Is it possible to overpower the lard with salting? How to fix an overlapped fat with a meat layer?

Is it possible to overpower the lard with salting? How to fix an overlapped fat with a meat layer?

Salo is an inexpensive (compared to meat) product that is available to many. It is useful, does not have cholesterol, but it has a kind of taste, like many varieties: fresh, salty, bacon, smoked ...

You can buy salty lard, or you can pick it up yourself. To do this, you should know some secrets.

Is it possible to overpower the lard with salting, how to fix the overlapped lard with a meat layer?

  • It is generally accepted that fat can be salted as much as you like, since it needs more than it, it will not absorb into itself. Fat, which we call fat, has the property in principle not to absorb salt.
  • But thin taps-sections that are inside the fat, on the contrary, absorb salt, and it is they that give a salty taste. If there is a lot on the fat meat strata, then they are also sucked, like a skin.
  • Therefore, if the fat seems to you too over -over, start by the fact that clean that layer of salt, with which it is covered, and then rinse it in turn with cold and warm water. If the fat has a wet ambassador (it is also called brine), it should be rinsed.
  • To understand the degree of salinity, do not try the lard from the edge, but, having cut off the edge, try after it. You can also cut the edges somewhere by half a centimeter. They should not be thrown away, since they can be lubricated with a frying pan for baking pancakes or, having been tapped a niche, fry potatoes on it, in which there will also be a sniff.
  • In addition, you can disassemble lard on thin slices And apply them in the form of layers when preparing baked boles.
  • The thicker the lard is, the less salty it will taste, since salted meat layers compared to directly the fat will be quite insignificant and in general the product will be normal for salt. If the slices are thin, and there are a lot of meat bowls, then the lard is boiled without salt or soaked for several hours (sometimes days).
  • Water for this is taken at the rate of one liter per kilogram of fat. The fat itself is better to turn over periodically, while stirring water, which should be close to room temperature. Instead of water, you can also use decoctions of roots or spices or a cooled tea leaves.
Salt fat
Salt fat

In a word, as we see, it is quite possible to get rid of a pepper in the fat by soaking or boiling. In an extreme case, an overlapped lard can always be used as a smulz, not a salt cooked.

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