“Plato is a friend, but truth is more expensive”: author, meaning, examples from literature

“Plato is a friend, but truth is more expensive”: author, meaning, examples from literature

In this topic, we will consider the authorship and meaning of the expression "Plato to me a friend, but truth is more expensive."

The legendary ancient Greek philosophers gave the world many amazing ideas, works, thoughts and winged expressions that have not lost their freshness and relevance until today. One of these statements "Plato is a friend to me, but truth is more expensive." But sometimes the story distorts or confuses the original words of the author. Yes, and we ourselves can incorrectly interpret the authoritative phrase. Therefore, we propose to analyze this expression in more detail.

Who said the phrase “Plato is my friend, but the truth is more expensive”?

An expression with a deep meaning has an exciting history of its development. But this is precisely what created a certain confusion in the authorship of the phrase "Plato to me a friend, but the truth is more expensive." Therefore, let's talk about everything in order. And in order to figure it out, you need to plunge into the history of the development of a standard dictum.

  • The leading role in philosophy belongs to Socrates, which is now considered the greatest sage in the history of mankind. Before him, philosophy was considered a science engaged in the study of nature and the surrounding world. And Socrates was the first to pay attention to the study of the human personality, soul, moral and moral issues, as well as social issues.
    • His works laid the foundation of modern philosophy. Although after himself he did not leave a single work, believing that any notes weaken the memory. And the word transmitted orally is living and laid in the subconscious. Therefore, more importantly what can be written on paper. His ideas reached us thanks to the work of his students Plato and Xenophon, although they do not differ in the same interpretation and perception.
  • It was Socrates that belonged to the legendary phrase - "Plato to me a friend, but the truth is more expensive." True, in a slightly modified format. And this phrase is more than just aphorism. She raises a very important and deep topic to the court of mankind - what should be chosen from two things. And most often, faith in the authority of a friend, teacher and faith in truth becomes on the scales.
    • With his whole life and death, Socrates answered this question. Speaking to his students and voluntary listeners, he urged them not to look back at the authorities, including himself. And go to the end in defending your opinion, if the issue concerns the truth and truth. "Truth is more expensive than any authority!" - Socrates said.
    • The great Socrates was condemned and sentenced to death for corrupting the youth. And this was expressed by the fact that he did not believe in the existence of the gods, preached the devil, calling him his inner voice, prompting him thoughts and actions, which Socrates considered divine messages.
    • In court, Socrates said that he did not recognize the justice of the sentence. After all, he is worthy of all sorts of honors for his teacher and educational activity. Being already sentenced to death, he did not want to escape from prison. And he refused to bring the death sentence with the help of the executioner, preferring to drink the poison on his own, leaving us not a single winged expression on us.
  • The ancient Greek philosopher Plato, He was a student of Socrates, in his composition "Fedon" spoke about the last hours of Socrates and about his conversation with friends before the execution. From there we learned that before taking the poison, Socrates repeated his ingenious phrase in a slightly different version: “Following me, think less about Socrates, and more about the truth.”
Plato recorded the words-navigation of his teacher
A student who recorded the instructions
  • Already a student of Plato - Aristotle, continued the thought of his teacher. He also wrote, no matter how much friends were dear to us, but the truth is primary. And it is precisely it that needs to be chosen, even when the choice seems impossible. After all, this is our duty!
  • Specifying friends, continued aphorism Medieval theologian Martin Luther.He used the names of Plato and Socrates, "but the truth should be preferred."
  • There is such an expression in the famous M. Cervantes,what was said by his lips Don Quixotein the second part of the novel. And some mistakenly believe that it was from there that it came to our lives. But Cervantes simply repeated in Spanish the wisdom of the ancient philosopher - "Amicus Plato, Sed Magis Arnica Veritas."
Poprazing from Aristotle
Poprazing from Aristotle

The meaning of the statement “Plato is a friend, but truth is more expensive”: examples from literature

  • But, be that as it may, the use of this winged expression in our time does not have a double meaning - You always need to choose the truth!This applies to any life circumstances or human relationships.
  • Only truth and objectivity is the basis of the right choice and pure conscience.An attempt to maintain friendly relations, sacrificing the truth, will never bring happiness and peace of mind. It is such a subtext that lies in this expression, and it is appropriate to use it for any reasoning and disputes on this topic.
  • Here is a very vivid example. In Dudidsev’s wonderful novel “White Clothes”, based on real events among the scientists-geneticists of the post-war years, this topic is very clearly disclosed.
    • According to the plot of the novel, some scientists are trying to use the absurd requirements of the new government, repressions, denunciations of colleagues in personal interests, promoting pseudo -scientific theories and assigning other people's discoveries.
    • Someone is afraid to resist this and defend the truth, adapting to the situation. But there is such a hero that he is trying to fight with adaptants and tries to convey the truth to colleagues. And he is not afraid of even a danger overhanging over him.
    • The hero of Roman Dezhkin cannot put up with the arbitrariness that has been happening in science. Therefore, he leaves the institute, transmitting the most valuable information to his Western colleagues. And then for many years before Stalin’s death he lives underground, without all life privileges. Such is sometimes the price of truth!
Truth is originally in the first place!
Truth is originally in the first place!
  • A similar plot is repeated in many works and films. For example, Honore de Balzacin the creation of the "Country Ball", a slightly paraphrase the phrase under the nation. Use a winged saying A. Hertsin, V. Belinsky, O. Aphetmanand other authors.
  • Sometimes it happens when someone's close friend commits a serious crime, and a person, becoming this witness, is faced with a choice. That is, to close your eyes or to prefer the truth - this phrase is also often remembered. It passed through the centuries and for many of us became decisive with a difficult life choice. If she could still become a slogan for all of mankind, we could live in a beautiful and happy world where good would defeat evil.

As you can see, the words of the oral author of Socrates quickly “picked up” and transferred to the wide masses. Plato recorded the statement of his teacher, thereby knocking down a little. After all, for the first time such an expression was used in his creations. But subsequent philosophers made their contribution, creating such a centuries -old and universal aphorism, which gives us a true instruction!

Video: Winged and wise phrases Socrates

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Comments K. article

  1. There is a similar statement in Arabic literature. Perhaps his author of AZ-Zahabi was familiar with the statements of Socrates, or Aristotle and in the work of Bayan Zagal al-Ilm V-Talab ”(An-Nasikha-Az-Zahabiya) said that I love my teacher Ibn Timiy, but the truth I love even more. True, some researchers doubt that this book belongs to the pen AZ-Zahabi.

  2. despite the fact that Socrates was a great philosopher, he was an atheist, but preached the devil. It is, according to his interpretations, that there is no God, but there is a devil. Where is logic, it is like yin and yan, black and white. God and the devil ,Heaven and Hell. So for Socrates there was only hell, where did he send himself? What is greatness? What is this Eidelman sing about?

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