Prayers before confession, prayers repented: words

Prayers before confession, prayers repented: words

Each person sometimes feels heaviness in his soul. And when the severity becomes unbearable, it is time to alleviate the soul and confess. But before the confession, sins should be carefully prepared. You also need to know what prayers to pronounce before confession. Next, we dwell on this issue in more detail.

Confessive one should walk so as not to accumulate negative energy in yourself. Some believers do this about once a month. However, if a person goes to the temple for the first time, then he does not know how to confess correctly, what prayers to read before the confession. On this topic and we will dwell on. After all, there is a whole ritual before going to church.

Prayers before confession - how to read them: words

Perhaps confession is an important, exciting sacrament in the fate of any Christian. When a person recognizes his sinful mistakes, talks about them, then it becomes easier on the heart. The only thing that should be cleaned before in advance, and read prayers before confession.

What prayers to read before communion and confession | Prayers. Guru ...
Confession is a prayer

In the word - confession arises that this is communication with the clergyman, during which a person repents of the acquired sins. However, the action really takes place in this way, but the parishioner communicates through the priest with the Almighty. Thanks to which the soul is cleansed, there is a forgiveness of the repentant even for the most grave sins, if he recognized his mistakes, and sincerely wants to get rid of the hardships. After the deed, you can build a new fate.

It is a pity that many are mistaken and think that confession should be carried out according to the most stringent rules. And with all this they forget that it is committed to cleanse the hardships from the soul. Indeed, without repentance, one cannot heal the heart, and stop suffering from various negative facts that happen in life.

The repentant must turn to the Lord with prayer. As stated in the Bible, that without God in the heart there is no deep remorse. It is also important to do the following:

  1. The requester must admit that he was wrong, to regret what had happened sincerely. It is necessary to ask the Almighty to give his grace. It is she who will help to repent, and determination will help to cope in order to change fate.
  2. It doesn't matter how you read a prayer book. You can pronounce it in your own words. And you can read from the leaf.
  3. It is not necessary to read precisely the presented prayers below for confession, you can turn to the Almighty with other prayers, the main thing is that their words are reflected in your soul.

Not all baptized, even those who often go to the temple, have confessed at least once. This is due to ignorance, misunderstanding of the importance of repentance. And some simply do not understand the importance of this event, or they are afraid. We are not ready to talk about their sins with the clergyman.

IMPORTANT: Prayers before confession can be read by different saints. Words-figures sound beautiful to them, there is a certain meaning of being in them, it must be understood. If it is difficult to remember the prayer book, then the canons should be recorded in order to read before repentance.

Simeon's prayer of a new theologian before confession

From an early age, the Monk Simeon was provided, thanks to his parents. They had a high position, served the emperor at court. But after reaching the age of twenty -five, Simeon felt that he was prepared for another purpose. Therefore, he went to the monastery, and accepted obedience from the famous reverent Simeon.

In the church, the theologian read prayers, in a secluded place - the temple that was near the cemetery. Prayer - "Lord, have mercy!" He illuminated his path, he achieved spiritual enlightenment thanks to the Holy Spirit in the image of the cloud. After Simeon, he was appointed hegumen in the monastery, where he served for a quarter of a century.

The text of the prayer before the confession of Simeon of the new theologian

In the photo, the text of the prayer of Simeon is a new theologian before the sacrament and confession.
Simeon's prayer book of the new theologian before confession

Pimit prayers read before confession: words

Prayers before confession include the prayers of the repentant, it is they who are pronounced immediately before confession. It is necessary to think through every word when you read the text of the prayer book. Say words with sincerity, then all unpleasant doubts will really leave your soul, and you will be ready for confession.

You can understand what you are already ready for confession can only be by some signs. One of them that you recognized your sins. After repentance, the clergyman will give the repentant prosphora, it is a sign of the heavenly, earthly world. Take the prosphora in the palm of the right hand. In this case, the hands should be crossed, the left palm from below, the right from above. You can not immediately eat a prosphora, if you want to bring it home, then put it next to the icons, holy water.

Penituted prayers are presented below:

Prayer for repentance
Prayer for repentance
Prayer for repentance

After confession, as already mentioned, it follows a piece of paper so that not a single baby is lost, eat a prosphora. It is allowed to cut it with a knife or break it for convenience. It is better to drink sacred water. They eat prosphora on an empty stomach in the morning.

IMPORTANT: Do not give prosphora to people who were not baptized in the church.

Even before the participle, the prayer person should be read without fail Guardian angel, The text of which read below in the image:

Prayer to the angel
Prayer to the angel

Read also on our portal the following articles:

  1. Prayer to the guardian angel;
  2. Prayer for the preservation of pregnancy;
  3. Prayer for the health of a sick child and mother;
  4. Prayer for luck;
  5. Prayer to lose weight.

Video: Prayers before the confession of the Orthodox

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