Saturation: What is it in medicine in simple words?

Saturation: What is it in medicine in simple words?

Saturation: What is it in medicine in simple words?

Under saturation You should understand a medical indicator that determines the level of oxygen in the blood. In adults, the norm is considered to be from 94 to 99%. In newborn children, indicators are considered the norm from 92 to 98%. If this indicator is at least slightly reduced, then a person has hypoxia or oxygen starvation.

  • Existing heart defects, changes in the composition of the blood, as well as respiratory diseases, can talk about a decrease in oxygen level. With reduced saturation indicators, oxygen starvation occurs, which is called - hypoxia.

In order to exclude relapse of the disease or prevent hypoxia, some preventive measures must be observed. Among them:

  • General hardening
  • Exception of hypothermia
  • Increasing immunity
  • Timely treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx
  • Elimination of bad habits

When weakening immunity, it is recommended to conduct breathing gymnastics or therapeutic, massage, biological additives, vitamins.


In the moment  coronavirus Saturation indicators can fall to 90% and lower, and in severe cases and up to 70%.
However, people with chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi are more adapted to the lack of oxygen, and scarce indicators of saturation occur at lower values, even less than 88%.

With saturation below 80% is violated by the work of important organs, such as the brain and heart, and immediate intervention is required.

How to determine that the saturation without measuring the device has decreased?

To determine the saturation of blood with oxygen without a device, take a deep breath. Having delayed the air in the lungs, not very fast to yourself, count up to 30 without additional breaths. If, without inhaling, you can only read it up to 10 - this is an indicator of reduced saturation less than 95%. If you have signs of infection at the same time, then you should call a doctor.
Signs of low saturation:
  • Shortness of breath when talking or moving
  • Lack of air
  • Sensation of weakness
  • Feeling of ringing or ears
  • Dizziness
  • Blinding the nasolabial triangle, lips, fingers on the hands

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