Rh conflict by blood group: symptoms, causes, treatment. How is the Rh factor determined? Blood compatibility: Table

Rh conflict by blood group: symptoms, causes, treatment. How is the Rh factor determined? Blood compatibility: Table

The article explains the risk of Rh conflict during pregnancy. Recommendations are given to future parents on the prevention of probable complications.

Having become pregnant, a woman becomes registered in a antenatal clinic. She has to go through a lot of examinations, take tests. An analysis that will help determine the blood groups of future parents and their Rh factors will also be mandatory.

Rh factor is a specific property of human red blood cells, which is due to the presence of antigen protein. Other group systems do not affect the blood factor in the blood. Each person is born with a certain Rh factor. He remains unchanged until his death and is inherited by children.

Rhesus conflict during pregnancy

How is the Rh factor determined?

Rh factor in medicine is indicated by a combination of two Latin letters RH. If Rh-antigen is detected in red blood cells, then the blood of such a person is considered Rh-positive (RH+). There are about 85%of such people in the world. The remaining 15% are carriers of Rh-negative blood

Analyzes for Rh factor

The owners of a negative Rhesus do not experience special inconvenience and are not considered sick. But if a woman is going to become a mother, then she needs special attention.

If the blood of the same name is antigen and antibodies, then their connection leads to the reaction of gluing red blood cells

Stone red blood cells are not able to perform oxygen delivery. In the blood flow of healthy people, the same antigen and antibodies are not found.

Rhesus conflict is observed with a mixture of Rh-positive blood with Rh-negative. The blood of the fetus becomes incompatible with the blood of the mother. All systems of the maternal body will fight against a foreign protein that appeared in it

Rhesus conflict during pregnancy

This happens when the Father's Rhesus is inherited, with the immunological incompatibility of blood groups: maternal and child. With incompatibility of blood groups, there is less danger than with the incompatibility of the Rh factor.

Rh-concentration is determined in several ways. It depends on whether there is special laboratory equipment. In its absence, express methods for determining the Rh factor are carried out:

  • using a universal reagent; The test tube does not heat up
  • on a white flat plate without heating a test tube

Rh-conciliation is determined by fresh not curled blood. It is taken from a finger or from a vein

Analyzes for Rh conflict

For the express method, a universal serum is used, which is suitable for all blood groups. The serum is prepared by a special method. It is used during the procedures for the immunization of pregnant women. The gluing of red blood cells in the test tube suggests that there is a RH antigen in the blood.

Blood compatibility table

The mother’s body with a negative Rhesus perceives the fruit, which inherited the positive Rhesus of the father, as an alien. As a result, antibodies are produced that attack and destroy the fetus.

Sometimes it affects the development, normal growth of the baby. But serious consequences are also possible: present antigens in the blood can cause intrauterine death of the embryo, a miscarriage

Blood compatibility table

Symptoms of the Rhesus of the conflict

An independent woman cannot determine by her well-being, which is under the threat of the development of Rh conflict. The main feature is the presence of antibodies in her blood

  • the fetus develops a hemolytic disease, which is manifested by anemia, a violation of the activities of internal organs
  • the baby has jaundice
  • there is a risk of deaths of hypoxic damage to the brain and heart.

Rhesus conflict consequences for the child

Reason for Rh conflict:

  • c-section
  • various complications, bleeding before or during childbirth caused by placental disorders or its detachment
  • conducting various procedures such as choriona biopsy, cordocentesis or amniocentesis
  • with gestosis, diabetes, after a flu or acute respiratory system
  • after intrauterine sensitization of the future mother

Rhesus conflict during pregnancy

The woman is at risk on the development of Rh conflict during complications during pregnancy (toxicosis, blood pressure, infectious diseases). They learn about possible sensitization after a woman passes all the tests and will be determined by the Rh-concentration of future parents and their blood groups

Rhesus conflict during pregnancy

Blood test for Rhesus factor

It is impossible to find out that the couple is not suitable for each other in blood. But if a woman does not pregnant for a long time from a partner, or if miscarriages become the outcome of pregnancy, then you should seek help from doctors. The "barren" couple, having passed all the necessary tests and observing the recommendations, will be able to conceive the baby, and the woman can successfully endure him


The first stage in the examination of the pregnant woman for the presence of antigens is to determine the RH-inferiority of future parents. It is recommended to carry out such diagnostics before conception, or at the beginning of pregnancy. With negative rheses of both partners, further research is not carried out, since the conflict is excluded.

Important: if the patient has a pregnancy ended with a miscarriage or abortion took place, the fetus died in the womb or a child was sick with a hemolytic disease, then there is a great risk of Rh conflict

Analysis for Rh conflict

To find out whether the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen in Rh conflict, it is necessary to regularly undergo ultrasound diagnostics. Ultrasound is prescribed for a period of 20th weeks of pregnancy and ending with the 36th week. The last time the ultrasound is prescribed before childbirth. This allows you to observe the growth and development of the baby.

The development of the fetus is also judged by conducting the study of amniotic fluid (amniocentesis) and examining umbilical blood (cordocentesis). Diagnosis of this type is carried out at the last trimester of pregnancy. Analysis of umbilical blood, how much anemia develops in terms of hemoglobin, bilirubin, and other indicators.

What do antibodies mean?

In the body of a pregnant woman, only by 7-8 weeks the compounds of the protein structure-Rhesus antibodies begin to be produced. Prior to this, in the blood flow of the mother there are no Rh-antibodies that can harm the fetus.

The first pregnancy is characterized by large antibodies of large sizes. It is not easy for them to penetrate through the placenta to the embryo. But in subsequent pregnancy, other antibodies against the Rh factor are produced.

Antibodies are smaller, but their presence is more destructive to the child, since it is easier for them to go through the placenta and they are more aggressive. Therefore, the female immune system reacts during the subsequent bearing of the fetus on Rh antigen faster and stronger.

Rhesus conflict in the second and subsequent pregnancies

If a woman first bears a child, then the incompatibility of blood groups of future parents will not cause Rh conflict, since the number of antibodies produced are insignificant.

The second pregnancy increases the risk of conflict. This means that during childbirth, umbilical cord blood with protective antibodies - “memory cells” falls into maternal blood. Thus, the mother’s body becomes susceptible to RH antigen. The placental barrier of antibodies overcome and destroy the red blood cells of the fetus.

Maximum risk for women

Rhsisitization does not threaten the mother’s body. After a complex pregnancy and childbirth, the mother’s problems with the presence of Rh conflict are exhausted. But the immunization can affect the repetition of the situation during subsequent pregnancy.

Consequences of the Rhesus of the conflict for the fetus

In a child, a hemolytic disease develops with Rh conflict, swelling, yellow, and the spleen, liver increase. In the blood, an indicator of bilirubin increases, which poisons a small organism.

A favorable prognosis: the born child is highly likely to develop hemolytic anemia in a mild form. In this case, jaundice and dropsy are absent.

In more severe forms, hemolytic anemia with jaundice takes place. But the most severe form of the disease is aggravated by both jaundice and wars. A child may die in the womb of his mother

Intrauterine transfusion for Rh conflict

Treatment of Rhesus conflict

Doctors may decide on the intrauterine blood transfusion for the child up to 34 weeks of pregnancy, which improves the condition of the fetus. The transfusion is carried out through the umbilical cord. Thus, the development of anemia in the fetus can be avoided.

In especially severe cases, a decision is made to stimulate premature birth. The born child is treated with jaundice, a course of phototherapy is carried out (with spreading under special blue lamps). You may need repeated blood transfusion. In some cases, treatment is not required at all.

Video: About the Rh factor and the threat to the child

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