The male name is Vladimir, Vova: Variants of the name. What can be called Vladimir, Vova in a different way?

The male name is Vladimir, Vova: Variants of the name. What can be called Vladimir, Vova in a different way?

The male name is Vladimir - majestic and beautiful. He has many forms that can be used in everyday life.

The name is not only a word for treatment, but also a very significant contribution of parents to the life of a small person. It should be consonant with the inner "I" of the baby and carry a positive meaning. Each adhesion is a certain set of letters, the timbre of sounds and the code that affects life.

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Name Vladimir - Only royal and princely families could give such a sonorous and meaningful name to their child, so it was quite rare and was found only in titled families. Most often, the first -born or son was called so, to whom the power and land of his father passed in the future. Over time, the customs changed, and with the baptism of Russia the name migrated to church books, becoming Christian. To baptize babies with this name, ordinary people have become more often since the 19th century. At this time, the canons and the peasants were no longer punished for the use of some privileges of the nobility. This article describes the forms of the name Vladimir, its meaning and origin. Read further.

Name Vladimir, Vova: meaning, origin

Name Vladimir, Vova: meaning
Name Vladimir, Vova: meaning

There is a belief that the name given at birth not only programs the character of the child, but also prescribes fate. Often, children were called and called sounding names that have a secret meaning. One of these dialects is Vladimirwhose meaning "Owning the world".

Ancient chroniclers often mentioned that the name Vladimir The primordially Russian, walking its roots since pagan times. Also, until the XII century, the chronicles mention the title “BUDDER”, which meant the Lord or the autocratic king. According to other sources, such a title was worn by peacekeepers - people who know how to agree, without leading the ramps for war, who can keep the world on the lands. Conducting a linguistic analysis, researchers, agreed that it was this word that is fundamental to the name Volodymyr, Vladimir. Indeed, in history there are many information about Vladimir, who were not only courageous warriors, but also did significant things for the good of their people.

Name Vladimir, Vova: What will be the full name?

Despite a huge number of diminutive and abbreviated names invented by parents, the full name used in the documents Vladimir. It is possible to enter foreign spelling to the documents of the registry office Voldemarbut in the church they unconditionally use Church Slavonic Vladimir. According to church canons of other options, the name is not provided, although some interpreters say that the name of the name used for baptism - Basil, a Vladimir - This is a derivative, later legalized by Christianity.

Name Vladimir, Vova-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

A beautiful and courageous name undoubtedly carries a sacred meaning, but not always convenient in colloquial speech. Despite the sonicity of the adversary, small Vladimirov Parents and relatives call differently. What can be called differently? Volodymyr, Volodya, Vovchik, Vlodik, Valdyukha - This list has many different beautiful forms:

  • Vladik
  • Ladya
  • Dima
  • Vadya
  • Vava
  • Wolf
  • Volodya
  • Volodyaka
  • Volodyas
  • Will
  • Volka

Below are even more options. Read further.

Name Vladimir, Vova: Brief form of the name

Most often, everyday speech uses shorter derivatives of the name, for example:

  • Vova
  • Vadya
  • Vlad
  • Vovan
  • Vovik
  • Get in

Convenient individual abbreviations allow you to distinguish a child among the rest of the namesake, and besides, the children themselves are often unhappy with the choice of a name and come up with various abbreviated forms.

Name Vladimir, Vova: affectionate form

There are also affectionate derivatives of the name Vladimir. So, loving and caring relatives call boys:

  • Volodya
  • Vovochka
  • Volodechka
  • Vovulia
  • Vovasha
  • Vovun
  • Vovchik
  • Valancienne
  • Volanchik

Such affectionate forms are used for expression, praise, care, love and designation of the child’s value in the family.

Name Vladimir, Vova: a diminutive form

You can often hear the name Vladimir With the addition of diminutive suffixes:

  • Vovochka
  • Volodenka
  • Volodechka
  • Vovka
  • Vovonka
  • Vovynok
  • Brush
  • Bobchik
  • Vovusik
  • Vovik

All these forms are firmly fixed not only for children, but also for adult men, thanks to too caring mothers and grandmothers.

It is important to understand: Care should not go beyond the scope of the carrier of the courageous name to turn into a squelch called Volodechka, which will lead to the failure of a man in the future. After all, each derivative of the name also affects the nature of the carrier.

Name Vladimir, Vova: Form of the name in Latin

Despite the fact that the name Vladimir It is considered primordially Russian, it is widely used abroad not only in similarity Slavic countries. The documents are widely used in Latin "Vladimir" Or variation "Wladimir." But the first option is more correct, especially in filling out passport data for foreign documents.

How to write the name Vladimir, Vova in Ukrainian?

The name is used in Ukrainian, so Russian Vladimir It becomes Volodymyr (often used version of writing) or " Volodymyr "- Instead of Russians "and" Read "Y". Both options are considered correct. Ukrainian derivatives names sound like Vovchik, Volodko.

How to write the name Vladimir, Vova in Japanese?

It is interesting that such a courageous name managed to find its admirers in Japan. Here it suffered significant changes. For example, abbreviated Vova, in Japanese it will sound like "Rumoruka", and is written with the help of hieroglyphs:

Name Vladimir in Japanese
Name Vladimir in Japanese
  • Complete adherence in the presentation of the Japanese means power over the world and is pronounced as "Hayvanushi".
  • Writing this name in accordance with the meaning changes:
Name Vladimir in Japanese
Name Vladimir in Japanese

How to write the name Vladimir, Vova in French?

The French also liked Russian VolodyaIn addition, many inhabitants of this country love the work of Vladimir Vysotsky and often call this beautiful name of the kids. The sound of adversation is practically no different, often used spelling "Vladimir", transliteration in French - "Vladimir".

How to write the name Vladimir, Vova in English?

In the UK, Russian names are not very fond of, an analogue of Russian VOVA The British do not have, but in speech and writing they use the international version "Vladimir". Although there is a similar adversation, with which rare English couples call their sons - "" Voldemar».

How to write the name Vladimir, Vova in German?

Oddly enough, but the Germans had a powerful name to their taste. Having converted the Russian Volodya In their manner, they proudly call sons Waldemar - "Waldemar", and Russian Vladimir - "Wladimir".

Name Vladimir Many famous personalities were worn and wear, who made a significant contribution to the history of the Russian people and the country. No matter how proud and courageous the adults are, the main thing is to instill moral values \u200b\u200band qualities from childhood, which in the future will accompany great achievements.

Video: Value of the name Vladimir - Karma, character and fate

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