Evening prayers for a dream coming in Russian: Text, read

Evening prayers for a dream coming in Russian: Text, read

Dream is an important part of any person, thanks to him all doubts disappear, a person is preparing for something new. After all, it is not just that many argue that “morning of the evening is wiser” - this means that a dream helps a person to fill with wisdom.

A dream is a passage leading from the world of dreams to the world of reality. And here a prayer before bedtime will always be a wonderful addition. With the help of prayer, a person tries to turn to God to help him get rid of night fears, enter a new bright day, which will be filled with joyful, happy moments.

Evening prayers for sleeping

Next, we will list the basic rules, thanks to which your evening prayer for sleep will be correct, effective:

  • Not a single day should not be missed. This is quite important, since only work, zeal will be able to show your faith in religion. Tune in before prayer so that it is not for you some kind of difficult circumstance, but became an outlet for the next day. If you regularly read the prayer, achieve success, you will sleep stronger, you will have a good mood, you will begin to develop spiritually.
  • Try to create a convenient atmosphere. Communicate with God alone, because it is undesirable that something distracts you during prayer. Make a faint light in the room, light the candles (buy them in the church). All that will surround you should give comfort, relax.
  • Pray before the face of the saint. The icon is the strongest symbol. He will only strengthen your words. What kind of icon you choose depends only on your preferences, personal wishes.
  • Start praying when you are already fully preparing to sleep. If, after you read the prayer, you will begin to do something around the house, then again, instead of a good state, you will gain household troubles of emotions.
Before going to bed, you can read both adults and children
Before going to bed, you can read both adults and children
  • Do not rush, read the prayer slowly, clearly. Realize the meaning of all words, reinforce them with images, emotions that will come from your soul.
  • If you pray aloud, do not do it very loudly. Read the text expressively. Your tone should be ordinary. If you can, then let the prayer.
  • If you initially do not concentrate in prayer, then listen to the audio version of the text.
  • And, of course, remember the following - you must wear a cross of a cross or incense, which depicts the face of the saint. This symbol will enhance the state of grace, accelerate your spiritual growth.

Evening prayers for sleeping: effectiveness

  • Each prayer has power. But, there is only one condition - prayer must be read correctly. If the text goes from the soul itself, reinforced with pure, as well as sincere intentions, be sure that your life will become much better. You can also be spiritually realized.
  • Do not forget that the prayer for a dream is considered a strong tool for the development of spirituality. Since, if you pray in the evening, then, of course, your brain itself begins to tune in to this. Throughout the night you will not think about routine problems, you can calm down.
  • Prayer even when you sleep, you will begin to heal your mind, as well as consciousness. You will get up in the morning in a completely different mood. You will never be taken out of any minor problems, troubles at home. Just think about how prayer will be useful for you, for your soul. But you will only spend a little your own time before bedtime.
  • Each saint once began his own path to spirituality. The saints also regularly prayed. They did it both in the morning and in the evenings. Do not miss this opportunity, improve your own life, heal your soul.
Clean and help
Clean and help

So, evening prayers must be read in such cases:

  • You have a bad dream, you dream of nightmares, loved ones say that when you sleep, you often talk. These are the symptoms of the fact that when you sleep, you do not rest. Your brain, even when you fall asleep, continues to work actively, and it does it in a negative channel.
  • When you wake up, you feel tired, broken, you have apathy for everything. Of course, in this state you cannot for a long time, you will only harm your own health. Do not delay, try to quickly take the habit of praying in the evening.
  • In the evenings, during preparation for sleep, you scroll through bad episodes in your head, draw in your head the unpleasant paintings of your life in the future. Such a lesson will bring only something bad, because thoughts are material. Consequently, remove all doubts, pray in the evenings. Very soon you will notice that you have become calmer, more balanced. You will begin to enjoy your own life.
  • You have come in difficult times, you are constantly pursuing stressful situations. Evening prayer will cleanse your consciousness, you will get rid of fears, unrest. Your body will relax, and you can well rest.

Evening prayers for the coming dream: who to pray?

There are a few prayers for sleepingwho help sleep calmly. Before going to bed, you can turn to the saint. It can be:

  1. Kazan Mother of God.
  2. Guardian angel.
  3. Cyprian is a holy martyr.
  4. Holy Cyprian.
  5. Holy Iustinia.
  • These saints will certainly help you. They will protect you from poor influence, remain peaceful. You can read prayers yourself or listen to them.
  • If yours the child sleeps poorly, He is scared at night, only prayer will help him calm down. You can visit the church. There, put the candles for the health of the child near the face of the Mother of God, one candle near the face of all saints.
  • Also do not forget the following important factor - prayer will only bring a good result if you will be it read consciously, You will believe with all your heart read words.

With special trepidation, people who live in an Optina desert belong to prayer words. This is one of the famous male monasteries located in Russia.


The monastery has its own rules for pronouncing prayer. Performing them, you can gain strength, know the mercy of God:

  • You need to read a prayer only from a prayer book.
  • It is necessary to realize the meaning of all words.
  • It is necessary to use the rosary if sinful thoughts arise. This helps to better focus on prayer.
  • You should definitely pray every day.

There is also a certain list of "laws". They must be performed while reading the prayer of the Optina elders:

  • Even a short prayer needs to be read every day.
  • No need to make special efforts.
  • Do not perceive the words of prayer as a duty, responsibility.
  • Before you start reading a prayer, you can discuss your own experiences with the minister of the church.

Evening prayers for sleeping in Russian: Text

Beginning (open a picture in a new tab for convenient reading)
Beginning (open a picture in a new tab for convenient reading)

Video: Refresh prayers

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