Propolis tincture - instructions for use

Propolis tincture - instructions for use

Propolis is a unique product on the basis of which many drugs make. Its tincture, which can be purchased with each pharmacy, is used to treat various diseases. This drug is used for acute respiratory infections and SARS, as well as colds.

Propolis tincture indications for use

  • The composition of bee glue includes many useful compounds. Most of them in the composition of tinctures reveal their benefits. With their help, you can quickly heal microtrauma, cure otitis media and periodontal disease. As well as intoxication of the body (including with alcohol poisoning)
  • Inside, prolis tinctures are taken on water and alcohol. With this tool, you can strengthen the effect of your immunity, cope with a cold caused by a viral infection. With it, you can strengthen the vessels and prevent various heart disease
  • The gastrointestinal tract is treated with this drug and disease. Such tincture is indicated for ulcers and dysbiosis. Recent studies have shown the benefits of this tool in the prevention of neoplasms. This product of beekeeping, infused with alcohol, has antitumor protection for the body. It helps with hypertension well
  • The described tool can be rid of the fungus on the legs. For this, a 20% solution of propolis is used. In it you need to moisten the swab and attach to the sore spot for 15 minutes. The course of treatment for such therapy is three weeks. But, already on the fourth day you can notice a positive trend. Do not worry if itching appears in the first days of treatment

Propolis tincture contraindications

Propolis tincture for alcohol
Propolis tincture for alcohol

As for contraindications when taking this tool, it is due to two factors. Firstly, most often propolis insist on alcohol. That is why this drug has all the same consequences as excessive alcohol consumption.

Secondly, almost all products produced by insects often contain allergens in large quantities. Therefore, before you start taking them, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to them.

You can not take propolis tincture with eczema. Children under three years old and pregnant women are also contraindicated.

Forms of release

This tool is produced in bottles of 25 ml - 100 ml. 100 g of this drug contains 10 g of the active substance - propolis. The rest of the volume is 80%ethanol.

In addition to alcohol tincture of propolis for medicinal purposes, tinctures of this product of beekeeping in water, vodka and oil can be used.

Alcohol tincture of propolis

The greatest concentration of nutrients is in alcohol tincture of propolis. It is alcohol that helps to completely reveal to all useful compounds of this substance to the benefit of the human body.

Thanks to alcohol, propolis “gives” vitamins, minerals and useful compounds in a convenient form for use. It turns out a kind of propolis extract, which has incredible benefit. It is alcohol tincture that is used in the treatment of tonsillitis, colds, gastritis and bronchitis. It can help with hypertension. The alcohol tincture of propolis can be added to the milk by enhancing its strength.

Such tincture can be used both internally and externally.

Oil tincture of propolis

Propolis tincture
Propolis tincture in oil
  • For use, propolis dissolved in oil is externally used. Thanks to the clock, fat -soluble propolis vitamins gain the most suitable form for them. Such a drug can be treated with lesions on the skin: inflammation, acne rash
  • Oil tincture of bee glue is effective for severe burns and neoplasms on the skin
  • Such a drug can be bought in the finished form or prepared independently. To do this, connect the tincture itself with sea buckthorn oil in an amount of one to one. After that, you need to encounter the resulting tool for evaporation of alcohol. It must be stored in the refrigerator

Propolis tincture to children

  • The described drug is used to treat many diseases. But, is it possible to use it to treat children? On the one hand, such a tool in its composition has alcohol. On the other, propolis can cause a strong allergic reaction
  • The external use of propolis has practically no contraindications for children. If the child does not have allergic reactions to beekeeping products, then with the help of tincture you can treat abrasions and bruises in the baby who just started to walk. The tissue damaged when falling will quickly recover when using compresses from propolis tincture
  • As for the use of this drug internally, there is nothing dangerous here. The main thing is to select dosages corresponding to the age of the child. And of course you need to do this only under the guidance of a pediatrician

Important: in any case, it is impossible to give drugs based on bee products for children under 3 years of age. As for external use, it is possible to use tincture in reasonable limits and with good tolerance of propolis both in oil and alcohol before the child is three years old.

A child under 5 years of age should be diluted in water, juice or milk in a ratio of 1/20 dosage for an adult due to 1 year of life.

Propolis tincture dosage

Dosage of the drug
Dosage of the drug

Microtrauma of the skin and acne rash. Wipe the affected area of \u200b\u200b1-3 grooves per day moistened with alcohol or oil tincture per day.

Purulent outer otitis media. The auditory passage must be cleaned of pus. To soak the swab in alcohol tincture and insert in the ear for 2 minutes. It is necessary to use 2-3 such procedures per day. An alternative method of treating this disease is to instill in the ears tincture of propolis 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.

Pharyngitis and chronic tonsillitis. Lubrication of the inflamed mucous membrane 1-2 times a day for 1-2 weeks. With tonsillitis, you can make inhalation based on alcohol tincture. It must be diluted with water in a proportion of 1 to 20. 1-2 inhalations are permissible per day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Periodontal disease. It is necessary to introduce propolis tincture into periodontal pockets for 5 minutes.

Chronic sinusitis. A mixture of propolis tincture and sodium chloride solution (1:10) is washed by the paranasal sinuses 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.

With damage to the oral cavity. In half a glass of warm water, 15 ml of tincture must be diluted. Rinse 4-5 times.

This drug with other beekeeping products or antiseptic agents should not be mixed.

How to cook propolis tincture at home

We cook tincture on our own
We cook tincture on our own

The described tool is presented in every pharmacy. But, today it is impossible to be sure of the quality of the drugs proposed on the pharmacy shelves. Oddly enough, such cheap products as propolis tincture or iodine are faked no less than expensive drugs. If you want to be confident as this tool, then you can do it yourself.

Important: In order to prepare a quality drug, it is necessary to carefully follow the dosage. For the preparation of 10% tincture, you need to take 1 part of propolis and 10 parts of alcohol.

In a darkened glass container, you need to pour the amount of alcohol. Then you need to take propolis and grate it with a grater or grind it with a knife. Propolis must be poured into alcohol and tightly closed the container with a lid. This tool should be infused within 10 days in a dark room. Periodically, the contents of the container must be shaken.

After 10 days, the tincture must be placed in the refrigerator and left there for 12 hours. After that, you need to clean the tincture of the non -dissolved parts of propolis and remove for storage. Subject to storage rules, such a tool can be used for 3 years.

Tincture of propolis or eucalyptus from acne?

Both drugs perfectly relieve inflammation on the skin and can be used as a remedy for acne. But, if the propolis tincture can be “captured” not only of the affected areas, but also quite healthy, then it is better to treat only inflammation and rashes on the skin with tincture of eucalyptus. To do this, you need to immerse a cotton wool in this tool and “cauterize” each pimple separately.

"Chlorophyllipt". An alcohol solution used in infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by the actions of staphylococci.

  • Dosages: 5 ml three times a day. Course: 14-21 days

"Proposol". Ointment used to heal the wounds. It has anti -inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Active substances are propolis, ethyl alcohol and glycerin. It may have other forms.

  • Dosage: applied externally. Course: before recovery
Tincture of calendula
Tincture of calendula

Tincture of calendula. Antimicrobial and anti -inflammatory agent. It is used both externally and internally.

  • Dosage: for taking 1 teaspoon on a glass of water. Course: before recovery

"Propolis milk". A drug that is produced in the form of a spray, ointment, tincture and emulsion. It is used in the treatment of skin diseases, problems with the stomach and intestines.

  • Dosage: depending on the diseases. Course: Determined by a doctor

Propolis tincture: tips and reviews

Katia. I discovered this wonderful remedy for a very long time. But, only a few months ago I learned from a friend that a beautiful natural tonic can be made from this tincture. To do this, dilute this tool with water 1:10. Such a tonic for oily skin will be especially useful.

Irina. And I use this inexpensive, but effective drug as a soothing agent. To do this, I breed 2 tablespoons in milk and drink before bedtime. It helps me not only relax, but also overcome insomnia.

Video: The use and treatment of propolis tincture for alcohol

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