You can not hang magnets on the refrigerator: is it true or a myth? Magnets on the refrigerator: signs

You can not hang magnets on the refrigerator: is it true or a myth? Magnets on the refrigerator: signs

In this article we will analyze the question: why you can’t hang magnets on the refrigerator. Let's learn the truth or myth that magnets can damage the refrigerator. Let us also consider, signs associated with these souvenirs.

When family and friends gather in the kitchen, they pay attention to the refrigerator. And this is not because there are many delicious ones, but because it is decorated with all kinds of magnets. Most often, magnets are bought in other cities, countries. It is they who remind the owners about their travels, resort cities, pleasant memories, interesting acquaintances. But many argue that the product is far from safe due to the negative impact on electrical devices and human health. Next, let's dwell on the topic - whether it is safe to hang magnets on the refrigerator or not.

Magnet for the refrigerator - what is useful?

There are those people who think that magnets on the refrigerator have a negative effect. It is safe to say that high -quality magnets made of vinyl do not provide much danger.

Among other things, they contribute to raising mood, a wonderful memory of trips, or maybe these are memorable gifts from relatives. In any case, they can set excellent mood in the early morning, improve the psycho -emotional state. Still, being in the kitchen, you will plunge into a pleasant atmosphere of memories. And a cup of coffee will give pleasure, immerse in the beautiful minutes of rest in warm edges.

Small magnets for the refrigerator have positive functions:

  1. Can be used notepad on magnets is a useful thing. In this case, it will not be difficult for you to record important information, you do not have to spend precious time searching for a handle and paper sheet.
  2. Magnets apply for notes, notes to family members.
  3. With the help of magnets, you can attach a calendar to the refrigerator.
  4. If your refrigerator has chips, dents, any other damage, then the magnet can close these shortcomings.
  5. In addition to the fact that the magnets on the refrigerator are a reminder of a good pastime, they also make a more comfortable interior. Beautiful figures, pictures complement the image of the room, make it alive, interesting. They can really affect the mood.
  6. And the notes on the magnets have a motivating effect.

If you skillfully use decorative magnets, then you will notice many of their advantages. But still, the question of the dangers of the magnetic field of these magnets is not yet closed. I wonder if the magnets can cause a refrigerator breakdown.

Why can't you hang magnets on the refrigerator?

Souvenirs sometimes pose a threat to some electrical appliances. It is on this matter that it is worthwhile to stop in more detail. Rumors just do not spread. Maybe this seems funny from the outside.

Talking about the negative effects of magnets on household appliances have reasons:

  • When the first ELT monitors appeared, it was experimentally established that the presence of a magnetic field leads to impaired color rendering functions. Moreover, after a slight exposure, the problem can be solved. And if the magnetic effect on the screen is constant, then irreversible consequences occur. The whole problem of these breakdowns is that the image is formed under direct influence on particles of magnetic fields. So they are unstable to the effects of magnets.
Why are magnets dangerous in the refrigerator?
Why are magnets dangerous in the refrigerator?
  • Magnets that hang on refrigerators also carry out some exposure. Some refrigerators may have displays. If magnets are located nearby, then they will affect the devices, especially when a whole collection on the refrigerator. As a result, you will need the repair of the device.
  • Many people, due to their health, are forced to use electronic devices, for example, pacemakers. Their life depends on their quality. But the action of the magnetic field on the pacemaker is better not to experience. The magnetic field negatively affects the operation of the device. A person can even lose his life. If one of the households has such problems, then you should not collect a large collection of magnets on the refrigerator so as not to break the process of the heart muscle.

Many may not like the fact that magnets leave traces on paintwork. Especially those magnets that already take place for a long time on the door or side parts of the device. Yellow spots from them are definitely not too beautiful decoration.

Important: people with pacemakersthe effects of all sorts of magnets next to the implantation zone should also be avoided, it is also impossible to make an MRI, closer the phone at a distance of thirty centimeters to a vital device.

You can’t hang magnets on the refrigerator - is it true or a myth?

People who collect magnets often do not observe a sense of proportion. They can score these souvenirs literally the entire refrigerator. Another is enough and several magnets.

Yes, these souvenirs are beautiful, cute, but, again, what danger they can be fraught with technology, we will find out further, based on practical knowledge:

  • For perfectionists, it is important that everything looks perfect and does not irritate the eyes. And when the magnet scratches the surface of the refrigerator, it will definitely be angry. And if you have small children in the family, there may be problems. These children take to the refrigerator back and forth along the walls of it or take it in the mouth. It is better to immediately refuse souvenirs. So it will be more convenient and calmer for everyone. Moreover, the quality of not all products are on top. The corners of the magnets can fade the surface of the refrigerator, leave traces of rust sometimes dents. If you slam the subject in an uncontrolled emotional state.
  • Some argue that the magnet can harm the operation of the device from the stainless steel. The functions of the freezer or the refrigerator will not harm the magnets. After all, they are very weak. Their magnetic field is small if there are not 1000 pieces on the surface.
  • There are unpleasant moments. Over time, dust accumulates under the souvenirs, fat soot settles on this dust. These aggressive factors paired with detergents lead to surface and corrosion damage. And the space around the magnets gradually burns out. Therefore, spots remain on the surface of the product.
When the magnet is harmful
When the magnet is harmful

There is a fake that souvenir magnets can have a negative effect on the human body - cause oncology. This is discussed in networks, mention in magazines. It was as if experiments on the influence of magnetic fields on food. More precisely, they experienced how the magnets for refrigerators on food are affected, what is stored inside the household appliance. Allegedly, the experiment was conducted for about 4 months. Two groups of mice fed the same food. Some were treated to food from the refrigerator without magnets, others with souvenirs. And the result was not long in coming. It turned out that the mice that ate food from the refrigerator with souvenirs began to feel health problems, they had a high degree of risk of developing oncology. The root cause of all: the influence of magnetic radiation on products.

But before saying something, you need to check the information. How can magnets cause cancer? That the whole story is a fake, it will not be difficult to explain. Why such rumors are distributed is incomprehensible.

Magnetic fields even the strongest cannot affect cancer cells. Here are some refutations of that information:

  1. No one has ever done such experiments. There is no official data and confirmation of this.
  2. Any magnets can radiate only magnetic fields and not radiation in any way. It is also interesting that it is magnetic flows that have high protection against radiation. Who studies physics knows that our planet has a massive geomagnetic field. This field is able to reflect all sorts of particles that carry any charge. This number includes radioactive particles.
  3. It is also interesting that in any refrigerator there are magnets. Without which the door of the device does not close, they are stronger than souvenir magnets. And are much closer to food.
  4. Souvenir magnets have a small magnetic field. They are very weak. If you sharply close the door of the device, then the magnets can simply fly off it. And people who are terrible even talk about radiation, also do not need to worry about products, the door will easily serve them as a shield for food (which is in the refrigerator).

Radiation and magnetic radiation are completely different things. They cannot be confused.

For souvenirs, very weak magnets are used - ferrite. A powerful field can create neodymium. They are used for medical institutions, for the manufacture of electronics, etc.

Are household magnets dangerous?
Are household magnets dangerous?

Why is it impossible for magnets for the refrigerator - signs

There are many signs and superstitions about magnets on the refrigerator. In particular, some of them are associated with Feng Shui. Believe them or not is you to decide. After all, signs do not always come true.

So, we find out which magnets on the refrigerator are undesirable to use:

  • Magnets with photos of other people who do not live in the house, hanging on the refrigerator. Thus, you violate the energy of the dwelling. Moreover, it is not known in a good or bad side.
  • You also do not need to attach magnets with photographs of the dead. The deceased must remain at rest. Do not disturb their souls.
  • If you do not know which of the gods is depicted on a magnet, and what he carries with him, what energy, then do not buy it, do not hang such souvenirs in the kitchen.
  • Do not get involved in collecting all kinds of animals that in films or fairy tales play negative roles. You yourself attract unkind energy in your home in this way. Yes, and it is unlikely that other inhabitants of your home will appeal. And the mood will definitely not improve from souvenirs.
  • They say that the pyramids also do not carry good energy to the house. What is surprising, almost everyone knows what is stored in the pyramid (tombs). It’s not much fun to remember the burials during a meal at the kitchen table.
  • With the last superstition, I want to argue. They say no need to hang magnets with photographs of cities, countries on the door of the refrigerator. Allegedly, the brownie can be offended by the owner of the traveler. He will think that he was exchanged, he will take revenge.
Magnets on the refrigerator - signs
Magnets on the refrigerator - signs

It turns out to be better to buy products in the form of fruits, vegetables as souvenirs. And you can have another yummy: ice cream, sweets, cake. It is better for you to decide what to believe and what is not necessary. The main thing is to observe “aesthetic hygiene”, not to sculpt on the surface of the refrigerator too much details. Choose souvenirs with taste so as not to deprive of a good mood of all family members.

Video: Is it possible to hang magnets on the refrigerator?

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