Why can't you go to the cemetery at night and evening after sunset? What will happen if you go to the cemetery at night?

Why can't you go to the cemetery at night and evening after sunset? What will happen if you go to the cemetery at night?

Everyone knows that after sunset it is better not to go to the cemetery. But no one gives an exact explanation for this.

We will figure out why this should not be done and when it is better to visit the graveyard.

Why can't you go to the cemetery at night and evening after sunset?

  • Almost all priests say that graveyards can only be visited before dinner.
  • As soon as the sun comes in, it is better not to disturb the peace of the dead. Otherwise, they can be angry and send various diseases to you.
  • Not only Orthodox, but also representatives of other religions are of such an opinion.
Visiting the cemetery after sunset is not desirable
Visiting the cemetery after sunset is not desirable

The opinions of esoterics

  • Despite the fact that esotericists are similar to the opinions of priests, they explain the ban on visiting the cemetery after sunset is somewhat different. They are convinced that a lot of negative energy accumulates in the cemetery. In the morning, the energy exchange of a person is slow, so you will absorb the minimum amount of negativity.
  • If you come to the cemetery after sunset, you will attract more negativity, because during this period of the day the energy exchange is very fast. After a late visit to the cemetery, you can experience a small weakness, sharp changes in mood etc. In particular, if you are too sensitive or have a weak energy. This can cause great health problems. If you visit the churchyard after sunset, you can feel not only severe headache, but also heaviness on your soul.

Folk signs

  • There is a sign about the cemetery, according to which after lunch the souls of the dead get up, and begin to communicate with each other. This can provoke strong fright. There is also a sign according to which, a person who has worried the dead after lunch will be taken to a different world by them.
  • The most common sign - it is in the morning that the Almighty releases the souls of the dead so that they can see their relatives. After lunch, they have a vacation, so even if you come, the soul of a loved one will not see you.

When is it better to go to the cemetery?

  • We figured out why in the evening or after sunset you can’t go to the cemetery. But when can you visit the burial place? As you know, it is not recommended to visit graveyards often. For these purposes, there are specially designated memorial days. At this time, you can put things in order on graves, read prayers or communicate with the souls of loved ones.
  • You can’t completely forget about the dead. If you do not have the opportunity to visit them in Parents, you can do this on any other day. The main thing is to do it before lunch. Priests also believe that 4-5 visits to the churchyard per year are enough.
By evening and in certain days, a person is more susceptible to the energy of the dead
By evening and in certain days, a person is more susceptible to the energy of the dead

Every day of the week has its own meaning, and visiting the graveyard was no exception:

  1. Monday. This is the best day to visit the grave of a loved one.
  2. Tuesday. On this day you can bury the deceased. You can also go to the churchyard in Radonitsa - the first Tuesday after the Great Easter. This is the best time to remember relatives.
  3. Wednesday. As for this day, there are many disagreements. Esotericists believe that   you can not go to the cemetery on Wednesday. The dead can regard this as a sign of disrespect, and try to take you into another world. Priests are convinced that on Wednesday it is possible to carry out a funeral, and remember the deceased. If nine or magpies fall on Wednesday, you can safely go to the churchyard.
  4. Thursday. A suitable day to bury a loved one, or clean the grave.
  5. Friday. On this day, it is better to completely refuse to visit the graveyard.
  6. Saturday. On this day, worships are often held in churches. When the priest considers the prayer, he mentions the deceased. Therefore, it is not forbidden to come to the churchyard. In addition, in the church calendar there are dedicated Saturdays in which the souls of the deceased must be visited. it Troitskaya, meat -peson and Dmitrovskaya.
  7. Sunday. On this day, it is better to refrain from visiting the cemetery. Why can't you go to the cemetery on Sunday? Priests explain this by the fact that worship is held on this day. In addition, Sunday is a small Easter. And on such great holidays, it is forbidden to visit the deceased.

Now you know why you can’t go to the cemetery after sunset. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, you will not cause anger of spirits. Secondly, protect your energy from negativity. However, you have the right to independently decide when to visit the cemetery. It all depends on the amount of your free time.

When you can’t go to the cemetery: reviews

  • Ariana, 30 years: She was always afraid to go to the cemetery after dinner. Probably this fear since childhood, when my grandmother forbade to do this. However, now, in connection with the busy schedule, after lunch it is not possible to visit the churchyard. To do this, there are only memorial days on which I go to the cemetery in the morning.
  • Nadezhda, 68 years old: As far as I remember, I always went to the cemetery before dinner. The ancestors said that so the souls of our loved ones could see us. After all, it is in the morning that they are waiting for the living.
  • Inna, 50 years: The priest once said if I want the soul of a loved one to see me, it is better to walk to the graveyard until dinner. This has been postponed in my memory, and for almost 30 years I have not violated this tradition.

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Video: What time is it better to go to the cemetery?

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