Pickled eggplants: like mushrooms, with carrots and garlic, herbs, vegetables, onions, stuffed with herbs. Delicious pickled eggplants for the winter is an incredible yummy

Pickled eggplants: like mushrooms, with carrots and garlic, herbs, vegetables, onions, stuffed with herbs. Delicious pickled eggplants for the winter is an incredible yummy

An article about what recipes can be prepared for the winter, from eggplant. We prepare eggplants for the winter according to the below recipes.

Eggplants are well combined with tomatoes, various spices, and garlic.

There are many eggplant recipes for the winter. Moreover, they can not only be closed to banks, but also stored under plastic lids.

To get delicious blue, you need to know some the secrets of their preparation:

  • When choosing eggplants in the store, give preference to oblong vegetables, which have a dark and brilliant skin - they are the most useful.
  • It is better to use unripe eggplants than overripe, and if a blue one comes across with a large number of seeds, it is more expediently not to eat, but to throw it away.
  • Tomatoes for the marinade for eggplant need to take fleshy to make more juice.
  • Closed banks with pickled eggplants need to be covered with a blanket, so they are better soaked in sauce and are more tasty.

Pickled blue (eggplant) like mushrooms for the winter: recipes

For mushroom lovers, you can marinate eggplants that mushrooms will like mushrooms, but still with an eggplant taste.

Violets blue You can close both with the skin and without it, and they will taste, and especially by color, resemble mushrooms with a dark hat, and white eggplants are more tender - they like white mushrooms.

For pickling eggplant “under mushrooms”, cut them with cubes
Boiled pickled eggplants "under mushrooms"

Pickled eggplant "under mushrooms" of spicy salting


  1. We take it 3 kg of eggplantI wash them, cut the stalks, and if you want to pickle eggplants without a skin - then the skin, cut into small cubes or cubes, boil in salted water for 3 minutes, throw it into a colander and let the water drain.
  2. 2-3 medium bulbs Cut in half rings, 2 heads of garlic Grind finely.
  3. We lay out in sterile jars to the bottom 1 laurel sheet, several peas of fragrant pepper, 1-2 buds of cloves, a piece of acute pepper If desired, and then in layers: eggplant cubes, half rings of onions with garlic, pour marinade, cover with lids and sterilize: 0.5 liters of banks - 15 minutes, 1 liter of jars - 30 minutes.
  4. Marinade. Pour into a pan 2 l of waterWe pour it 150 g of salt, 100 g of sugar and let the water boil, and then pour 150 ml 9% vinegar.
    5. After sterilization of the jar, we clog, turn it upside down, cover with a blanket for the night.
Frying pickled eggplants "under mushrooms"

Fried eggplant "under mushrooms"


  1. 2 kg of eggplant I wash, cut the stalks, or you can both the skin, and cut into small cubes or bar, sprinkle with salt, mix and leave it for 2 hours so that the juice is allowed.
  2. After 2 hours of eggplant, we threw back into a colander, wash it from salt, let the water drain, and fry in vegetable oil until they are slightly browned.
  3. 3-4 middle bulbs Cut in half rings, 7-9 cloves of garlic Grind finely, a bunch of parsley or celery Also chop.
  4. In clean sterile jars we put fried eggplants, compact, lay out half rings of onions, garlic, herbs, bay leaves on top, pour with marinade.
  5. Marinade. Mix in a pan 160 ml of water, vegetable oil and vinegar 9%, let it boil and can be poured into banks.
  6. We cover full jars with sterile lids and sterilize: 0.5 liters of jars - 10 minutes, 1 liter of jars - 15 minutes, roll up, turn down the lid, wrapping with a blanket.

Eggplant pickled with garlic and carrots

Pickled eggplant with garlic and carrots

Such eggplants can be marked, and after a few days they will be ready to use.

Pickled eggplant with carrots, garlic and herbs


  1. 7-8 average eggplant My, we cut the stalks, leave the skin, prick with a fork, cut in half, but not to the end, cook in salt water for about 10 minutes, take it out of boiling water and put it under oppression for 2 hours.
  2. We cook the filling. 3 large carrots clean, three on a large grater and fry on vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp.until the carrots become soft.
  3. 5 cloves of garlic Finely cut greens of parsley and cilantro (half a bunch)Also finely chop.
  4. We connect the fried carrots, garlic, greens, salt to taste.
  5. We stuff the cooled eggplants with filling, and each blue ligate each one with a thread.
  6. We prepare the marinade. Boil 0.8 liters of water, add to it 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 3 peas of black and fragrant pepper, 2st. tablespoons 9% vinegar.
  7. We pour eggplant with the marinade, and put the oppression on top until we cool, hold them at room temperature, and then put the pan in the refrigerator for 2 days.
  8. After the prescribed time, we take out the blue from the marinade, remove the threads from them, cut into small pieces and decorate with herbs.
  9. This dish is a good cold snack for meat, boiled potatoes.

Eggplant pickled with garlic and herbs

Pickled eggplant with garlic and herbs

Salted eggplant with celery greens and garlic


  1. 10 kg of eggplant My, cut off the stalks, blanch in hot water for 5 minutes, and then immediately dip in cold water.
  2. We cut the eggplants, but not to the end, horizontally, squeeze the liquid from them, and stuffing them with the filling.
  3. Filling. 250 g of garlic Grind finely, also chop finely a bunch of celery greenerymix with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, several bay leaves.
  4. Stuffed stuffed eggplants are tightly laid in jars, pour the cold brine, cover with lids and let it be transferred at room temperature for 4-5 days, and then put into a cool place with a temperature of 8-10 ° C.
  5. Brine. On the 1 liter of water We take it 70 g of saltWe boil it and cool it.
  6. Before you serve salted eggplants to the table, cut them into pieces and water them with vegetable oil.

Pickled eggplant with vegetables

Pickled eggplants in Azhika, in banks
Pickled eggplant in Ajika on a plate

Having prepared such eggplants for the winter, they can be consumed as a cold snack or sauce for various dishes.

Pickled eggplant in Ajik without vinegar


  1. 5 kg of eggplant mine, clean, cut into circles, pour salt (4 tbsp.And we leave for 2 hours so that the blue let the juice let go, and all the bitterness will leave with it.
  2. Cooking Adzhika. Twisting through a meat grinder 3 kg of red fleshy pepper (Variety "Ratunda" best suits), 3 kg of tomatoes, 2 pcs. Gorky pepper, 1 bunch of parsley greenery. Soldered the crushed vegetables to taste, add 500-600 g of sugar (also to taste), first add all sugar, but half, and then add the rest, perhaps you need less sugar to your taste, 250 ml of vegetable oilMix and put it to cook on fire, stirring all the time.
  3. When Adzhika boils, add the eggplant squeezed from juice, and cook for 25-30 minutes.
  4. At the end add 0.5 kg of ground garlic, turn off the fire, pour it into clean jars, cover with lids, and sterilize for 15 minutes, jars of 0.5 liter capacity, and then roll up. We turn the finished jars upside down, cover with a blanket until the next day.

Pickled eggplants of quick cooking in Korean

Sharp Korean salads are very popular in recent years with us.

The main components of seasonings for salads in Korean are:

  • Garlic
  • Soy sauce
  • Ground red sharp and black pepper
  • Coriander
  • Vinegar or lemon juice

Eggplants can also be marked in Korean. This is a wonderful snack for lovers of sharp dishes for meat and alcohol.

For pickling eggplant in Korean, eggplant cuts cubes
Pickled boiled eggplants in Korean

Boiled eggplant in Korean


  1. 3 eggplant My, clean it from the stalks, cut the end parts, lower it into boiling water, and cook for 10 minutes, take it out of boiling water, and let it cool.
  2. 1 large onion We cut in half, cut 1 part with small cubes, another with half rings.
  3. Sulfurial dressing. Five on vegetable oil finely chopped onions, pour it here 1 teaspoon of ground red acute pepper, 2 teaspoons of ground coriander, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sesame seeds.
  4. Boiled eggplants (they should not be digested, but also hard) cut out cubes, salt them to taste, pepper, and water 2 tbsp. tablespoons of apple cider vinegarWe leave it to pickle 10 minutes.
  5. Add onions chopped to the eggplant with half rings, 1 chopped bell pepper, 4-5 cloves of chopped garlic, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a dressing for blue, a bunch of finely cut cilantro.
    6. The appetizer let it brew for 2 hours in a cold place, and can be served to the table.
Pickled fried eggplant in Korean

Frying eggplant in Korean


  1. 5 pieces. medium eggplant My, cut off the stalks (do not remove the skin), cut into thin long stripes, up to 1.5 cm thick, 2-2.5 cm wide, sprinkle 1 tbsp. a spoon of saltMix and leave in a cold place at night.
  2. In the morning, squeeze the strips of eggplant from the liquid and fry in vegetable oil, let it drain excess oil and spread it on a wide dish.
  3. 4-5 cloves of garlic, a bunch of parsley and dill Grind finely, mix on a plate, sprinkle with salt so that the greens let the juice.
  4. 2 pcs. Sweet pepper Clean and cut with fine strips.
  5. 1 large carrot Wash, clean, rub on Korean carrots to get a long straw.
  6. 1 large onion Cut in half rings.
  7. Mix the fried eggplants, carrots, sweet pepper, onions, greens with garlic, sprinkle 1-2 teaspoons for Korean carrots, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1-2 teaspoons of sesame seeds.
  8. We season the salad 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar, soy sauce To taste, put in the refrigerator for 1 day to marry and can be served to the table.

Pickled eggplant in Armenian

Pickled eggplant in Armenian

To prepare pickled eggplants in Armenian, such greens and seasonings are used: cins, parsley, dill, basil, garlic, bitter pepper, qitron (a very fragrant plant that grows in tropics and subtropics, the fruits of which are used in cooking).

Eggplant for the winter in Armenian


  1. 2.5 kg of eggplant, 2 kg of tomatoes and 0.7 kg of sweet yellow or red pepperWe wash well and bake it in the oven, or at the stake.
  2. When the vegetables are cooled, remove the peel from them, and pass through the meat grinder.
  3. 1 kg of onion cut in half rings, fry on 0.5 l of vegetable oiland then pass through a meat grinder along with 2 bitter peppers, and add to crushed vegetables.
  4. Put the crushed mixture on the fire and cook, constantly stirring 45 minutes, solim (2 tbsp. tablespoons)and cook another 15 minutes.
  5. Grind finely 1 bunch of greens of spicy herbs, pour in caviar, and continue to cook for another 15 minutes.
  6. Add 2 heads of chopped garlic, cook for another 15 minutes, turn off the fire, lay out in clean 0.5 liters of jars, put sterilized for 30 minutes, and roll up.
  7. We put the rolled, inverted jars under the blanket until the next day.

Pickled eggplant in Azerbaijani

Pickled eggplant in Azerbaijani

The eggplant in Azerbaijani march quickly, and their taste is great.

Pickled eggplant in Azerbaijani


  1. 5 kg of eggplant We clean it and clean from the tails, boil whole until half -coin (approximately 10 minutes) in salt water, take it out of the brine, and put it under oppression for the night.
  2. Filling. 2 kg of carrots cut into strips, chop on a large bundle of green parsley and cilantro, Turned 2-3 heads of garlicMix everything.
  3. Brine. Boil water in quantity to cover stuffed eggplants, add salt (The brine should be very salty), fragrant and black pepper with peas, bay leaf.
  4. In the morning we cut the blue in half horizontally, but not to the end, and we stuffing, fold it into enameled dishes, fill it with a brine and you can store it in a cold place for several months.
  5. We can also fold salted eggplants in jars, pour a brine, sterilize for 20 minutes and roll up.

Pickled eggplants in Georgian

For pickling eggplant in Georgian, we cut them thin plates

Eggplants in Georgian are an excellent snack for every day and for the holiday.

In Georgia, preference is given to such greenery, used as a seasoning to the blue ones: basil, cilantro, parsley and celery.

Pickled eggplants in Georgian

Tiles from eggplant, pickled in Georgian


  1. 10 kg of eggplant Rinse, cut off the tails, cut it with not very thin plates, boil in salt water for 5 minutes, throw it into a colander and let the water drain.
  2. Filling. Finely cut down a bunch of green parsley, celery, basil and cilantroGrind finely 0.5 kg of garlic, 5-6 pcs. acute pepper.
  3. 1 kg of onions Cut in half rings.
  4. We prepare sterile banks.
  5. On each plate of eggplant we put 1 tbsp. A spoonful of filling, weave into a roll, put it tightly into jars, pouring on onions with half rings, pour the jars on top of the jar, close with sterile lids, and put them sterilized for 45 minutes, and then roll it up.
  6. Refueling. Mix along 0.5 l of vegetable oil and 9% vinegar, 250 g of sugar, 65 g of salt, bring to a boil and interfere until salt and sugar dissolve.

Delicious pickled eggplants - Yummy incredible

Pickled eggplants in a herson

Eggplant in Herson is an incredible yummy. The jar of such a spin is not ashamed to serve guests, and in the family circle you can enjoy her.

To make delicious eggplants you need to know some secrets:

  • For frying eggplant, it is better to take a refined vegetable oil, so the food will turn out to be healthier, it will last longer, and will not distort the taste of eggplant.
  • It is desirable to fry eggplant in a cast -iron frying pan or anti -stick, so there will be a lower oil consumption.

Pickled eggplants in a herson


  1. 3 kg of eggplant My, cut the stalks, cut along the 2 parts, cut in half rings, pour salt and leave for several hours.
  2. Then we drain the resulting liquid from the eggplant, and fry the halves of eggplant circles in vegetable oil until blurred.
  3. Sauce. 1 kg of sweet fleshy red pepper, several pieces of bitter pepper, 300 g of garlic We pass through a meat grinder, add salt to taste, by 1 glass of sunflower oil, sugar and vinegar 9%Mix.
  4. Pure 0.5 liters of jars are filled with fried eggplants, pour the sauce to the top, close with clean lids, and sterilize for 40 minutes, then roll them.
  5. We rolled up the jars turned upside down, cover with a warm blanket and hold it until the next day.

Attention. Gorky pepper every housewife is added to her taste, in one family and one pepper, and some people love a spicy taste, then there are 3 peppers not enough.

Attention. The amount of vegetable oil can also be adjusted to your taste.

Eggplant pickled with onions

Pickled eggplant with onions

Eggplant for the winter with pickled onions

Such a snack improves the taste of any fresh dish. It is good with boiled potatoes, any cereals and pasta.


  1. Pour into a pan or large pelvis 5 l of cold water, dissolve in it, stirring, 0.5 kg of salt.
  2. 2.5 kg of eggplant My, cut off the tails, cut it with a small straw, lower it into the cooked brine for 2 hours, press on top with something so that the cut eggplant does not pop up.
  3. 1 kg of onions cut into cubes, fill it 1 cup 6% vinegar For 2 hours for pickling, cover dishes with onions.
  4. We take out eggplants from the brine, squeeze them, pour them into a large cauldron or pan 400 ml of vegetable oilWe lower the eggplant and fry, stirring for 20 minutes.
  5. At the end of the frying, add pickled onions, mix, quickly lay out in sterile jars, seal so that there are no gaps, close with sterile lids and roll up.
  6. We immediately turn the finished jars upside down, cover with a warm blanket until the next day.

Pickled eggplants stuffed with herbs

Pickled eggplants stuffed with herbs

Staked eggplant with herbs and garlic is very simple to cook for the winter, and the preparation of this workpiece will not take much time.

Eggplant for the winter stuffed with herbs and garlic


  1. 1 kg of eggplant Wash, cut the tails, make a cut on the side, but not to the end.
  2. We blanch the eggplant for several minutes in the brine, make sure that the blue do not lose elasticity, take it out of the brine and cool it under cold water.
  3. Brine. On the 1 liter of water take 30 g salt.
  4. Filling. Small parsley and cilantro finely chop, chop finely 1 head of garlicmix everything with 0.5 tablespoon of salt.
  5. Pour the eggplant from the water, pus it in the section the filling, tightly lay a sterile jar into 1 liter, pour it on top 2 tbsp. tablespoons 6% vinegar, cover with a sterile lid and sterilize: 0.5 liters of banks - 15 minutes, 1 liter of jars - 25 minutes, 3 l banks - 35 minutes.
  6. Of 1 kg of eggplant, 1 liter of a bank of the finished product is obtained.

There are many recipes for the winter from eggplant. One likes not spicy dishes, the others are very spicy, everyone chooses to their taste. I hope that my article will help you in the choice of blanks for the winter.

Video: pickled eggplant for the winter

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