The male name Artem, Tema: Variants of the name. What can you call Artem, Temu is different?

The male name Artem, Tema: Variants of the name. What can you call Artem, Temu is different?

The male name Artem is beautiful and stylish. He has many interesting different forms and derivatives.

Name Artem Widely popular in Russia. In Moscow from 2015 to 2017. It took 3rd place, and since 2018 it has been firmly held in 4th place. The Russian language is characterized by pronunciation through the letter "Yo",and when registering newborns, they call them artes. Forms patronymics for children Artyomovich, Artyomovna.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The name for the boy in the patronymic". You will find a list of consonant names.

Name Artemy It is often considered a derivative form, but they are different, despite the general root and origin. Children will wear the patronymics of Artemyevich, Artemyevna. From the article below, you will find out what forms of name exist Artem. We will also talk about its meaning and origin. Read further.

Name Artem, Tyoma: meaning, origin

Name Artem, Tyoma: meaning
Name Artem, Tyoma: meaning

There are several options for the appearance, origin of the name Artem, Tyoma.

  • From the point of view of the first, it was formed from the ancient Greek Artemios (Αρτέμιος), which originates from the famous patroness of hunters - Artemis. Artemi was called boys who often grew up in healthy men, strong warriors. It was believed that they would be the favorites of the goddess, and she will protect them and give them a healthy body.
  • On the other hand, it is believed that it appeared from the word "Artemes" meaning in translation "Having impeccable health", "unharmed".

This name came to Russia with Christianity from the territory of Byzantium. In Orthodox Russia, the Christian church recognizes the correct Artemy. Before the canonization of the new martyrs of the 20th century, the boys born were called in honor of the two saints. The first great martyr Artemy Antioch, the other is the righteous lad Artemy Verkolsky.

The name Artem, Tyoma: What will be the full name?

As a full name, Artem is used. It is used for official appeal to a person. It is important to remember one nuance. From a legal point of view, these are two different names. Since names Artem and Artyom are considered different. Often, unpleasant paperwork can occur in this case and will have to understand it for a long time. Similarly occurs with surnames and patronymic.

The name Artem, Tyoma-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

Name Artem It has a huge number of derivatives, which are often called mothers of their children. So, what can be called differently? If we highlight the main forms of adversary, which can be attributed to the beautiful, we get:

  • Tyomushka
  • Demon
  • Artyusha
  • Artemon
  • Artemoshka
  • Temnya

Many can be attributed to diminutive forms.

Name Artem, Tyoma: Brief form of the name

Brief derivatives Tyoma, Arty, Tim. The first is most often found as a reduction in the conversation, provided that the interlocutors are long -standing friends. Tyusha, Tyunya - It is often applied to young children. Tim - More English, sounding similarly to the name, often found among Americans.

Name Artem, Tyoma: affectionate form

Like any name, Artem has affectionate pronunciation options. The following forms can be considered the most common:

  • Artemchik
  • Artemyushka
  • Artisha
  • Artyun
  • Temochka

Here are another options:

Name Artem, Tyoma: affectionate form
Name Artem, Tyoma: affectionate form

With their help, a tender attitude to a person is expressed. Regardless of age, it is often considered a manifestation of love.

Name Artem, Tyoma: diminutive form

There are several derivatives in a diminutive form:

  • Artemka
  • Artha
  • Temka
  • Arty
  • Tyunya
  • Artisha
  • Tesha
  • Teshenka

The most commonly used in everyday life, informal or friendly atmosphere between colleagues. For greater convenience between well -known people.

It is worth remembering: Squeezing forms are clearly not tied to complete and can be an appeal to several similar names. For example, Tyunya can also relate to Timothy.

Name Artem, Tyoma: Form of the name in Latin

Most of the words in this language, which is considered medical today, is written as heard. Unlike official documents where it is used Artem, there are other forms. These include - Artyem, Artjem. Writing a name on Latin using the letter “O” will be wrong, which may be associated with the poor knowledge of the Russian language.

How to write the name Artem, Tyoma in Ukrainian?

In Ukrainian Artem It is written like this:

Artem name in Ukrainian
Artem name in Ukrainian

Of course, the second option is much more common in Ukrainian. In Ukraine, there are a lot of speaking in Russian, therefore, both will be correct.

How to write the name Artem, Tyoma in Japanese?

The Japanese have three main types of writing - two are syllabic alphabets and hieroglyphs. Often the name in Japan is written using two hieroglyphs. Pronounced Artemhow "Andzen".

Artem name in Japanese
Artem name in Japanese

In the case of transliteration systems, Aruchomu is obtained.

How to write the name Artem, Tyoma in French?

The French write in this way:

The name is Artem in French
The name is Artem in French

Sometimes it occurs, especially in the texts, Artiom. The first option is considered correct. When pronouncing, stress should be distinguished.

How to write the name Artem, Tyoma in English?

In the case of registration of a passport, in international telegrams emanating from Russia, the name will be indicated on plastic bank cards Artem and other personal data in English Artem. But in accordance with ISO 9, one of the most common transliteration systems, the correct spelling will be correct Artyom.

How to write the name Artem, Tyoma in German?

The Germans have only a biblical version of the name Artem —  Artemas. Using translators on the Internet systems of Google and Yandex, we will receive Artem, similar to the English version. You can write using both options. But it all depends on the requirements where you indicate your data.

The most popular name Artem It became at the beginning of the 21st century since 2008 according to statistics. It is sonorous, bright, perfectly combined with most of the most common names and patronics in our country. It has many beautiful diminutive forms. For some parents who want to call the child Artem, only his popularity may seem the only minus. Today, about 60 boys in Russia at birth are called this name.

Video: The meaning of the name Artem - Karma, character and fate

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