People with a negative Rh factor-descendants of the gods or alien race: theory, features

People with a negative Rh factor-descendants of the gods or alien race: theory, features

Read interesting information about people with a negative Rh factor of blood.

Blood is one of the most important components of the internal environment of the human body. It includes numerous structures and chemicals.

  • The class of substances, playing a significant role in the implementation of life processes at the blood level of blood cells, are proteins.
  • Part of the proteins is included in the Rhesus system of a person and is placed on the surface of red blood cells-red blood cells that directly participate in the transport of hemoglobin in the bloodstream.
  • Rh factor is positive and negative.
  • People often have a question: with a negative Rh factor, are there special individuals?
  • After all, it is generally accepted that there are fewer such people, and they are attributed even to aliens.

What are the features of these people? Why can Rh factor be negative? Are there many famous people with a negative Rh factor? The answers to these and other questions, look for in this article.

People with a negative Rh factor of blood-a list of differences from people with a positive Rh factor: features, characteristics, life expectancy

Negative Rh factor of blood
Negative Rh factor of blood

One of the above-described protein group is responsible for the positive and negative value of the Rh factor if there are red blood cells on the surface and its absence, respectively. At the moment, scientists have been assumed regarding the physiological role of this protein RHD, namely, it is believed that its function is to remove the product of the protein metabolism of red blood cell - ammonia.

Most of the human population of the planet has this protein in blood cells and, therefore, are Rh-positive.

  • In medical documentation, the designation is as follows: Rh (+).
  • However, a certain percentage of people in the world has a negative Rh fact due to the lack of protein on the erythrocyte membrane. Such people are called Rh-negative, but designated in this way: Rh (-).

People with a negative Rh factor of blood. What is their feature? What characterization can be given? What is their life expectancy? The presented feature of a smaller part of humanity determines the presence of certain differences from people with a positive Rh factor. Among these features, a list of differences in people with Rh (-)from people with Rh (+):

  • A high level of intelligence, which often exceeds such in Rh-positive people.
  • Great physical endurance.
  • Reduced body temperature.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Acute vision.
  • Developed intuition, sometimes determining the presence of supernatural abilities.
  • Increased light sensitivity.
  • Features of appearance, among which the most significant are a reddish tint of hair, light brown-brown or green eye color.

The life expectancy of such people is not related to the Rh factor.

People with a negative Rhesus factor of blood aliens or descendants of the gods: Theory

Negative Rh factor of blood have special people
Negative Rh factor of blood have special people

The reason for the appearance of people with a protein absent in the blood still remains a mystery to scientists studying this issue. According to various studies, an approximate time was established, which calculates the period of the existence of a negative Rh factor in humans-35 thousand years. Therefore, many have a question: people with a negative Rh factor of blood aliens or descendants of the gods? The answer is the theory:

  • Various theories of the emergence of this feature are considered, however, not one of them is finally accepted in scientific circles for lack of reliable facts and evidence.
  • You can even say that the available information about the organisms of that distant time and the current period of development of living organisms, on the contrary, is a refutation of the possibility of the already incident process.
  • For example, one of the most amazing finds is the awareness of the scientists of the fact that none of the alleged ancestors of a person had a negative Rh factor.
  • The same applies to modern humanoid monkeys-all individuals within each species are Rh-positive.

The theory is quite plausible in accordance with which these changes occurred due to the mutation. However, there is no evidence of this, so all the data introduces some confusion. On the basis of such conflicting information, one of the most fantastic theories of the appearance of a negative Rh factor was put forward in a person in which a transforming role is assigned to an alien impact.

Interesting: Within the framework of this view, it is assumed that an alien invasion was committed, as a result of which the connection of allegedly Rh-negative aliens with dugouts became possible.

Thus, in accordance with the space theory of ufologists, the ancestors of people with Rh (-) are ancient aliens. However, this theory, like all existing on this issue, is not scientifically confirmed. Therefore, it would be unreasonable to argue that people with a negative blood factor - aliens.

Why is it impossible to clone people with a negative Rh factor of blood?

You can not clone people with a negative Rh factor of blood
You can not clone people with a negative Rh factor of blood

It is impossible to clone people with a negative Rh factor of blood because mothers who do not have RHD Protein in the blood is not always able to take out a child.

The mother’s body reacts to the blood proteins of the fetus, perceiving them as an alien object. Antibodies strive to destroy the blood cells of the fetus, which can lead to its death.

How many people with a negative Rhesus factor of blood are quantity: what percentage?

As already mentioned, the number of Rh-positive people significantly exceeds the number of Rh-negative. But how many such people are by quantity, what percentage?

  • According to approximate estimates, the percentage of the latter is about 15 % of the population of the planet.

However, it should be noted that this group is distributed extremely unevenly. Territories with the greatest concentration of people with Rh (-) are Europe, especially Western part of it,and Caucasus.

Why do people have a negative Rh factor of blood?

Negative Rh factor of blood
Negative Rh factor of blood

As already mentioned, the very initial emergence of a negative Rh factor among representatives of the type “Reasonable man” is a serious evolutionary mystery. Despite the presence of numerous hypotheses of the development of events 35 thousand years Back, this question is still open, and it is impossible to unequivocally answer why people have a negative Rh factor of blood. But it is worth noting the following:

  • The Rh factor is transmitted from ancestors to descendants through autosomal (non-back) cells.
  • The presence of protein RHD In the blood is a dominant feature, and its absence is recessive.

Everyone has in their own cells 2 signs, however, their combination can be different:

  • Rh (+) rh (+) (homozygot on the dominant)
  • Rh (+) rh (-) (heterozygot)
  • Rh (-) rh (-) (homozygot on recessive)

The dominant feature, if any, always blocks and suppresses the recessive, but at the same time, the person still remains the bearer of a negative Rh factor. From this it follows that a negative Rh factor in a person may be due to the same in both parents (homozygotes according to the recessive) or if at least one of them has recessive genes.

Do people with a negative Rh factor do not get sick?

Negative Rh factor of blood
Negative Rh factor of blood

People with a negative Rh factor are not less than Rh-positive people and undergo many diseases. However, there are some differences in predisposition to certain somatic and mental disorders.

It should be noted that these predispositions are gender:

  • Men s Rh (-) The most susceptible to mental disorders, allergies, liver diseases, infectious diseases. However, such men have significantly less tendencies to digestive disorders, to diseases of the gall bladder.
  • Women with RH (-) The most prone to psoriasis, scoliosis, diabetes, urinary tract infections. However, they are also less susceptible to dermatitis and various mental disorders.

In general, scientists lead to the conclusion that, in addition to the above specific violations, Rh-negative people, regardless of gender, often have cardiovascular, immune and respiratory disorders. However, at the same time, their organisms more effectively cope with infectious diseases.

People with a negative Rh factor of blood: character

People with a negative Rh factor of blood have some distinctive character traits depending on the blood type. But they are all more emotional, but at the same time demanding of themselves and surrounding people. Below will be considered characterology on the example of Rh-negative representatives 3 blood groups. Read further.

Negative Rh factor of blood: Features of people 3 blood groups

Negative Rh factor of blood
Negative Rh factor of blood

Distinguish 4 blood groups man. The most interesting for consideration is 3 negative group. The following features of this group of people with a negative Rh factor of blood are distinguished:

  • Mood instability
  • Patience and diplomatic approach to people
  • Bright emotionally expression
  • Good knowledge of speech
  • Specific taste preferences expressed in a special love for dairy products

Women have highly developed cleanliness, the desire for order. In men, leadership qualities and increased exactingness to others are manifested.

Famous people with a negative Rh factor of blood: List

Famous people with a negative Rh factor of blood
Famous people with a negative Rh factor of blood

Famous people with a negative Rh factor of blood: List
There are a lot of representatives of the Rh-negative group. Here is a list of famous people with this feature:

Among the royal family:

  • Elizabeth II
  • Philip I

Among the ruling US elite of different times:

  • John Kennedy
  • George Bush Elder
  • Bel Clinton
  • Barack Obama and others

Among representatives of mass media:

  • Brad Pitt
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Tom Cruise
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Elvis Presley
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Jackie Chan
  • Charlie Chaplin
  • Robert Pattison
  • Jennifer Garner and others

In the Russian show business, the government and among famous people who lived for a long time there are also representatives of such a Rh factor, as well as in other countries.

Community of people with a negative Rh factor of blood

Community of people with a negative Rh factor of blood
Community of people with a negative Rh factor of blood

Similar communities of people with a negative Rh factor of blood gather in various social networks. Their goal is to create an information database for the possibility of quickly finding the donor in emergency cases.

It is important to know: Blood donors for Rh-negative people can become people of only the same group.

Otherwise, when transfusing blood from Rh (+) man to Rh (-) The agglutination (gluing) of red blood cells in the body of the recipient will occur, which will lead to death.

Rhesus conflict during pregnancy: treatment, if a pregnant woman has a negative Rh factor of blood

Rhesus conflict during pregnancy
Rhesus conflict during pregnancy

Rh-negative woman can experience difficulties with the bearing and birth of a child. The reason may be conception from the Rh-positive man and, accordingly, the development of the same Rh-positive fetus in the womb.

  • The fact is that blood proteins in the child, handed over to him by the father, are foreign to the mother’s body.
  • Her body, noticing foreign compounds, produces antibodies designed to destroy the red blood cells of the fetus-this is called Rh conflict during pregnancy.

What is the treatment if the pregnant woman has a negative Rh factor of blood? Here are a few nuances:

  • Usually, starting from the second pregnancy with the same ratio of Rh factors, the existing antibodies begin to show activity.
  • They are crossed from the blood of the mother to the circulatory system of the fetus through the placenta and with their destructive actions can lead to its death.
  • Treatment is often based on the effects of the protective mechanism of the mother's body.
  • Naturally, he may not help and this will lead to an abortion due to the death of the fetus.
  • However, doctors use every chance to save the baby and not harm the mother.

The deterioration of the destructive effects of antibodies on blood proteins is carried out by introducing immunoglobulin under the supervision of specialists.

What Rh factor will the child have if the parents have negative?

Rhesus factor in a child, if parents have a negative
Rhesus factor in a child, if parents have a negative

It is important to understand that the Rh factor is inherited by children from their parents. What Rh factor will the child have if the parents have negative? As already mentioned, a negative Rh factor is recessive, that is, it manifests itself only in the complete absence of a dominant feature. In the case when both parents are Rh-negative, this means that each of them is a recessive homozygot, that is, has RH (-) RH (-) that is transmitted to the child. Accordingly, the child will also be Rh-negative.

Here is such an interesting information about people with a negative Rh factor. If you are the owner of such a blood group, then it will be very useful for you to know. Good luck!

Video: People with a negative Rhesus descendants of the extraterrestrial race | Dream of reason

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Comments K. article

  1. Pipets. My mother is definitely 1 positive, my father died, but it means I have 3 negative in him. Am I a alien? No, from childhood I understood that I was bad here (from 12 years old), and my father died at 30 years old. To end, but the great -grandmother instilled in my faith. So, it is impossible. But I feel bad here. I don't understand people, but they are me. Although everything that I want to save, but I want to see the answer. And there is only vile human meanness. After your article, I just get up, but you can’t. And now how to live with it now? I confused the world or planet?

  2. Come on! . such a story, I have the second with a minus, and also giggling that not from this planet😁. I searched for answers in psychology, philosophy, religion and have determined a lot for myself, but here it turns out to be a Rh has a place to be. Very interesting, we will work on it .🖐

  3. Guys, we are together. No need to leave here, look for pluses, there are a lot of them. And there are many of us too! I agree with everything in the article.

  4. It is immediately obvious that he writes not a negative Rhesus!

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