The benefits of strawberries for children. At what age can you give a child strawberries?

The benefits of strawberries for children. At what age can you give a child strawberries?

This article will talk about the benefits of strawberries for children and how to correctly introduce the child to this berry.

The benefits of strawberries for children

Strawberry berries are a whole storehouse of vitamins useful for a child.

In the picture below, look at the composition of 100 grams of strawberries for vitamins and trace elements.

  • These are vitamins - C, E, A, B1, B6, B3 (PP)
  • Microelements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, fluorine
Useful properties of strawberries
Useful properties of strawberries

In addition to vitamins and trace elements, strawberries have useful fiber for healthy intestines and detoxification of the child's body.

Strawberries are certainly useful for children's immunity.

Children love this berry very much and eat it with pleasure.

But when is the first time to give the child a berry of strawberries?

At what age can you give a child strawberries?

If the child goes to the kindergarten or to school, in the summer, during the period of healing, he needs to eat a useful berry. But there is a big "but"!

The child has on her there should be no allergy! Unfortunately, many kids for her reasons are deprived of pleasure to enjoy strawberries.

Doctors recommend for the first time to offer strawberries to a child who is already a year old.
Doctors recommend for the first time to offer strawberries to a child who is already a year old.

So when and how can you give the baby strawberries for the first time? Doctors and nutrition experts are sure: this berry is not the best product for the first feeding, it is extremely not desirable to give it the first year of life.
It is better to carry out tasting strawberries after the first birthday of the child. The berry is introduced into the diet as accurately as other dishes and products, sequentially and gradually:

  • for the first time, the baby is in half the berries
  • in a day, if there was no negative reaction, they already give a whole berry
  • within a week-two bring a portion to an age size-60-120 g

Mom and dad should be sure that the child does not have allergies on strawberries, his stomach normally perceives the berry. They can give it to the baby in its purest form, as well as:

  • with porridge
  • with honey
  • with cottage cheese
  • with sour cream
  • in juice, fruit drink and compote
Early varieties grown on nitrogenous fertilizers are not suitable for the child.
Early varieties grown on nitrogenous fertilizers are not suitable for the child.

Important: the baby’s acquaintance with strawberries must occur in the season, even if at this point he will be almost two years old. You can’t give early grades of berries to a child

Video: Food allergies in children

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  1. Absolutely all berries are useful for vision, but buying them in its pure form is very expensive, I give my children for prevention, I give a focus, and I limit the computer and gadgets, thus it is possible to keep my vision in order)

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