Prayers before the sacrament: canons, prayers of thanksgiving

Prayers before the sacrament: canons, prayers of thanksgiving

The communion is considered the process of connecting with the Lord. After all, it is through the sacrament that the divine grace is embodied in our body. When people are communed, not only the soul, but also the body, is filled. To conduct the participle, it is necessary to carry out a number of conventions, and the most important thing in preparation for the process is cleansed and read prayers before the sacrament.

Both confession and participle must be prepared. Prayers to the sacrament is a responsible event. Each word of the prayer book must be passed through their heart. You need to think about them. Cleaning the soul and body implies the forgiveness of absolutely all offenders, enemies. Most often, the sacrament of participles is accomplished in the morning from seven to ten hours in the morning.

Prayers before the sacrament - preparatory stage

Before conducting the rite, Christians follow the post for about three to four days. They exclude such food as fish, meat, abandon all kinds of entertainment, viewing entertainment programs on TV. You should also read prayers at home or in the church without fail.

Communion in the church
Communion in the church

Prayers before the sacrament are usually read to various patrons. Among them are such as a prayer book to the guardian angel, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the repentance of Jesus Christ. Canons are read regardless of the time of day, and prayers only in the morning. Confession is most often held in the evening or morning.

IMPORTANT: In preparation for the participle, prayers and canons, it is advisable to read at home completely. You can also visit church services. It is enough to read the canons, prayers once a day.

Basic rules for preparing for the sacrament:

  1. Spend a post (three or four days).
  2. Visit worship in the evening before the sacrament.
  3. Read the canons, and on the eve of communion from 24.00 do not drink, do not eat food.
  4. Confess with the priest and visit the liturgy.

IMPORTANT: Communion without confession is allowed only to babies and children up to seven years. Children can not follow a diet. You can’t be in the church during menstruation. And women in labor are communed only forty days after childbirth. And priests read a special prayer before the process.

Prayers read before the sacrament

Church ministers advise to conduct a ceremony of communion regularly. The frequency can be different, but once a year you should find time for this. Thus, you will spiritually feel the connection with the Lord. The sacrament is also considered repeated baptism, when the child is baptized for the first time, they are cleared of sin (original), which came from Adam and from Eve. And with participles, Christians are cleared of sins who have already deeds themselves during life.

Prayers before the sacrament that people always read, then to make a rite later:

  • Canon to the righteous Jesus (repentant)
  • Canon of the Holy Virgin, it is read before the sacrament itself
  • Canon to his guardian angel
  • Prayers before going to bed the future

In the morning you should read:

  • Morning prayers
  • Prayer Power - Following the Communion.

Below will be presented prayers that are pronounced for the sacrament. Prayers before the sacrament are read by the saints, their text carries a deep meaning, reading it, it is necessary to understand the words, pass through the heart. To make it easier, you can print them or write by hand if it is difficult for you to learn long texts.

The first prayer is a prayer-and-slander of the Almighty for not indifferent to all people, is ready to carry out help when a person repents of his mistakes.

Read more prayers before the sacrament in the images provided below:

Prayer Power
Prayer Power
Three canons
Three canons
  • For a person who takes communion importants to repent, read the prayers repented. And not just read, but also think about what you say. After all, in these words a deep meaning. The sincerity of the prayers will also find a response among the Higher Forces.
Three canons before the sacrament
Three canons before the sacrament
Prayer prayer before the sacrament
Prayer prayer before the sacrament
Prayer Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary and Guardian Angel
Prayer Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary and Guardian Angel
Prayers before the sacrament
Prayers before the sacrament
Prayers before the sacrament
Prayers before the sacrament
Prayers before the sacrament
Prayers before the sacrament

  • A prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary is pronounced sincerely in order to gain the eternal love of God.

  • A mandatory prayer to the sacrament is a prayer to the Guardian Angel, look further in the image:

IMPORTANT:It is important for believers to observe the right spiritual life. They need the soul to be in harmony with the body. Therefore, you need to know how to take communion, confess, what should be observed for this. And it’s also more important to set yourself up for true thoughts.  

Prayers before the sacrament - thanksgiving prayers

People before turning to the church to the smallest detail find out the details about how the process will occur, what prayers before the sacrament you need to read, what to do, how to prepare for this action. They are worried, because for the first time you do something, you always worry.

Communion occurs after the singing of the prayer book "Our Father." A live queue is built, children, parents with newborn are allowed in the forefront. In some churches, men are passed forward forward.

The clergymen stand the bowl, read prayers, you should cross and fold your hands cross, palms to your shoulders. It is in this form that you need to be located until you go through the ceremony of the sacrament.

You do not need to be baptized at the bowl, otherwise you can accidentally hurt it. The clergyman name your name and drink wine, and then eat a mallow. After kissing the bottom of the bowl, leave and cross yourself. In the temple remain until the very end of the service.

At the very end, the father will read the prayer of gratitude to the Lord, then you should read them at home in the evening. Try not to be angry on this day, not to think badly. Communicate with your family give them warmth. Below are presented prayers of thanksgiving:

Praying for thanksgiving
Praying for thanksgiving

Tips for Christians:

  • Communion is not just a necessary rite, but an important liturgy. Thanks to her, a Christian will taste the blood, the body of Christ, a combination with the Lord, the cleansing of the soul from sins.
  • Do not approach the bowl with bad thoughts, hostility, resentment, anger or hatred. Clean your heart from these feelings.
  • If you do not break the canons, then you will be the grace of God.
  • Before the liturgy, all your sins and repentance are necessary.
  • It is necessary to conduct participle on an empty stomach, you can not eat food from 12 a.m. on the eve of the liturgy. The retreat is given in this regard for children, adults with certain types of diseases. All incomprehensible issues will not hurt to discuss with the minister of the church.

All prayers before the sacrament have many interesting texts with appeals to the Almighty. They are composed of holy people, they were written in antiquity. Therefore, they are read in the ancient Slavic language. In the texts of prayers, there are words of thanksgiving, repentance.

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Video: Prayers before the sacrament

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