Pickled plums like olives - the best recipes

Pickled plums like olives - the best recipes

The usual plums are used to eating sweet. From the fruits, preparations are made for the winter in the form of compote, sweet jam, jam, etc. But from the plums you can make salted conservation. Pickled plums, like olives are a wonderful blank for all types of meat. Those who love butter and olives will also love such salts. Find out how to preserve them at home.

Summer is a hot time. And this applies not only to the weather. After all, many housewives in the summer, and in early autumn, make blanks for the winter to pamper their relatives with canned vegetables and fruits. Pickled plums, like olives - an unusual dish, but they already have many fans. Such plums are suitable for decorating meat dishes and salads. They can be eaten separately as a snack. They will become an excellent decoration on the festive table. Also, plums, like olives, can replace overseas fruits for vodka. And recipes for preparing such drains will be provided further.

Plums, like olives recipe for the winter

Whoever loves canned olives can buy them in supermarkets, or you can replace them with pickled plums. Close plums like olives is quite real at home. Their taste is spicy and sweet and sour somewhat different from olives, but still this dish will be the first decoration of the table. And meat dishes decorated with this delicacy will have a complete look and taste.

How to close plums for the winter, like olives?
How to close plums for the winter, like olives?

If you do not know what plum to choose for pickling, then feel free to take augar. Due to its dense structure, the carbon fel up is perfectly maintained, it will look beautiful in a jar. Also great options for pickling are the plums of Hungarian, and prunes are also suitable. It is advisable not to use ripe plums, the mass may turn out to be soft, like mashed potatoes.

Next will be provided with a recipe for draining, like pickled olives made of small drain and slightly unnecessary. This snack will appeal to adults and children who love canned olives and olives.

You will need:

  • Small plums - how much will enter 2 liter jars
  • Sugar - 55 g
  • Salt - 25 g
  • Water - 425 ml.
  • Vinegar - 225 ml (6 percent)
  • Spices (cloves) - 5 g
  • Pigles with peas - 4 pcs. to each jar
  • Anise - 1 pc. to the bank.


  1. In order for the fruits to be saturated with the marinade, they will have to be pricked with a toothpick. And make punctures in various places. After plum, put into banks.
  2. Pour spices in boiling water, add bulk products and cook so that salt, sugar dissolve.
  3. Next, you need to cool the finished solution when it cools, pour into plums. If there is little water, then share with cold boiling water to banks.
  4. To get the finished product, place the plums in the marinade in the refrigerator and wait until they are marked. After a month, plums, like olives can already be eaten.

How to pickle plums, like olives with garlic?

Of course, olives and olives are pickled without garlic, but a recipe for draining with garlic, which will look like olives and have a piquant aroma, may like fans of unusual tastes. Such plums with garlic are perfectly combined with meat. And if they are added to the salads, then the plums, as olives will bring there a unique aroma.


  • Garlic - as many pieces as drain
  • Plums - how much will enter eight half a liter jar
  • Salt - 55 g
  • Sugar - 115 g
  • Water - 2.6 l
  • Wine vinegar - 365 ml.
  • Pepper peas
  • Cloves, paprika, ginger, cinnamon.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. to the bank.
Plums with garlic
Plums with garlic


  1. Lay the washed plums on a towel, let them dry. After cut them carefully so as to pull the bones.
  2. Divide the garlic into cloves, clean, make cuts. Then put on a clip in each fruit.
  3. Fill all the jars with fruits with garlic. Just do not stuff them tightly.
  4. Pour them with water once, for sterilization.
  5. Next, weld the marinade on the stove. To do this, boil water, add sugar, salt, spices. Add the marinade to the jars.
  6. Boil the marinade, boiling water with spices. Cook for three minutes. Pour into the plums. Let them stand 12 hours.
  7. After drain it and boil, pour it into containers with plums and roll up the lids.

Pickled plums, like olives - a bone recipe

Canned plums, as olives can be done without sterilization. Plums will taste olives or olives. To do this, you need to cook the syrup, but before that, pour the plums twice with boiling water, and for the third time for the marinade.


  • Ugric plum - 2.4 kg
  • Salt without pieces of iodine - 785 g
  • Vinegar - 0.5 tbsp. (9%)
  • Sugar - 625 g
  • Bay leaf - 4 leaves
  • Fragrant pepper - 5 pcs.
  • Cinnamon, cloves - to taste.
  • Bay leaf-3-4 pcs.
Plum like olives
Plum like olives


  1. Wash the fruits in cold water. Leave them to dry. After welding the marinade. Put the water on the fire, add the ingredients for the marinade there.
  2. After add spices, except for cinnamon.
  3. Stick the plums with toothpicks and place it in jars, pour cinnamon into each jar.
  4. Pour vinegar into the marinade. Let it boil. Pour into the banks after pour plums twice with boiling water.

Then roll them with iron lids and cover them with a warm blanket for a day.

IMPORTANT: Keep pickled plums with bones for no more than one year. Sannic acid, which accumulates in the marinade, is harmful to health.

Plums like olives for the winter sharp

If you like spicy dishes, then the recipe for plums, like olives in this performance for you. It is advisable to prepare conservation from the drain of Hungarian, they are ideal for the dish. It is not necessary to separate the bones at the plums.


  • Plum - 1.1 kg
  • 9% vinegar - 95 ml.
  • Sugar - 225 g
  • Gorky red pepper
  • Salt - 25 g
  • Carnation, laurel sheet, peppercorns, water - 1.2 liters.
Pickled plum
Pickling plum


  1. Prepare all the necessary products, and weigh on the scales so that the proportions coincide.
  2. Rinse the fruits under cold water, pierce each plum with a fork in several places.
  3. Put the finished plums into the container. Next, weld marinade from bulk products and water. At the very end, add vinegar to the solution, carefully the marinade will not be foamed for a long time.
  4. Hot marinade pour into banks with plums. Cover them with lids. Then let stand for 24 hours.
  5. Drain the marinade, boil again, then one more time, add bay leaf, pepper.
  6. Roll the jars with sterile iron lids.

Check the tightness of the conservation. To do this, turn the jars upside down, cover them with a warm blanket, and send them to the pantry after a day.

Pickled plums like olives - the best recipe

In order for plums, like olives to be as tasty as possible, you should choose sweet and sour small plums, preferably not completed. Large plums are sweet varieties most often. They are also softer than small ones, and therefore are not suitable for pickling. And the blue small ones will also be similar to the olives if this method of conservation is used with olive oil.

Before you start the process, you should buy products. Then carefully sort out the fruits of the drain, get rid of small tails. And also for better penetration of the marinade into the plums, pierce them with toothpicks carefully in different areas.

You will need two liter cans for two half a liter:

  • Sweet-sour small plums-950 g
  • Olive oil - 65 ml.
  • Salt - 45 g
  • Sugar - 75 g
  • 6% vinegar - 55 ml.
  • Bay leaf, cloves - to taste.

Pickled plums like olives


  1. Take the banks and prepare them for the process, wash them with soda and dry.
  2. On the bottom of the jars, lay out half the spices, then fill the containers with fruits, and put on the top on top.
  3. Put a pan on the stove, pour one liter of water there. Let it boil.
  4. Then pour water into jars. Let the plums warm up. About 10 minutes for this.
  5. Repeat the procedure again in the same way.
  6. For the third time, prepare the marinade and fill it with plums. Prepare marinade with butter.
  7. Then you can close the jars with iron lids and send it to the pair under a warm blanket.

When the finished pickled plums pass for a day, rearrange in a cold place for storage.

IMPORTANT: Plums such as olives are perfect for meat snacks, they are also served with salads and separately. Decorate dishes with olives - you can in different performance. Plums are also suitable for this process.

Plums are salty like olives for the winter - recipe

Such a recipe is quite popular. Plums, like olives, are sour with a brackish taste. Wine vinegar and olive oil - perfectly complement the marinade for the dish. Preparing the workpiece for the winter will not be difficult.


  • Small drain - 1.65 kg
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Cinnamon, bay leaf - 15 g
  • Wine vinegar, water, spices
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp. The can be liter on the jar.
Salted plums
Salted plums


  1. Plum plums slightly with toothpicks so that the marinade penetrates inside.
  2. Fold the fetus in sterile jars, pour them with a small amount of salt and sugar.
  3. Add spices to jars. Pour plums with water.
  4. Add one tablespoon of wine vinegar to each jar.
  5. Move all the banks to a large container. Pour that container with water.
  6. Sterminal covered jars with iron lids for about an hour.

Video: plums, like olives - recipe for the winter

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