What heating for a summer residence to choose? Heating in the country with your own hands. Review of the best convectors and heaters for giving

What heating for a summer residence to choose? Heating in the country with your own hands. Review of the best convectors and heaters for giving

The best options for heating.

Country house- this is Place for work and rest. Each at their discretion use this corner located outside the city. In the article we will tell you what the best heating for the cottage, and how to equip it yourself. 

What is the best heating for giving?


Boiler room
Boiler room

There are many heating options, which primarily depend on the frequency of staying outside the city. In particular, this applies to winter time when heating is needed. In summer, this is absolutely not fundamental, but if you often visit the country in winter, then you should take care of heating. It also depends on the arrangement of the cottage, since this is not always a large cottage or house, sometimes the house is a small metal structure, broken inside with insulation material. In such cases, there is nothing special to think, the only way out is the acquisition of electric heaters.

First of all, it is also necessary to evaluate the availability of an energy source. If your village is not gasified, then in any case it will not work to install a gas boiler. If there is gas on the site, and a supply to the house is carried out, then it may make sense to install gas equipment. If the cottage is far from settlements, and there is no gasification, then another source of heating will have to be provided. The most universal and most affordable is the installation of electrical equipment. In particular, several options for the heating of the cottage can be distinguished.

What is the best heating for giving the best:

  • Thermal talents 
  • Oil radiators 
  • Pypertensioners 
  • Infrared heaters 
  • Warm floor 
Water heating
Water heating

Economical electric heating for giving

Of course, the best option is the use of a warm floor, but this species is one of the most costly, as it requires complex installation and screed. Therefore, if the cottage is small, it is a house with a small square, then the easiest way to purchase a heat venture.

Of course, the room is heated faster than the remaining sources of energy, but they have a significant drawback - the drying of the air. They burn oxygen, and also significantly reduce humidity in the room, which can adversely affect the well -being of the inhabitants. 

Economical electric heating for a summer residence:

  • A more real option is the use of oil heaters. They are heated much longer, but at the same time they do not cool so fast. One of the popular species among summer residents is the use of infrared equipment.
  • Usually it is attached on the ceiling, or wall. A significant drawback is a limited circle of exposure. He warms only in the place that rays fall into. However, electrical equipment has a significant drawback - small weight.
  • Ecro in the conditions of the apartment are small dimensions of the device - the advantage, then the conditions of giving is a big minus. If you plan to live in the country in the winter infrequently, then on one of the wonderful days you can find that all electrical equipment, with additional equipment, was stolen.
  • Therefore, when purchasing such electrical devices, it is necessary to evaluate how well the protection of the summer cottage is organized.

Electric heating convectors for giving

If there is no protection, or does not work well, there are frequent cases of hacking, then such equipment should be abandoned, and give preference to more severe options that cannot be taken out of the house. Usually these are stationary boilers, stoves and fireplaces. If the cottage is well guarded, the most optimal option is convectors that are attached to the wall.

Electric heating convectors for giving:

  • They have a high level of efficiency, which is 98-99%, so the installation of such equipment is justified. If there is gas in the country, you plan to often relax outside the city in winter, often organize the winter holidays of children or small vacations, then it makes sense to install gas equipment.
  • It is also necessary if you have children, and you need hot water. Thus, you can install a double -circuit heating boiler that heats water for heating and household needs.
  • Of course, this equipment is quite expensive, and you will have to analyze in advance the temperature in the room. The fact is that when the water is freezing in pipes, the system can be depressurized and start leak. In this case, gas equipment is not suitable. If you are not often in the country, and the region is northern, the water in the pipes may freeze. 

List of the best convectors for a summer residence:

  • Noirot Spot E-5 2000
  • Timberk Tec.e3 m 2000
  • Electrolux Ech/AG2T-2000 E
  • Electrolux Ech/AG2-1500 T
  • Resanta OK-20000


Water heating in the country

In addition to gas and electrical equipment, there are other alternative options. If you are in rural areas, it is possible to get firewood cheaply, then wood heating is an ideal option for giving. That is, you need to equip the oven.

Water heating in the country:

  • Many people think that it is quite difficult, it costs a lot of money. However, if it is the Swede or Finnish stove, which is characterized by small dimensions and high heat transfer, then its construction is quite affordable.
  • It is possible to provide holes in such a furnace for heating hot water, as well as installing the hob. An ideal option is the purchase of a solid fuel boiler. 
  • Many summer residents who can afford to purchase expensive equipment are bought by expensive boilers equipped with sophisticated electronics. You should not do this, especially if you are in the countrynot enough often.
  • The fact is that electronics when freezing and reducing the temperature in the room to minus marks can behave inappropriately, and the boiler simply will not start. The ideal option for a summer residence, on which they are not chosen so often, the acquisition of a solid fuel boiler, the most inexpensive, without electronics.  

How to make heating in the country?

As for the organization, heating in the country with own hands, the process also depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, the features of the territory and its protection, as well as available sources of energy. 

How to make heating in the country:

  • The installation of gas equipment requires permits, as well as carrying out work on the insert into the pipeline, and the supply of gas supply to the country house. All these works are carried out by specialists, and are expensive.
  • Therefore, this option is not suitable if you do not have many funds, and you planned to equip the heating of the cottage, while spending the minimum amount. An ideal option will be the purchase of a solid fuel boiler, or the construction of a furnace.
  • For gourmets, you can use a metal fireplace, which is made of pipes. It is quite possible to do it with your own hands. It is enough to own a welding machine, and skills in working withelectro- And a locksmith tool. 
Warm floor
Warm floor

What heating for the electricity to choose?

Of course, one of the best heating options is a warm floor, since it cannot freeze, and makes it possible to include it upon arrival of the owners. The main drawback is the high cost of installation.

What heating for the dacha electrical to choose:

  • To replace him, especially for summer cottages, the so -called warm skirting boards came. In this case, it is lamellas, which are attached to the plinth, their height is 13 cm, and the width is only 3 cm. They look like a conventional baseboard.
  • Small tubes that are located inside the skirting board flow, water is heated with an electric boiler. This option is available, it does not require dismantling the old sex, you just need to remove old skirting boards, install new equipment in their place.
  • When using thermostats, it is possible to install heating at least if there are no owners, or vice versa, add heat if you arrived at the cottage. This is an ideal option if you are not often in the country, but periodically, for example, on the weekend or on holidays. 

DIY heating in the country

The ideal option for the inhabitants of the cottage who come to the house periodically are infrared heaters. They are best attached to the ceiling in the zone where households are located.

DIY heating in the country:

  • That is, it is a living area, a place of rest. Many of them are equipped with modern management systems. Now you can send SMS, or go to a special server via the Internet, and turn on the infrared heater.
  • Thus, by your arrival the house will be sufficiently warm. Now there are infrared films and panels that are ergonomic, light, and easy to install. Any man can install such equipment.
  • To do this, it is enough to have a drill and screws with you. Using these devices, the equipment is attached to the ceiling or walls. Please note that such equipment consumes a large amount of energy, so if the electricity wiring in the house is old, this can cause a fire. Before installing a large number of heating electrical appliances, it is worth upgrading the wiring, making it more powerful. 
Boiler room
Boiler room

ATsolid fuel boilers can be used as a source of energy as firewood, so briquettes, orpellets. Now there are a large number of such sources of energy that are inexpensive, while they differ in high heat and proven themselves. There are also non -standard sources of giving heating, it is a diesel boiler, or devices that feed on liquid energy sources.

That is, it is gasoline, waste oil. They are advisable if there is the possibility of acquiring diesel fuel, or, in an extreme case that the village is not gasified, there is no electricity. A diesel boiler will become a real way out.

Video: Heating for giving

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