Are electronic cigarettes harmful without nicotine, is the wipe harmful? Electronic cigarettes without nicotine: benefits and harm, composition of fluids for smoking without nicotine and opinions of scientists

Are electronic cigarettes harmful without nicotine, is the wipe harmful? Electronic cigarettes without nicotine: benefits and harm, composition of fluids for smoking without nicotine and opinions of scientists

The benefits and harms of tesnicotin electronic cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes are very popular. This is due to the fact that now you can’t smoke at stops and public places. That is why electronic cigarettes were invented. Products help to quit smoking, as well as reduce the harmful effects of nicotine on the body. In this article, we will tell you whether the harmful electronic cigarettes are really harmful and whether there are any benefits from them.

Wip - electronic cigarette: design and features

In fact, an electronic cigarette is very simple in design. It consists of an evaporator, camera, as well as a container in which there is a smoking liquid, as well as a battery. The fluid from the container enters the evaporator, which is heated using the battery. The liquid turns into smoke. Therefore, when smoking, we inhale precisely this smoke that turned out as a result of heating the liquid.

Now it is possible to choose a fluid for smoking. It can be both tesnicotin fluids, and options with a decent dose of nicotine. The main advantage is that there are no resins, as well as other harmful substances. Accordingly, only nicotine enters the body without other resins. It is proved that it is a variety of resins, as well as combustion products, which negatively affect the human body.

IMPORTANT: Remember that at the moment there are no studies on the safety and effectiveness of electronic cigarettes to combat a harmful habit.


Wip: Comprehensive fluid composition

Now there are very few studies, regarding the benefits and harm from electronic cigarettes. The fact is that in our country and other European countries, there are practically no requirements for the composition of the fluid that is sold for refueling the wipe of cigarettes. Accordingly, it is impossible to know exactly what is in the composition. There is no controlling body that will check the composition, as well as the correctness of what is written on the package.

If you analyze the composition in more detail, you can understand that in addition to nicotine, there are other components in this liquid.

Comprehensive fluid composition:

  • Glycerin, which very dries the oral cavity, and also helps the multiplication of pathogenic microflora
  • Propylene glycol. Often causes allergic reactions, nasal congestion
  • Aromatic additives. It can be the aroma of vanilla or cinnamon, which are often present in liquids for electronic cigarettes
  • Harmful metals that can accumulate in the tissues

Are electronic cigarettes harmful without nicotine: the opinions of scientists


  • Greek scientists suggested that electronic cigarettes generally ban. In the course of studies, in the composition of fluid for smoking, a lot of harmful substances were found, as well as carcinogens, which negatively affect health. After a few years, they can cause cancer.
  • Waping is now popular among women in position. Many pregnant women who want to get rid of their habit believe that electronic cigarettes are less dangerous than ordinary tubes with nicotine. However, this is a misconception, because in fact, there are a lot of harmful substances in the liquid. In addition, very often a person who smokes an electronic cigarette absolutely does not control the number of reps. Thus, it saturates its body with a nicotine, which immediately goes to the lungs. Thus, the concentration of nicotine in the blood is much higher than if a person smokes ordinary cigarettes.
  • English scientists are convinced that the electronic cigarette not only does not remove addiction, but also strengthens it. Due to the fact that a person smokes uncontrollably and more often.
  • In addition, a number of research were conducted by Japanese scientists. They confirm the harm from electronic cigarettes. Thus, electronic cigarettes do not reduce nicotine dependence, do not help to fight with it in any way, but only enhance the craving for smoking.
  • In America, it is allowed to smoke electronic cigarettes in public places. There is no such law in our country so far.

Electronic cigarettes are equally equal to smoking as ordinary ones. Therefore, you cannot smoke in public places. As for refueling without nicotine, indeed, there are no nicotine in special liquids. It is replaced by alcohol, as well as menthol. Alcohol causes a burning sensation of the throat, which is similar to the action of nicotine.

Accordingly, a person, as it were, feels that he smokes. It is from this habit that many smokers cannot get rid of who use a patch, as well as chewing or tablets in the process of refusing smoking. Because there is no smoking ritual itself, when a person can relax, think about something. This is a kind of respite during smoking. He observes the same burning sensation and sensation as when smoking ordinary tubes with nicotine.

Smoking vape cigarettes
Smoking vape cigarettes

The benefits and harms of tesnicotin electronic cigarettes

It is worth noting that electronic cigarettes have no evidence of the Ministry of Health and are not included in any register. Accordingly, it is impossible to confirm that it is part of the liquid, and also completely refute the harm from this smoking.

The benefits of tesnicotin cigarettes:

  • In the course of research, it was found that the amount of nicotine, which can fluctuate in different liquids, can be gradually reduced.
  • Thus, reducing the dose of nicotine entering the body. Thus, a person gradually reduces the amount of nicotine that enters the body. Thus, it fights with a bad habit and reduces the effect of harmful substances on its health.
  • We can conclude that waging is not absolutely safe. But wipe cigarettes are much safer than usual. But they are not absolutely harmless. Therefore, the choice is yours. When using tesnicotin fluids, you can really reduce the amount of nicotine that enters the body.
Benicotine electronic cigarette
Benicotine electronic cigarette

If you choose between an electronic and a regular cigarette, it is better to choose a wipe. The liquid is already cleaned of the resins and you can control the concentration of nicotine in a cigarette.

Video: Vype benefits and harms

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