Strawberry and garden strawberries, description of diseases, how are strawberry diseases on the leaves, berries, treatment with chemicals and folk remedies

Strawberry and garden strawberries, description of diseases, how are strawberry diseases on the leaves, berries, treatment with chemicals and folk remedies

From this article you will learn how to treat strawberries from various diseases.

It is difficult to find a person who would not like to enjoy strawberries. They plant it in almost every garden. But it happens that the long -awaited crop can be never wait. This happens if strawberries are sick. What are strawberry diseases, and how to deal with them? We find out in this article.

What is the difference between strawberries and strawberries?

Berries of garden strawberries

Berries of garden strawberries Large, juicy with sourness. Strawberry Small in size, than garden strawberries, slightly pointed, from dark-bearded to purple color, with a strong aroma.

Strawberry divided by men's bushes and female. How to distinguish them?

  • The men's strawberry bush gives a lot of processes and mustaches, blooms abundantly, but does not bear fruit - it only pollinates female flowers.
  • Women's strawberries are similar to men's ones, and you can only distinguish them when they bloom: female - with pestles, men's - with stamens.
  • A good harvest of strawberries can be harvested if you leave 80% of women's bushes and 20% of men.

A completely different matter - wild strawberry: She has both male and female flowers on one bush, and a good harvest is always provided. Therefore, now many varieties of strawberries called Sadovaya have been brought out of it. And in fact, what we now call strawberries is called garden strawberries, and strawberries are now grown occasionally.

Strawberries and garden strawberries are the same diseases.

Fuzarious withering of strawberries and garden strawberries: a description of the disease, how to treat?

Fuzarious withering of the bush

Fuzarious withering of the bush -A serious disease that affects the whole bush mushroom along with the roots of garden strawberries or strawberries. Especially the disease affects the bushes in hot weather. The disease is transmitted through the Earth if the vegetables that previously grew up here were sick with this disease. It can be stored in the ground for several years.

For the treatment of fusariosis, it is suitable:

  • "Benorat"
  • "Fundazole"

The drug must be diluted according to the attached instructions.

White spotting or ramulariosis of leafs of garden strawberries and strawberries: a description of the disease, how to treat?

Gardenerial leaves struck by white spotting

Disease ramulariosis It is expressed in damage to leaves, petioles and flowers of garden strawberries in small, close to 2 mm, red-brown spots with spores of mushrooms, over time they brighten.

For preventive purposes, you need to feed bushes of garden strawberries with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer to raise immunity.

The leaf disease is treated with the following means:

  • "Alirin B", 2 tablets per 1 liter of water
  • "Fitosporin m", 5 g dilute 10 liters of water

Spray with a solution of the drug 3-5 times after 5-7 days.

Attention. In order for strawberries and garden strawberries to hurt less white spotting, do not plant them in the places where potatoes, corn, cucumbers, eggplant and tomatoes used to grow before.

Brown spotting of strawberries and garden strawberries: a description of the disease, how to treat?

Strawberry leaves affected by brown spotting

Brown spotting At first, mostly more old, lower leaves of strawberries and garden strawberries are striking. The disease is expressed in large red-brown spots on the leaves, then they blacken and dry out, but they remain disputes of mushrooms, affecting and healthy leaves.

Preventive measures:

  • In order to prevent the propagation of the dispute of mushrooms in early spring and autumn, the sick and dry leaves are burned.
  • We feed strawberries with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer to increase vitality, and exclude nitrogen.

After harvesting, we treat the leaf disease with the following means:

  • "Alirin B", 2 tablets per 1 liter of water
  • Fitosporin M, 5 g per 10 l of water

Spray with a solution of the drug 3-5 times per season, after 5-7 days.

Vertikillage withering of strawberries and garden strawberries: a description of the disease, how to treat?

Verticillage withering of a bush of garden strawberries

Vertikillant withering A bush of garden strawberries begins with old lower leaves, covered with dark spots. Then the spots cover the entire plant, and the roots are converted into dry rot, and the plant dies. A new bush cannot be planted to this place - the disease in the soil has been preserved, and it will be affected, and it.

The disease is treated with the following tool:

  • "Maksim"

We prepare a solution of the drug (2 ml per 1 liter of water) and water the plant under the root 2-3 times per season.

Black rot of the fruits of strawberries and garden strawberries: a description of the disease, how to treat?

Black rot of garden strawberries

Disease black rot It is expressed in the fact that the spontaneous strawberries are covered with dark spots. This is also a fungal disease. The disease is especially affecting the fruits if the weather is warm on the street and abundant watering.

If the berries begin to ripen and get sick with black rot, they are suspended so that they do not contact with the soil.

In the fall, after harvesting, plants need to be sprayed with the following drug:

  • "Ordan"

And the next year, in the spring, plants need to be sprayed with one of the drugs:

  • "Sweat"
  • "Euparens"

Dilute the drug with water according to the instructions.

Gray rotting strawberries and garden strawberries: description, prevention of disease, treatment

Gray rotten strawberry rot

If warm weather (20-30̊c) and a lot of rains are installed, our strawberry plantations and garden strawberries can get sick gray rot. It looks like this: ripening berries and leaves are covered with brown spots, on top of the spots are covered with white fluff, spores of mushrooms. Then the berry is completely covered with spores of mushrooms, but does not disappear, but rests on the stalk, and carries the disease.

Green berries on the bushes infected with illness do not keep up with, but dry. This disease can affect up to 80% of the total crop.

Healthy bushes can also become infected from sick bushes, especially in windy weather or insects. In addition, if strawberries were sick last year, then this year, if it is not treated, it will also get sick, because the disease has not gone away, she successfully wintered on sick bushes, and in early spring, as soon as the sun warmed up, and then did it further Your "black" business.

In order for the strawberries to hurt less, the plantation of the berries must be placed in a ventilated place, on a hill.

Attention. If in the soil where strawberries are planted, a lot of nitrogen, the bushes are dark green, lush, and they are more susceptible to gray rot.

For the prevention of the disease, in the spring, as soon as strawberries have grown, they are sprayed with one of the following means:

  • "Drosal"
  • "Euparens"
  • "Sweat"
  • "Topsin M"
  • "Alirin B", 2 tablets per 1 liter of water
  • "Fitosporin m", 5 g - for 10 l of water

If the summer turned out to be rainy, strawberries will have to be treated with the drug again before flowering.

Attention. For the prevention of strawberry bushes, do not plant them to the place where potatoes used to grow.

Fitophtrosis of strawberries and garden strawberries: description of the disease, how to treat

Fitophthrosis of the bush of garden strawberries in the chronic stage

Fitophthrosis Distinguish seckomota and chronic. Sick chronic phytofto A bush of strawberries and garden strawberries is as follows:

  • The leaves are small, acquire the shape of a bowl, grayish in color
  • Sick bushes are smaller and fraud than healthy
  • The antennae rarely appear
  • Flowers and fruits are tied occasionally
  • In a few years, the bush dies

Fitophthrosis is fleeting It can hit the berries of strawberries and garden strawberries, both green and starting to ripen. Berries affected by the disease look, as if covered with soft, starting to rot with skin, tasteless, bitter to taste. Then the berries are completely covered with such skin, and it is preserved as if embalmed. The causative agents of late blight are drops of dew or rain.

So that the strawberries do not get late) of it when it starts to ripen, even before flowering, for a preventive purpose, the bushes are treated with one of the drugs:

  • "Ridomil"
  • "Glyocladin"
  • "Trichocin"
  • "Quadris"
  • "Metaxil"
  • "Trikhodermin"
  • "Planris"

Dilute the drugs with water according to the instructions, and spray the plant 2-3 times per season.

Rust of strawberry leaves and garden strawberries: a description of the disease, how to treat

Rust leaves of garden strawberries

Rust Leafs are expressed in education on the leaves of growths containing rusty powder in the voids - spores of the mushroom. The sick leaves die, and then dies the whole plant.
If you notice rust on the leaves of strawberries or garden strawberries, the bushes must be treated with one of the means:

  • "Baktofit"
  • "Agrolekir"
  • "Forecast"
  • "Titanium"
  • "Bayleton"
  • Bordeaux mixture, 1%
  • "Title 390"
  • "Alirin B", 2 tablets per 1 liter of water

We dilute one of the drugs according to the instructions, and spray the plants 2-3 times per season.

The wrinkles of strawberries and garden strawberries: a description of the disease, how to treat

Wrinkled leaves of garden strawberries

The leaves of strawberries and garden strawberries wrinkle, their edges turn yellow, the veins on the leaves are twisted, the leaves are smaller, and the plant dies - this is how wrinkles are manifested. The carrier of the disease is aphid. You can save the plants and the future crop if the bushes are treated in time with drugs from the disease, and from aphids.

The leaves of strawberries need to be treated with Pharmayod, diluting 3-6 ml into 10 liters of water. Spray 2-3 times per season, after 2 weeks.

Fap mildew on the leaves and berries of strawberries and garden strawberries: a description of the disease, how to treat?

Powdery mildew

If it turned out to be a rainy summer, the powdery mildew affects the green berries and leaves of strawberries, and garden strawberries. At first, this is a barely noticeable white plaque, and then rot, as if sprinkled with flour, spreads throughout the berry, and the leaves turn into the tubes.

From powdery mildew helps if you treat the bushes to flowering with the drug:

  • "Trikhodermin", according to the instructions
  • "Alirin B", 2 tablets per 1 liter of water
  • "Baktofit", 3 g - per 1 liter of water

We dilute one of the drugs and spray 3-5 times per season, after 5-7 days.

Folk remedies for combating strawberries and garden strawberries: recipes on how to treat

If the disease is not launched, folk remedies help

To combat diseases of strawberries and garden strawberries, folk remedies can also be used, they are not harmful to us, unlike chemicals.

To fight with gray rot Home mustard will help.

Recipe 1. Mustard infusion

For the infusion you need:

  • 100 g of mustard powder
  • 10 liters of boiling water

Cooking the infusion:

  1. Pour the mustard powder with boiling water and insist for 2 days.
  2. We add another 10 liters of water to the infusion, mix, and spray on sick strawberries from a spray gun.

Note. For a preventive purpose, we plant a bed with garlic or onions next to the strawberry plantation.

To fight with powdery mildew Ordinary hay will help.

Recipe 2. Infusion of ripe hay

For the infusion you need:

  • 1 kg of hay
  • 3 l of water

Cooking the infusion:

  1. We take the broken hay, pour it with water and insist 5 hours.
  2. We filter, throw the hay, and spray the strawberries in the evening with infusion in the evening.
  3. We repeat the procedure after 5-7 days. During the season you need to spray 3-5 times.

Note. In the spring, for a preventive purpose, from all fungal diseases, it would be nice to sprinkle strawberries with ash. It needs a little, it is recommended to take 1 m2 70 g.

Recipe 3.From powdery mildew Helps milk serumdiluted with water (1:10). If the diluted serum does not help well, you need to add a few drops of iodine here, and spray strawberries once every 3 days.

Recipe 4. If the strawberry was sick last year powdery mildewStarting in the spring of next year, spray it a weak solution of soda soda.

To fight in the spring with fungal diseases Leafs (fusariosis, ramulariosis, late blight, rust, brown spotting, ventricillosis) will help an infusion of garlic.

Recipe 5. Garlic infusion

For the infusion you need:

  • 500 g of garlic
  • 10 liters of water

Cooking the infusion:

  1. Grind the garlic, pour water and insist for 3 days.
  2. The infusion of the purest of gauze, dilute 10 liters of water and spray the strawberries.

To fight in the spring with fungal and viral diseases Leaf and fruit will help a solution of iodine.

Recipe 6. iodine solution

For the solution you need:

  • 10 ml of iodine
  • 10 liters of water

Cooking the infusion:

  1. We dissolve the iodine bottle in 10 liters of water, mix and spray strawberries once every 10 days, starting in May.

From gray rot and powdery mildew A solution of potassium permanganate will help.

Recipe 7. Contecking solution

For the solution you need:

  • 2 tsp. potassium permanganate
  • 10 liters of water

Cooking the infusion:

  1. Dissolve the potassium permanganate in water, mix thoroughly and spray the sick strawberries.

So, now we know how to treat strawberries and garden strawberries if it gets sick.

Video: strawberries in the spring. How to process strawberries?

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