When is the abolition of contraceptive tablets, COK? How to stop drinking hormonal pills: rules, tips, reviews

When is the abolition of contraceptive tablets, COK? How to stop drinking hormonal pills: rules, tips, reviews

From this article you will learn how to stop drinking contraceptives and what can be the consequences of incorrect cancellation.

Any hormonal drugs are important only on the recommendation of a doctor. For most drugs, the rules and time of administration are defined. Today there is such a trend that girls take hormonal contraceptives. This may be due to the unwillingness to become pregnant or with the treatment of certain diseases. In any case, sooner or later the question arises of canceling the drug. And then what to do? How to cancel it correctly? Let's find out.

When is the abolition of contraceptive tablets, COK?

When to stop drinking contraceptives?
When to stop drinking contraceptives?

Today, women have a reliable way to protect from pregnancy - combined oral contraceptives or, as they are called, contraceptives. Gynecologists say that taking the drug should be continuous and it is worth canceling only when pregnancy is planned. But there are other situations when women think that they need to cancel the use of contraceptives.

Among the possible indications for immediate refusal of tablets stand out:

  • The onset of pregnancy
  • Frequent headaches, migraines
  • A sharp deterioration in vision or its loss
  • Sharp pain in the liver
  • Development of thromboembolic complications
  • The occurrence of hypertension, from which medications do not save
  • Immobilization for a long time (consequences of fractures and so on)
  • The need to conduct a planned operation
  • Strong passion for weight in a short period of time
  • Diabetes mellitus with complications
  • Detection of malignant tumors regardless of their location
  • Rapid growth of uterine fibroids

If you have such complications as thrombosis or thromboembolism, it is important to immediately refuse the drug and consult a doctor. If your condition simply worsened, but it is not dangerous, then finish the packaging and do not start a new one. Be sure to consult a doctor.

The reasons for the abolition of contraceptives can even lie in that the woman is tired of drinking them or she found a different way of contraception. Regardless of the situation, you need to know how to properly cancel contraceptives, so that later you do not have to deal with the consequences.

Read also: “Rules for effective contraception. How to protect yourself? "

How to stop drinking hormonal tablets correctly: Rules

Features of contraceptives
Features of contraceptives

When women turn to a gynecologist, they often complain that the cancellation of the use of contraceptives is terrible for them. In fact, if you competently quit drinking pills, then health consequences will be minimal. Nevertheless, the hormonal background will change in your usual direction and you will feel it.

In order not to encounter serious consequences of the abolition of hormonal tablets, adhere to the following rules:

  • Before canceling oral contraceptives, be sure to consult a doctor. There are situations when a refusal causes health deterioration. This applies to situations when the reception of pills was prescribed for medical purposes.
  • You need to cancel the contraceptives when the packaging ended, that is, you drank the last tablet. If you do not have special evidence to cancel the reception until the end of the package, then adhere to the scheme to the end. Learn that a sharp abolition of the drug can be fraught with consequences. We will talk about them further.

Read also: “Contraceptives for women. What can be female contraceptives? "

Can I abruptly quit drinking hormonal tablets ahead of time?

If you decide that the cancellation of the use of contraceptives should be right now, and you still have an unreasonable packaging, then you should not do this. You will have too much load on your hormonal system and from here there will be consequences.

They can be as follows:

  • Breakthrough bleeding from the genital tract may begin
  • Smearing bloody discharge
  • Delayed menstruation
  • Cycle violation for several months
  • Hair and skin condition deterioration
  • Symptoms of the disease may return, which caused the prescription of the COC
Is it possible to sharply abandon the contraceptives?
Is it possible to sharply abandon the contraceptives?

It is noted that with a sharp cancellation of contraceptives in the first half of the cycle, an undesirable pregnancy may occur. Everything is quite simple - in the first couple of weeks, a woman leads an active sex life because she is protected by a contraceptive and he perfectly fulfilled her task until they quit accepting him.

If taking the drug stops in the first 7-10 days after the start of the package, then follicles may begin to ripen. Hormones no longer enter the body and the sex glands begin to work. Accordingly, follicles ripen and ovulation occurs.

Follicles for maturation requires 6 days, and spermatozoa can maintain activity up to 7 days. Accordingly, if contraceptives can abruptly cancel, this can lead to an undesirable pregnancy.

After the cancellation of the COC, the lower abdomen hurts - is this normal?

Most women note that the abolition of contraceptive is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and chest. It is these parts of the female body that acutely react to changes.

Each contraceptive consists of a specific set of hormones. These substances affect the work of the reproductive system. When the hormones do not do the body anymore, pain and discomfort occur.

So pain in the lower abdomen is an absolutely normal phenomenon. The body is adjusted to protect the egg from fertilization, and now it has to abandon it sharply. Now he will have to produce hormones himself, and this is stress for him.

As a rule, pain in the lower abdomen pass quickly, but if they last for a long time, it is better to consult a gynecologist, because the causes can be hidden in a completely different, for example, in hypothermia.

Abolition of Zhanin: Consequences


Many girls think that the abolition of contraceptives takes place without consequences for the body. However, as we have already noted above, this is far from the case. Depending on what specifically the tablets are taken, the set of consequences after canceling may vary slightly, and often questions arise about the drug Zhanin.

In fact, it can be taken during the year without any consequences for the body, but then it is important to do examinations with the doctor and stop taking the drug for 3-6 months to restore the operation of the reproductive system. If you take this drug without a break of 3-5 years, then in the end it will cause infertility.

Otherwise, the consequences of the cancellation of the drug will not differ from the rest. The hormonal background will be restored for a while, and malfunctions in the cycle are also possible.

How to restore the body after taking hormonal contraceptives: tips

When the cancellation of contraceptives is canceled, the female body begins to actively change and it is difficult not to notice these changes.

To transfer the process of restoration of the body, it is easier, use several universal tips:

  • Give the body for a while to rebuild for a new job. The very first thing you hear from a doctor is to plan a pregnancy only after 3-6 months. This is due to the fact that the uterine endometrium is still too thin and it simply cannot cope with the load. Accordingly, this will lead to a miscarriage. Keep in mind that the longer you had the drug, the longer the body will be restored. As practice shows, after taking COCs for three years, women cannot become pregnant during the year in most cases.
Recovery after taking COC
Recovery after taking COC
  • Do not be nervous. Stresses always have a bad effect on the hormonal background, because the production of estradiol is worsening, and he is responsible for the normal functioning of the ovaries.
  • Eat only healthy food. So you will not gain excess weight after canceling the tablets and strengthen your body. The most useful products are those that contain phytoestroogen, similar to female. It is in products such as beans, cabbage, apples, grenades, sunflower oil.
  • Drink herbal teas. Nettle, Medunitsa, oregano, and so on, is perfect for restoration.
  • Contact the doctor to check the hormonal background, especially if you have depression, menstruation does not begin for more than two weeks, you sleep poorly, your head hurts, and so on. This all indicates a hormonal failure.

As a rule, hormonal disorder takes place independently and does not require any complex treatment. However, when the disorder does not pass and prevents the patient from living normally, physiotherapy, leech treatment or special medicines can be prescribed. All these procedures effectively show themselves in the fight against hormonal malfunctions.

What to do to exclude hormonal contraceptives: tips

Methods of contraception
Methods of contraception

When the cancellation of the use of contraceptives is completed, a woman may think about another method of contraception to eliminate hormones. What can you use?

  • First of all, this is a condom. Of course, situations are not excluded that it will break and you will have to take emergency contraceptive measures, but this happens extremely rarely. Moreover, the condom allows you to protect against infection with sexually transmitted diseases. There are special female condoms. You should not forget about them either.
  • Vaginal diaphragm. This is a special backup cap with a rim. A spermimimic composition is applied to it. It may differ in shape and diameter, so it is better to consult with a gynecologist. The cap is put on immediately before sexual intercourse and lubricated with special means. You can remove it only after 8 hours.
  • Spiral. Nobody canceled them either. It is installed for a long time, but periodically it is still worth visiting the gynecologist. Such a tool does not allow sperm to penetrate the uterus and, accordingly, pregnancy does not occur.

How to correctly canceled OK: Reviews

Many are interested in how the cancellation of contraceptives was carried out in other women and what consequences arose. There are a huge number of forums where women leave their reviews, for example, how they canceled OK, and this is what they say:

Reviews 1
Reviews 1
Reviews 4
Reviews 2
Reviews 3
Reviews 3
Reviews 2
Reviews 4

It is unlikely that one of the methods can be specifically for you on the forums. Always remember that it is better to consult a doctor. Only he knows how and what to do correctly.

Video: how to cancel hormones "correctly"? OK output schemes

Read also:

"Which is better to choose contraceptives?"

"Is it possible to get pregnant if you take the contraceptive pills of Jess, Novinet, Yarina, Zhanin and Regulon?"

"Skin hormonal patch is a new method of long -term contraception"

"Natural methods of contraception are effective?"

"How to use a female condom?"

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Comments K. article

  1. I accept OK Delsia, they approached me well. I have no side effects, the weight did not increase, but my face cleared of small pimples. The very method is reliable and convenient. For a married woman, it is approved.

  2. Thank you for the article.

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