Male name Ruslan: Variants of the name. How can Ruslan be called differently?

Male name Ruslan: Variants of the name. How can Ruslan be called differently?

The male name Ruslan is the owners with the "lion's heart", bold and kind.

The name is not just a set of letters. A special energy of origin, meaning is invested in it. It characterizes and determines the features of a person.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The name for the boy in the patronymic". You will find a list of consonant names.

Ruslan It is not perceived as a Slavic name. But thanks to A.S. Pushkin, his poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, the name of the protagonist, courageous and brave hero, became popular. From this article you will find out what forms of this nationwide exist. We will also talk about its meaning and origin. Read further.

Name Ruslan: meaning, origin

Name Ruslan: meaning
Name Ruslan: meaning

The name has several versions of origin.

  • In the Persian epic there is a hero named Rustam, the son of Zalazar, who was sung in the poem by Firtosi Shakhnamy. It is permissible that he later became Ruslan. At first he migrated to the languages \u200b\u200bof the Turkic peoples, sung in their epic as Arslan Salzar.
  • The name came to Russia from the Turkic peoples. The initial form of the adversation was Arslan "Aslan or Arsalan" and means translated "a lion". Confirmation of this version is the appearance in the annals of the times of Kievan Rus, the hero, bearing the name Eruslan Lazarevich.

As an assumption that Ruslan - Russian form of the name Arslan and translated in the Slavic language "Blond". Another option: Ruslan was called a Russified, long living among the Russians. There are adherents of the idea of \u200b\u200bSlavic origin. Causing the name Ruslan It is formed from two words: “Rus” indicates the origin, and “Lan” means Udal. So we get “Russian High” or “Russian Udal”.

There is a hypothesis of Scandinavian origin. "Rusland" The literal translation is the Russian land. Name Ruslan came from this word. Even if this is the case, but in European languages \u200b\u200bit did not take root. Considering all the options for the origin of the name, Persian and Turkic will be more reliable. The name is not considered Orthodox, and in the church calendar it is absent. At baptism, another, corresponding to the Day of the crosses is given.

The name Ruslan: What will be the full name?

Currently Ruslan Complete. Thanks to many versions of origin, it can be considered international. In Kazakhs, it is used as an equal name to Rustam. The female analogue often began to meet - Ruslan, Popular in Ukraine.

The name Ruslan-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

The name in itself Ruslan Beautiful, but in some peoples it sounds somewhat different. Probably among them there will be more attractive hearing. Here are the beautiful forms of the name:

  • Eslan
  • Aslan
  • Arsalan
  • Oslan
  • Arslan
  • Iruslan
  • Eruslan
  • Ruslanbek
  • Aryzlan
  • Uruslan
  • Rustam

When choosing a name for your son, do not forget to pay attention to the middle name. A more sonorous option is always obtained if the father’s name begins with a vowel letter. The name itself Ruslanas a middle name, it will be beautifully combined with other forms of the same name. And, of course, the sound with a patronymic who has oriental roots: Sultanovich, Imranovich, Sulimovich will be attractive.

Name Ruslan: Brief form of the name

A young man and a man, reducing the name, can be called:

  • Rusik
  • Lana
  • Rus
  • Rus
  • Rustik
  • Rusya
  • Ruska
The most common second name from Ruslan It became Rusik. So most often called adult men at home and in friendly communication at work.

Name Ruslan: affectionate form

Showing tenderness, a little man can be called:

  • Ruslanchik
  • Ruslanushka
  • Lanchik
  • Ruschka
  • Ruechka
  • Rusyan
  • Rusnyok
  • Ruslanik
  • Ruslanka
  • Ruslankin
  • Ruslanik
  • Rusenka
  • Ruska
  • Rusenok
  • Rusyushka
  • Ruslik
  • Ruslinchik
  • Ruslinushka
  • Ruslinochka
  • Lan
  • Lan-Lan
  • Lanik
  • Rus
  • Ruslanch
  • Lanushka
  • Lanok

Gently calling the boy, we form positive character traits in it. But do not call him like that with friends, especially when he becomes a teenager and asks you about it. Take care of these names for family communication.

Name Ruslan: diminutive form

A noisy company of adolescents, a meeting of old friends, school meetings. So I will remember how they called each other in his youth. That's what they were called Ruslan In a diminutive form in boyish vataga:

  • Rus
  • Rusek
  • Rasel
  • Ruska
  • Rustik
  • Rusyash
  • Steering wheel
  • Ruslik
  • Ruslash

You laugh fun, learning who liked his nickname or not.

Name Ruslan: Form of the name in Latin

Given the eastern roots of the origin of the name, in Latin it will sound unchanged - Ruslan. He has no other forms in this language. We write in Latin Ruslan.

How to write the name Ruslan in Ukrainian?

Russian and Ukrainian languages \u200b\u200bare very similar, they belong to one group. Reading in Ukrainian, we understand almost everything, and write, using almost one alphabet. Many words are read and written unchanged. Name Ruslanand female version Ruslan Relate to such.

How to write the name Ruslan in Japanese?

Given the sometimes arising difficulties in writing letters and syllables from the Russian alphabet, inaccuracies in translation appear. Rusuran - So the name sounds Ruslan In Japanese. If you write it with the appropriate by each letter by the hieroglyphs, then it will be read - Shishihado.

The name Ruslan in Japanese
The name Ruslan in Japanese

How to write the name Ruslan in French?

An analogue of the name in French does not exist. Rouslan - So they will write a name in this language. A semantic analogue can serve Leon, Leonardo.

How to write the name Ruslan in English?

There are no analogues in English for this name. Written in English RuslanAs well as according to the rules of transliteration, when paperwork.

How to write the name Ruslan in German?

There is no such name in European languages, they get acquainted with it if a person with this name comes to the country. Therefore, writing in almost all European countries is the same. In German name Ruslan It is written like this: Ruslan.

If you like this name, feel free to give it to the child. After all, a small lione will grow up and turn into a bold and brave hero with a "lion's heart."

Video: The meaning of the name Ruslan: karma, character and fate

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