What to do with a sanctified verba, where to put a retob since last year? When is it necessary to tear the Verba for Palm Sunday and consecrate the Verob in the church?

What to do with a sanctified verba, where to put a retob since last year? When is it necessary to tear the Verba for Palm Sunday and consecrate the Verob in the church?

Find out when the verba blooms, when to collect and sanctify it, what to do with the verba of the house after consecration.

A week earlier, Easter Orthodox Christians celebrate the entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem. On this day, the twigs are consecrated in churches. Not only church, but also near -church traditions that you can’t read about in the Bible are connected with the holiday. It should be known how to properly collect and hierce the Verob, as well as after keeping it at home.

When does the verb bloom, when does it bloom?

Important: Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem on a donkey, knowing that his fate was destined. The city, voting about the deeds of the Lord, met him joyfully, forgiving on the road in front of his feet the leaves of the palm tree. Therefore, if something was supposed to become a symbol of the holiday of the Lord’s entrance to Jerusalem, a symbol of readiness to meet Christ at any moment of his life, is this plant.

Most Orthodox Christians are Slavs living in a temperate climate where palm trees do not grow. This holiday falls at the beginning - mid -spring, when the snow only shook, most plants have not yet moved away from winter. But not the verba, it begins to bloom one of the first.

Verba begins to bloom in March.
Verba begins to bloom back in March.

Verba, or willow, is an acute, are shrubs and trees that are included in a large family of willow. These plants are pollinated by the wind, which should be strong enough to spread pollen.

Important: Verba blooms at the beginning or in the middle of spring, from March to April. On shoots with a characteristic red color (red -tanks), flower buds appear, which are very soon blooming.

Verb flowers are different in male and female trees.

  1. Male call “cats” - they are collected in round “lumps”, painted in grayishly - white color, soft to the touch.
  2. Women's-grayish-green, oblong, not so fluffy.
Verba: flowering of male and female trees.
Verba: flowering of male and female trees.

It was the Verobo of the Orthodox Christians who chose the symbol of the holiday of the entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem. Moreover, he received another name - Palm Sunday. In the church for consecration, people carry the color of the vertebral from both male and female trees.

When is it necessary to tear the recoil for Palm Sunday? How to save the Verob before the Palm Sunday holiday?

By tradition, the twigs of willow are tearing on the eve of the holiday, in Lazarev Saturday, or a couple of days before it.

Important: you need to remember that Verba is not just a talisman, a decoration of a dwelling, but a plant, a living creature. On the eve of the Palm Sunday, the twin bush growing in cities and villages are subjected to real raid - they are broken down almost to the last twig. It is unlikely that such harm to nature is a thorough deed. No need to carry a whole broom to church! A small unpaired number of twigs is enough.

It is customary to tear the Veroba on the eve of the holiday, to Lazorev Saturday.
It is customary to tear the Veroba on the eve of the holiday, to Lazorev Saturday.

It is necessary to store the Verob before the Palm Sunday holiday in a vase of water, then the branches are preserved freshness.

When is the Verba in the Church: on Saturday or Sunday?

Correctly consecrate the Verob on Saturday in the service.
Correctly consecrate the Verob on Saturday in the service.
A prayer preceding the consecration of willow.
A prayer preceding the consecration of willow.

Correctly illuminate the Verob on Saturday.

  1. On the eve of Palm Sunday, Saturday evening, a festive worship is held in the temples - the all -night.
  2. Parishioners are present on it with candles and twigs of willow.
  3. After reading the gospel, the priest pronounces a special prayer, bypasses the people holding the willow, with the censer and sprinkles them with holy water. The church focuses precisely on the fact that they are sanctified, the parishioners themselves and the parishioners, and not the branches of the plant, receive grace.
  4. Verba is consecrated with the words:
The prayer of the consecration of the vertebral.

Reprinting occurs again in the morning on Sunday, after the liturgy. Usually, it was in the morning that the largest stream of those who want to get grace is observed. They not only fill the temple, but also build around it. But prayer no longer precedes this sprinkle.

Important: priests complain that Palm Sunday today has turned from a holiday dedicated to the Lord, on the day of the consecration of the willow. People flock to the church not in order to praise Christ, to remember his wonderful deeds, but simply sprinkle reconciliation twigs in their hands with holy water. Will this bring any benefit to the soul and body? The ministers of the church doubt. For true grace, they advise to come to the all -night service.

VIDEO: Palm Sunday

How to decorate the Verba with your own hands to the church?

Verba for consecration in the church does not require special decoration. Usually, several twigs are simply collected in a bouquet, bandaged it with a thread or a colored ribbon.

For consecration in the Church, Verobu is collected in bouquets.
For consecration in the Church, Verobu is collected in bouquets.

You can also assemble a beautiful bouquet of verbal twigs with male and female flowers, add branches of plants similar to the isolation of plants, for example, willow to them.

It is worth repeating that the ministers of the Church give Verb not so great importance. Therefore, they have no requirements for its appearance during consecration.

What to do with a sanctified verba after the holiday? How many twigs should you put at home? How much should the verba be after the Palm Sunday?

After consecration of the twigs of the vertebral, you need to bring home and stored in the red corner:

  • decomposing behind the icons, then the verba will dry out
  • putting in a vase of water, then the plant will remain fresh for a long time and, perhaps, will start the roots
The place of the consecrated willow is in the red corner, near the icons.
The place of the consecrated willow is in the red corner, near the icons.

Everything else that is connected with the verba after its consecration in the church is already near -church traditions born to our ancestors. Here is some of them:

  1. At home, you need to put the number of vertebrae branches equal to the number of family members, or any odd.
  2. It is impossible to distribute its recruitment to anyone in the church or after it. If someone who, for good reason, could not come to the temple, asks for a service, it is necessary to make a separate bouquet for him.
  3. Upon coming from the church home, it is customary to symbolically flash all households, especially children. It is believed that then the plant transfers strength and health to them, while they say: “I do not beat, the verba beats” or
Health conspiracy for health.
Health conspiracy for health.

A person who has any ailment can be cured by a verba of the part of the body that hurts and worries, and saying:

Verba conspiracy from diseases.
Verba conspiracy from diseases.

It is believed that the kidneys of the vertebral after consecration can be eaten so that:

  • protect yourself from diseases and troubles
  • get pregnant
  • finish some important matter successfully

Verboy also stuffs the pillow of the deceased, put it in a coffin so that his soul gets into heaven.

Important: many of these folk traditions consider priests absurd. They categorically do not recommend eating a isolation, put it in a coffin, and also think that she is the only one to protect the house from fires, robberies and various natural disasters.

The consecrated branches of the tops are in the house until the next Palm Sunday, that is, for a whole year.
If desired, you can make interesting interior jewelry, such as bouquets and wreaths from it.

Interior jewelry made of willow.
Interior jewelry made of willow.

Is it possible to throw a isolation after a recalrmal Sunday? Where to put the old consecrated recruitment from last year? Is it possible to plant a consecrated top on the site?

The twigs consecrated in the church acquire the character of the shrine. Therefore, after they become unusable (for example, they successfully or dry), or next year, it is simply impossible to throw them into a garbage bucket.
According to the church, Verba should not be in a dirty, trampled place, mix with garbage and waste.
Priests advise to do with last year's consecrated twigs in this way:

  1. To bury them where people do not go, animals do not celebrate the need. For example, under a tree in a garden or in a summer cottage.
  2. Put the eyelids along the river.
  3. Support the Verob to the fire - burn in the stove or on the stake.
  4. Safe animals.
  5. Take to the church, where the burning ritual will pass.
Last year’s recruitment simply cannot be thrown into garbage.
Last year’s recruitment simply cannot be thrown into garbage.

If the recruitment twigs have roots, they can be planted in a warm place and provided with plentiful watering. They plant a tree on the site near the reservoir - river or pond.

How to consecrate a isolation at home?

Having consecrated water to baptism, many people think that now with its help they themselves will be able to consecrate anything, up to Easter cakes, dye and willow. The description of the rites is known to “knowledgeable” women, they are also on the Internet.

  1. In theory, the person who, for good reason is not present in the temple, can consecrate the isolation of the house.
  2. A woman cannot conduct a woman during menstruation.
  3. To carry out consecration, in addition to the willow itself, holy water will be needed. She is sprinkled with a vertebral, pronouncing the same words as the priest in the church.
It is believed that the Verob can be consecrated at home yourself. The clergymen do not agree with him.
It is believed that the Verob can be consecrated at home yourself. The clergymen do not agree with him.

Priests believe that there is nothing wrong with the sprinkling of the vertebra of the house with holy water. But this rite has nothing to do with real consecration.

VIDEO: Verba. Light or not illuminate. Where to put the old recruitment. Sunday

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