Male name Anton, Tosha: Name options. How can you call Anton differently?

Male name Anton, Tosha: Name options. How can you call Anton differently?

The male name Anton - is popular not only in our country, but throughout the world.

Anton, Tosha, Toshenka - an attractive name, which is often found in everyday life. Among the Antonus there are many celebrities, athletes, public and political figures. Such people are active and active. Their character is influenced by the meaning of the name and its origin.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The name for the boy in the patronymic". You will find a list of consonant names.

From this article you will learn about the meaning and origin of the name Anton, as well as about its derivative forms. Read further.

Name Anton, Tosha: meaning, origin

Name Anton, Tosha: meaning
Name Anton, Tosha: meaning

The origin of the name Anton It is controversial. Some researchers believe that the original form of the name arose in ancient Greece. She came from the word "Antos" What does it mean "flower".

Others believe that the name came from ancient Rome. This form of the name "Antao" means "Entering the battle", "opposing."

Name Anton, Tosha: What will be the full name?

In adulthood, character Anton It changes sharply. This is a psychologically stable person. He strives for knowledge. It can do actions that no one expects from him. A negative character trait of Antonov is a quick change in mood. From friendly and attentive, he can turn into impudent and aggressive at one point. But such people are great leaders. They are addressed exclusively by name and patronymic.

Therefore, it is important to know the full form of the name. She sounds like this: Anton. In composition, the name is short. Another short form of the name Tosha, It is quite common. But this is the name not only Antonov. And not only at a small age. Toshi is called Anatoliev, Platonov, Mitrofanov. Even girls are called Toshami. For example, Antonin, Victoria, Tamar. Therefore, having heard the name Tosha, it does not always need to be correlated with Anton. Remember this if you communicate to a person with this form of a name.

The name Anton, Tosha-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

At a young age Anton Strives for freedom. He envies the bold and confident people. But he himself cannot show such confidence. Therefore, it closes in itself. Looking for support from loved ones. Due to excessive shyness, it does not fully show its talents and abilities. In childhood and adolescence, as well as adults, are often called different forms of the name. This is original and interesting. So, what can be called differently?

Although the name Anton And short, but it has many different variations. Including beautiful and unusual. And this form can gain a foothold for many years. This naming in itself is beautiful. But relatives, relatives, friends can come up with a blaspheme Anton Various beautiful forms of the name:

  • Anthony
  • Antonio
  • Tony
  • Antoine
  • Tons
  • Anthony
  • Antonin
  • Anthony
  • Antonius
  • Anthony
  • Antal

There can be many options. The main thing is that the sound of the name comes to the character of a person and like the carrier of the name.

Name Anton, Tosha: Brief form of the name.

Small Tosha Very attentive, responsible and loving. In children's games, he repeats the behavior of adults. He seeks to get the toy he liked, which he saw from others. Dreams of traveling and other countries. Very attached to the mother. He respects his father. Often, the parents (their children), as well as friends, call the short name of people. It is simple and interesting.

A brief form of the name allows you to turn to a person in a shorter period of time. And it can also convey the exceptional features of a particular Anton. Two people with this identical call can be addressed in a completely short form of a name.

These options:

  • Antokha
  • Tosha
  • Toha
  • Tohich
  • Toshan
  • Toshik
  • Tony
  • Ante
  • Anty
  • Anto
  • Antosh
  • Tonio
  • Tosya
  • Antos

A brief form is often used with friends. Especially in a male company. But a brief form of the name should not insult Anton And bring him discomfort.

Name Anton, Tosha: affectionate form

Moms often love to call their Antonov Affectionate forms of the name. Through such words, they convey their love and care. A caressing form can be used not only in the family. Especially if the carrier is not opposed to circulation in this form.

Anton affectionate forms:

  • Toshenka
  • Toshechka
  • Antoshechka
  • Antosha
  • Antoshenka
  • Antonchik
  • Tosik
  • Antoshka
  • Antonushka
  • Antusichk
  • Antusik
  • Tonya
  • Tony
  • Anthony
  • Toshka
  • Tosyulik
  • Tosha
  • Toha
  • Toshik
  • Tokhich
  • Toshka
  • Antoshik
  • Antosik
  • Antosia
  • Antoska
  • Antonya

The affectionate form sounds soft, friendly. Such an appeal subconsciously has a person. And many Antons are softened by hearing such a form of a name. But remember that not everyone likes such an appeal.

Name Anton, Tosha: diminutive form

The diminutive form of the name, as well as affectionate, is used only in an informal setting. During official meetings, such circulation options are not allowed. A diminutive form of the name Anton It is often used by his wife. So she expresses her warmth and love for a man. The brothers and sisters of Anton can also call his brother in this form.

Here's how you can call a boy or a man with the name:

  • Antoshka
  • Antosh
  • Antonka
  • Antonchik
  • Antonya
  • Tonya
  • Antosia

But a diminutive form of the name can not only convey warm feelings. Sometimes Anton They are called in a diminutive form to somehow hurt or offend. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the intonation of the conversion and its mood.

Name Anton, Tosha: Form of the name in Latin

The Latin form dates back to the origins of the origin of calling. Writing a name reflects the style and features of the language. In the Latin version Anton sounds like Antonius. This name was the generic in the Antoniye dynasty in ancient Rome.

How to write the name Anton, Tosha in Ukrainian?

Many Ukrainian names echoes the Russians. Name Anton is no exception. This form is also written and sounds. As in the Russian version, this naming has several sounds:

  • Antos
  • Antosko
  • Tosya
  • Tosha
  • Antokha

Some options are absolutely similar to Russian -language spelling. When circulating or writing in Ukrainian, it is not difficult to determine what kind of name we are talking about.

How to write the name Anton, Tosha in Japanese?

In Japanese, the name Anton is written like this:

Name Anton, Tosha in Japanese
Name Anton, Tosha in Japanese

It means "Competing". The meaning of the name in Japanese and Russian is almost the same meaning.

How to write the name Anton, Tosha in French?

Name Anton In French, it has a beautiful, melodic sound. In the French manner of a person with this adhesion, you can call Antoine, Antonin. In this case, the name in such a spelling can mean both full and brief form.

How to write the name Anton, Tosha in English?

English is used everywhere. It is considered the world. Therefore, it is important to know the correct spelling of the name Anton in English. It is also important that there are no difficulties in translation, and there is no appeal to another name. In English name Anton It has the following forms of writing: Anton, Tosha.

All other forms of adversary are also translated into English. You can see clearly if you use Google translator.

How to write the name Anton, Tosha in German?

In German spelling, the name is easily recognizable. As in other languages, the form of writing a name Anton In this country, it can transmit both a complete and brief option at the same time. It is written like this: Anton, Antonius.

Name Anton It is widely used. It combines simultaneously strength and softness, courage and nobility, independence and shyness. This naming is one of the most beautiful Orthodox names. The carriers of this naming of the name day several times a year.

Video: The meaning of the name Anton - Karma, character and fate

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