Male name Matvey - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Matvey: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Male name Matvey - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Matvey: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

One of the twelve apostles was a bearer of such a biblical name as Matvey. In the future he wrote Gospel. People consider him a benefactor of professions that have any relation to finances, in our current world-these are bankers and employees of the tax sector. In addition, this is a very beautiful male name that sounds interesting and has an equally beautiful interpretation.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Male name Rinat and Renat - which means: description of the name". You will learn about his secret, meaning, decryption, characteristic, fate, etc.

From this article you will learn what the name means Matvey, what are his talismans and what is the character and fate of his carriers. Read further.

What does the name Matvey in the church calendar mean?

Probably many people know that the Russian name Matvey came from ancient Jewish adversary "Matthew", which was taken from the biblical gospel. One of the carriers of the name was the apostle. Such expressions in the church calendar as "Son of God"are directly important to the interpretation of this name. Its meaning sounds like "God's gift".

It is worth noting that in modern Russia, the owners of this nationwide are not so common, but now, among young parents, it has become more popular.

Patron saint of Matvey

If you do not know who to choose the patron saint of your name, then you can talk with the priest in the church, he will explain everything and help. In general, you can choose any saint or the one whose veneration day is during the birth of a person. But only the priest will tell you correctly. Here are the patrons of the name:

  • Matthew Levi - There was one of the participants in the New Testament, a close disciple of Jesus Christ, was also one of the apostles. He wrote the gospel from Matthew. An amazing person managed to preach in Syria, Parthia and even in Persia during his life.
  • Matthew Pechersky - Vegor, monk. He lived in the 19th century in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. He received a gift of insight, shared his visions with his brothers, thereby distracting them from sinful affairs.

Other saints with this name:

The patrons of the name
The patrons of the name

The secret of the named after Matvey

Matvey - A sincere person, devoid of such feelings as self -interest and envy. This is the main secret of the name. He always tries to act from the heart (out of pure motives). He often adheres to and leads a calm, hidden lifestyle. It does not show his own feelings and emotions for others. Because of this, it is very difficult to predict his current mood around him.

When Matvey He grows up and becomes a full -fledged adult man, he continues to carry his peacekeeping mission to the world. Like the rest of the people, he is not devoid of negative aspects of character, self -criticism and intolerance to the shortcomings of other people can be added to these. This man will definitely speak out about your inaccurate, with all special specificity.

Name Matvey: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Matvey?

This person will try to develop only those skills and qualities that he considers the most important for himself, these include: independence, masculinity, self -confidence. With a desire for courage and fearlessness, there are great risks. He will behave like a truly Russian person, achieving justice in everything. Name Matvey Not only beautiful, but also fully corresponds to the value.

What nationality is this nationality?

  • it NAME It has - Russian, Jewish, Orthodox and Jewish roots.

Therefore, it can be said with confidence that by nationality this is Russian and a little Jewish.

Matvey name: origin and meaning, popularity

Such a name has a Hebrew origin. The translation will mean "Divine Gift", "Divine Man."


  • The meaning of the name Matvey, like its emergence, deeply proceeds from the morals and fate of the bearer of this advent, characterizing his talents, reason, material and bodily prosperity (position), his will and the ability to self -realization.
  • Being still a baby, Matyushenka is very fragile and vulnerable to the present world. The family should take care of the right choice of the boy’s path so that he understands and learn to appreciate himself and his loved ones. It is worth perceiving it as it is. It is worth encouraging the boy’s desire for independence, also give the opportunity to prove himself and his initiative. You need to try to introduce him to sports.

Matvey considers herself happy when the boat floats in the waves in a relationship, that is, the relationship is at a stable level. This kind of man is not at all romantic, but not deprived of fantasy, which bring him to a new level of interesting approaches in communication with others. His own house will become an indestructible fortress for him, so he will look for a spouse whom he can completely trust. He can be understanding and unreasonable, there are also cases in which Matvey It may seem a narcissistic egoist.

Everyone knows that each adherence has analogues. Here are the most popular in Europe:

  • Matthew
  • Matteo
  • Mateush
  • Mathieu
  • Matthias

These adhesions can often be heard in European countries. The popularity of the Russian name Matvey Changes every year. The peak of the popularity of this adversary was in 1998, when every twentieth boy was called. Now this is a number less-10 per 1000.

Matvey - decryption of the name from Greek

It is believed that all the names came to us from Greek, since before only this nation lived on Earth. Therefore, almost all the adversary can be deciphered from this language. This is how the meaning of the name sounds Matvey:

  • “Gift Yahweh (God),“ God's man ”,“ granted to God ”.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Matvey name in English, Latin, different languages

Now almost every person is leaving for rest abroad. Many work in other countries. Therefore, it is important to know how the navigation in different languages \u200b\u200bsounds and is written. This information is about the name Matvey:

  • Names Matthias and Matthew More popular in English.
  • On Latin - Matthias
  • Hebrew - Matitih
Name in English, Latin, different languages
Name in English, Latin, different languages

How is the name Matvey written in the passport?

To travel abroad, you need a passport. In it, all the data is written in Latin. In addition, for example, the name, surname and patronymic should be written in capital large letters. So, as the name is written in the passport Matvey?

  • This adversation is written as - Matvei

Such transliteration is the only correct.

Matvey: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Matvey It is typical to build your own policy of life, or all at once, or a complete failure, which is why it is extremely difficult to find the middle ground. He constantly stands on the verge with his natural inclinations, his own inner harmony. It is not surprising that the results of the internal struggle in such a person who understands his own goals are somewhat diverge. In this, a rich and rich inner world contributes to him. All this often determines the further direction in choosing the profession of the owner of the name, the path chosen by him through life.

This is a very interesting person, those around him are good. Therefore, many call such a man an abbreviated version of the name. Especially in childhood, parents, grandfathers and grandmothers call their baby a diminutive option. Here's how to call it briefly or cute Matvey:

  • Matveyashka
  • Matya
  • Matveychik
  • Matyukha
  • Matyusha
  • Matyakha
  • Matyash
  • Motya
  • Matvey
  • Matik

But, of course, every parent can come up with his own version of the abbreviated version of the name of his child. This form will be the sweetest and close to the soul.

Matvey: The meaning of the name, character and fate


From the very diapers with Matyusha there are no serious problems, it grows cheerful, shows great calm for everything, obeys parents. Passing training at school or in another educational place is always ready to come to the rescue of comrades or protect the weak, although in itself a modest and shy young man. He will not spoil relations with other boys, or fight with them, always knows how to influence or extinguish the conflict inside. In study, it is concentrated, not a genius, but studying diligently. He likes to do everything with his own hands: to make, build, repair. In childhood, this boy is good and obedient.

The meaning of the name Matvey for a teenager:

  • In adolescence, a guy with such an adversary quickly runs out on career steps, likes to collect various unusual things, has dozens of interesting hobbies.
  • Matthew is more of a practitioner than a theorist, his great interest is manifested in the whole new and not yet open to the world.

The meaning of the name for the adult:

  • Such an adult man has his own impenetrable, iron moral principles, he prefers to live in accordance with them.
  • Without sincere, ambitious plans, the word career for him is something far and alien.
  • Being already a man, he remains the same modest.
  • The task given to him will be performed calmly without unnecessary fuss. If someone will blame him for hack and illiterate work, then there will be a scandal. If this happens, he will achieve the truth to the end, applying the most unpredictable steps and an extraordinary approach to showdowns, so you will not envy the villain.
  • In his first marriage, such a man fails and decides that only after many years (5-7 years) he will again marry the new chosen one, who will be much younger than himself.
  • He simply loves children (including the first and subsequent marriages), works and tries for their well -being.
  • Closer to old age, such a person can leave his family and go to the monastery.

One of the most positive aspects of character Matvey -This is harmony, courage, a competent approach to something, the lack of complexes. He stands out as a reliable person. Such a man in itself is balanced and rarely he is to experience such a feeling as anger. It does not accumulate grievances, has many friends. He is honest with others, hardworking, works, not expecting any reward. He will not endure conflict situations, because deeply in his soul he considers himself a peacekeeper. As a rule, it is rare to achieve high positions.

Character traits:

  • All secrets of the name will be revealed if you get acquainted with its carrier (owner) better.
  • Matvey, regardless of a month and year of birth, in his youth a mobile and mischievous boy. He manages well according to the curriculum, is interested in various sports.
  • The adult owner of the name shows persistent calm, and a great responsibility in relation to professional activity, harmony.
  • Internal contradictions and complexes are fading into the background.
  • This person is characterized only by solid moral principles.


  • Endless love can interfere with life Matvey.
  • Adults, wanting to give or give little Matyush the best, have every chance not to notice or neglect his desires, hobbies, aspirations.
  • In order not to upset parents in any way, the boy will have to step on the throat of the actually written song as they say.
  • There is another option - mother and father will agree with any claims of her son, perform all kinds of whims and blow dust off him. In this case, he will grow up spoiled, like almost all people with such education - a self -sided and proud creature.

It is necessary to adhere to the upbringing of the “golden mean” if you want the baby to experience as little disappointment as possible. Otherwise, the fate of such a person is good - these are happy and joyful people.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Matvey: compatibility with male names

Matvey It can be assertive and courageous, to succeed in their endeavors, but his greatest achievements can turn into ashes in an instant. In this case, the owner of the name is conceited, impatient, impulsive and reckless, becomes “blind” to everything around him, and therefore can do stupid things, forgetting about the main thing. Such a shaky situation can result in an explosion of emotions in which he can express or do something that will then regret a very long time.

These are impulsive people, therefore, a combination of a name with a middle name, they should have bright and expressive. What patronymic suits the boy to the name Matvey? This adherence has excellent compatibility with many male names:

  • Matveevich
  • Ivanovich
  • Stepanovich
  • Alexandrovich
  • Arturovich
  • Aronovich
  • Sergeyevich
  • Artemovich
  • Borisovich
  • Kirillovich

A alliance with patronymics formed from the Old Slavonic names sounds ugly - Emelyanovich, Efremovich etc.

When is the name day, the Angel Day of Matvey on the Orthodox calendar?

Despite his own excessive modesty, Matyusha is quite sociable in the circle of his friends. He does not force himself to wait, always comes during the meeting and dating. This is a reliable and faithful comrade, friend, partner and companion. Ambition is important to him, like other character traits. Discipline will allow not to receive fines at work, self -criticism, tact will help expand your own business, honesty and altruism. Matthew is not devoid of intuition. Often resorts to her and always listens to his inner voice.

He loves noisy companies, so any holiday will be happy to celebrate. For example, name day or Angel Day. Many people think these are the same dates, but this is not so. Name days are the day of veneration of the holy name, and the day of the angel is the day of the baptism of man in the church. Eventually, Matvey Three different personal holidays in the year can celebrate - birthday, name day, Angel Day.

Above the text we have already mentioned the sincer patron saints of the name Matvey And the days of their veneration. Here are some of them (you can choose the date next after your birthday):

  • January 18th
  • June 1st
  • July 13th
  • August 22nd
  • August 25th
  • August 27th
  • October 13th
  • October 18th
  • November 12th
  • November 25th
  • November 29th
  • December 15th

If you want to congratulate a friend on such an adversary or relative, then several original lines and touching words are published below. Read further.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Matvey are short in verses and prose

The negative side of the character is manifested in some old -fashionedness and irritability, while it always longs for power. Therefore, if you pay attention to such a person and congratulate him, then he will definitely appreciate it.

Congratulations Matvey From a pure soul and heart, because he feels it all very subtle and it will be doubly more pleasant to him if the surprise is sincere, and not for a box. Here is a congratulation on the Day of the Angel of a Human with this name short in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Matvey

Songs for the name Matvey A large number of, both in Russian and in other languages. Here is some of them:

Video: Song about Matvey

Video: Cat Matvey Song

Video: Alexander Pakhomov - son Matvey (Cover Vitaly Verta)

Video: Happy Birthday Matvey. Song for Matvey!

Tattoo named Matvey

The name is of great importance for absolutely any person - its owner. When placing a tattoo on the body, the value of the adhesion may even double.

Here is a tattoo named Matvey:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Matvey from gold: photo

Everyone knows that jewelry is like to wear mainly women. Any pendant to the chain looks cute, stylish and gentle. There are jewelers who can make a suspension with a name Matvey From gold in a more brutal design. You can give it to a friend with such an adversary. He can also present a pendant with the face of the holy name. And the woman of this person can put on a pendant with the first letter of the name of her man as a sign of veneration. The same pendant can be worn by mothers whose son is so called. It is fashionable and stylish. Here are a photo of such suspensions:

Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold

Matvey name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Matvey It may look from the side by a rude person or a non -reflecting person. But he can hide his experiences and feelings in the depths. Such a person often does some things to the end or all half. There is no trust in its own inner sensations. Empty hopes can lead this person to unnecessary concern, he will not hope for others and expect help from them. Everything is used to doing it myself, although it is very difficult.


  • Matvey It has developed intuition, which itself often relies on and it rarely fails it.


  • He adheres to clear moral principles and ideals established in society.
  • Such a person is not conceited, honest and disinterested.

Um (intellect):

  • This man has definitely a great potential for the development of intelligence, which goes well with his own imagination. This makes him a pleasant man in communication.
  • The analytics mind is a real trump card in the sleeve of Matvey, scientific and other similar spheres will be easily given to it. An excellent scientist will even come out of such a person.

Due to the fact that this man is not able to believe in his own capabilities, this prevents him from making sound decisions. Such a turn of events affects his own life. This person has a big chance to completely change the stereotypes - he can believe in himself, his inner energy and strength.

Name Matvey: Hobbies, Activities, Business

Matvey Friendly treats meetings with classmates, colleagues, friends, relatives. All this plays a large role in the life of a man, since communication at a distance for him is unacceptable and he does not take it seriously. Emotional support from the side is simply necessary for self -realization. The owner of the name is diligent and on the same wave with everyone who loves to know something. Therefore, he will quickly find friends on hobbies. To extract and study new information to him only in high, so he will not be intimidated by sciences such as sociology, psychology, astrology and ethnology. They allow him to show his intellect.


  • This person chooses outdoor activities with friends with whom you can go to the ping pong, play volleyball, or visit the pool.
  • He does not mind sitting at home, watching TV, playing a party in cards or backgammon, reading the next e -book.
  • Matthew uses his versatility to the maximum, because such men also know how to relax during physical work. How can this be? Everything is simple, he gets true pleasure when he creates something with his own hands.

Professional activities and business:

  • Matthew is the owner of an extraordinary mind.
  • It is excessively diligent, responsible and disciplined in his work.
  • Such people tend to analyze and systematize everything, so it will not be difficult for them to perfectly prove themselves in the banking sector.
  • He will cope well with professions as an engineer, designer or scientist.
  • If Matyusha enters the business sphere, then he is guaranteed a great success. He will try to maintain this level in his life and not reduce, but only increase the bar of his earnings.

Matvey More often chooses a profession not from the field of business. He chooses what emphasizes his hard work. This can be a lawyer, financier, analyst. The owners of such a name also prefer areas that require certain risks - firefighters, the Ministry of Emergencies and other dangerous in terms of the performance of the structure. He can also choose a sphere related to sports. Such a person also loves to work with his hands, so he can become an artist, a locksmith, a surgeon, a plumber, a car mechanic. In general, he can do different specialties, because this is a diligent and diligent person who achieves success only with his labor.

Matvey name: Health and psyche

A person by name Matvey Good taste, but if it comes to clothes, he tries to adhere to a simple and comfortable format. At home, he loves and appreciates cleanliness.


  • This person has an unusually sustained temperament.
  • He knows how to control the influx of his own thoughts and emotions. This helps him to leave the winner from many inadequate situations.
  • This man is an objective and reasonable person. Almost always calm and fair, with all this, external pressure is not so simple.
  • Matvey very much appreciates certain character traits in other people - good nature, openness and chastity.
  • Often his environment upset Matvey His manners and actions, but he will never condemn anyone for this, believing that everyone is free to act as he considers necessary.

A big flaw of such a man is a love of disputes. This representative of the stronger sex will become a worldview to the very end. However, with this advantage, it will never fall to the insult or humiliation of your own opponent.


  • In general, he rarely complains of well -being.
  • Although at times, like all other people, difficulties associated with vision and operation of the musculoskeletal system may experience.

In particular, this man needs to save the spine and joints of the lower extremities.

Matvey name: sexuality, marriage

Does this name promise its owner happiness in life and love? Naturally, only a little depends on behalf of. Matvey - A truly loving heir who usually lives with rich parents. The spouse often gets along well with the mother -in -law. This is a kind -hearted person with moral principles that fully comply with him. Such quality attracts girls who are popular with many other men. But they prefer it exactly Matvey.

Sexuality and marriage:

  • Although this man is a very amorous man, he is not going to change his wife, his own moral principles will not allow him to do this, especially if there are children.
  • He loves children very much, devotes them a lot of time.
  • Such a person does everything in the dwelling himself.
  • He gets along very well with his own wife, although small quarrels are occasionally happening.
  • By old age, the spouse and spouse become almost one, they attach great importance to each other.
  • The Matvey, the Matvey will definitely be a pleased person, since his name is connected with the Church and the Orthodox calendar.
  • Having become a dad, he will never leave the family, but patiently carries all his duties as a caring father and a loving husband.

Matvey as a father:

  • If we take into account the overall characteristics of this nationality - responsibility, attitude to work, good faith, hard work and great love for children, then we can say with the confidence that this man will become an example to follow his children.
  • For him, the main goal when creating a family is babies and a common hearth. The fundamental and correct Matyusha believes that children should be born in a marriage (mother + father) and grow in a full -fledged loving family.
  • Even if suddenly relations with his wife do not get or spoil, for the sake of the well -being of children, he is ready to endure so that the family is further happy and friendly.
  • In addition, the birth of babies always strengthens his relationship with his wife. Every moment he thinks of his children, he loves them so much, and at the same time is attached to them.

Such a man has the strongest relationship with his first -born, he pampers them and cherishes them all his life.

Which zodiac sign is the name Matvey?

Astrology is of great importance in our lives. There is an impact of the moon and other planets and stars on a person, his actions, well -being, etc. For each name there is a sign of a zodiac that helps in life. Such a person will be happy and everything will work out for him. Which zodiac sign is the name Matvey?

  • Crayfish or Scorpion Most favorably affect people with this adversary.

Crayfish symbolizes emotionality, the desire to hide from reality in the unsteady sands of their imagination. Scorpion It carries positive symbols for the owner of this advent - good -naturedness, frugality, attentiveness and highly morality.

Stone-the-dinosman to the name Matvey

Calisman stone to the name-Hiastolit
Calisman stone to the name-Hiastolit

Stones-statesmans named after named after Matvey Counted hiastolite and opal.

Hiastolite - It is believed that such a mineral helps to enter the astral, establish a connection with the souls of already dead people. Many priests and different sorcerers use this stone in their own magical rituals.

Opalit will help to free oneself from internal fear. It eliminates human rage and helps to crumble illusions, bringing to life of every person only disappointment and pain.

Flower, plant, wood - talisman for the name Matvey

Flower-Flower Name-Freesia
Flower-Flower Name-Freesia

Totem plants Matvey are such as nut and freesia.

Wood wood wood:

  • For centuries, this symbol has been an assistant in comprehending the secrets of the world around us.
  • Also, this talisman is abundant, the well -being of marriage and fertility.


  • This magical flower symbolizes restraint, reassurance, youth, faith and self -confidence and own strength.

There are also symbols from the animal world. They also help a person. Read further.

Totem animal named after Matvey

Totem animal name - Scorpio
Totem animal name - Scorpio

Totem animal, beneficial name Matvey is Scorpio. This is a double sign that is terrifying, a threat, but at the same time - protects from opponents.

  • It is worth noting that in mythology, Scorpio personifies betrayal. All thanks to comparison with Judas-changer and the personification of sins such as envy, lies, dislike. It is believed that Scorpio is the embodiment of demonic forces, the same as that of the snake.
  • But on the other hand, this totem personifies the wild unbridled passion and energy of life.

It reminds the representative of this totem sign about his mission, properties, responsibility to himself and other people. Provides the development of a person on a life path.

Numerology named after Matvey

Name number Matvey According to numerology - 1 (unit).

This number is suitable for valiant, entrepreneurial, combat and energetic people who are confident in their success. They are always ready for lightning -fast decisions and spontaneous actions. Among people with this advent, a large number of successful entrepreneurs and businessmen.

  • Units are also valid within the framework of long -established templates and well -known stereotypes.
  • People with such adversary rarely rely on the recommendations of other people, which allows us to draw conclusions about the great potential for the development of their creative inclinations.
  • Number - 1 fully justifies leadership in relationships. Matvey I am sure of my own attractiveness. His tempting appearance, along with a powerful, sometimes despotistical character, attracts representatives of the opposite sex. Such a man behaves selfishly in sexual life, demanding perfect obedience from a partner, without taking into account his desire and choice.

The nearest successful year for the name: 2026.

Pseudonym to the name Matvey

Pseudonyms in modern life are needed to communicate on the Internet or just for image. Here are the options for nicknames for the name Matvey:

  • Matt
  • Matty
  • Matveyka
  • Matvey
  • Motya
  • Matyusha
  • Matva
  • MATV

Here are still interesting options:

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Famous people, celebrities named Matvey

Name Matvey Very beautiful and popular, especially in older people. Although now young parents also call their sons this name. Perhaps this is due to the fact that among Matveev Many famous people. Here are celebrities with this name:

  • Matvey Blanter - Soviet composer
  • M. Kazakov-Architect from the time of Catherine 2nd
  • M. ZAKHAROV - Soviet military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union
  • M. Muravyov - was a participant in the Decembrist uprising
  • M. Melnikov-Russian rap artist, also known under the pseudonym MOT
  • M. Lykov - Russian actor and model

Here are still famous people with this name:

Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named

Video: The meaning of the name Matvey: Karma, character and fate

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