What is the most rare blood type and why? Classification of blood group by rarity. What is the Rhesus factor rare? Blood type, which is the most common and better for health

What is the most rare blood type and why? Classification of blood group by rarity. What is the Rhesus factor rare? Blood type, which is the most common and better for health

The article refers to which blood type is the rarest in people. You will also find out which blood groups and what are the best for health.

To determine the group, the Rhesus of blood flow should be given blood for analysis. The laboratory will make a test where the antigen will be detected, in other words-Rh factor RH. Antigen is usually in the region of blood cells - red blood cells. The bulk of patients have an identical component, because they belong to people with a positive blood group. The rest of the faces do not have this particle, so they have RH (-) (negative Rh factor). But this will not be about that, you will find out which group and the Rh factor are the most unique and why.

What is the most rare blood type and why?

Back in the last century, a conditional classification of patients by blood group was developed. It turned out that there are four such groups: the first, second, third, fourth. Each main type also has a subgroup: negative (-), positive (+). Basically, the blood flow varies in its structure, by the presence of agglutinogens A, B (proteins) in the area of \u200b\u200bred blood substances. It is these components that determine what type of blood belongs to the person and set the Rhesus factor. As already mentioned, there are two RH + (plus) and - (minus).

Determination of blood type
Determination of the type of blood flow

According to scientists' research is the rarest blood, this the fourth group. Persons with such blood throughout the planet - seven percent. Interestingly, the first blood type of patients is often present, but with a positive Rhesus, but with a negative group there is little.

Why the fourth group of the population of the globe is rare, because it appeared unlike the rest only two thousand years ago. And this is phenomenal, because it combines two opposite basic types of blood - a, V. In facts, patients who are its carriers have a good immune system, which is able to adapt even to the most severe climatic conditions. Biologists say that the 4th group is one of the most difficult in structure. And who knows whether the patient was lucky or not to be born with such blood, because in the case of transfusion it is difficult to find at the stations where this procedure is done.

What are the blood groups?
What are the blood groups?

If you look at the talents of such personalities, then a person with the 4th group is always creative and active people. They have great imagination, very emotional, they have developed love for the excellent manifestations of the universe and they can boast of an ideal taste and appreciate art.

The pluses of such personalitiesin psychological terms, this is the ability to show such characteristics as sympathy, kindness, altruism and selflessly help others. People are very sensitive to other people's troubles. However, this quality is sometimes necessary, but within reasonable limits. If it has too large boundaries, then a person can fall from one extreme to another. Instead of help, they can provide a bear service.

Their fanaticism does not know the edge. Sometimes you might think that such people are not very adapted to living conditions on Earth. In moments of despair, they lose practicality, are not particularly concentrated and very offended by loved ones for not understanding them sometimes. They also understand their belonging to the beautiful differently. Some are able to create whole works that will take leadership positions in this market, others gain psychological dependence and this can even lead to vices.

What are blood groups: classification of blood type by rarity

As already mentioned, at the moment there are only four types of blood flow. All of them have certain differences in the biochemical composition. This is proved a thousand years ago. Denote the main types of blood flow in letters and Roman numerals. This looks as follows: I (0), II (A), III (B), IV (AB).

A rare blood type
A rare type of blood flow

The most popular and numerous blood carriers are people with I-V (+) type of blood flow. There are only 46 percent on Earth. Less numerous is second (+).In total, there are about 34 percent of such carriers, mainly Europeans. Third (+)there are only 13 percent of people on Earth.

Which Rh factor is rare?

From the above, we can already conclude that it is less found in patients Rh (-).Many people, and this is about 86 percent have Rh (+).And only 14 percent are patients with a negative Rhesus. So in Africa lives, almost 92 percent of the population with a positive RH and 8 percent with negative RH. In Asia, only one percent of local residents has Rh (-).

IMPORTANT: That a positive type of blood cannot be poured with a negative blood group, but the negative patient can be positive, and no problems will arise.

Patient blood test

When transfusing blood from the patient to the patient, group and Rhesus are always taken into account. The process is performed by observing the following rules:

  • Positive blood of the first The groups are allowed to pour in all other types of blood, but it is impossible to do otherwise. A person with the first group will only go the first.
  • Patients CO the second positivethey can share blood with patients not only the second (+), but also the fourth (+). But only the second and first will suit them again.
  • Third (+)it will go to patients with the third (+), the fourth (+) group. And people with the third need only I and III groups.
  • Patients the fourth groupthey can give blood to people with the same type of blood, and they are given the blood of donors with the I, II, III group.

Which blood type is the most common, best for health?

Based on the established statistics data, the most common type of blood flow in people on the globe is first (+).And he is practically universal - suitable for all other types of blood flow. Judging how species and Rhesus affects the state of health of people, there is no scientific data yet, there are only observations.

So women with a negative Rhesus have a great probability not to maintain their fetus during pregnancy than ladies with a positive RH. In any case, these future mothers should not be abortion during the first pregnancy, otherwise you can lose the opportunity to give birth to a baby forever.

The most common blood in the group
The most common blood in the group

Many are interested in what kind of blood is the best for health? Medical luminaries believe that I (+) in all qualities has advantages over other types of blood flow in humans. After all, it has universal characteristics and is ideal for almost all other patients with RH (+). Other descriptions of other types of blood flow are only facts and observations without any evidence from scientists.

  • People with the I group They have vividly exposed characteristics of leaders, they have excellent health, they very rarely suffer from colds. However, they have such pathologies as gastritis, an ulcer. And despite the activity of people with such blood flow, they respond poorly to crossings and a change in climatic conditions.
  • Holders Group II They are less active, but they are not lost when changing the situation. Among these persons, talents with leadership qualities are often found. They have a thyroid disease, cholecystitis, gastritis and colds.
  • The population s III group - Fans of home comfort, do not like completely fuss. Always choose a profession with calm working conditions. It is inherent in a neurosis, because how often they come out of a state of balance in stressful situations. Already at a young age, patients are prone to hypertension, pathologies of the heart, blood vessels.
  • Faces s IV type Blood flow has sociable qualities, easily mastered in a new place. Diseases inherent in them are diseases of the heart system, thromboembolism, etc.

Video: Which blood type is less common in people?

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