Does the group and the Rh factor of blood change in a person during life?

Does the group and the Rh factor of blood change in a person during life?

From this article you will learn whether a blood type and a Rh factor in a person are changing during his life.

It was previously believed that the type of blood group remains unchanged throughout life and is inherited in accordance with the rules of inheritance of Mendel. But the studies of the last decades have shown that there are infrequent cases when a human blood type changes. Whether this or this is a laboratory error, we will study in this material.

Does a blood type and Rh factor change in a person during pregnancy, after childbirth?

From the medical encyclopedia
From the medical encyclopedia

A blood type and a Rh factor is like fingerprints that are formed in the womb and are given to us for life!

  • Rh factor is an antigen (protein). In Rh-negative blood, antibodies against a positive Rh factor can form. Since the recessive gene prevails in the first case, and in the second - the dominant gene. Thus, the Rh factor plays a decisive role during pregnancy. Donors and blood recipients ideally have not only the same Rh factor, but also one blood group. If this is not so, then fatal incompatibility reactions are possible. That is why pregnant women donate blood every pregnancy.
  • During pregnancy or even after the birth of a child, many women faced a position when a blood type or a Rh factor changes. But Never just like that a blood type or its result can change!
  • In the blood of a pregnant woman, the production of red blood cells (their number) increases, while the level of agglutinogens decreases. All this affects the combination of red blood cells - it falls. Therefore, when bearing a child, a false result is possible!

Conclusion: The reason for the change in the group and rhesus of the blood may be poor -quality material (the blood of the mother under the hormonal effect) or poor -quality treatment with employees. If after childbirth the blood did not return to the initial values, then most likely the first analysis was done incorrectly!

Important: a pregnant woman, if necessary, should be done according to the old indicators! Otherwise, it is possible to glue red blood cells and precipitate them (hemagglutination), which is dangerous for the life of the mother and fetus!


Does a blood group and a Rh factor change in a person after organs transplant?

  • Until recently, it was believed that organs can not affect the group and Rh factor of blood. The first case was recorded by the Australian girl more than 10 years ago, What confirmed - a blood type is changing. The type of blood changed after the liver transplant. The patient had a I negative blood type before surgery, and after I a positive group was a type of blood of a donor.
  • When donor cells fall into the bone marrow of the owner, they begin to multiply quickly. Since their DNA differs from the patient’s DNA, if the blood type differs, then the blood type will change. After this incident, many scientists confirmed that a blood type and a Rh factor in a person may change after organs transplants.
  • But for this, other factors should coincide, In particular, the lack of rejection of a foreign body. In this case, she still played a role And the weak immune system of the girl after surgery. Although we will dwell on the reasons for the type of blood type change a little later.
Demi-Lee Brennan
Demi-Lee Brennan

Whether a blood type and a Rh factor in a person change after blood transfusion are changing: the reasons for the change of group

In principle, the answer remains the same - In most cases, a blood type or its Rh factor during transfusion cannot change. But in practice recently, return cases have often been recorded. Although many doctors still focus on frequent improper definition.

Interesting: it is noted that most often errors in conducting laboratory blood tests were recorded on night shifts or holidays. And this once again confirms the possibility of improper diagnosis.

But there are 3 more exceptions that can really change the patient’s blood group:

  1. The presence of diseases of the circulatory system. For example, after the treatment of aplastic anemia, the antigenic properties of red blood cells, which the disease used to increase, increase.
  2. With hemotransfusion, a large amount of donated blood was introduced. But this is a temporary indicator. Until new red blood cells will die.
  3. Bone marrow transplant with the preliminary destruction of old blood cells with chemotherapy. Although during such an operation all compatibility indicators are taken into account, including the type of blood, but often in such a situation, cases were reserved, which confirm - a blood group changes when it is transfused. Moreover, the genetic structure of cells may even change.

Important: the change of Rh factor occurs due to a malfunction in the immune system.

We will dispel the myth
We will dispel the myth

Does a blood group and a Rh factor change in a person during a life during or after an illness?

Non-detailed cases when a blood type or Rh factor changes in many patients in severe diseases of the immune or circulatory system, as well as with individual types of cancer!

More often they cause a shift:

  • Leukemia
  • Hematosarcoma
  • Malignant tumors and neoplasms
  • Talassemia
  • Infections that affect the bone marrow
  • ANEMIA KULI, etc.

In such cases, laboratory assistants cannot determine the type of agglutinins, which will entail a false change in blood group. And some bactericidal enzymes can transform the structure of agglutinin, and like antibodies B. This changes the determined level of proteins, which sets the blood group.

Does the blood type change and the Rh factor: what to do if it has changed?

False indicators
False indicators

The first thing you need is to stop panic. In practice, cases were repeatedly recorded when a blood type changed after several decades of their life. Most often, women are subject to this, especially after the birth of a child. Therefore, many associate such a shift with this.

  • But the main reason is still the wrong fence of the material, its discrepancy with the norms and any violations in the body that may show False result.
  • Another reason can be human An error when processing your sample, This time or in the previous case. This can happen because the laboratory processes a large number of samples throughout the day. Thus, it is not always possible to avoid confusion, for example, the wrong mark or typos in the report.

All these cases do not carry anything serious and do not require contacting the hospital. Unless a second analysis for confirmation.

  • But if you survived the transplantation of bone marrow, internal organs, a serious illness or any other factor influenced your blood, then you should consult your doctor. In all cases, it is better to repeat the test in a well -known laboratory and Consult a hematologist if you have doubts.

Whether a blood type changes during life is still a controversial issue. We have already found out that there are isolated cases when a change of group or Rhesus occurred, but this is all the exception! External factors cannot change the type of our blood, and any body disorders more mask the result to false indicators.

Video: Does a blood type and Rh factor change throughout life?

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