Is it possible to plant a Christmas tree after the New Year: what is needed, where and how to do it correctly?

Is it possible to plant a Christmas tree after the New Year: what is needed, where and how to do it correctly?

Want to plant a Christmas tree after the New Year to grow? Read the article, it has instructions and tips.

People who bring Christmas trees home do not think that they can be taken back dry and spoiled, or healthy. And even return the tree to the forest. Let's find out how to do it.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Crafts on the street Christmas tree". You will learn how to make large Christmas toys, simple, voluminous, garlands, clocks, sweets, bells, snowflakes, balls from CDs, plastic bottles, glasses, foam, foam, paper, cardboard, pasta, ice, hook with your own hands with your own hands schemes and photos.

This article describes how you can plant a Christmas tree after the New Year. What to do for this? But all in order - first let's figure out whether it is possible to plant a spruce at home. Read further.

Is it possible to plant a Christmas tree, seedlings at home, on the site, in the yard after the New Year - where and how to do it correctly?

Christmas tree near the house
Christmas tree near the house

Yes, plant a Christmas tree, seedlings at home, on the site, in the yard after New Year You can, but for this you need to purchase a Christmas tree in the tub. Such a tree is easy to find in many stores on the eve of the holiday. However, such trees cannot be called Christmas trees. It is rather a fir or an Omorik. The problem is that both types of trees do not tolerate frosts. Therefore, if you transfer them to the forest, they will not stretch one winter. Where to plant spruce and how to do it correctly?

  • If you manage to find ordinary spruce, first check if it will fall out of the tub.
  • If it falls out, the roots were chopped off and simply stuck it into the ground.
  • If the Christmas tree is too thick, it is also bad - it is overfeed by stimulants and all nutrients have gone to its appearance.

Where to store the Christmas tree?

  • It is best to put a tub on the balcony. And in the New Year, bring it home and decorate it right before the event.
  • If the kidneys begin to swell in the warmth, take the Christmas tree to the street, for example, to the balcony. The tree begins to release shoots in the spring and in a warm room. In the cold, the growth of the kidneys will stop.
  • You can keep the Christmas tree in the house no more than 7 daysAnd then take it to the balcony. Otherwise, she will begin to release shoots and then the tree does not survive in the cold.

Where and how to plant a spruce correctly?

  • When you bring the tree to nature, put on the bottom of the hole 10 cm Expanded clay gravel to create a drainage layer.
  • Do not forget to water the tree well.
  • It is important that the orientation does not change - if the Christmas tree stands on the balcony from the south side, it must be put again south to the south.

And do not leave it in the tub for the next year, the tree will not transfer the second visit to the house.

The most interesting thing is that you can plant the tree that was cut down before the holiday and you bought it at the Christmas Fair. How to do this, read on.

Is it possible to grow a Christmas tree from a cone at home?

Bump from which you can grow a Christmas tree
Bump from which you can grow a Christmas tree

Most species of conifers can be grown by their cones (this does not apply to hybrids). However, such a landing option is not for the lazy, to collect seeds and their preparation for landing will take a lot of time. It is worth noting that the efforts will still pay off. The prepared material is always fresh and rises well. So, how to grow a Christmas tree from a cone at home?

  • You need to prepare the bump for seedlings as well as ordinary seeds.
  • First, soak it in water with potassium permanganate (light solution), then wrap it in wet gauze and leave it for several days.
  • Literally in 7 days Discharges will begin to appear. Do not forget to water the bump every day.
  • Now you can plant a bump in the ground. If you are engaged in the cultivation of spruce in the winter, then plant the bump in the tub, if in the spring, then you can do this on the site or in the forest.

But most often the spruce is propagated by cuttings. When buying, do not choose a plant that is higher than one and a half meters or with a thick barrel.

What needs to be done to plant a Christmas tree, pine tree after the New Year in the forest, on the site?

Planted Christmas trees after the New Year in the forest
Planted Christmas trees after the New Year in the forest

It was said above that the Christmas tree after the holiday can not be thrown away, but planted on a site or in the forest. Performing it is simple. What needs to be done to plant a Christmas tree, pine after New Year?

  • As soon as you bring the plant home, drink the barrel approximately 2 centimeters.
  • After wet the fresh saw and process it in powder "Cornevin." This tool stimulates the growth of roots.
  • Tie a damaged place with a damp cloth.
  • Take the tree to the balcony and keep there until the New Year or until the time when it will be necessary to dress it.

Then do the following:

  • Before installing in the room, wet the Christmas tree in the cold shower.
  • Do not put it in the water, try to install in a container with sand. But it is important that the cut does not reach the bottom at a distance of the width of the palm.
  • You do not need to cut the crown.
  • Spray the spruce "Zircon".
  • Keep the New Year's beauty as far as possible from the battery, but as close to the air humidifier as possible.

Important: Be careful with garlands on a wet tree so that there is no closure.

If everything is done correctly, after a couple of weeks, after New Year, the Christmas tree will germinate. But it’s too early to rejoice, this is only thanks to growth simulators. Water fertilizers and spray the zircon. By March, the tree should already take roots. However, you cannot immediately check them, wait until the end of spring.

What can be planted near the Christmas tree so that it grew well?

If the Christmas tree in the tub has lived until May, then there are definitely roots. It can be taken to the forest for landing. What can be planted near the Christmas tree, under it so that it grew well?

  • Do not forget to plant mushroom mycelium next to the tree.
  • The coniferous simply will not survive without it, because their roots are intertwined with the mushroom mushroom and, thanks to this, eat and live.

In general, the chance that the Christmas tree will take root very low. But if the New Year's miracle happens, the tree will be able to save and you will grow a beautiful tree from the New Year spruce. Good luck!

Video: Will the Christmas tree be the roots?

Video: How to choose a live Christmas tree and save it after the New Year?

Video: Do \u200b\u200bnot throw away the Christmas tree after the New Year!

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