Onion husk - infusion, decoction: benefits for seedlings of vegetable crops, like top dressing and protection against pests and diseases: recipes

Onion husk - infusion, decoction: benefits for seedlings of vegetable crops, like top dressing and protection against pests and diseases: recipes

Onion husk is one of the simple and safe ways to care for the seedlings. Only prepare it correctly. How to do this, as well as what nuances of use are, our article will tell.

Onion husks for feeding plants is one of the best ways that help them develop faster and be strong and healthy. In addition, the husk helps to get rid of insects and fungal diseases. Vegetables grown using such top dressing are absolutely safe for eating.

The benefits of onion husks for seedlings: Dignity

Onion husk
Onion husk

Feeding on onions is effective for almost all crops that are grown in the garden. It is most beneficial for peppers, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. After its use, the culture grows better, and also give a plentiful crop. In addition, onion husks for seedlings can be used for simple indoor colors. It also strengthens them and allows you to grow better.

You can list many useful properties of this tool, but the main ones are as follows:

  • First of all, the husk is the best assistant in the fight against various kinds of fungi, as well as bacteria and rot. The use of a decoction or infusion does not allow harmful bacteria to develop, and fungi - to grow. The husk also disinfects the leaves
  • Improves the general condition of the root system. Therefore, the plant is strengthened and developing. Onion husk does not allow to rot seedlings. The early process of collapse of chlorophyll is also prevented, which takes part in photosynthesis.
  • The plant immunity is supported. Its protective forces are activated, and it is able to actively resist adverse external factors. In addition, the husk helps transform nitrogen and sulfur, and also saturates the plants with phosphorus.

Using a decoction, infusion, onion husk extract for seedlings: instructions, recipes

Onions for seedlings are prepared in different ways. In this case, it is important to understand that varieties may differ, as well as their husk contains different amounts of nutrients. So, in the yellow husk of them the most. So for plants it will be preferable.

  • Infusion

Take a liter jar and draw husks into it so that it lay tightly. Then pour it with water to the edges and leave it for two days. When the water is infused, strain it to remove all the excess.

The infusion cannot be used in its purest form. It is divorced in a ratio of 1: 2. Also add one tablespoon of liquid soap. This will allow the drug to stay longer. After that, you can proceed to spraying or watering of plants.

If there is no time to insist the solution and it is required urgently, then half a bucket of water tightly fill with onions and pour hot water. The temperature should be at least 70 degrees. After that, let it brew 12-15 hours. At the end of the time, also strain the finished infusion. It is not required to breed it, and therefore immediately use it on plants.

  • Decoction

To prepare a decoction, fill the husks in a three -liter jar and pour hot water. When everything is saturated, transfer the mixture to the pan and add another liter of water there. It is recommended to take dishes in which you do not cook food, because then it will be difficult to wash the walls.

Send a pan and husk to the fire. Wait for the mixture to boil and leave it like that for 5-10 minutes. Immediately after boiling, strain the solution.

When the decoction has cooled, feel free to use it. However, you have to dilute it. To do this, pour two liters of decoctions into a bucket and share another 8 liters of clean water.

Plants are poured from watering can with the scatter under the root. Consider that one young plant will need half a liter in the first weeks after landing. Later, the amount of solution decreases by two to three times.

  • Extract

This tool is easiest to cook and vodka will be required for it. By the way, you can also use alcohol tinctures of home cooking.

Take a jar of 0.5 liters and fill it with completely cleaning. After that, pour vodka abundantly. She should fill all the voids. After that, close the jar tightly and leave it for a week in a warm place. This is where your extract is ready. You can store it in the refrigerator. It retains its properties for up to six months.

If you want to improve the germination of seeds, as well as disinfect them, then the solution is prepared at the rate - one tablespoon per glass of water. The seeds in it are soaked or germinated between two layers of gauze or fabric.

If your goal is fertilizer, then add 50-60 ml of extract to a bucket of water with a volume of 10 liters. Plants are watered from watering can or sprayed.

It is recommended to prepare the extract in several stages. As soon as it accumulates enough for a half-liter can of the husk, you can immediately prepare an extract.

Onion husks for seedlings to protect against pests and diseases: use, recipe

Preparation of a decoction of onion husk
Preparation of a decoction of onion husk

Onions for seedlings are often used as a product for pests and diseases. Thanks to its use, you can get rid of insects for a long time.

There are several effective recipes to fight pests:

  • Pour one kilogram of husks with three liters of boiling water. The finished mixture cannot be used immediately. She needs a day to brew. This tool helps to cope with a black leg very well
  • The onion effectively fights aphids and a spider mite on plants. To do this, it is enough to add laundry soap to the solution
  • Plants can be treated. This allows you to increase their resistance to infections. The procedure is carried out five to six days after planting in the ground. Also, this event allows us to prevent the development of rot

By the way, the solution not only helps to fight pests and diseases. It can also act as a growth stimulant and adaptogen.

Onion husks for feeding seedlings: recipe for cooking

To increase productivity, onions for seedlings are also used. There is a recipe for effective onion top dressing. To prepare you will need two or four liters of boiling water, as well as 600 grams of husk. The liquid must be defended. She needs 40-50 hours.

For each bush you will need 400 ml of infusion. Gradually, the amount increases to one liter, as the plant grows.

The feeding effect gives quickly enough. After a few days of use of the foliage will acquire a brighter and more juicy color.

Using onion husks for seedlings: tips and recommendations

Many beginner gardeners believe that onion husks for seedlings can be used as convenient. However, it is not. Often a concentrate is used without dilution, or a solution - immediately after cooking. This is categorically impossible. In the first case, you will give the plants too much, and in the second - kill the plant with boiling water. Also, an excess of nutrients cannot be created using the solution too often. It is enough to do it once a week. In addition, it is not recommended to use the old infusion. There will be no benefit from him.

Experienced gardeners give some tips on how to use onion husks for seedlings:

  • It is best to take a skin of red varieties. The fact is that it contains more querecetin. This means that the plants will be better protected
  • When you plant seedlings of tomatoes and pepper, it is recommended to put a little humus in each hole and with it onion husks. This will allow plants to get constant recharge
  • To check the concentration of infusion, try what it tastes. If you mixed everything correctly, then it will be bitter.
  • If you do not feel strong bitterness, then you are weakly diluted by the solution
  • If you want to remove pests, then process the leaves. It is recommended to do this on both sides
  • Any decoction or infusion is important to use immediately or maximum during the day. Further, the concentration of nutrients is reduced
  • Onion husk helps to preserve the fruits from rot. Place the crop in it and it will remain fresh for a long time
  • To get rid of insects on the site, sprinkle on onions in different places of the garden

So, onion husks for seedlings is an excellent assistant in the garden. It allows not only to ensure the growth of cultures, but also to protect against diseases and pests. In addition, it is completely inexpensive.

Video: onion husks for seedlings - application and properties

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