Is it possible and worth it to wash, swim, when you go a cold, influenza, acute respiratory viral infusion, sore throat, with sore throat, ear, cough and runny nose in the bathroom, in the shower? Is it possible to take a hot bath, a hot shower with influenza, cough and runny nose, if there is no temperature?

Is it possible and worth it to wash, swim, when you go a cold, influenza, acute respiratory viral infusion, sore throat, with sore throat, ear, cough and runny nose in the bathroom, in the shower? Is it possible to take a hot bath, a hot shower with influenza, cough and runny nose, if there is no temperature?

In the article you will find recommendations for taking a bath during a cold.

Why can’t you wash, swim, during an illness, when are you?

The adoption of a bath is a procedure that is useful for the body, which warms up and relaxes the body. However, when a person gets sick, for example, colds, the question of bathing becomes incomprehensible. On the one hand, it is necessary to cleanse the body, even if a person has a temperature, because the skin is also an organ and toxins that can absorb and harm a person accumulate on it.

On the other hand, heated the body and it is harmful to escalating the temperature during a cold. Therefore, it is important to remember that with a cold you can and even need to swim, but water should be adjusted correctly. In no case do not allow hot baths. They are relevant in hypothermia, but if you have even a small temperature of 37 degrees, it can instantly jump.

Important: in addition to the fact that with a cold, baths should not be hot, it is also necessary to reduce bathing time.

Does a cold for bathing become a contraindication?
Does a cold for bathing become a contraindication?

Is it possible and worth it to wash, swim, when you go a cold, influenza, acute respiratory viral infusion, sore throat, with sore throat, ear, cough and runny nose without temperature in the bathroom, under the shower?

As already mentioned, swimming with colds is not prohibited, but this should be done carefully and correctly. You need to adhere to all important conditions that will not allow you to get complications and unpleasant consequences. First of all, remember that the bathtub does not combine with alcohol (for example, if you treat colds with mulled wine or pepper).

What can not be done:

  • Do not make too hot a bath, especially if you do not want to “raise” the temperature.
  • The water temperature should be in the range of 34-37 degrees
  • No need to swim for too long, just wash and get out right away.
  • The bath is best for yourself by the night, in the evening before going to bed.
  • They will affect you well, strengthen health and help improve well -being herbal baths.
  • You can add decoctions of chamomile or a series, linden or sage, mint and a variety of fees as medical herbs to the bath.
  • Herbal baths are useful not only in that the skin absorbs special therapeutic substances, but also that a person breathes in pairs that facilitate the flow of colds and you recover faster.
  • Herbal baths should also not be hot
  • Be careful if you suffer from high pressure, you categorically cannot take baths, both with a cold and without it.

Important: if you feel bad and you have a temperature, then it is best to take a shower or wash with wiping or washing.

Herbal bath
Herbal bath

Is it possible to take a hot bath, a hot shower, go to the bathhouse with influenza, cough and runny nose, if there is no temperature?

If you do not have a temperature with severe or ordinary colds, you can and even must carry out hygiene procedures.


  • With influenza, try not to swim and not steam, but take a shower once a day or a herbal bath once for 1-3 days for 5-7 minutes.
  • If you have a runny nose or cough, it is very useful to take baths.
  • The bathroom during bathing has high humidity, which helps to expect sputum and mucus (this is useful for quick recovery)

How to properly observe hygiene with a cold, influenza, acute respiratory viral infusion, tonsillitis without temperature and alleviate the patient's condition: tips

A warm bath (a degree of water should be the same as the degree of the body) will help return the tone to the body and turn bathing into a real therapeutic procedure. She will eliminate back pain, relax, calm down, but most importantly, she will wash the sweat from her skin, allowing her to “breathe”.

Important: there is such a practice that involves taking cool bathtubs if the human body temperature is too high and it is not lost with the help of medical remedies. However, you should not appoint this procedure yourself!

Is it possible to wash your hair when you are no longer without temperature?

Washing your hair in any state is not contraindicated. With a cold or during other diseases, a person sweats at this time in the glands, and toxins also perform along with then. Which must be washed off from the body and head. If you have a temperature, just avoid drying with a hot hairdryer.

Video: "Hot bath with flu can lead to terrible consequences"

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Comments K. article

  1. I do not swim only at elevated temperatures, especially when chills, I don’t want anything. But just with a cold you can and under a warm shower. Drink hot tea, I brew Savis Flu, relieves pain and the general condition improves. And under the blanket, in the morning like a cucumber.

  2. Interesting

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