Prayer for luck: 3 The most powerful prayers. Prayer for luck in work and study

Prayer for luck: 3 The most powerful prayers. Prayer for luck in work and study

Good luck is needed by everyone. But it is very important not to forget to pray for luck.

Luck does not come on its own. A person attracts prosperity with his thoughts, the inner world and prayers for good luck. In former times, prayer accompanied every Christian. Before starting any activity, people they prayed for good luck In everything. They turned not only to God, but also to the holy miracle workers. And in grief and in joy they read a prayer for luck and luck. Going to hunt - they asked for good prey, before the treatment of the disease - they asked for recovery.

Prayer for good luck: 3 the most powerful prayers

Prayer for good luck It gains great power near the icon of the saint to which you call. It will be better to tune in to the circulation with a lit candle. Try to specify your requests, because by the word luck a lot of common concepts can be meant. The stronger you concentrate on reading prayer, the more effective the result will be.

Strong prayer for good luck It will help to establish a process of any nature. You bake pies, build a house, make a deal - each business requires a successful completion. Asking for help, we must not forget about gratitude. Express gratitude for help in your own words. Do not stop praying after achieving the goal.

You can ask for help from the guardian angel, from the sincere patrons, and the Almighty.

The circumstances of our life are not always successful. The white strip replaces a strip of failure. When you make all your strength, and the situation does not develop in the most successful way, it seems that you are a loser. Sometimes, to achieve the desired, there is not enough luck. When relatives and friends are not able to influence your financial well -being, and in business they constantly haunt failures, it remains to enlist the support of the Almighty forces.

Prayers for good luck A huge number. In order to choose the right prayer appeal, ask for advice from the clergyman. If you pray at home, then your heart will help you choose a prayer. The most powerful prayers for luck should be addressed to the guardian angel, the Lord and Nikolai the Wonderworker.

For good luck
For good luck

Start praying for luck with an appeal to The Lord. Prayers read in front of the icon of the Savior have great power. In your requests, evil intent should not be present. Prayer can be read anywhere, but it is desirable to have an icon and a burning candle.

Words are pronounced in a whisper, with a deep awareness of their meaning. If you need luck, then specify your requests to be understood and heard to the end. Take a rule to contact the Lord before any important event and thank Him at the end.

The Lord
The Lord

Each person from various bad things is protected by force Guardian angel. Turn to your patron for help. There are several short prayers that can be armed before the start of any business. Do not forget to read prayer appeal for good luck in your endeavors and it will become much easier for you to achieve the goal.


Ask luck only in good and good deeds. Your pure heart and sincere intentions will not be left without attention. The guardian angel should turn to a long road. Ask him to accompany and protect you on the way. Prayer will help you change daily events for the better.

With a successful business, it is necessary to reinforce your luck at least once a month with a prayer for the guardian angel in the temple or church. Then luck will not leave you and all troubles will bypass you. At home, you need to pray every morning. At the end of the day, do not forget to thank the guardian angel for his favor.

It is useless to read a prayer if you do not believe in a successful result. Your intentions are of the greatest importance. Appeal to saints helps to consolidate your desires and add strength to you to overcome possible obstacles.

Each believer is familiar with the image Holy sainty of Nicholas the Wonderworker. The saint became famous for the miracles of the whole world. Nicholas the Wonderworker pray for the health and well -being of children. The saint is also favorable to sailors, merchants and travelers. When visiting the church, believers never bypass the icon of the saint. He is addressed with different requests, including praying for good luck. Most often asked for prosperity and happiness in the family.


If you need to get a blessing for a successful completion of some business, then a prayer for good luck to Nikolai the Wonderworker will help you. Contact the saint with a pure soul and an open heart. Your desire will be heard and you will receive support in all good deeds.

Prayer for luck in work and study

The prayer for good luck, facing a miraculous force Great Martyr George the Victorious. The Orthodox peasants considered him a defender of Russia and addressed him primarily on issues related to the work process. Pray to George the Victorious if you need support and luck in the next endeavors:

  • Successful conduct of trade business - before each deal, ask for blessings.
  • Lack of strength and health in a difficult work process - ask for strength and inspiration.
  • Maintaining the health of a loved one who affects the well -being of the family - pray for the health of your breadwinner.
  • Good harvest and successful housekeeping - ask for a well -fed life in abundance.

It is best to pray in the church or in the temple. If, due to different reasons, the possibility of visiting such places is limited, purchase a small icon with the image of George the Victorious.

For good luck
For good luck

To strengthen the effect of prayer, you can read certain psalms aimed at attracting good luck. An appeal to a great martyr will help attract financial success and improve your relationship with the environment.

Among students, prayer appeal to The holy intercessor Sergius of Radonezh. Tradition is based on the life history of St. Sergei. He could not master the educational sciences. His abilities for learning were manifested thanks to the blessing of an unfamiliar old man. After addressing the Lord, Sergey Radonezh became successful in study.

Sergius of Radonezh
Sergius of Radonezh

To calm down before the exam and enlist success, read the prayer for good luck to St. Sergei Radonezh. But do not completely shift the responsibility to the intercessors and gentlemen. In order to obtain the support of saints, it is necessary to attach zeal and effort. The Lord will help to increase your merits, but he is not able to do everything for you.

Prayer appeal in Matron of Moscow

The Holy Matrona of Moscow provides assistance in solving any everyday problems. During her lifetime, Matrona found the strength to help not only with lack of money and unemployment, but also granted good luck to solve trifling problems. The saint helps the Orthodox find the power of faith and directs the right path. Pray, and your business will become more successful, profitable and prosperous. Do not forget to properly express your thoughts, general requests to realize is more difficult. Ask separately for each situation.

Do not be afraid to ask for financial well -being. If you need money for good, then you will be heard. If your luck is hindered by ill -wishers, then ask Matron to pacify all enemies.


Biblical commandments should not violate prayer appeals to the Higher Forces. You cannot ask for punishment for your environment, otherwise you will have to pay you.

Pray, listen to the inner voice, and pay attention to the signs sent from above. Remember that happy accidents always occur under the auspices of the saints.

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