Prayers to the Guardian to the Guardian, the Blessed Virgin, the Lord, the Matron of the Moscow, Kazan Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, Ksenia Blessed, Theodorovsky Mother of God: how to read?

Prayers to the Guardian to the Guardian, the Blessed Virgin, the Lord, the Matron of the Moscow, Kazan Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, Ksenia Blessed, Theodorovsky Mother of God: how to read?

How to pray properly to the Angel Guardian, Virgin Mary, Matronushka and God's Mother?

It so happened, but a person’s life consists not only of joyful moments. And it is in such difficult moments that we most often turn to God. The most interesting thing is that sometimes a prayer spoken from a pure heart can do what other people can do.

  • Therefore, if you have problems at home or at work, you feel bad or simply cannot find a common language with others, then try to get rid of these problems with the help of Orthodox prayer. If you sincerely pray to the holy martyrs, God and the guardian angel for help, you will definitely receive it. Just do not wait for the appeal that will bring instant result
  • In order for your prayers to take the right action, you need to read them regularly. Therefore, if possible, pronounce them at least two times. And if you believe in, then the words addressed to God or Angel Keeper will help you get rid of problems, then sooner or later troubles will retreat and happiness and peace will return to your life again

Prayer to the Angel Guardian for help in health, healing, love

Turning to the Angel Guardian

Each person, regardless of age, skin color and religion, have a guardian angel. These pure heavenly creatures protect us from birth until the very last minute of our lives. It is they who warn us from troubles, try to direct our thoughts and actions in the right direction, and also fill our soul with love for God.

Therefore, pray to your angel the Guardian as often as possible, because it depends on your faith in him, whether he can protect you from all filth. If you do not know any special prayers, then just sincerely tell him what worries you and ask for help. Your Angel Keeper does not matter at all in what words the prayer was uttered, the most important thing for him is your faith and the desire will come closer to God.

Prayer to the Angel Guardian for health:

  • The angel of God, the keeper and my intercessor
  • Hear my prayers (the name of reading the prayer) and bring them to the Almighty
  • I ask you to cleanse my body and soul from bad thoughts
  • Deliver me from diseases of bodily and sincere
  • I pray you the guardian angel, let the ailments retreat and will never again find the way to my soul or my body
  • Amen. Amen. Amen

Prayer to the Angel Guardian for love:

  • In front of you, the guardian angel, I stand
  • I open my soul and heart in front of you
  • I pray you about the love of earthly, pure, strong and eternal
  • I pray you to the angel of God to indicate to me the ambulance to the only one who is able to illuminate my life with light
  • Open our hearts to meet each other
  • Movy, let a wonderful merger of our fate will occur and the acquisition of a common soul. Amen

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God for help in health, family, love with husband

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
  • It is probably difficult to find a person who would not hear about the miracles that the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is capable of. For a rather long time, the face of this saint has helped people return their health and establish relationships in the family. People, especially diligently praying to this miraculous icon, got rid of ailments that modern doctors could not cure
  • There are already several cases when vision was returning to completely blind people, and completely paralyzed people began to feel their arms and legs, and even a little move. And although it is impossible to find the icon of the Kazan Mother of God in every temple, it can be prayed exactly all. If you wish, you can even do it at home
  • All you need to do is to throw bad thoughts out of your head, read our prayer several times and after that with a positive attitude you can begin to pray to the Virgin for protection and help. During the prayer, imagine a holy face all the time and pronounce the words of your conversion as clearly as possible

Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God:

  • Our intercessor, the mother of the Lord of the Almighty,
  • For all of us, we pray to the Son of Your Christ God
  • Still us all, oh mistress and lord of heaven
  • Forgive us our sins and indicate the path of the righteous
  • Take all the misfortunes of sorrow, illness from your slaves (names)
  • Give us sinful love earthly and strong alliance
  • You with an open soul and a crushed heart pray for patronage
  • In front of your holy face with tears and great hope we are waiting for your blessing
  • Useful grant us your mercy, the Virgin Mary. Amen

Prayer to Matronushka for help in health, love, to get pregnant, in the family

Prayer to Matronushka for his own health
  • Even during his life, Matronushka helped women find the happiness of motherhood, get rid of ailments and ailments, and return mutual understanding to the family. She did these miracles exclusively with Orthodox prayer. When Matrona died, her face was drawn on the church icon, dedicated her and placed her in the convent
  • To this day, women who want to pray a baby or get rid of a serious illness come here. If you do not have the opportunity to go to Matronushka, but I still want to get her grace, then go to the nearest temple and pray there. Buy candles and put them in three icons: the Orthodox icon of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Blessed Old Man of the Matrona of Moscow
  • When you put the candles to the last icon for several minutes look at their flame, calm down internally and start telling the saint about your problems. After you read the prayer several times, dodge the icons low and slowly leave the temple. To enhance the effect, you can buy candles in the church and prays with them in front of home icons

Prayer to Matrona:

  • Oh, blessed old woman Holy Matronushka
  • I turn to you with a plea and with the hope of the great for well -being, love and health of my whole family
  • I pray you were prayed from the Lord our God Jesus Christ from heavenly grace for me and my households
  • Do not be angry with me for all my sins, evil words and bad thoughts
  • I ask you the holy Matronushka do not refuse me righteous help
  • Clean our souls from filth, and the body is from ailment
  • Put my relatives with strong health and drive away from them demon
  • Once again I pray to you the old man of the Holy Matronushka, forgive me all my sinful actions, an attempt for me before the Lord God
  • May it be so. Amen (3 times)

Prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary for help in love, family, health

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Another intercessor of people in front of God is considered the Blessed Virgin Mary. She, just like Matron, is able to heal the soul and body. In general, it is believed that the icon with the face of this saint should be in every house. In this case, you will not have to go to the temple with your problems, and you can turn to the Virgin at any time convenient for you
  • The only condition for successful prayer will be peace and sincerity. It is very important that during prayer you are as sincere as possible and really repent of your sins. Only in this case, the Holy Virgin will be able to beg for you from the Lord health and family well -being
  • The most popular prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary is considered the appeal "Unfinished Cup." This icon depicts a symbolic bowl that cannot be drunk to the bottom. Believers claim that she can get rid of any dependencies and ailments that they provoke

Prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

  • Lady of Heavenly Holy Theotokos
  • I pray you humbly and with a huge hope
  • Give me your grace and save me from all the gloomy, all bad all evil
  • Hear me your slave (name), suck me on me and give me a helping hand
  • I pray you help me get out of darkness and start rejoice at the light again
  • Your great mercy came down to me and give me faith in the future
  • I pray do not forget about me and pray and my well -being of our Lord. Amen.

Prayer to the Lord for help in health, love

Appeal to the Lord
  • Each person is familiar with a feeling of despondency from the fact that everything will stick in life and some problems constantly appear. Usually such people constantly feel the severity, on the heart that does not allow to live and work normally. The only way out for such people is an appeal to God
  • But if you want the Lord to help you, be prepared for what you will have to radically change your life. You will have to start thinking less about material and gets sick more about spirituality. But this does not mean that you should spend days and nights in temples
  • Just teach yourself at least twice to read our Father, stop fading and envy others and, most importantly, learn to help someone who needs your help. If you lead a righteous lifestyle, then your prayers will be heard much faster the Lord and the snow -wrapped you have your grace

Prayer to the Lord for help:

  • The merciful great Lord
  • Help me, your sinful servant (given by baptism)
  • I appeal to you, pray to me patience, mercy and compassion
  • Lord, give strength, faith, hope for your blessed and help in all my worldly affairs
  • I know for sure that you can do everything
  • There is no grief, nor troubles, nor ailments on our sinful earth, from which you could not save your slaves
  • There is no such blackness from which you could not save our souls
  • I pray you Lord, teach you your sinful slave to dutifully endure all the trials and disasters
  • I appeal to you, protect my soul from despair and despondency
  • Give me Lord forces and patience to always remember and not forget about your kindness and grace
  • God save my soul and give me earthly peace. Amen

Gratitude prayer to the Lord God for help

Gratitude prayer
  • Probably for many it will be the discovery that there are grateful prayers to God and the Holy Virgin. With their help, people thank heavenly forces for a calm life, health, good emotional state and, of course, for the fact that the Lord helps choose the right path in life
  • Such appeals to the Lord are usually in a half-whisper, the words of gratitude are pronounced in such a way that they somewhat resembled church chant. It is also very important to observe the sacrament of this process. You should not see your gratitude to the Higher Forces. Therefore, it will be better if you carry out the procedure at home in front of the icons
  • And so that you don’t have nothing to distract from communication with the Lord in the apartment, ask your household not to bother you for some time and be sure to turn off your phone. And only left alone with yourself, you can begin to thank God for a happy and cloudless life

Gratitude appeal to the Lord:

  • Lord, Christ of God
  • I thank you for everything that I have
  • Lord thank you for my children, for my husband and for the health of my whole family
  • I thank God for the spiritual food and ours
  • I pray you, Christ, do not leave God without your custody, not my relatives
  • Give us your pure grace until our very last breath
  • I pray you to God, do not leave us unattended of your own wherever we are
  • I am sending my praise with my father and holy spirit
  • Let it always be so and forever and ever. Amen

Prayer for help in a difficult life situation

Appeal to God for help

Not a single person thinks about life difficulties until he clashes with them. Therefore, most often, unpleasant situations for a long time knock a person out of the rut and violate his spiritual calm. And the longer the unresolved problems affect the life of a man or woman, the hard it is to subsequently get rid of them.

Sometimes it comes to the point that people stop resisting and simply floating with the flow, trying not to notice troubles. But if the mind and body can still somehow is out of such a situation, then the soul will constantly feel the negativity that is present in a person’s life. Only a sincere appeal to the Almighty can bring relief of this case.


  • Lord God the Great and the Blessed Virgin, I pray you for help and protection
  • Remember the earthly sinner about me and sleep me the forgiveness of my sins
  • Sitting me from the thoughts of bad and actions are not correct
  • I pray for you to share happy and calm life
  • Hear my words and speech and give a sign that you forgive your servant (name)
  • I pray the Lord, deliver from temptations, diseases and sorrows of earthly
  • Give me the love of my relatives, teach wisdom and humility
  • God forbid to survive all troubles and bad weather and adequately go through your earthly path
  • In the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Prayer to the Virgin Mary for help in love, family, well -being

Prayer to the Virgin Mary

It just so happened, but even the most unbelieving men and women after marriage begin to go to church. Most often, they are produced by the desire for their child to be healthy and happy.

Typically, such married couples offer their pleas to the immaculate Virgin Mary. It is she who is considered the strongest intercessor of people who first seek to get God's grace.

Appeal to the Virgin Mary:

  • Lady of our Virgin Mary
  • Great Virgin Mary, ascended above the blessed heaven
  • I pray you, begging God's grace and mutual understanding for our family
  • Give us the strength and wisdom for meetings with the hardships of worldly
  • Support us in difficult times your intercession
  • We pray you the holy maiden Maria, let the troubles and bad weather bypass us
  • Let our children grow up healthy and with faith in God in the soul
  • Do not forget about us in the prayers of the Holy Virgin. Amen

Prayer for Ksenia Blessed for help in the family, love

Appeal to Ksenia Blessed

Ksenia was blessed in the same way as Matrona gained fame during his lifetime. After the early death of her beloved husband, she distributed all her wealth to those in need and went to spread the good news of God around the world. And although she did not heal with prayers, people were still drawn to her. Her internal power helped her solve human problems and show them the right path.

After the death of Ksenia, the blessed was ranked to the rank of saints and people began to go with requests to her icon. But since she was a very humble and God -fearing woman, you can only ask for spiritual benefits and health. It is desirable to contact it after a three -day post and washing the body in the holy source.

Appeal to Ksenia Blessed:

  • Oh, holy all -willed Ksenia
  • Help me the servant of God (name) to find family happiness and live a long worldly life
  • I pray you love, consent and good health
  • Protect my body and soul from a bad look, from an evil word and from black thoughts
  • Let in my family well -being will appear and all the bad weather will retreat
  • I appeal to you, St. Ksenia help me as well as helped others. Amen

Prayer for the Feodorovsky Mother of God for help in the childbirth

Prayer for prosperous births and the birth of a healthy child
  • The process of the birth of a new person takes a lot of vitality from a woman, not only physical, but also mental. Therefore, for childbirth, you need to prepare both the body and the soul. Correctly do this to you, of course, will help the sparking of an appeal to the Lord and Theodor Mother of God
  • But in order for your ardent speeches to be heard, everything must be done correctly. If you really strive to get God's blessing before childbirth, then get ready for this process as well as our great -grandmothers. Be sure to go to church, repent in your sins and take communion
  • After that, select a prayer that you most like and be sure to learn it by heart. While the forces will read it yourself, and when the most crucial moment comes to ask God about the imminent family, your mother will have to

O fraternity to the Theodor Mother of God:

  • I pray you the Mother of God, save and save the slave (the name given at baptism)
  • Let me easily resolve a burden
  • I appeal to you, save me under your grain and a new life that beats under my heart
  • Hide us from the pain of your motherhood
  • Arah from the Lord Almighty Hello for me and my child
  • Give us salvation and a long calm life
  • I give them to your maternal viewing
  • Mother of God, the spiritual and bodily wounds of my and my baby healed
  • We went our blessing and the light of God
  • I hand myself and the child to you the Mother of God and the Lord Jesus Christ
  • Amen. Amen. Amen

Video: Our Father. The power of prayer. How to pray correctly?

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