Male name Matvey: Options of the name. What can you call Matvey differently?

Male name Matvey: Options of the name. What can you call Matvey differently?

The male name Matvey is a famous, but not very popular now. It has many different forms and derivatives.

The name is an integral part of a person. Even if in the opinion of the owner, it has significant drawbacks, there is another version of the name that arranges a person in everything. Each own name is fraught with various forms, invented by people for convenience and designating their attitude to a person.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The name for the boy in the patronymic". You will find a list of consonant names.

From this article you will learn what forms of name exist Matvey. We will also tell you what its meaning and origin is. Read further.

Matvey name: meaning, origin

Matvey name: meaning
Matvey name: meaning

Name Matvey Hebrew origin. Translated from Greek means "Gift of God". This thought was entrenched after him: "God's man", "granted to God". It was thanks to religious affiliation that the name Matvey began to acquire foreign -language interpretations around the world.

There were no periods of special prevalence in the history of Russia. In other countries, there are consonant analogues of this adversary, the popularity of which is also not too high. Although the name is short, various forms can be derived from it. Read further.

Name Matvey: What will be the full name?

Matvey It is a full form of the name. It is from it that derivatives are formed: short and diminutive. However, over the period of its existence, it has undergone some changes. And the usual Russian version "Matvey" - Also only interpretation. Stories are known options Matthew and Matthew. Connoisseurs of the ancient world may well resort to such forms when choosing a child for a child.

The name Matvey-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

Name Matvey In itself, it is quite harmonious and convenient in pronunciation. However, there have been cases when instead of the usual Russian counterpart, to give impressiveness, they use a foreign version. For example, Belarusian Matsu Or Bulgarian Matey.

What else can be called differently? Here are the beautiful forms of the name:

  • Matthew
  • Matthew
  • Matthew
  • Matthias
  • Mathieu
  • Mateush
  • Mato
  • Mian
  • Matia
  • Matteos
  • Matoussh
  • Matteus

Of course, there are other options. Read further.

Name Matvey: Brief form of the name

Close people more often resort to brief forms of the name and call Matvey is a bridge or Matey. Other derivatives are also suitable:

  • Matyakha
  • Matyukha
  • Motka
  • Matya
  • Matyusha
  • Matyash
  • Motya
  • Tyusha
  • MOT
  • Matthew

As you can see, in this adversation, the fundamental part is "mat-"in which the alternation of vowels occurs "a" and "about".

Matvey name: affectionate form

The most common diminutive suffixes: "-Yushka", "-yusha", "-yasha", "-an oena", "-enka" and others. They join both the complete name and brief forms. It turns out beautiful and cute affectionate forms:

  • Matveyashka
  • Motenka
  • Matyash
  • Matyusha
  • Motheushka
  • Matveyenka
  • Matvey
  • Matyunyushka
  • Matveychik
  • Matoko-cat
  • Matti
  • Matyundel

The first two versions are more popular than subsequent. They can be confused with Dmitry's affectionate forms (brief - Mitya): Mityusha, Mitenka. In pronunciation, the sound [and] from the sounds [a] and [o] should be clearly separated in order to avoid confusion.

Name Matvey: Squeezing

A diminutive form is also formed from complete and brief names, but with other suffixes:

  • Matvey
  • Motka
  • Motion
  • Mother(very rare to use)
  • Matveychik
  • Matik
  • Motics
  • Matyanya
  • Matyakha
  • Matu
  • Matyusechka
  • Matyusenka
  • Matyunchka
  • Tyushechka

The suffixes “–K” and “–ik” no longer give a gentle sound to the names. But affectionate forms can be attributed to this list.

Name Matvey: Form of the name in Latin

The Latin interpretation of the name is Matthaeus. It is important to note that it does not correspond to a simple transliteration - entry named after Latin letters. It could be used in dialogue with native speakers.

On passports, Internet resources requiring registration, in air tickets and in other cases when the name of the Latin resident is required, you need to indicate: "Matvei" (It is also used in the preparation of an international telegram from Russia). As for the letter "y" there are controversial moments, known three options for its designation:

  • Latin letter "U"
  • Latin letter "I"
  • Latin letter "j"

Another of the most common transliteration systems is offered by the option "Matvej".

How to write the name Matvey in Ukrainian?

The Ukrainian analogue in sound resembles both the Russian interpretation of the name and the ancient, church form "Matthew". Writing differs slightly:

Matvey name in Ukrainian
Matvey name in Ukrainian

More similarity is observed precisely with the ancient option.

How to write the name Matvey in Japanese?

Writing a name in Japanese is very different at the expense of another writing system. Name Matvey, written by hieroglyphs, looks as follows:

Matvey name in Japanese
Matvey name in Japanese

But the pronunciation does not change much. Without taking into account some nuances, the name is pronounced something like this: "Ma (y) -wi."

How to write the name Matvey in French?

The French spelling resembles Latin, because these languages \u200b\u200bare similar to writing. Appearance of the name - Matthieu. When pronouncing, do not forget about the characteristic French stress.

How to write the name Matvey in English?

In the English analogue, see the name Matvey difficult. By sound, he is similar to the French version of the name: "Matthew". Writing vaguely resembles the pristine form, which served as the name of the Apostle - Matthew. Online translators can offer a different version of writing- Matvey, however, this will be transliteration (the question with which is considered above).

How to write the name Matvey in German?

Foreign language analogues of names have similarities if the languages \u200b\u200bof one language group are considered. So the German spelling causes associations, although it has small features. In Germany, the name Matvey Write down how Matthaus. Pronounced Matteus. It resembles a Latin form.

Thanks to the origin, the name Matvey It has its own interpretation in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. The pronunciation on some of them almost does not change, which can not be said about writing. However, in every corner of the ball this name is harmonious and noble, no matter what form is used.

Video: The meaning of the name Matvey - karma, character and fate

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