How to calculate alcohol: calculation of alcohol for a wedding, anniversary, birthday, banquet

How to calculate alcohol: calculation of alcohol for a wedding, anniversary, birthday, banquet

It is difficult to plan an important event (wedding, anniversary, banquet), because many aspects must be taken into account. The main nuance is the selection of the optimal amount of alcohol, because I want all the guests to feel comfortable and be satisfied with the pastime.

This article will talk in detail about how to calculate the number of alcoholic beverages for a wedding, banquet, anniversary or other type of celebration.

How to calculate alcohol for a banquet: planning by stages

First you need to decide for the purpose of the event. If you are organizing a wedding, birthday or corporate feast, you will need a lot of alcohol. After all, there are enough guests that should not need such events.

There are several stages of each holiday, so you need to take into account such points before calculating alcohol:

  1. Before serving the main dishes, an aperitif is carried out. Light appetizers and a little alcohol are placed on the table (most often it is wine and champagne). Calculate everything so that one person has to at least 250 ml of the drink.
  2. The main stage. Here you need to arrange more drinks on the table so that the holiday goes to "Hurray".
  3. The final. It will take a little more alcohol. Given that by the end of the event, many diverge home, and some will completely refuse to drink alcoholic beverages, 1 liter of alcohol for 10-12 people will be enough.
On a banquet
On a banquet

How to calculate alcohol for a person?

When it comes to the main stage of celebration, 2 types of alcoholic beverages are put on the tables - wine and vodka. You should also purchase 2-3 bottles of champagne. This is necessary if some guests do not drink wine. If guests are expected that suffer from intolerance to vodka, you can prepare a little for them whiskey or cognac.

If the festive feast lasts at least 5 hours, then you will need:

  • 1 liter of strong alcohol per 2 people;
  • 750 ml of playful for 2-3 people;
  • 750 ml of wine - for 1 person.

All of the above volume is already indicated with the margin. That is, after the holiday, you still have a little alcohol.

You can surprise guests with delicious cocktails
You can surprise guests with delicious cocktails

An accurate calculation implies that individual preferences of guests must be taken into account:

  • 1 man will need 400 ml of vodka, 500 ml of wine and 250 ml of champagne
  • for 1 woman will need - 100 ml of vodka, 450 ml of wine and 250 ml of champagne

If guests are expected who love to have fun in a large company, you can increase the amount of alcohol by 1.5-2 times. The above calculation provides that the company will have poor guests.

Calculate Alcohol for Birthday

If you invited about 30 people to celebrate your birthday, you should purchase a lot of alcohol. Basically, vodka and wine will be used. For people who love only to have fun, without abusing alcohol, you will have to buy a little champagne.

Strong drinks - be sure to
Strong drinks - be sure to

Detailed calculation of alcohol standards:

  • for 15 guys, 7-8 liters of vodka and 7-8 liters of wine will be required
  • for 15 girls, blame 2-3 liters of vodka and 7-8 liters of wine
  • additionally put 2 liters of cognac and 2-3 l of sparkling
  • other types of alcoholic beverages should be bought based on individual wishes of guests

How to calculate alcohol for a wedding?

  • The most popular type of alcohol is wine. If you do not know which color of the wine to choose, consider the season, dishes on the table and the wishes of the guests. In summer, it is better to put white types of wine on the table, and in winter - red.
  • If there are many fish or chicken dishes on the table, give preference white guilt. The meat goes well with red wines. If you do not want to buy different varieties of wine, you can use a universal look - pink. Serve the drinks with chilled. If you celebrate the holiday in the restaurant, then bring alcohol 5-6 hours before the start of the celebration. This time will be enough for the drinks to cool.
Calculate the dose of alcohol
Calculate the dose of alcohol
  • If it is difficult for you to decide on the choice, you can order an equal amount of white and red wine, and add pink to the reserve. Try to buy semi -sweet and semi -dry varieties of wine.
  • Dessert species are not combined with heavy food, which is often placed on the table of such events. Dry varieties are characterized by a specific taste, so not everyone can come to their liking.
  • You can specify in advance with the guests how they relate to cocktails based on vermouth and fruit juice. They will become an excellent alternative to guilt. According to statistics, at least 750 ml of wine is bought per person.
Choose the right wine
Choose the right wine
  • As for strong alcohol, men drink 0.5 liters, and women are not more than 300 ml.

How to calculate how much alcohol is needed for the wedding:

  1. Playwood drinks - 40 bottles.
  2. Wine drinks - 56 bottles.
  3. Strong alcohol (whiskey, vodka, cognac) - 30 bottles.
Sample alcohol miscalculations
Sample alcohol miscalculations

How to calculate alcohol for a company in nature?

  • If a birthday, a banquet or corporate celebration is celebrated in the forest or in the park, you can buy beer. This drink is considered an ideal alternative to the usual drinks. Any holiday will be complemented very well craft beerwhich is prepared according to an unusual recipe.
  • The container in which beer will be stored separately. Everyone will be able to pour himself as much as it takes. Nearby put a table where beer snacks will be placed. Ask for specialized companies to deliver cooled beer in kegs to the appointed place. Average, each person drinks at least 1 liter of beer in nature.
  • So, now you know how to calculate the amount of alcohol for any type of celebration. When calculating, pay attention to the duration of the celebration, the number of people, the time of the year and the wishes of the guests.

Also, finally, we want to focus on the fact that you do not need to drive intoxicated. Better use the taxi services or ask friends who did not drink to deliver you home. We also provide you with useful information on how to calculate alcohol weathering.

Calculate the time of alcohol excretion
Calculate the time of alcohol excretion

Useful articles about alcohol:

Video: menu and alcohol for a wedding - calculation

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