Can I go to the cemetery during menstruation?

Can I go to the cemetery during menstruation?

Menstruation in women is a natural process that occurs regularly. If you are interested in why it is not recommended to visit graveyards during menstruation, you should study the opinions of priests, esoterics and other specialists.

More details, whether it is possible in a cemetery with menstruation, will be told in this article.

Why during menstruation is impossible in the cemetery: signs

  • In Kievan Rus, it was believed that menstruation was the manifestation of woman's impurity. During this period, it was cleansed of negative energy. She was forbidden to visit Church, cemetery And a place where many people gather. The ban on visiting the graveyard was explained by the fact that the woman throws “sewage” to a deceased person. This will not allow him to go to the Kingdom of Heaven, and he will for months wandering around the world of the living.
  • There is another explanation why it is impossible with menstruation in the cemetery. Esotericists believed that the girl could penetrate inside the girl Evil essenceliving on a graveyard. The peculiarity of menstruation is that during this period the uterus is more revealed. Therefore, the probability of bacteria penetrates increases. In addition, during menstruation, the girl’s body is weakened. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the disease that appeared during menstruation was a connection with evil spirits.
During menstruation, a visit to the cemetery is not desirable
During menstruation, a visit to the cemetery is not desirable

In total, several evil spirits are distinguished, which can settle in a cemetery into a woman’s body with menstruation:

  1. Ordinary "leech". This spirit does not penetrate too deep into the biological field, and is delayed in the orange zone. Can provoke gynecological diseases, including thrush, and even uterine cancer.
  2. Energetically weakened essence. It can penetrate the blood flow of a person, and provoke oncological diseases.
  3. The essence with great energy. She has consciousness. It can control the behavior of a woman, penetrating into the body through menstrual blood. After such girls, they called "obsessed."

The priests believed that a woman must go through a rite of purification if she went to the cemetery during menstruation. Without this, she will not be able to get into the kingdom of heaven after her death.

Is it possible in a cemetery with menstruation: the opinion of Orthodox priests

  • Orthodox priests are convinced that women may well visit cemeteries during menstruation, without harm to themselves and dead. Therefore, the woman has every right to visit the churchyard in order to visit her loved ones.
  • Some priests do not forbid girls to even visit the church during the period of menstruation. The only nuance, they can not touch the icons, go through the ceremony of communion or put candles. The ban on the use of holy water and the purchase of goods in a church shop. If the girl puts a candle, then she will burn in the name of Satan. Brought holy water will lose its strength. However, the girl may be present at the funeral service.
  • If during menstruation a woman will die, she will be given the same honors as other dead. The priest will dive her, and a cross will be installed on the grave.

Is it possible to visit the cemetery during menstruation: the opinion of esoterics

  • Esotericists are convinced that during menstruation the line between the worlds is erased. According to shamans, in such periods, the girl passes the process of change of consciousness. If a woman is weakened and feels bad during menstruation, she is better off staying at home and not going to the cemetery. After all, a graveyard is a border between the world of living and the dead. His visit can provoke health problems, because there are entities with negative energy that can sit down to a girl.
  • It is also not recommended to come to the cemetery during menstruation at night. Shamans are convinced that this can cause a collision with otherworldly entities. However, there is a more reasonable explanation. Anyone will be afraid to stay on the churchyard in the dark. With menstruation, the emotional background is not stable, and the girl can be afraid of even her own shadow. It is possible that various entities will seem to her.
The opinion of experts in this matter varies
The opinion of experts in this matter varies

Is it possible to go to the cemetery with menstruation: the opinion of psychologists

  • Specialists in the field of psychology also spoke about why you should not go to the cemetery during menstruation. In this period the human psyche is unstable. Women can cry a lot, nervous or too emotionally relate to everything that is present in the cemetery. Psychologists advise not to visit grades on the memorial days, and wait for the ends of menstruation. If you want to go to the funeral, you can do this during menstruation. In order not to provoke psyche problems, first accept soothing drugs.
  • There are frequent cases when menstruation appears after a loved one (menstrual cycle failure) died. There is nothing magical in this. This is just a sign of what you experienced stress Because of the loss of a loved one. You can go to the funeral and leave the memorial service.

Monthly go, you can go to the cemetery: the opinions of doctors

  • During menstruation, each girl should carefully monitor the hygiene when traveling to the cemetery.
  • Try to minimize contact with the soil, which is saturated with cadaveric poisons. To do this, wear closed clothes and shoes.
  • Do not forget to take a bottle of water with you.

Also observe such rules:

  1. Do not touch the deceased person (if you visited the funeral).
  2. Do not kiss the deceased or cross on the grave when parting.
  3. Do not look at how they lower the coffin in the ground. Step a little to the side, so as not to provoke emotional instability.
  4. Read in advance a prayer that will protect you from misfortunes.

Is it possible to plant flowers in the cemetery during menstruation?

  • Quite often, women visit the cemetery to plant flowers on the grave of a loved one. In the period when menstruation began, it is better to abandon this venture. It is likely that the planted flowers will not begin, or will be sick.
  • Try to postpone the landing of flowers at the period when the menstruation passes. Otherwise, you will have to transplant them several times.

Is it possible to visit the cemetery during menstruation in hot weather?

  • As you know, during menstruation, girls experience severe discomfort associated with pain. In hot weather, all negative consequences can intensify. There were times when women fainted in the cemetery.
  • If you urgently need to visit a cemetery with menstruation, try to prepare in advance for this. Drink medicines that block the pain and dress reliable hygiene products. Go to the Pogost by personal transport, or contact the taxi service. It will be too hot on the bus, which can negatively affect your well -being.

As you can see, during the period of menstruation, a girl can visit the cemetery if this does not cause any discomfort in them. If you prefer to believe in signs and opinions of esoterics, it is better to stay at home. Remember, what you believe in. That is why try to think only about the good, and start from your well -being.

Whether they go with menstruation in the cemetery: reviews

  • Natalia, 31 years old: As far as I remember, I was forbidden to visit the church during menstruation. As stated, this I express my disrespect to God. However, no one forbade me to walk in the cemetery. The only thing - I always looked at my well -being. If there was any discomfort, I just left the graveyard.
  • Lika, 42 years: I always believed in various signs. When they told me that I should not visit the cemetery during menstruation, I believed. After the death of a loved one, I ignored this recommendation, because I could not help but say goodbye to him. What was my surprise when nothing wrong happened to me. Therefore, if you want to go to the cemetery, go.
  • Zhanna, 29 years old: I am skeptical of various opinions of sorcerers and esotericists. Even during menstruation, I allow myself to visit a church or a cemetery if there is an urgent need for this. I believe that each person has the right to decide for himself what to do. No one has the right to impose his personal opinion.

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