Raspberry with sugar for the winter without cooking: secrets of cooking goodies, recipes

Raspberry with sugar for the winter without cooking: secrets of cooking goodies, recipes

If you have your own summer cottage, then in any case, having collected a good harvest, you will have the task of saving it. Fresh raspberries in sugar are a great option for harvesting for the winter. Indeed, in this dish all healthy vitamins, trace elements and a wonderful aroma of the berry will remain.

With colds that pursue people in the winter, natural vitamins are used as a natural panacea. Fragrant raspberries with sugar are also used to preserve immunity and complex therapy of viral and bacterial diseases. The advantage of this product is that raspberries without heat treatment preserve much more vitamins than jam from berries. The only minus of the product is that it should be stored in the cold. Next, we find out the popular recipes for making dessert.

Malina with sugar: secrets of cooking goodies

In order for the raspberry with sugar to be tasty, healthy, fragrant, and it was stored as long as possible, some secrets must be observed during its cooking and storage.

  • Collect berries in the daytime, preferably not in the rain, but in sunny weather. Such a crop will be the most successful.
  • Process raspberries right away. Do not leave its processing the next day so that the berries do not acidify. After all, they quickly spoil.
  • First, pour the berries with a solution of slightly salted water. The concentration of the solution: 2-4 teaspoons of salt are enough for two liters. Raspberry soaking about 20 minutes. During this period, insects that are found in the berries will pop up. Then remove the spoiled raspberries.
  • Now let the berries dry a little. After all, if water gets into the product, the workpiece will go bad faster.
  • The finished workpiece is poured into sterilized jars, and closed with boiled lids. It is not necessarily iron.

Below are various recipes for cooking vitamin dessert, you can choose any. Keep in mind that the finished product will remain better if you add more sugar.

Raspberry with sugar for the winter without cooking - a recipe with currants

Sweet treats - raspberry with sugar is a great dessert. And if you cook the dish with love and by all the rules, then it will be impossible to tear you off a delicious product. It's nice to sit near the TV on a long winter evening and drink hot tea with sweet raspberries, with a bun. At such moments, sunny, warm summer days are remembered.

Raspberry for the winter
Raspberry for the winter

Black currants with sugar have a peculiar, rich taste, despite the fact that the product is just a storehouse of vitamins, not everyone loves currants in its pure form. But raspberries with sugar, with currants - a delicious treat. The workpiece will have a delicate aroma and a pleasant taste. Then we will study how this dessert is being prepared.


  • Raspberry berries - 975 g
  • Black currant - 975 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.9 kg.


  1. Prepare ripe berries of currants, raspberries. Washed them in salted water, dry, sort it out.
  2. Prepare the banks, wash them, sterilize. Boil the lids.
  3. Grind berries with sugar-sand. Place in jars and clog with lids.

Sugar can be added more. Keep the product on the lower shelf in the refrigerator.

Raspberry with sugar without cooking - jam

A delicious jam without heat treatment can be obtained from raspberry berries. This dessert contains vitamin C, which is indispensable in the fight against viruses and colds. Such a natural medicine will help to cope with the elevated body temperature during infections. In addition, raspberries with sugar and gelatin are a wonderful treat that can be eaten just like that.

Jam with raspberries
Jam with raspberries


  • Raspberries - 1.9 kg;
  • Sugar - 2.9 kg;
  • Gelatin - 13 g;
  • Water - 230 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Berries carefully interrupt, rinse, dry. Now add sugar-sand sugar to the berries, put a sweet mass in a cold place for 3-4 hours until it lets the juice.
  2. Take gelatin, place in a container, pour water. Let the mass swell.
  3. Now grind berries with sugar. To do this, you can use a regular spoon, a crowd.
  4. If you hang a jam through a strainer from wood, then the finished dessert will turn out to be especially fragrant, delicate, tasty.
  5. Now take the dissolved gelatin, send it to the fire, to the water bath so that the product is completely dissolved.
  6. Mix the gelatin mass with raspberry berries and sugar. Stir, so that everything is evenly.
  7. Fasten glass jars with twisting lids. After pour jam into the banks. Twist the capacity with lids. Send to the cold.

Raspberry with gelatin will be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, but unlike boiled dessert, the shelf life of it is still less. And there is much more benefit from not boiled jam. This delicacy is as useful as just a torn berry.

Raspberry with sugar for the winter: classic recipe

The recipe, which is presented below, is completely simple for cooking. Raspberry berries retain all their vitamins, and are stored relatively for a long time. Ripe raspberries with sugar are mixed in the amount of: 1 to 1.5 or 1 to 2, depending on your preferences. Sugar-sand acts as a preservative, thanks to the sweet product, grated berries will persist for a long time.


  • Raspberry - 0.975 kg
  • Sugar sweet powder - 125 g
  • Sugar-sand-1.5 kg.


  1. Washing the ripe raspberries in a brackish solution until insects leave it. It will take about twenty minutes.
  2. Remove all unnecessary, rinse the berries again. Then dry.
  3. Next, carefully sort the raspberries, remove the leaves, blades of grass, other quarrels.
  4. Mix berries with sugar, gently open them with wood from wood or blender.
  5. Then let the mass stand, let the syrup appear. This will take a couple of hours.
  6. Take the banks, wash them well, sterilize them in the microwave or steam.
  7. Pour the finished dessert into dry jars, just do not pour the product directly under the lid.
  8. Pour the powder on top of raspberries into jars, only then close the dessert with sterile lids.

Keep the finished treat on the shelves in the refrigerator. And know that even in the cold, the workpiece is stored less than boiled raspberry jam.

Important: as mentioned earlier, a product of raspberries with sugar is much less stored than the jam of the heat treatment. Therefore, try to eat a raw product in two months if the dessert is kept simply in a pantry without heating. In the event that you store raspberries in the refrigerator, closed jars are stored for about six months.

Raspberry with sugar and aspirin without cooking for the winter

Fragrant raspberries with sugar are an excellent prophylactic that helps from various ailments. Indeed, in the berries there are many vitamins, minerals that contribute to the maintenance of the necessary elements in the human body. To make sugar dessert better, some housewives add acetylsalicylic acid to it. The tablets must be chopped, and then added to the banks. Thanks to this, the workpiece will not ferment.


  • Raspberry - 475 g
  • Sugar - 625 g
  • Vodka - 65 ml
  • Aspirin - 2 pcs.


  1. Prepared, sorted berries with sugar beat with a blender, add alcohol.
  2. When everything is ready, the jam is poured into banks. The containers should be sterile.
  3. Aspirin powder is added to each jar. Parchment is put upstairs, glass jars are clogged. Storing the product is more profitable in the refrigerator.

Raspberry with sugar frozen for the winter

For those who have a freezer, for the winter it is better to carry out the freezing of the product. This raspberry with sugar will be stored for a long time, and cooking it is not at all difficult. For freezing, a large amount of sugar will not be needed, because frozen berries are stored well and without preservatives.

Raspberry with sugar for freezing
Raspberry with sugar for freezing


  • Raspberry - 0.975 kg
  • Sugar - 125 g


  1. Pour the berries with sugar, rub it, then let the mass stand in the room.
  2. Now gently stir everything. This raspberries can already be frozen.
  3. Dessert can be poured into plastic cups or special packages with ZIP fastener.
  4. Now you can place the finished raspberry with sugar in the freezer.

After reading the article, you can choose a recipe for raspberry harvesting with sugar for the winter. Proportions can be changed in accordance with your taste preferences. And useful jams will become a favorite treat of your household. In addition, the berry prepared in this way is the first folk remedy for the treatment of colds.

Video: Raspberry with sugar dashed

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