Male name Nikolai, Kolya: Name options. What can you call Nikolai, Kolya is different?

Male name Nikolai, Kolya: Name options. What can you call Nikolai, Kolya is different?

The male name is Nikolai - sonorous and stylish. It is in different languages \u200b\u200band has many interesting forms.

Nicola, Mikola, Mikolai, Mikula, Mikuli - All these are spoken forms of the same male name, known in Russian as "Nikolai." This is a beautiful masculine naming, which was popular at the end of the last century.

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From this article you will find out what forms of this nationwide exist, and we will also talk about the meaning and origin of the name. Read further.

Name Nikolai, Kolya: meaning, origin

The name in itself Nikolai It has non -Russian origin and goes back to the Greek roots.

Name Nikolai, Kolya: meaning
Name Nikolai, Kolya: meaning

Thus, if you identify the etymology of the name and, as it were, distinguish two fundamental funds in it, can be found in its sense an alloy of two meanings that form a person’s symbol as a conqueror of peoples, a triumph and winner. It is understood that a person by name Nikolai Incredibly lucky and carries luck through his whole life.

Name Nikolai, Kolya: What will be the full name?

Because Nikolai It is a non -Russian word, respectively, for each individual language and/or adverbs, it will have its full and/or short form.

So, in Russian, this naming has an identical full form "Nikolai". However, with the same success, without fear of mistake, one can say the word "Nicodemus" As a full form of the name. It is worth noting that both of these names have Greek roots and can be pronounced and written in different ways.

Name Nikolai, Kolya-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

Although it is believed that the owner of a strict name Nikolai And it should be a harsh person by his nature, an unshakable personality, this does not mean that his name does not have attractive forms. So, what can be called differently?

  • Firstly, this is a nationwide "Kolya" - “Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai, sit at home, do not walk”, is sung in one Russian song.
  • Secondly, this is the same well-known word "Knight", which in itself is a derivative of Kolya, which comes from "Nikolai".

Finally, there are even more cute and beautiful forms: Nikolashenka, Nikolka, Kolyasik. They are quite popular in Russia synonyms for this ad), and are most often used in relation to those kohl who want to say something pleasant and touched.

Name Nikolai, Kolya: Brief form of the name

It should be noted that, as in the case of many other words, Nikolai It has a brisk feature - its diminutive and affectionate formations not only often intersect, but often serve the same. Therefore, it will not be a mistake to say that the above Nikolasha and Kolyasik They are as brief as affectionate forms of the name.

Those who want to consult Nikolai, can use the following options as synonyms:

  • Kolya
  • Nikolasha
  • Nicolas
  • Kolunya
  • Kolyusya
  • Kolyuha
  • Kolyusha
  • Kolyan
  • Kolyan
  • Kolyha
  • Kolyash
  • Coca
  • Nikolai
  • Nikolach
  • Nika
  • Nikusya
  • Nikusha
  • Nikolka
  • Klaus
  • Class

Below are even more options. Read further.

Name Nikolai, Kolya: affectionate form

We have already found out that a brief and affectionate form of the name Nikolai intersect. And here we can already talk about a diminutive form. It can actually attribute all the forms of the name of two points higher, but with one extremely important exception: since we are only interested in an affectionate form, we use only those words that can be used in case of tender appeal to a person.

For example, we are unlikely to use the word klaus, despite its short character, but here Nikolasha quite suitable. Here are a few more options for affectionate forms: Knight, ring, nickname, Nikash, Nicosh, Nicolechik.

Name Nikolai, Kolya: a diminutive form

And here we do the same, as in the previous paragraph, but with one difference: if we focused on the affectionate form of the name Nikolai, now we are already interested in a diminutive form. Accordingly, from the general synonymous list we select as short formations as possible:

  • Nicolechik
  • Nicky
  • Kolyamba
  • Kolyusya
  • Kolyanchik
  • Nicolaschik
  • Kolyas

You can come up with your own options, which are not only abbreviated forms, but also add to the name tenderness, kindness and mercy.

Name Nikolai, Kolya: Form of the name in Latin

Being a Greek word Nikolai In addition to Russian, the Latin version of application also has.

In Latin, the full form of Kolya is written as "Nicolaus" or "Nikolaus". Thus, both in the case of writing and pronouncing aloud, you can notice a clear similarity between Latin and Russian options, as well as see a clear reference to the word familiar to the British "Klaus", another form of this name.

How to write the name Nikolai, Kolya in Ukrainian?

Due to the related nature of the two language systems, it is not surprising that there are not only their forms of adversary in Ukrainian NikolaiBut they look like Russian -speaking forms.

The most common of them is Nikola. However, options such as Mikola and Mikolai, which can often be found both in Ukrainian speech and in the literary works of great writers.

How to write the name Nikolai, Kolya in Japanese?

Despite the apparent geographical and historical distances, European Nikolai It was noted in a variation in the Asian colloquial medium. In Japanese, this naming is read and pronounced as "Hitonoseri", but it is written like this:

Nicholas Name in Japanese
Nicholas Name in Japanese

How to write the name Nikolai, Kolya in English?

European culture owes a lot of Greek to many, which can be the form of a name that existed in English, French and German Nikolai. In the language of Shakespeare, it will be written as "Nikola" or how "Nikolai". Both options are correct and well -known, however, in the linguistic environment, the form with the end of "I".

How to write the name Nikolai, Kolya in French?

Word "Nikolai" It was able to attach its form in Dumas. The French are incredible people, they quickly get used to the trends of modernity and the changeability of life. In their language, the names sound in a particularly stylish and unique. The French write this name like this: "Nikolai", "Nicolas", "Nicolai". But with the pronunciation, everything remains as in the case of the original - Nikolai will be in France Nikolai. In other languages, things are somewhat different. Read further.

How to write the name Nikolai, Kolya in German?

The severity and pedantry of the Germans were very successful with the straightforwardness of the name Nikolai, and a lot of time in the language of Hess has a form of this word - "Nikolaus" or "Nicolae". And again, such a natural coincidence of forms of the name in two European languages \u200b\u200bcan be answered - German "Nikolaus" Very much like the British "Klaus".

Having arisen many years ago in Greek as a merger of the words “winner” and “people”, the name Nikolai was able to give many famous people around the world and take root in many language systems of the planet due to its straightforwardness and simplicity. Of course, already with this, it fully deserves fame and popularity.

Video: The meaning of the name Nikolai - Karma, character and fate

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