Is it possible to take a phone with you in the cemetery, call on the phone? If the phone rang at the cemetery: what to do?

Is it possible to take a phone with you in the cemetery, call on the phone? If the phone rang at the cemetery: what to do?

Leave the phone at home, do not take it to the cemetery. This place is not for conversation.

Visiting a cemetery is not only a manifestation of respect for the dead, but also an opportunity to think about the meaninglessness of life and what is happening after death. However, in our time, mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives and often accompany us everywhere, including in the cemetery.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Signs of cemetery, who need to be afraid".

Is it possible to take a phone with you in the cemetery, use the phone - call, talk? Let's figure it out. Read further.

What to say at the entrance to the cemetery?

Before entering the cemetery, it is necessary to show respect for the deceased and their relatives. At the entrance to the cemetery, say a prayer for protection and blessing. Contact the spiritual forces that control this place, and ask for their help and protection. You can also utter mantras or chants that will help you find the desired contact.

Entering the territory, shut your eyes and take a few deep breaths and exhalations to calm down, concentrate and pronounce the words of respect and sorrows, such as "Rest in peace" or "Bright memory". These words help to establish the right mood and show that you respect the memory of the dead. Think about what you are going to do here. If you came to pray for deceased relatives or friends, then say their names in the mind. This will help you establish a connection with them.

Passing by the burials, do not forget to show respect for those who are in the other world. Stop before the monuments and say a few words in the mind in honor of the dead. It is important to understand that the cemetery is a place of memory where the energy of those who are no longer there is concentrated, and it is important to show respect and gratitude.

Is it possible to take a phone with you in the cemetery, use the phone - call, talk?

It is better not to take a phone with you in the cemetery
It is better not to take a phone with you in the cemetery

The use of a mobile phone in the cemetery is the issue of ethics and respect for the deceased. From the point of view of religion and esotericism, respect for the deceased should be shown in the cemetery and not be distracted by external worldly affairs. Therefore, it is best to leave a mobile phone at home and not take it with you, or turn it off during a visit. If the situation requires the use of a gadget, then do it minimal, speak quietly and do not be distracted by conversation.

Thin energies live on the churchyard, which manifest in the form of cold wind, strange sounds, sensations of presence, etc. If you are busy with a conversation by phone, you will miss these signals that are important for you. Nevertheless, if you came to the cemetery and think that you really need to call or answer a call, then you can use the phone - call, talk. However, before that it is better to make sure that there are no other people near you so as not to interfere with them.

Is it possible to make photo and video on the phone in the cemetery?

Photo and video shooting on the phone in the cemetery can cause grief and violation of the energy balance of the place. A cemetery is not just a territory where the burials of the dead are located, this is a place where various energy flows are intertwined and affect a person’s consciousness.

  • According to esoteric beliefs, the burial places are places of power where various levels of being are connected.
  • There is a subtle world in which interactions between the world of the living and the world of the dead occur.
  • Photo and video shooting in the cemetery can disrupt this balance, and cause a negative impact on sensitive people.

In addition, this can attract negative energy associated with the dead. Photos or videos shot in the cemetery can carry an energy trace that is transmitted to other people. Such materials can become a source of negative events in the life of a person who viewed a photo or video.

If the phone rang at the cemetery: what to do?

According to esoteric beliefs, a phone call to the cemetery can attract negative energy associated with the dead. The energy trace left by the sound of a call can lead to negative events in the life of a person who was present at the place of the call. What to do?

If the phone rang, it is better to quickly and silently answer the call and leave the burial place so as not to violate the energy balance of the place and not attract negative energy to yourself.

What to do if you drop the phone in the cemetery?

According to esoteric teachings, all objects and things have their own strength. If the phone was lost in the cemetery, it can carry an energy trace that attracts the negative with the dead. In addition, the gadget contains personal information that should not be disclosed to anyone, including the dead. Therefore, if you dropped the phone in the cemetery, you should take certain measures so as not to violate the energy balance of the place. What to do?

  • First of all, keep calm and do not panic.
  • Remember that the violations of the energy balance occur not only when the phone loss, but also with any other actions in the cemetery that do not respect the place.
  • Show reverence for others and deceased and observe the rules of behavior in the cemetery.

Many people advise raising the phone, but you need to give the dead in the form of coins, putting them on the grave. Then come home, read prayer "Our Father" and others important Orthodox prayers. This will help to calm down. You can also go to church and order a panachid for the dead.

We hope that this article helped you prepare for a visit to the cemetery and establish a connection with spiritual forces. Remember that the energy of the cemetery can affect your condition, so it is important to treat this place with respect and reverence.

Video: What is dangerous to do in the cemetery

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