If a person has turned yellow, what can be the disease: reasons, what to do? Why does the skin, face, body, eyes of a person turn yellow: what does this mean?

If a person has turned yellow, what can be the disease: reasons, what to do? Why does the skin, face, body, eyes of a person turn yellow: what does this mean?

If a person has turned yellow, then this can be a symptom of a disease, but not always. Sometimes this is a consequence of the use of specific food products.

The skin is the largest organ of a person, and this is not just a body shell. The skin is inherent in various properties and functions. According to the condition of the skin, one can judge the normal operation of internal organs and deviations in their functioning. One of the most important indicators of this work is skin color.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “How to restore the body after antibiotics: intestinal microflora, stomach, liver, immunity, genitourinary system?”. You will learn how to restore the body after antibiotics with the help of folk remedies.

Sometimes you can meet a person with yellow or yellowed skin. This is a normal color for the inhabitants of Asian and some other regions, due to genetically living conditions. However, the yellow color of a person who is normal in white or dark skin causes alertness and suggests that he has health problems. Which ones are described in the article below. Read further.

Why does the skin, face, body, eyes of a person turn yellow: what does this mean, what is jaundice?

If the skin, face, body, eyes of a person turn yellow, then this can be the cause of a serious illness
If the skin, face, body, eyes of a person turn yellow, then this can be the cause of a serious illness

The skin color depends on the content of pigments in it. The main pigments are melanin and bilirubin, if the content of which is higher than the blood is higher than a certain level, the skin begins to acquire yellow. So, why does the skin, face, body, eyes of man turn yellow? What does it mean? Read more:

  • Bilirubin is formed in the body as a result of the collapse of blood -containing blood cells, and as a result of hemoglobin turns into bilirubin.
  • Its level in the blood should not exceed 20 μmol/lwhen exceeding the level 40 μmol/l - the skin begins to turn yellow.
  • At the same time, yellowing of the palms, face, mucous membrane of the eyes is noticeable.

IMPORTANT: If you have any of the unpleasant symptoms, consult a doctor. He will conduct diagnostics and prescribe treatment.

Such a change in skin color was called jaundice. But this is not the only disease when the skin of a person acquire a characteristic color. So, jaundice is a disease of the metabolism of bilirubin, as a result of which its level in the blood exceeds the norm, forcing the tissues to acquire yellow. The reasons for this pathology are described below. Read further.

Video: The first signs of liver disease

Causes and symptoms of yellowing of the skin

In the human body, the process of renewing blood cells is constantly underway. New ones are born and die old, and bilirubin is the product of their decay. It is considered toxic substance and adversely affects the body, but, entering the liver, it binds to glucuronic acid and loses its toxicity. Such bilirubin is called direct or connected in contrast to indirect or free bilirubin, which is toxic.

  • Together with the bile, direct bilirubin enters the intestines and is excreted from the body.
  • It becomes clear that the main causes of bilirubin metabolism are liver and gall bladder diseases.
  • The role of the liver is especially clearly visible with the so -called physiological jaundice of newborns. The liver has not yet formed completely and the level of bilirubin in the blood can be very high, fortunately, only temporarily.

These are the causes of yellowing of the skin and the symptoms of diseases associated with this:

  • Infectious and toxic liver lesionsas well as violations of the outflow of bile due to mechanical obstacles. For example, stones in the gall bladder, ascaride and helminths in the intestines, clogging the bile ducts. Infectious lesions should include various viral hepatitis that affect the cells of the liver parenchyma. Symptoms of viral hepatitis will be a light orange color of the skin, dark urine color and colorless feces.
  • Inflammation and pancreatic tumors, in which the skin, mucous membranes and sclera become gray-yellow or gray-green, the urine darkens and becomes light feces.
  • Liver and pancreas cancer. In people who abuse alcohol, there is a high probability of getting cirrhosis of the liver, which will entail jaundice.

However, the liver is not always responsible for increasing bilirubin and, accordingly, yellowing of the skin. The reason may be:

  • Hemolytic anemia, leading to the death and decay of red blood cells and a significant amount of bilirubin from hemoglobin formation of hemoglobin.
  • Gilber syndrome- Yellowing of the skin can be caused by this hereditary disease, which is exposed to about 5% of the population. The disease is characterized by a benign course and is most often manifested during puberty. In this disease, jaundice is accompanied by weakness, malaise, a decrease in concentration of attention, poor sleep. Interestingly, the drug is phenobarbital with this disease.
  • Medication - The skin may turn yellow when taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) - with an overdose or adverse reaction of the body to this drug.

IMPORTANT: Do not self-medicate, at the first symptoms of some kind of illness, immediately consult a doctor.

In some cases, a person maybe yellow, but this does not threaten his health. This happens when a person eats food containing carotenoids. For example, he drinks a lot of carrot juice. These cases are quite rare and are characterized by the lack of yellowing of mucous tissues.

If a person has turned yellow and lost, what can be the disease?

If a person has turned yellow and lost weight, then this indicates the presence of a disease in the body
If a person has turned yellow and lost weight, then this indicates the presence of a disease in the body

If a person has turned yellow and lost weight, then in this case it can be assumed that a person fell ill with one of these diseases:

  • Cholecystitis. This is acute inflammation of the pancreas, in which the stones interfere with the yield of bile, and this is the cause of a sharp increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood.
  • Infection with intestinal worm. Poor hygiene, the use of unwashed vegetables can lead to infection with ascarides that settled in the liver and in the biliary ducts.
  • Hemostatic spherocytosis. The disease in which the destruction and deformation of red blood cells occurs and, accordingly, a significant amount of hemoglobin turns into bilirubin.
  • Hepatitis A or Botkin's disease. One of the viral hepatitis that affects the liver. You can get infected by consuming water containing a virus. The disease is curable, but requires a long treatment.
  • Hepatitis b. The virus is transmitted through the blood. As a rule, most people are protected from this virus vaccines. At risk are persons who, for their reasons, refuse vaccinations. It can go to the chronic stage and lead to cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Hepatitis C.. The virus can be in the body considerable time before the appearance of yellowness. A person infected with this virus may not know that he is infected and is a danger to others.
  • Liver cancer.
  • Pancreas cancer.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. Most often overtakes people who abuse alcohol.
  • Poisoning with various poisons.

It is worth noting that it is precisely severe poisoning that often leads to yellowness of the skin. Why? Read further.

After poisoning, a person can turn yellow?

The liver is a real chemical laboratory. It analyzes all chemicals that enter the body. Some of them are connected, others are neutralized. Unfortunately, there are substances that have a toxic effect on the liver cells, destroying these cells and leading to the malfunction of metabolic processes in the liver.

  • Depending on the type of hepatotoxic matter and dose, the liver is affected and partially loses its functions.
  • This is hepatitis caused by the action of hepatotoxic substances.
  • The liver that partially lost its functions can no longer fully bind and remove bilirubin, its concentration in the body increases.
  • Therefore, after poisoning, a person may turn yellow.

The ability of liver cells to withstand the action of poisonous substances is reduced in people who take alcohol for a long time. And alcohol itself is poison, and how it acts on the liver, everyone knows perfectly well.

Elderly, old man yellow: reasons

In elderly people, the elderly, pathological processes in the liver, gall bladder or pancreas can occur. This is due to the aging of these organs and the diseases transferred in the past. These organs are not able to deactivate and withdraw enough bilirubin, and the person turns yellow.

If this happens, you should contact a doctor. After the diagnosis, he will say what to do and prescribe supportive therapy.

Drinking person after binge turned yellow: reasons

With prolonged use of large doses of alcohol, there is a high probability of alcohol damage to the liver parenchyma, which leads to an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood, and after the next binge, the skin can acquire a yellow tint. Researchers calculated that this could happen if a drinking person took 80 g of alcohol daily for more than 10 years. Of course, it is necessary to take into account other factors that can affect the possibility of such a defeat, for example, the floor. It turned out that women are more susceptible to alcohol damage, due to the lower content of alcohol dehydrogenase. Heredity and the presence of other diseases also matters.

Cirrhosis of the liver - yellowed human skin: reasons, what to do?

Cirrhosis of the liver
Cirrhosis of the liver

A formidable disease is cirrhosis of the liver, in which healthy liver cells are replaced by connective tissue. It grows, components are formed. The liver can no longer cope with the requirements for it, including the conclusion of bilirubin, and among other symptoms, you can observe yellowing of the skin in humans.

  • The disease progresses and ends with a sad ending.
  • The main causes of cirrhosis of the liver include increased toxic load, and here the main culprit is primarily alcohol, infections that affect the liver.
  • Often cirrhosis occurs against the background of obstruction of the bile ducts.

Cirrhosis is predominantly irreversible, therefore, its treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, stopping the progression of the disease and ensuring the full life of the patient.

The patient is recommended:

  • Do not overstrain
  • Moderate physical activity
  • Body weight control
  • Stool control (at least 1 time per day)
  • Restriction of table salt, if there is swelling

Drug treatment includes the use of hepatoprotectors, enteroseptics, antiviral drugs, gastroenteroprotectors in dosages specified by the doctor.

When is it worth seeing a doctor if a person has turned yellow: diagnostics, what tests to take?

Yellowing of the skin in most cases is a reason for immediate seeing a doctor. If this is combined with the yellowing of the mucous membranes, then this already indicates the seriousness of the disease. It is worth immediately turning to the doctor. He will conduct diagnostics. The doctor will ask the patient in detail, listen to his complaints. At the same time, complaints noted by the patient may be significant:

  • Digestion disorder, light feces and dark urine, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain. Such symptoms indicate problems with the gallbladder.
  • An uncontrolled increase in blood pressure, changes in blood viscosity, loss of appetite, weakness, confusion speak of liver diseases.
  • High temperature, severe weakness, pallor, blood in the feces can give a reason to suspect hemolytic anemia.

Given the patient's complaints, the doctor will prescribe an examination in order to clarify the diagnosis. It includes a biochemical blood test for the content:

  • General bilirubin
  • Direct bilirubin
  • Alaninaminotransferase (ALT)
  • Aspartetaminotransferase (AST)
  • Alkaline phosphatase (ShHF)
  • Gamma-glutamintranspeptidase (GGT)
  • Anti-HCV, antibodies

Also assigned general blood analysis and general urine analysis. If signs of anemia are found according to the results of a general blood test, the number of immature red blood cells is determined. Their increase indicates the probability of hemolytic anemia.

To clarify the diagnosis, the ratio between the content of direct and free bilirubin in the blood, which differs for different forms of jaundice in the blood. Blood examination for viral hepatitis is also carried out. Of great importance is the result of an ultrasound study of the liver, which carries information about the state of the liver parenchyma. Usually this study is included in the ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

“Bad” and “good” yellowness of the skin: a person has turned sharply and strongly, is it possible to cure how much he remains to live?

"Bad" yellowness of the skin

Yellowing of the skin does not always indicate the presence of any serious disorder or disease.

  • If, for some reason, a person absorbs in large quantities caroten-containing foods-carrots, especially its juice, pumpkin, tangerines and some others, then the body, especially palms, will acquire yellow. In this case, the color of the sclera, mucous membrane and urine does not change.
  • Analysis of bilirubin during a biochemical study will not reveal either deviations from the norm.
  • Such yellowness of the skin can be called good. After all, the term "jaundice" is applicable when there is a significant increase in the level of bilirubin.
  • The yellowing of the skin does not cause much concern when taking some drugs.
  • Relatively calmly reinforced people with Gilbert syndrome should be treated, we just have to live with this, observing simple rules.

In all other cases, yellowing of the skin is an alarming symptom, and a person must make certain efforts so that, using medical recommendations, to maintain his health and life. The prognosis of the disease depends on its type, age of the patient, concomitant diseases.

A person has turned sharply and strongly, is it possible to cure how much he was left to live? Read more:

  • In any case, the attitude to yellowing of the skin should be serious, but without panic.
  • Many of this kind of disease are successfully treated with the use of a huge arsenal of drugs, physiotherapeutic methods and surgery.
  • Modern medicine gives a chance even in very bad situations when the organ does not work, and then we can talk about organ transplantation.

In any case, the success of recovery largely depends on the correct behavior of the patient himself. It is worth abandoning bad habits, observe a diet, monitor weight and bring moderate physical activity.

What does a person look like when he has turned yellow: photo

At first, a person usually turns yellow face and torso, then limbs. The yellowness increases in 3 days, lasts at the same level within a week and then can decrease in the reverse order. In general, it lasts from 7 to 14 days. But after that, other symptoms appear that can alert - intoxication, an increase in the liver (visible during ultrasound), etc. Therefore, you should see a doctor at once, as you notice an unusual color of the skin and mucous membranes. Here's a photo, what a person looks like when he has turned yellow:

This is what a man looks like when he has turned yellow
This is what a man looks like when he has turned yellow
This is what a man looks like when he has turned yellow
This is what a man looks like when he has turned yellow
This is what a man looks like when he has turned yellow
This is what a man looks like when he has turned yellow
This is what a man looks like when he has turned yellow
This is what a man looks like when he has turned yellow

Video: cirrhosis of the liver: the first symptoms. How to recognize liver cirrhosis in the early stages?

Video: Yellow face and decaying liver. How to recognize signs of hepatitis in time?

Video: jaundice

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