Why can't you often go to the cemetery?

Why can't you often go to the cemetery?

Each family has a dead loved one. It is important to visit the cemetery in order to honor his memory.

However, many priests and esoterics say that this cannot be done too often. More information about the main reasons will be described in this article.

Why can't you often go to the cemetery?

  • Visiting a graveyard is a tradition that is transmitted from generation to generation. With such actions you express love and respect for the dead. Our ancestors believed that a living person should not often go to a cemetery, where an accumulation of necrotic energy occurs. Otherwise, there is a risk that the dead will take him with them to the other world.
  • You can not come to the cemetery to boast of life successes. You risk causing envy from the spirits. They can ruin your plans or take it completely with them.
  • It should also be noted that the churchyard prevails atmosphere of sorrow. When you visit such places, you absorb negative energy, and bring it home. This can cause great problems not only with health, but also in personal life or in a career. Family conflicts may begin.

The opinion of the clergymen

  • Priests believe that there is no soul of a deceased person on the churchyard. It ascends to heaven, and only a bodily shell, a coffin and a cross remains on Earth. To support the soul in the other world, it is recommended to regularly read prayers, give alms and remember pleasant moments. Priests say that it is more important to concentrate on the living. You must focus on loved ones, and not disturb the peace of the dead.
  • According to religious beliefs, the churchyard can only be visited on the established days. They are called parent or memorial. These days you can read prayers, order a liturgy and put candles for the rest.
  • It should also be noted that the churchyard is a place of accumulation of negative energy. Here may not be restless souls that are able to show anger and hatred. The more often you visit the cemetery, the more you will damage your energy protection. This can cause vulnerability and suppleness in relation to evil spirits that will only bring evil to your house.
Frequent visit to the cemetery is dangerous for your energy health
Frequent visit to the cemetery is dangerous for your energy health

The opinions of psychologists

  • Specialists in the field of psychology are convinced that visiting a graveyard is stress. Especially if adults take small children with them. It is important to understand that such trips will cause sadness in the child.
  • This may cause a child whose psyche has not yet been formed will not be able to cope with anxiety on his soul on his own. He will increasingly visit the cemeteries to express his thoughts to the dead. Constant contact with the dead will negatively affect the psyche of the child, which can cause suicides. Even an adult who often comes to the cemetery may face a depressive state.
  • Psychologists recommend that you adhere to a clear schedule of visiting a graveyard. It is better to spend your free time in a circle of close living friends or family. Try to spend as little time as much as possible if you have recently lost a loved one. If it is difficult for you to cope with the loss, seek help from a specialist.

Recommended days to visit the cemetery

  • It is recommended to go to the cemetery not often - no more than 5 times a year. These days you can plant flowers on the grave, or bring treats.
  • Try to do this on specially designated days called parent or memorial.
  • You can visit a deceased person on his birthday, on the anniversary of death, etc. Be sure to visit the cemetery on the 9th and 40th day after death.

In addition, other days are also distinguished:

  1. Radonitsa after Easter.
  2. Trinity Saturday.
  3. The second and third Saturdays of Great Lent.
  4. Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

Some people prefer to visit the deceased on the day of the Great Easter. However, priests against such actions, because the great Sunday is a day that needs to be rejoiced. You can’t grieve on this day.

  • A few days before the memorial day, you should visit the churchyard to bring cleanliness on the grave. On a memorial day, take a bright wreath or bouquet of fresh flowers with you to leave a person in the place of burial. You can also grave flowersSo that everything looks natural and aesthetically pleasing.
  • According to Christian beliefs, you can not arrange feasts on a graveyard. If you want to remember the deceased person, it is better to do this in a home environment, in the circle of the closest people. You can bring sweets to the grave. Leave part of them in the place of burial, and distribute the part alive.
Visiting a cemetery is preferably no more than 5 times a year
Visiting a cemetery is preferably no more than 5 times a year

If there is no way to go to the cemetery: what to do?

Quite often, situations arise when a person does not have the opportunity to visit a deceased person. This can be due to employment or move. There is nothing wrong with that. It is much more important that you remember the deceased.

That is why adhere to such rules if there is no way to often go to the cemetery:

  • keep at home in the album a photo of a deceased loved one;
  • read the psalter with thoughts about the deceased;
  • talk about the deceased for children and friends only good;
  • order a memorial service from priests;
  • on the anniversary of death, put candles for the rest of the soul.

If you do not have the opportunity to get out on the grave, you can ask one of your friends to do this. In city cemeteries there is a special person who is engaged in the refinement of the site. You can pay him a small amount of money so that he removes on the grave and supports aesthetic type of fence and monument.

Now you know why you should not often go to the cemetery. However, each person has the right to decide for himself what to do. If you are sure of your emotional stability, visit the burial places when you wish it necessary. As soon as you understand what you constantly think about a deceased person, stop hiking. Otherwise, you run the risk of facing depression.

Can I often go to the cemetery: reviews

  • Pavel, 49 years old: After the death of my mother, with whom we were very close, I often visited the cemetery. Almost every day I came to her grave to talk about my life. Just a few weeks later, I began to feel that I could not cope with the loss, and thought about suicide. After communicating with the priest, I decided that I would visit the churchyard only on the allocated days.
  • Zinaida, 43 years: I can’t be in the cemetery for a long time to be purely emotionally. The atmosphere of sorrow depresses me. Therefore, I try to visit dead relatives no more than 2-3 times a year. I come, leave flowers and treats, and after 5-10 minutes I leave. Father is buried in another city, and there is no opportunity to go there. Fortunately, it was possible to agree with friends that they would take care of the grave, and leave treats on memorial days.
  • Leonid, 60 years: I never understood people who almost daily visit the graves of the dead. Yes, it’s hard to cope with the loss. However, I prefer to enjoy life with family and friends. I visit the graveyard only on parental days, on the anniversary of the birth and death of a loved one. I think that frequent campaigns only disturb the peace of the deceased.

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