Male name Pavel, Pasha: Variants of the name. How can Paul be called, Pasha is different?

Male name Pavel, Pasha: Variants of the name. How can Paul be called, Pasha is different?

The male name Paul is beautiful and sonorous. Popular in different countries of the world.

At birth, each newborn child is given a name with which a person lives all his life. The name is the first word that the baby hears after birth, this is the word that a person hears more often than other words throughout his life. The name is that first of all, a person leaves behind his descendants. It is believed that the adversary affects the fate and character of its owner.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The name for the boy in the patronymic". You will find a list of consonant names.

From this article you will find out what forms the name Pavel has. We will also tell you what its meaning and origin is. Read further.

Name Pavel, Pasha: meaning, origin

Name Pavel, Pasha: meaning
Name Pavel, Pasha: meaning

At the name Paul An interesting story, its ancestor is ancient Rome. Initially, the name was not so, so the Romans called the younger children - sons. The fact is that Paul Derived from Paulus (Paulus or Paulus), which can be translated literally as “younger”, “small”. For example, the Romans called their sons Roman and pronounced “Paulus” (Paulus), which literally translated as “Roman”, “Younger”. Over time, the prefix became a name and they began to call them not only boys, but also girls. In the female version, the name Pavel will sound like Paul or Paul (a foreign, international version of the name). But in everyday life, the female version of the name is extremely rare. To a greater extent, this name is used by the Germans and the British, also this adherence can be found in Ukraine.

It came to Russia after the baptism of Russia, and gained popularity in the 20s of the last century. The peak of popularity fell on the 80–90s.

Name Pavel, Pasha: What will be the full name?

The full name will sound that way - Paul. In Orthodoxy, this name is known thanks to the apostle Paul. So at baptism, the boys are called this name.

Paul name, Pasha-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

Pavel, Pasha or Pavlik - These are the most familiar forms of this nasal in everyday life. But it turns out that this name has many forms. They are less familiar and not used in everyday life. What can be called differently?

You can hardly hear the parents call their child in the courtyard:

  • Floor
  • Paul
  • Paul
  • Pablo
  • Paulo
  • Pau
  • Pal
  • Srown
  • Pal
  • Pauli
  • Pogos

Form Groin You can hear rather in the company of friends. Other beautiful forms are also used in the circle of close or well -known comrades.

Name Pavel, Pasha: Brief form of the name

All of the above options can be attributed to a brief form of the name Paul. But still, the most common and more familiar in everyday life will be Pasha, Pavlik. Here are another options:

  • Peahen
  • Polle
  • Poly
  • Pashat
  • Pashuta
  • Panya
  • Sail
  • PE

Such options are used among friends - convenient and familiar.

Pavel name, Pasha: affectionate form

The affectionate form of the name Paul It has many options from the usual, to the most unusual and unusual hearing of a modern person. For example, Pavisya, Pavlusha, Pashenka. Here are these interesting options:

  • Pavsha
  • Panna
  • Pashat
  • Pashuha
  • Panyuha
  • Pashunya
  • Panya
  • Groin
  • Pavlukha
  • Pashuta
  • Sail
  • Paving
  • Palatius
  • Panyusha
  • Panyash
  • Decolny
  • Pavlun
  • Pavlik
  • Peahen
  • Pavelka
  • Pavya
  • Pavlunya
  • Pavlus
  • Palunya
  • Pavlush

Name Paul It is also capable of sounding differently, but at the same time it is not pronounced, its significance is invariably. Although in some countries it sounds and is written the same, there are exceptions.

Name Pavel, Pasha: a diminutive form

Another interesting and original version of the name is a diminutive form. To the name Pasha, Pavel You can choose the following word forms:

  • Fluff
  • Palych
  • Peacock
  • Pavlik
  • Pasha
  • Pavlushary
  • Fluff
  • Pampushok
  • Pavlo
  • Pushidze
  • Pavlunets
  • Pate

Now let's figure out how this navigation will sound in other languages. Read further.

Name Pavel, Pasha: Form of the name in Latin

Option of the name Paul in Latin is the progenitor of the name itself and sounds like Paulus (Paulus), Translation - "younger, small, baby." In the Latin version, personal data are often used in filling out documents, for example, to receive a passport.

How to write the name Pavel, Pasha in Ukrainian?

In Ukraine, this name is widespread. The Ukrainian language is similar in many ways with the Russian language, since they have Slavic roots. It is worth noting that the name Paul is also widespread to a greater extent in southeastern Europe. Ukrainians call Paul In your manner - Pavlo (stress on the letter O). You can also hear a diminutive - pair.

How to write the name Pavel, Pasha in Japanese?

Eastern languages \u200b\u200bare the most mysterious in the world. For example, the Japanese language has the Ryukuyan roots, is one of the oldest languages \u200b\u200bof the world, but has no legal status. In Japan, its own traditions, its own way and writing. The Japanese are used by two alphabets: higan and katana. Their alphabet is a set of symbols - hieroglyphs. If one Japanese symbol is translated into Russian, then the hieroglyph in Japanese will be indicated by a syllable on Cyrillic.

But despite this, in this eastern country, you can find a name Paul. By virtue of their mentality, the Japanese give great attention to the meaning of the name, therefore Paul In this country, it will sound like sees means "small."

Paul name, Pasha in Japanese
Paul name, Pasha in Japanese

How to write the name Pavel, Pasha in French?

Romantic France turns to men with this name as Paul (Paul). In their language, the French use the Latin alphabet, words are pronounced softer and melodically. French is considered the most romantic language of the world. Name Paul (Paul) is quite popular in this country.

How to write the name Pavel, Pasha in English?

A resident of foggy England will write a name Paul, how Paulbut he will say Floor. English is the most common language in the world, it can be called international. The alphabet uses Latin letters, and if we talk about writing a name Paul In documents or passport for foreign citizens, then in this case, Cyrillic is replaced with Latin letters. It looks as follows: P - p, a -a, v - v, e - e, l - l. From this it follows that the name Paul It is written in English Pavel. In colloquial form you can find - Paul (Paul). Sometimes in a diminutive form Pasha (Pasha).

How to write the name Pavel, Pasha in German?

The Germans also write Paul, And they will call Paul - PaulThis sound is more similar to Latin.

In different countries, male name Paul It is pronounced in different ways, but it is important to remember that in a foreign passport the name will be written as Pavel. It is worth noting that writing a name as they say in a particular country will be a mistake. You need to know transliteration.

Video: The meaning of the name Paul: Karma, character and fate

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