How to detain menstruation for a week, for several days, for 3 days? How to detain menstruation with the help of Jess, Yarina, Dufason, Jeanin tablets?

How to detain menstruation for a week, for several days, for 3 days? How to detain menstruation with the help of Jess, Yarina, Dufason, Jeanin tablets?

There are times when menstruation should begin at the wrong time. Usually this should happen before the competition, vacation or shooting. That is why actresses, athletes and ordinary women sometimes want to detain menstruation.

How to detain menstruation for a week?

This can be done using folk methods and hormonal drugs. Folk recipes are not always effective, but safe. Hormonal drugs are without fail, but can cause health problems.

Common ways to delay menstruation for a week:

  • Monophase contraceptives
  • Progestins
  • Combined oral contraceptives
  • Homeless drugs

Progestins can be considered the safest, they practically do not affect the menstrual cycle. After the cessation of their reception, menstruation will begin after a few days.

How to detain menstruation for 3 days?

There are several ways to shift the onset of menstruation by several days. Traditional medicine offers safe, but not always effective methods. Usually it is recommended to use in large doses of “water pepper”, ascorbic acid and nettles. If you want to delay the “red days” for 3 days, contact a gynecologist. He can prescribe such drugs:

  • Vikasol
  • Norkolut
  • Dicinon

These are hormonal and hemostatic medicines. Dicinon forms blood clots, which is why the menstruation is delayed. But you can use the medicine no more than once a year.

How to detain menstruation contraceptives for several days?

It all depends on which drugs you take. Here is an approximate instruction on the delay of menstruation contraceptives:

  • Three -phase. You need at the end of the cycle, that is, before the alleged start of menstruation, to continue to drink drugs of the third phase. That is, extend for 3-4 days. After canceling the medicine, after a couple of days, the menstruation will begin
  • COOK. You need to not stop taking medications after all packaging is over. Start taking a new pack and continue for 3-4 days. After that, take a break for 7 days, as usual. In this case, for several months, the cycle can be slightly longer than usual, for example, instead of 28 days, 32
  • MiniPili. These are single -phase drugs that are often prescribed during lactation. To delay menstruation, you just need to extend their reception

How to postpone menstruation yarina?

Yarina is a combined oral contraceptive. In order to postpone menstruation with this medicine, it is necessary to finish taking the first packaging (21 pcs) and start a new one without making a week break. After drinking 3-7 tablets, make a break for a week. At this time, bloody discharge should begin. Then start the reception again and so on 21 days, take a week break again.

How to postpone menstruation janin?

Zhanin is also a COCK, with it you can slightly delay menstruation. There are 21 tablets in the package, all the pills are the same in their composition. Accordingly, you need to start reception from the new packaging, after you drink the whole old one. You can completely finish the entire new package and take a break for 7 days. But it is better to just take 3-4 pills and take a regular week break. So, you will not move menstruation much, and the cycle will recover faster.

If you have never accepted Janin before and purchased packaging to delay menstruation, then start taking the alleged menstruation from the first day, this will stop bleeding.

How to postpone menstruation with duphason?

Dufaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. This drug is prescribed for the threat of termination of pregnancy. He makes the endometrium in the uterus more porous and supple for conception. In addition, it slows down the process of maturation of the egg and thickens cervical mucus. With this drug, you can slightly delay the onset of menstruation.

Instructions for the reception of duphaston for delaying menstruation:

  • 10 days before the alleged menstruation, drink the drug 1 tablet in the morning and evening
  • Continue to take medicine until the first day of menstruation
  • On the day of menstruation, stop taking
  • Monthly will begin after 3 days

How to delay the menstruation Jess?

Jess packaging is slightly different from a plate with standard COCs. In the package instead of 21 tablets, 28 pills. Four of them are inactive, that is, dummies.

For proper reception, you need to drink 24 active pills, and then 4 dummies. But for delayed menstruation, it is necessary after taking 24 active pills, take 3 active from new packaging. Then accept 4 not active, from the old packaging. Monthly will recover.

How to detain monthly folk remedies for a week?

In folk recipes, water pepper, parsley, lemon and nettles are often used. All these herbs and products act differently. Nettle - thickens blood, and water pepper stops bleeding.

Popular medicine recipes:

  • Water pepper. Pour a tablespoon of dry grass with boiling water and languish on the fire for 2 minutes. Strain. Take a decoction of 150 ml three times a day. Start reception 3-4 days before the alleged menstruation
  • Nettle. This method will help to delay the periods that have already begun. The delay will be a day. To prepare a drink, 10 g of dry leaves pour 500 ml of boiling water and let stand for 2 hours. Drink 200-250 ml three times a day before meals
  • Currant. Eat the fruits of currants and take tea from the leaves a week before menstruation. Enough glasses of berries per day. The action of currants is due to the high content of vitamin C

How to detain menstruation with a lemon?

To delay menstruation since ancient times, lemon is used. Moreover, this product should not be considered completely safe. It is not allowed with gastritis and stomach ulcer.

Instructions for the use of lemon:

  • Eat 2 lemons with a skin per day
  • It is not recommended to throw citrus into tea, it is advisable to eat it fresh
  • Use lemon 5 days before the alleged menstruation

How to detain menstruation with parsley?

Parsley is a common spice that helps to delay the onset of menstrual bleeding. There are several ways to use parsley:

  • Eat a pinch of the seed 4 times per day. Start using a spice 3 days before menstruation
  • Tea from the seeds must be prepared, a spoon of shredded seeds with a liter of cold water. Leave the liquid for 8 hours and strain. Drink 230 ml three times a day. Continue reception 3 days
  • Chop a large bunch of parsley (150 g) along with the stalks and pour boiling water (1000 ml). Leave for 3 hours. Take a decoction of 120 ml in the morning and evening a week before menstruation

Removing menstruation is quite simple, especially using hormonal drugs. Keep in mind that such experiments can be carried out no more than 2 times a year.

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