How to spend Sunday? What can and can not be done on Sunday? Signs on forgiven and Palm Sunday

How to spend Sunday? What can and can not be done on Sunday? Signs on forgiven and Palm Sunday

Many affairs on Sunday should be postponed, as this is a holy day for relaxation. But what can you do on Sunday?

Differing from all other days, it is Sunday that gives us geniuses and creators, scientists and sages, since everyone born today is under the auspices of the omnipotent sun. As a rule, this is the embodiment of those souls that have already managed to carry out what is destined for them, and now they are simply in a state of rest, creating to create beauty in all its manifestations.

What can not be done on Sunday?

  • If you do not want to lose your memory, do not deal with any household matters regarding washing and cleaning, sewing and knitting. It is recommended to even start pies the day before so that on Sunday they only eat them during rest. After all, resting on the seventh day of the week, the Lord thereby sets an example for us.
  • On Sunday, you should not shorten your hair and cut your nails, visit baths and saunas so as not to deprive yourself of happy minutes and wealth.
  • Do not sit down to play any gambling.
  • Do not eat a doseranka, wait for a later time. It is possible otherwise that you will pay everything that is dear to you, therefore this is not possible do on Sunday.
  • Do not beat the feather beds and generally bed.
  • You can not take or give money.

What should be done on Sunday?

  • To make the lives of her relatives sweet, the hostess must pour several grains of sugar outside the window.
  • In order not to be vulnerable to a bad eye, let each member of the family drink milk with honey.
  • To visit the forest, park, on the lake or on the river - so the sun will charge you as much as possible with its life -giving energy - therefore it is desirable do on Sunday.
Energy charge
Energy charge
  • To spend the whole little thing that you have - so you will open the road to large bills.
  • If there are debts, you need to carefully wash all the pairs of shoes that you have, and thereby you will help your debts leave your home.
  • The hostess needs to go around the house barefoot, then wealth will come to the house.

What can and cannot be done on Sunday: signs

  • A bird tasted in a girlish window portends a quick marriage proposal
  • The right ear is hot - to profit, the left - to luck in business, and if the cheeks are burning - to separation from a good friend.
  • The button came off - to acquaintance.
  • Broken dishes promises unexpected income.
To income
To income
  • On Sunday, jewelry of gold and yellow topazes, diamond, ruby \u200b\u200band amber products are good and appropriate.
  • Pay tribute to the sun, under the sign of which this day passes, choosing the clothes of yellow, white, raspberry or orange with bright red shades. But refuse green tones.

What to do on Palm Sunday?

The last Sunday in front of Easter we habitually call the Verbal, and it also has its own signs for the long time.

  • Everyone knows that on this day it is customary to whip relatives, and especially children, branches of willow. It brings strength, health and wealth. All because the verba is a very persistent and tenacious tree that is easily accepted and grows rapidly.
  • Rain on Palm Sunday - to a rich harvest. And, accordingly, the shining sun portends crop failure. Just a cloudy day talks about the middle crop.
  • In order to predict a successful outcome of an important business for you, you need to eat three redtime buds. The main thing is that the branch before this is a consecrated church.
  • Previously, the girls noticed that if on this day to think about who is dear to your heart, then even if he was indifferent to you all the time, he will definitely come in the evening of Palm Sunday - this is necessary do on Sunday.
  • In order to find out if you can get rich, a new flower on the windowsill is planted on this day. And then the further financial viability of the plant behavior is determined. The worshiper in the first month of the flower portends the failure of your attempt. It is best to plant succulent, which we are used to calling the “money tree” - its fleshy leaves very accurately predict the prospects or futility of plans for wealth. It will also be correct to land the Escape of the Verba into the ground.
  • Another old one sunday sign: If you release poultry on Palm Sunday for the yard, it will destroy Witches witchcraft. All because people used to believe that the witches are especially active before Easter, because after the holiday they are weakening. Therefore, they tried to "recoup" on chickens and ducks.
  • An infusion of vertebrae of the vertebra, consecrated in the church, helps to recover, cure rheumatism and soothes headaches (for this you just need to press the branch to the temples or hide under a headdress.
  • Vodka will be treated with gastric ailments.
  • Rerbinal shoots attached to the sore joint help relieve pain in them.
  • For healing wounds and getting rid of skin diseases, special powder was added to any homemade pastries. It was received from the dried and crushed reeds of the vertebral consecrated in the church.
  • From infertility, a woman should eat several earrings of Verba, which is consecrated in the church.

What should be done on forgiven Sunday?

  • We are talking about the last Sunday of Shrovetide. This is the time of preparation for the post, which primarily refers to our business, and not just abstinence from one or another food.
  • Be sure to choose the time and calmly think and remember who and what we offended or could offend.
  • Be sure to ask you all, even your enemies, and before those who are no longer, apologize mentally.

So, Sunday gives us peace and purification. All that is needed do on Sunday, In order for it to be the most successful, to go with the whole family to nature. You will not only relax, but also get a charge of vigor, positive, improve your health and enjoy the society of people close to you.

Video: What to do on Sunday?

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