Cardiomagnil dilutes blood or not?

Cardiomagnil dilutes blood or not?

Cardiomagnil is a proven tool that is suitable for preventing the formation of thrombosis in the bloodstream. Removes the risks of manifestations of such dangerous pathologies as angina pectoris, heart attack, etc. We find out further - cardiomagnil dilutes the blood, how the process occurs.

How the cardiomagnil affects the density of blood is an important topic. As a rule, cardiomagnil dilutes the blood, this is what the medicine is used for preventive measures for primary signs of cardiac and vascular pathologies. It has an antitrombotic effect. Then we will study this property of the drug in detail.

Cardiomagnil dilutes blood or not?

Cardiomagnila tablets have the properties to reduce blood density due to the suppression of the action of cyclooxygenase (COO) - this is an enzyme that is involved in the reactions of the formation of compounds among themselves platelets. It is aspirin, which is part of cardiomagnila, gives such an effect.

Some experts argue that for a quick effect it is better to give preference to medicines without a shell, they are much worse absorbed by the intestinal canal. This is especially true for overweight people.

Even in the composition of cardiomagnila there is magnesium hydroxide. Thanks to this compound, you can remove the harmful effect of the acid that is present in aspirin on the digestive tract. In other words, eliminate heartburn. Cardiomagnel liquefies blood gently.

Cardiomagnila pills have a coating in a white shade. I release the product in the form of pills of the shape of the heart. There are two dosages:

1 pill:
Acetylsalicylic acid 75 mg or 150 mg
Magnesium hydroxide 15.3 mg or 30.38 mg

The main component, due to which blood is diluted, is acetylsalicylic acid, it is this substance that suppresses the development of blood clots, reduces the temperature for infections in the body of different origin. Aspirin is also called acetylsalicylic acid, removes inflammatory reactions, and has an analgesic property.

IMPORTANT: It is impossible to exceed the dosage of the drug per day, it is 100 milligrams of the product. Otherwise, states such as bleeding in the digestive tract, anemia, bronchospasm may appear.

Magnesium hydroxide, as mentioned above, plays the role of a means of heartburn. However, the benefits of taking aspirin with magnesium hydroxide have not yet been fully studied. Studies are still underway by pharmaceutical companies.

Does cardiomagnil dilute blood when it is better not to use the drug?

Cardiomagnil tablets dilute blood, and as is known from the previous paragraph, there is a slight probability of developing bleeding of various etiologies. These risks can lead to not only an overdose of tablets, but also parallel treatment with drugs such as:

  1. Absiximab, epifibatide, tyrofiban.
  2. Such anticoagulants: Fenprokumon, warfarin.
  3. different NSAIDs, TsOG-2 inhibitors.
  4. Heparin, clopidogrel, quinidine, tyblopidin, ginkgo bilobe,
  5. Selective inhibitors.
Cardiomagnil - affects the density of blood?

Cardiomagnil is allowed to use only after examining the specialist. It is undesirable to drink pills on your own to drink pills on your condition to prescribe dosage forms with this action.

You can not drink cardiomagnil in tandem with glucocorticoid hormones or non -steroidal anti -inflammatory tablets or powders (with paracetamol, diclofenac, nimesulide, with a coacoxib). The only thing that can be allowed.

IMPORTANT: When consuming cardiomagnila, you must be extremely careful and, if any adverse reactions appear, stop using the tablets. Under the supervision of experts, pills and patients who have reached the age of 60, who have pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, have bad habits.

Also, the drug is prohibited if the patient has symptoms of heartburn or stomach hurts.

Cardiomagnil dilutes blood and removes thrombosis - reviews

This tool is not of narcotic and not hormonal origin, because if necessary, they can be used to patients of any age category. The fact that cardiomagnil dilutes blood is installed for a long time. In addition, it will not interfere for preventive purposes for diseases - heart failure, heart attack, stroke. In reviews, patients write that it basically acts well on the body.

Alexey, 62 years old:

“Cardiomagnil” is an excellent remedy, I use it to thin the blood, I also have chest pain due to heart failure, after a heart attack of 60 years. Tablets help to cope with pain for breasts. And my stomach does not hurt from this product, as after aspirin. Therefore, I can safely advise these pills for use.

Svetlana, 54 years old:

I drink the Cardiomagnil Pill constantly, but only with exacerbations in the fall, in the spring. To feel good, not to experience shortness of breath and pain in the heart muscle. It is enough to drink 1 tablet per day for a month and forget about vascular diseases.

Pavel, 67 years old:

When he began to drink pills in the shape of a heart, he thought this completely useless cardiomagnil. The age is no longer young, because the heart is naughty. And shortness of breath sometimes does not allow to live calmly. My doctor told me to drink all the time. I felt the effect only after two -week use of the medicine. The pain in the legs disappeared, shortness of breath stopped bothering, I feel much better. When you quit drinking the drug, you again feel the sick. Therefore, I drink on an ongoing basis. The only drawback is that these expensive pills for pensioners.

Vasily and Maria:

Cardiomagnil appointed us by our cardiologist. We drink them daily for two years. True, my wife has her own treatment regimen, where other medicines are present, and I have my own. There are enough problems with blood vessels and heart. Therefore, pills must be drunk on an ongoing basis. Thanks to the treatment regimen, my legs ceased to hurt, the density of blood decreased. I advise you to use this tool to improve the quality of life. Just do not forget to visit the doctor. After all, this drug has different contraindications.

Read also on our portal of articles on similar topics here:

  1. Aspirin cardio or cardiomagnil - which drug is more effective?
  2. What is better to drink cardiomagnil or thromboass?
  3. Cardiomagnil, how to use, instructions for the drug;
  4. How to take a cardiomagnil correctly: before meals, after; in the morning or evening?

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