How to grow a Christmas tree at home: when and how to plant a seedling of spruce?

How to grow a Christmas tree at home: when and how to plant a seedling of spruce?

We offer to study the question of how to properly grow a Christmas tree in your site.

Coniferous trees are very useful for humans, it is not only aesthetic beauty, but also clean air around. Many people plant Christmas trees in the private sector, in the dachas. But they often face the fact that the seedlings dry and disappear. Growing a Christmas tree in your site is relatively easy if you adhere to some recommendations when planting in open ground. We will talk about this and the nuances of germination of the seedling at home in detail in this article.

Does the landing time play a role or when to transplant a seedling to grow a Christmas tree in his site?

The Christmas tree is not very whimsical for temporary seasons for landing, if it is good to take care of it. Each period has its own pros, cons and risks. But still there are the most favorable ranges to grow a Christmas tree at home, this is:

  • from the end of March to the beginning of May (before the beginning of the growing season);
  • from mid -September to the onset of cold weather.

An important point: We need to focus on weather conditions in your region. The Earth should already be thawed from frosts, but still be enough nourished moisture. Ideally, the landing coincides with the rain season.

For young plants, the most favorable period is spring
For young plants, the most favorable period is spring

Planting in the spring:

  • There is enough heat and time for the root system to grown well in the landing pit;
  • The seedling will “tell you” if he lacks something;
  • Young twigs manage to appear;
  • But early heat can dry the plant in the spring.

Landing in the fall:

  • A sufficient amount of moisture and the not so scorching sun favorably affect the development of the seedling;
  • The soil manages to completely settled;
  • But the early rain season (especially in abundance), without heat can lead to the fact that the roots of the young plant will freeze;
  • And too small seedlings need winter insulation.

Planting in the summer:

  • There is enough time for the seedling to take root and let the increase;
  • But the lack of moisture and abundance of the scorching sun can destroy the plant. Therefore, in the summer, you need to monitor the regular watering of the soil as much as possible, and, if necessary, shade the site.

Planting in winter:

  • Suitable for stronger seedlings with a height of 1.5 m;
  • Snow holds heat in the ground and, when thawing, properly nourishes the soil (therefore, spring watering is no longer so important);
  • But a sharp and severe frost will destroy a young spruce.
Adult seedlings are better to plant in winter when there is no severe frost
Adult seedlings are better to plant in winter when there is no severe frost

Cooking the Earth to grow a Christmas tree at home

The spruce, like ordinary pine, is included in the list of exceptions - this is an eerritopic plant. Those. It takes root and survives on almost any soils. But for rapid and full growth, loose, slightly acidic soil (in the range of 5-6.5 pH) is needed. Suitable loam (a mixture of 70% clay and 30% sand) or sandy loam (90% sand and 10% clay).

The ideal version of the soil for planting spruce is 2 parts of the sod land, 2 parts of the forest Iglitsa (or leaf land), 1 part of peat and sand. A nutrient mixture will turn out, which passes air and moisture well.

Instead of spruce needles, you can use sawdust, chips or crushed bark. They will create soil loose and will additionally feed it. Or use nitroammofoska-complex mineral fertilizer, enough 100-150 g.

High peat is suitable for the Christmas tree
The lowland peat is suitable for the Christmas tree

Basic soil requirements to grow a Christmas tree at the home site:

  • The flowerbed should not be near places where water lies close to the surface or accumulate, exclude lowlands;
  • If you have a plot with closely located groundwater, then it is worth building an artificial hill;
  • To increase the acidity of the soil, peat or iron sulfate, leaf compost is used. In the future, the spruce itself oxidizes the soil, scattering needles;
  • For a young seedling, the lack of weeds is important.

Rules on how to grow a Christmas tree at home: an overview of errors that lead to the death of plants

  • The spruce must be transplanted with intact root lump. The rooting of the root from the ground is especially dangerous. You can soak the process for several hours in the water so that the earth itself leaves and free the roots. But the land brought from the forest or nursery helps the plant to take root faster.

Important: Do not touch a lump of seedlings in a container - when it is expanded, you can damage small roots, which will lead to the death of the plant. Also, do not remove the burlap if the plant was in it. Remove only wire, ropes or plastic.

Do not tear the lump!
Do not tear the lump!
  • Do not deepen the root neck to successfully grow spruce! This is a place of transition of a brown color to a greenish shade of the barrel, which should not be underground! When it is buried, the roots of the plants do not receive proper nutrition with oxygen, the seedling grows weakly and is very susceptible to diseases. In the future, he may completely die.
    • If you dug a process in the forest, remember the height of its location above the ground. We look at the photo below and plant it according to this scheme.
    • If you purchased a Christmas tree in a container, then the upper layer of earthen coma will tell you the level of landing. In this case, you can even plant a seedling 1-2 cm higher, in case of land shrinkage.

Important: If you still deepen the root neck, do not rush to pull out the plant, especially if it has taken root. It is enough to dig up the land around and free the plot.

Scheme of deepening the neck
Scheme of deepening the neck
  • The pit should be 1.5-2 times larger from the size of the root/coma. On average, a hole is needed up to 60-70 cm depth and width. A small landing hole is another mistake of inexperienced gardeners who want to grow a Christmas tree in their area. Because of this, the plant develops poorly.

General recommendations on how to grow a Christmas tree at home: choosing a place and stages of planting a seedling

The root system of spruce is located on the surface, so the place for landing should not be close to buildings-at least 1.5-2 m, tall spruce-from 5 m or outside the yard. There should also be a minimum of 2-2.5 m between the seedlings. The spruce is not afraid of shadows, but it will grow slowly in it. Therefore, to grow a Christmas tree at home, choose a place with good lighting. But the seedling should not be under the scorching rays constantly, especially at noon. Great fit is perfect.

Follow the distance between your neighbors!
Follow the distance between your neighbors!

Stages of landing or transplanting the seedling:

  • Pour 1-2 buckets of water into the pit to soften the earth.
  • Pour 15-20 cm from broken brick, crushed stone or gravel on the bottom. The heavier the soil, the higher the drainage layer. Pour a little substrate on top.
  • Place the root lump, fill in the earthen mixture. In order not to deepen the root neck, at the level of the pit, place the board for the guideline. If the seedling is located deeply, lift it a little, and pour more lands to the bottom. Do not compact the soil!
  • But be sure to pour a seedling of 10-20 liters of water, To eliminate voids in the ground. So that the water does not spread, make an earthen dump around the spruce or put the tire, slightly deepening it into the ground. Pour water gradually so that it manages to absorb.
  • After slightly compact the soil around the trunk and mulch 5 cm. It is advisable to use parts of coniferous trees - pieces of bark, branches, cones, needles. This will hold moisture and heat inside the landing pit. Mulch should not apply to the barrel! The next spring, mulch is loosened with earth to a depth of 5-6 cm.

Important: If the earth has settled, add another prepared land mixture and produce generous watering of the plant.

The level of the stick will help not to deepen the root neck
The level of the stick will help not to deepen the root neck

Advice: If you have heavy land and a complete replacement of the soil was made, in which case it is better to plant a Christmas tree in hard packaging. So that there is no contact with the main land. This will help to preserve the nutrients inside the planting pit.

Planting a Christmas tree in hard packaging
Planting a Christmas tree in hard packaging

Video: How to grow a Christmas tree at home: Rules for transplanting to open ground

How to grow a Christmas tree at home: care for a young tree

The Christmas tree is unpretentious in leaving. The only thing she does not love is drought and the scorching sun. Therefore, the first year, and and 2-3 years (depending on the age of the seedling and its condition), it is necessary to provide regular and generous watering.

  • Water spruce once a week 10-12 liters of water. Focus on weather and soil moisture. In the summer, make sure that the earth always remains moderately moist.

Check the condition of the soil: Clutch a handful of land from under the Christmas tree and lift your hand into a fist. If the soil is scattered, you need watering, if water oozes, overflowing. With sufficient moisture, the earthen lump should keep the shape.

  • For the first week, pull the plant from the sun with a homemade canopy, Especially if the site is sunny. It is advisable for the first year to avoid the bright and scorching sun.
  • In a hot period, water the sprinkling method.
  • Never lie down under the barrel! We evenly water in the area of \u200b\u200bthe earth dump at a distance of 20-30 cm from the tree.
  • Better use rain or defended water, at least the first time.
  • Remove weeds regularly and slightly loosen the ground by 5-6 cm.
  • Be sure to tie small seedlings to the support.
  • The Christmas tree does not need fertilizers and fertilizers, especially if they used nitroammophosa when landing. If desired, when young shoots will be formed, use fertilizers for conifers (follow the instructions).
  • If yellow needles appear or the seedling looks weak, It is worth spraying with epin (1 ampoule per 5 l of water) or zircon (1 ml per 10 l). Previously, be sure to pour the plant abundantly by sprinkling the barrel. Repeat the procedure every 10 days until the Christmas tree recovers.
  • It is not necessary to cut the spruce if you are not trying to make a hedge or get an unusual tree shape. But in order not to grow a Christmas tree with two peaks, form the crown correctly and, if necessary, remove the second upper process.

Important: The first year it is worth covering small seedlings with a spruce branch or non -woven material for protection from frost. But do not cover the spruce directly, but build a frame from the boards so as not to damage the branches. Often young seedlings burn out of the spring sun (in February-March), when the earth has not yet been completely thawed. In this case, shade the plant.

How to shade and cover
How to shade and cover

How to grow a Christmas tree from cones, seeds?

To grow a Christmas tree from seeds, you need to take cones from the forest or in the park in late November - early December, when the earth has frozen. They should not be open, it is better to collect under old 10-year-old plants.

  • To open cones and collect seeds, place the harvest on the battery in the container for several days. When the bump is opened, carefully rub the seeds.
  • Soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a day, after dry.
  • Further, the seeds need to arrange the effect of winter, this process is called stratification.There are several ways to do it.
    • The most popular method is Send seeds to the freezerfor several days or a month (depending on your patience), having previously placed them in a container with fresh snow.
    • Or plant the seeds in peat or sand and place them on the door of the refrigerator for 1 month, and preferably until spring.
  • Before planting in the soil, seeds should be pulled out of the refrigerator and soaked in warm water for several days.
  • It is better to plant seeds in forest soil where spruce grew, or use a mixture of peat, sand and garden soil. Only the soil must be poured with potassium permanganate for disinfection.
  • For planting, use not a very deep pot, at the bottom of which do drainage. Pour the soil on the drainage and sow the seeds. They must be deepened by no more than 0.5-1 cm.
  • Water should be watered from the sprayer so as not to provoke the decay and disease of the “black leg”. And do not get carried away with watering - the soil should be moderately wet, but not with excess of water.
  • Cover the pot with cling film and put on the sunny side, on the windowsill. Do not use artificial lighting.
  • The time for the passage of sprouts can take several months. As soon as the first sprouts appear, the pot should be removed from direct sunlight.
  • Adhere to the temperature regime up to 15 ° C. Therefore, send sprouts to a closed balcony or loggia.
  • You can transplant them into a separate pot when the sprout is 2 cm high. The next transplant into a spacious container is in a year, in winter.

In open ground, young seedlings can be planted only after 3 years, reaching 0.5 meters. But it should be borne in mind that from the seeds the Christmas tree grows slower. Also, before planting in open ground, you need hardening in a few months in the fresh air. Take the seedling out into the street, gradually increasing the time of stay.

Video: How to grow a Christmas tree from seeds?

How to grow a Christmas tree from a twig, cuttings?

To grow a Christmas tree from a twig, it is worth disrupting the planting material in April, August or February. Choose the upper part of the spruce that has not reached 10 years.

  • Cuttings should be at least 10 cm in length, and preferably 20-25 cm. They should be cut off by hand, So that the “five” forms at the end with the growth of last year. So the resin and nutrients in the twig itself will be better, and the sprout will not rot.
  • After that, the bottom of the branches should be cleaned 5-6 cm from the needles, cutting the side branches, and put in the water for a day.
It is important to save the heel on the branch
It is important to save the heel on the branch
  • Prepare a mini-tile from a 5-liter bottle, cut it in half. The upper part is later covered with planted cuttings. Drainage holes should also be drilled along the circumference of the bottom of the bottle.
  • For planting in the ground, take peat and coconut substrate in equal portions. Place the drainage layer of 3 cm from gravel or gravel. After pour about 10-15 cm of the soil on the drainage layer and compact it.
  • Before planting, the lower part of the cuttings should be well processed Kornevin.It is best to rub the stimulator into the twigs with your hands. To strengthen nutrition with nutrients, scratch the “bald” part of the cuttings a little.
  • Sitting the stalk should be at an angle of 30-45 °, 3-4 cm deep. We make a hole with a peg or pencil. Do not stick the stalk in the ground! After planting, seal the soil. It should be sprinkled with a layer of river sand about 1 cm on top so that the cuttings do not rot. Pour warm water, cover and put in a darkened place.

Important: So that inside the greenhouse it is not too wet climate, make holes in the lid or periodically open it for ventilation.

Scheme of germination of the cuttings
Scheme of germination of the cuttings

Winter or spring cuttings ate a good result, the summer grow slower. The process of root formation will take 65-80 days. After 90-150 days, the roots are reached about 20 cm long and will be ready for transplanting in open soil.

Video: How to grow a Christmas tree with cuttings at home?

How to grow a Christmas tree dug up in the forest: tips

  • You need to dig a young seedling in spring or autumn. Adult trees are better to transplant with an ice lump in the winter.
  • Choose cloudy and raw weather - It will be easier to dig. Young sprouts can be completely pulled out with the root.
  • You need to dig at a distance of 50-60 cm from the barrel, In order not to damage important roots.
  • Be sure to save the earthen lump.
  • And remember the location of the branches, which are from the side of the north and which from the south.
  • A lump with roots needs to be wrapped with a burlap or polyethylene, well -tied with a rope.
  • It does not hurt to take additional forest land for planting.
Transport spruce with maximum preservation of earthen coma from the forest
Transport spruce with maximum preservation of earthen coma from the forest

Growing a Christmas tree at home is actually not very difficult. In addition, this is a great pastime that you and your family can enjoy for many seasons. The required time and efforts will certainly be rewarded with the latest Christmas trees.

Video: How to grow a Christmas tree, dug it in the forest?

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