half. You may also have conflicts that concern a romantic relationship.
  • Dilute green tea with water? Wait for problems. They will touch work, scandal with employees.
  • Have you diluted water made of herbs with water? You will have a quarrel with an outsider.
Do not dilute
Do not dilute

Why can't you get acquainted on Thursday, “blind”?

  • You can’t get acquainted on Thursdays, so claims Baba Nina from the series "Blind."
  • These acquaintances are mainly imposed on someone or strangers. The acquaintance committed on Thursday leads to disappointment, tears.
  • You can very soon part with your loved one.

"Blind", two birthdays together

  • You celebrated his birthday together with someone, began to notice that some coincidences arose in your life and the life of that person?
  • Think about this person you now have a close connection, You have become "eights." Drop this connection.
  • Otherwise, you will have one life for two - Baba Nina speaks about this with confidence.

Signs about bedding from blind

  • Do not put a new umbrella on the bed - A symbol of cash losses.
  • You will stay in bed for a long time, lay the road mental illness.
  • Get up with your right leg. In this case, your day will be calm.
  • Do not accept as a gift, bedding, If it is awarded by a widow or a single girl. Jeal your own happinesswarns Baba Nina.
You need to get up from the right foot
You need to get up from the right foot

Blind woman Nina - Tips for pregnant women

  • Want to get pregnant quickly? Buy children's toys, place them in your house.
  • Shelter the kitten which will run to your house. This act is able to lure pregnancy.
  • Eat food from one dish with a girl who is already Waches the child. You also get pregnant.
  • Put your stomach to a girl who is pregnant.
  • Go on vacation with your husband. Good thoughts will be able to supplant the bad ones. You will forget about failures, get pregnant faster.
  • Do not accept presentations for the unborn child in advance - Bad sign, wait for trouble baba Nina warns. Better return these gifts.
  • Do not allow strangers to stroke your stomach. You do not know what their intentions they have.

"Blind": Signs of money

  • Do not go in those things that are torn. You will have money is tight.
  • Do not mark the garbage, heading for the threshold. Estate the well -being in the family.
  • Make sure on the table there was no empty dish left. This is to poverty.
  • Do not paint your nails when you are in the kitchen. Lose wealth.
  • Do not scatter the money around the rooms. He will not e rich man, So claims Baba Nina.
  • Do not put the money on the table at night. Lose earnings.
  • Put a broom up with a panicle. Money will be in your house.
  • Do not take money from an outsider. Never get rich.
About money
About money

Bad signs: "blind"

  • Do not leave the wallet in an empty condition.
  • Do not wear in your wallet Pictures of relatives - this poorly affects the financial situation of the family.
  • It is impossible to have garbage in the wallet.
  • You can not put the money in the wallet that has already broken.
  • Do not put the guests in your bed. Wait for something bad, for example, a family scandal.
  • Do not boast of family successes. You may be envied.
  • Do not let other people try your ring. Your family can break up.
  • Do not put your slippers to the guests. Lost a family hearth.
  • Do not celebrate your birthday in advance. You will bring trouble.
  • Let only those guests you want to see into the house. Western wishers can bring trouble.
  • Baba Nina warns - Do not store broken dishes. You may face troubles.

Good signs: "blind"

  • Find the key - Wait for good luck, solve your own problems.
  • Throw all things from the closet that you do not need. Get rid of failures, bad luck.
  • Keep far a medicine for a person who is sick. He will soon recover - about this with confidence claims baba Nina.
  • Do not take a trifle on the road. You will be a rich, happy person.
  • Do you want failures to get away from you? Wear a protective amulet.
  • Want to attract good people? Do not boast of your own successes.
  • Live in the present, do not think about the mistakes that you had in the past.
  • The wishes that go from the second half have a special force.
  • Put a pair of felt boots near the front door. They are they will attract wealth.
  • Think only about good. So you attract positive energy.

On our site you can read about the following signs:

Video: Baba Nina clairvoyant

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Comments K. article

  1. Good evening! Tell me, what does the act of a person mean?! When you come to visit him, he takes a garbage bag with me and throws it off, it seems to me very ugly?! What can mean such an act, why does he do it constantly? And collects the remnants? food from the table and folds me with me?!

  2. I want to divorce my husband. And suddenly he is my fate. And we need to be together ?????

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