Male name Victor, Vitya: Name options. What can you call Victor, Vitya is different?

Male name Victor, Vitya: Name options. What can you call Victor, Vitya is different?

The male name Victor means "victory", has been known since ancient times.

In Russia, the name Victor It appeared around the XIV century. Initially, they were baptized by the ministers of the church. Several centuries have passed, and it has been published. The first prince, baptized by this name, was Kochubey. Two centuries ago they began to call them noble children. In the last century, this name became very popular in Russia and entered the twenty of the most commonly given boys at birth.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The name for the boy in the patronymic". You will find a list of consonant names.

Currently the popularity of the name Victor In our country, it has faded, but in European countries it is quite common. The Jewish name Avigdor has a traditional kinnuim - “a secular name used to get to know people of a different nationality” turn to it Victor. A name intended by fate and matters related to the word Victoria "Victory", Be sure to leave a mark in history. All this applies to Victor. Read further.

Name Victor, Vitya: meaning, origin

Name Victor, Vitya: meaning
Name Victor, Vitya: meaning

Zeus and Ares in ancient Greek mythology, the same gods, only under the names of Jupiter and Mars, were awarded the epithet in ancient Roman Victorwhat it means "winner". Later, derivatives from this word gave the name to several Roman clanmen - the "birth names of the patricians." An example is: Victorinus, Victorian. A little later, names appeared: Victorin for a man and a quiz, Victoria for women.

The name Victor was often used in the adoption of a sacred dignity in Catholics and Orthodox. There is such an adhesive in church calendars. In each month of the year several times Victor celebrates the birthday. It is very revered in Christianity. Saint Victor was a warrior in ancient Rome. Having accepted Christianity, he showed an unbending power, the firmness of character in fidelity to Christ, the willingness to give his life for faith. Victor Nicodemsky is also known - a holy martyr, who took a heavy death for faith.

Name Victor, Vitya: What will be the full name?

Paired female name for full male Victor It became Victoria. They have one basis, so there are derivatives that are similar to female names: Vita, Vitula, Vituna, Vitany, Vitasya. Used when contacting a man.

Vitya is a habitual abbreviated form for us. But not only for Victor, and for another name of ancient Roman origin - Vitaly, from Latin "life".

Name Victor, Vitya-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

The beauty of this name lies in the strength of its meaning. The “winner” is brave and courageous, proud and brave. This is the impression of his owner we get.

In other peoples, it does not lose the same image:

  • Victoras
  • Vittorio
  • Vitur
  • Guitir

What else can you call Victor differently? Here are the beautiful forms of the name:

  • Victorin
  • Victorino
  • Vichtor
  • Vika

Below even more interesting options. Read further.

Name Victor, Vitya: Brief form of the name

Sometimes the full name seems too official or long. So short forms are selected, sounding unusually and easily memorable:

  • Vic
  • Visha
  • Thor
  • Torah
  • Vico
  • Victa
  • Visha

Vitya - This is also a short name from Victor. Suitable for an adult man with friendly communication and at home. And the boy, most likely, will be called in kindergarten and school.

Name Victor, Vitya: affectionate form

This name has many options. You can use the available and described above. Registered derivatives of the name 29. And the rest came into speech thanks to mothers, grandmothers and wives, inventing tender words for their men.

Gently you can call the little son like this:

  • Vitenka
  • Viteesha
  • Vityulya
  • Vitasya
  • Vityunya
  • Vitenesh
  • Vitenushka
  • Vitasik
  • Victorka
  • Victusya
  • Vityukha
  • Vityan
  • Big
  • Vityakha

And your beloved husband can be called this:

  • Vishuta
  • Vityash
  • Victusya
  • Vityusya
  • Vitash
  • Vityusha

There are still diminutive forms of the name. They are as cute and beautiful as affectionate. Read further.

Name Victor, Vitya: diminutive form

Perhaps this is how boys shout at Victor during playing football or hockey. Standing on the street under the windows of a friend and shouting his name to call for a walk, ride bicycles, rollers, skate, scooters. "Come quickly!":

  • Vitek
  • Vityukha
  • Torya
  • Vikti
  • Vityakha
  • Vityan

Here are still diminutive forms of the name:

Name Victor, Vitya: diminutive form
Name Victor, Vitya: diminutive form
Name Victor, Vitya: diminutive form
Name Victor, Vitya: diminutive form

Name Victor, Vitya: Form of the name in Latin

Latin is used in filling out medical cards, and it is also needed to draw up foreign documents, for example, a passport. In the Latin version, the name Victor will be Victor - The most correct spelling, because this is a native language by origin of the name.

How to write the name Victor, Vitya in Ukrainian?

In Ukrainian, one letter is replaced. We write using the Latin letter "I"instead of Russian. The sound of the name in Ukrainian is no different from Russian.

How to write the name Victor, Vitya in Japanese?

If the ABC Katakan is used, then each of its symbol means a separate syllable. It is called the syllable. Victor read by syllables: Bi-ko-th. This naming is written in Japanese as follows:

Victor's name in Japanese
Victor's name in Japanese

How to write the name Victor, Vitya in French?

Throughout European space, in particular in France, the name is written using the Latin version. The diminutive form is not used. In French, this adhesion is written like this: Victor.

How to write the name Victor, Vitya in English?

In English, the name is written in Latin - Victor. There is also a diminutive option - Vicbut do not consider it by the translation of the name of Vitya. In English countries, both names are written the same.

The transliteration law used for convenience or in order to avoid errors when filling out various documents necessary for travel to other countries, emigration, requires another spelling - Viktor, and the name of Vitya - Vitia. The abbreviated form of adhesion is not recommended for use when paperwork.

How to write the name Victor, Vitya in German?

Surprisingly, such a name does not exist in German. Translated as it is heard - Victor. But in the pronunciation, the last letter practically does not speak, and it turns out “Victo”. There is spelling in texts through “W” instead of “V”. Vitya, respectively, is written by vitya.

The name is given for life. When your son or grandson grows up, tell us what it means. Read about famous people named Victor. Let the child learn from an early age be proud of his name.

Video: Victor's name Victor: Karma, character and fate

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