Alcoholic chants, drinking at the table - the best selection

Alcoholic chants, drinking at the table - the best selection

In order for the holiday in the circle of relatives and glow people to be mostly filled with positive, it is important to think in advance how you will entertain the guests. This can be done with alcoholic chants, drinking. All that you will need to do in this case is to print the text and invite guests to read it.

Alcoholic chants short in roles

Alcoholic chants short in roles
Alcoholic chants short in roles

Alcoholic chants short in roles:

Leading:Which of you is now ready to drink a glass to the brim?

Guests: It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!

LeadingWhich of you with a cheerful song will enchant us all together?

GuestsIt's me, it's me, these are all my friends!

Leading: Which of you, tell the brothers, will undress in the dance?

Guests:It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!

LeadingWhich of you in a new suit is so similar to Kazanov?

Guests:It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!

LeadingWhich of you, having lurked your mouth, will tell a joke here?

Guests:It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!

Leading: Which of you, tell the brothers, will be lying under the table?

Guests: It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!

Leading: Who will drink a glass from a neighbor for a smart conversation?

Guests: It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!

Leading:Which of you, tell me the brothers, will hang out tomorrow?

Guests: It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!

You have to drink for this!

Leading:Today is a holiday in the hall,
We all know about it.
You have to drink for this!

Guests: And we do not mind!

Leading:To yours praise
We compose in chorus.
You have to drink for this!

Guests: And we do not mind!

Leading: With love, the anniversary
We present gifts.
You have to drink for this!

Guests: And we do not mind!

Leading: Your anniversary is solid,
But we do not count years.
You have to drink for this!

Guests: And we do not mind!

Leading: And you are all good -
We notice it.
You have to drink for this!

Guests: And we do not mind!

Leading: Happy days, health
We wish you more.
You have to drink for this!

Guests: And we do not mind!

Leading: Come for a birthday
We promise to hundredth!
You have to drink for this!

Guests: And we do not mind!

Leading: And know, our dear -
We are not tea in you.
You have to drink for this!

Guests: And we do not mind!

Alcoholic chants to support guests at the holiday

Alcoholic chants to support guests at the holiday
Alcoholic chants to support guests at the holiday

Alcoholic chants to support guests at the holiday:

We should not miss us!

Guests on the right: We will loudly sing songs!
Guests on the left: And we will go to dance!
Leading: Let's skip one glass alone -
Well, you have to start!
Guests on the right: We will loudly sing songs!
Guests on the left: And we will go to dance!
Leading: Then we pour the second,
To continue the holiday!
Guests on the right: We will loudly sing songs!
Guests on the left: And we will go to dance!
Presenter: God loves the Trinity, it's time
Raise the third!
Guests on the right: We will loudly sing songs!
Guests on the left: And we will go to dance!
Leading: And we turn on the music later -
She must sound!
Guests on the right: We will loudly sing songs!
Guests on the left: And we will go to dance!
Leading: Then we still pour a glass -
After all, we must finish it!
Guests on the right: We will loudly sing songs!
Guests on the left: And we will go to dance!
Leading: And if the wine ends,
We will not lose heart!
Guests on the right: We will loudly sing songs!
Guests on the left: And we will go to dance!
Leading: In the morning we just go home,
When all people sleep!
Guests on the right: We will loudly sing songs!
Guests on the left: And we will go to dance!

A drop of a drop of Leasy wine!
Life revives only it!
Let's drink the cup our burning cup,
Only the sparkling sweet key!

Who goes to visit in the morning
He acts wisely:
Then here is 100 grams,
Then there is 100 grams,
You look - again morning.

Drink a cloudy cup to the bottom,
Click on the goulash with merciless force,
Since the norms of glory and wine
The era itself approved!

Isn't it time for us to dick?
We live once in our lives,
What can we take from life.
And only that one is happy
Who will drink and pour it again!

And the bell bells ring,
Our horses rushed for three in a row,
Our horses got down:far way,
Isn't it time for usto wave the glass? It's time!
We wave on a glass, friends,
For us and the joy of being!

Let's drink, drink, and do not stream,
And we bite the herring.
And the salad probably.
And then we still pour it!

They sit at the table, eat at the table,
They drink at the table,
Pour into the glasses.
And what am I leading to?
Isn't it time for us to rest?
It's time!

Glasses and forks,
Let's drink for a warm -up.
To facilitate the heart,
It is necessary to pour a pile.
Do not drink for the company -
The anniversary is prognost.

In the brains stagnation, in the bones of the ache,
But you still have a hunt.
So, at the time you drink soon,
Friends, a glass of liquor!

Accelerating blood through the veins,
I came to us through the distance of the centuries
Toast of Siberian old -timers,
Wishes of the old people:
So that there is strong,
So that the sour is carried out!
To drink!
To eat!
So that I would like!
So that it could!

We pour friends!
Let everyone drink.
Let's drive away a boring swearing of worries:
He destroys joy, life and strength.

Christmas trees, Forest Forest,
They will be fined for a simple one!
So that there is no damage
Let's drink vodka with lemon.

Between the first and the second ....

- I'm not my own yet
- I'm idle today
- I don't want to go home
- I'm sitting still sick

Another bulk with caviar ....
I will miss a glass of water ...
I will kiss with the tamad.

Between the first and second - a small creative;
Between the first and second I got confused with my foot ...
Between the first and second - congratulations, dear
Between the first and second - the bullet will not fly, so the hunters say,
Between the first and second - the fish will not bite, as fishermen think
Between the first and second - you will not have time to grunt (pensioners)
Between the first and second guests are engaged in food.
Between the first and second, everyone is happy with the toastmaster.
Between the first and second DJs, the waltz is simple.
Between the first and second I am preparing a second toast.
Between the first and second Santa Claus, no!
Between the first and second - oh, I will sometimes imprison ...
Between the first and second - I'm still alive
Between the first and second - my eyes are not my own
Between the first and second - we will change his wife

Alcohol-drill game for friends

Alcohol-drill game for friends
Alcohol-drill game for friends

Alcohol-drinker-drinker for the company of friends:

Who came for a holiday to drink, clap your hands!
Who came here to eat, clap everything too ....

Who is drunk today, clap your hands!
And who is hungry today, clap everything too ...

A neighbor on the table who hugged, clap your hands!
Who kissed him, clap everything too ...

Who poured 100 grams to a friend, clap your hands!
Who muddied the bottle, clap everything too.

Toumad who will listen, clap your hands!
For three who will drink - clap everything too

Who will not smoke here, clap your hands!
And who will drink vodka, clap everything too ...

Who slept all night today, clap your hands!
And who played all night in love, clap everything too.

To jump from the roof who is ready, -chop your hands!
The culprit of the occasion to be healthy, clap everything too ...

Who is ready to drink already, clap your hands!
Who is ready to take on the chest, clap everything too.

Who is ready to play games, clap your hands!
The prize is ready to receive, clap everything too ...

Who is ready to sleep under the table, clap your hands!
He knows the house and address, clap everything too ...

Who will go home on foot, clap your hands!
They will take away who friends will be carried away, clap everything too ...

Who will continue the banquet at home, clap your hands!
Call friends, acquaintances, clap everything too

Who will leave the stranger with his wife, clap your hands!
It will pass in your hands now, clap everything too ...

Salto who will show us, clap your hands!
Who can sit on the twine, clap everything too ...

Who mixed beer with vodka, clap your hands!
He will treat friends with herring, clap everything too ...

Who will tell the joke, clap your hands!
And whoever drinks from the neck, clap everything too ...

Who will beat the dishes, clap your hands!
Who will not drink anymore, clap everything too ...

Who is ready to litter with money, clap your hands!
An attitude to mom will take it, clap everything too ...

Who devastated the glass, clap your hands!
And who has poured a new one, clap everything too ...

Who is in a hurry to tell us, clap your hands!
Who is ready to pour everyone, clap everything too ...

Funny drinks - alcoholic chants for congratulations about champagne in verses

Funny drinks - alcoholic chants for congratulations about champagne in verses
Funny drinks - alcoholic chants for congratulations about champagne in verses

Funny drinking - alcoholic chants for congratulations about champagne in verses:

Let your life be playful,
As with bubbles wine,
And happiness will not forget you.
Everything will be like in the cinema.
We give a bottle of champagne to you
As a symbol of future victories.
We put this gift on the table,
And you decide - to open it or no.

Take as a gift today
Sweet, sparkling.
Let it be a mood
Daring, radiant.
Let this drink give
A couple of sweet minutes
Drink and remember that good luck
They are only waiting ahead of you.

Champagne - aristocratic drink,
The taste is excellent, and the effect is cosmic.
I wish you fun from a sparkling drink,
Any attempt ends with success.
A smile, joy, courage will bring a glass,
To inspiration, joy and happiness will lead.

For a golden person
This drink is golden.
He has fun and soul
With your fainting sparkling.
Let this gift decorate yourself
A fun holiday and a feast,
We present it today
We are with the most sincere love!

A sparkling bottle is a presenter from me.
Let it dilute it
All the turmoil of the day.
Let it foamed in a glass
Magic elixir
And in life appears
Suddenly a faithful landmark.
The mood will become better
Paints will play.
Life becomes warmer
Where they pour.

Champagne bottle,
Take as a gift,
Under the drink is foamy
Substitute the glasses.
Let the shot drive away
All sorrows away
Let them leave
For the gate at night.

Bubbles of joy
Let the happiness explode
With champagne mood
Good will return.
Will become in the soul
Let it be easy and fun
Make champagne
The world is kind, more wonderful.

She is so necessary when good news
He is cautiously knocking on you
A bottle of champagne is a necessary thing,
I hope you come in handy
I give this need, I wish good,
So that the swarm of the bubbles of weightless
I raised your mood with a bang,
Straight to the clouds, amazed!

I wish you the sunny sun,
To please every moment!
I give you a sparkling bottle,
It will now cheer up!
Rather, get the glasses already
And the toast is eloquent!
For a festive, fun atmosphere
We must drink a glass lively!

No, then not a mug, not a piggy bank.
And not Dumas shabby Tom.
From us champagne bottle
You as a gift. We will disperse!
Let the foam take off to the ceiling.
We wish you love!
We pour and drink, certainly,
We are for success, for yours!

Through the day, let it be hot,
Smiles to you and a sea of \u200b\u200bgifts,
CHAMPANESKY accept from us,
Let it be more joyful at the festive hour!
This bottle positively charges
And the mood raises even higher.
Come on, open, and call the guests of all,
Fill the bubbles with fun!
We wish you interesting events
Days of bright, positive and wonderful,
A sea of \u200b\u200blove and happiness ocean,
Strive, fly to the treasured dreams!

I know you love champagne wine.
It will bring a lot of passion and fun.
Drings the head sparkling and easy
The nose is pinch and nothing can be compared with him!
Let him deliver pleasure, euphoria for you.
I give you a bottle of unusual wine.
The feeling of the holiday will create on the soul
And a smile will affect your face.

Alcoholic chants funny for adults at the table

Alcoholic chants funny for adults at the table
Alcoholic chants funny for adults at the table

Alcoholic chants funny for adults at the table:

Festive feast together brought us together,
Naunity about him flashed through
We will successfully walk to the end
We will not let boredom at the table. We swear!

A wonderful reason for us to take a walk,
(Name) We will smile at him all
We will drink a glass to the bottom here
In that (name) we swear!

Once again, let's drink to the bottom,
So that he (her) is still married
Stop of vodka, glass of wine,
Drink to the bottom we ... swear!

We will drink and walk today,
We will not even disperse soon
We will tear off his ears (to her)
In that (name) we swear!

Whatever he asked for a feast of the tamada
We are spent with him at the table,
Whether the competition, toast, wish, game -
We swear to listen to him

We will call everything at midnight
You look, we’ll disperse by the morning
Of course, we will not enter into a fight
In that (name) we swear!

Laugh and drink, dance until the morning
Together in the circle we will meet
And who does not dance - the penalty to the bottom
We swear for happiness.

In the morning we will pour beer,
We can do this with the medicine
We will wise people wise
In that (name) we swear!

Friends we will collect everyone in the sauna
We gently go through the broom
We will swim in the pool, dive
In that (name) we swear!

(Name) We wish you health, good,
We will gather again in a year,
So that they do not forget (-Ah, you have never forgotten) friends never,
To sing "Happy Birthday" we swear!

Opa-on, here they pour
This banquet to us.
Behind the glasses, on a freebie,
Let them pour into a glass.

Opa-on, here they pour
I got intoxicated and "swam"
A friend shouts: “Taban, as you can,
Once the oars did not capture. "

All my gut shouted,
A friend failed, beat him.
I brought vodka to the picnic,
And he did not capture the brine.

Opa-on, here they pour
For this we came
And snacks, two buckets
We brought with us.

Fog crawls to the village,
Who is not sober, he is definitely drunk,
I'm sitting near the gate
Maybe someone will pour.

We’ll drop a hundred rubles,
I’m ready to give five hundred.
Reluctance with a drunken mug
Again, drive into the store for vodka.

The evening is approaching
And I am not noticed in a booze.
So tired that there is no strength
Who would pour it, and I would drink.

At the head of the table, Kuzin,
The toasts are uttering.
Toast, toasts, there is no end
And what does not pour?

I drink which a week,
Already the whole snack gobbled up.
I ate all hays at the cow
Vodka jammed with snow.

In the evenings we put the mash
Manka pinching the thigh.
In general, we live cheerfully,
How to ripen, we drink.

My friend drinks a week
The snack ended.
He sniffs with a sleeve,
So accepted in Russian.

I noticed the lady right away
Oh, and cool infection.
And if pour a glass,
It’s even wonderful to live.

We sat quietly drank
They jammed with a cucumber.
I pushed almost three liters,
He did not hit the mud face.

Since such a booze went
Drag the cucumbers from the barrel.
It’s not good to drink without a snack
You can give the ends like that.

If I quit drink tomorrow
I will become rich.
I will row the money
Acting shovel.

Like on Donskoy Street,
We said goodbye to longing.
They drank vodka, ate the vobla,
Oh, not a frail tuck.

If I quit drink tomorrow.
I can love the girls.
The buoy will not fail
I can tirelessly love

Who does not smoke or drink,
He lives very boring.
Since there is no reason to get drunk
This is the desire to drown.

My friend reveled in wine
Under the table, however, he did not fall
I will sign up for a master class,
Let him teach us to drink.

In the morning I drank a little
Finding two horns on the head.
Then a gift from the wife
How to wear them until spring

Seias will roll down three glasses.
And bite with a cucumber
And finish the bottom to the bottom
So we’ll lay face in the salad.

The holiday was muddied today
Well, what not to stir up,
Sin with a good company
0.5 do not miss.

They did not have time to pour.
I drank for my wife exactly, I remember
But he missed the mother -in -law.

I certainly do not know how to drink.
Because I do not hops
A friend is already drunk, let a tear
And I'm not in any eye.

Call the harmonist.
I will order him a cancan
The circle and legs are higher,
But first another hundred grams.

Something was sad for me.
I’ll quench the sadness in the fault
Straight to her bottom, infection
So that it does not come even once.

There is a bottle on the table,
And in the bottle cognac.
A bottle of vodka is under the table,
And on the coals a barbecue.

I come to my home
Drunk, barely alive.
And the wife, infection.
It beats with a rolling pin at once.

Sasha was sober in the insole,
I did not want to drink on the staff.
Maybe this is superstition,
But there is no confidence in sober.

Cool alcohol chants cool

Cool alcohol chants cool
Cool alcohol chants cool

Cool alcohol chants: Cool:

"Long live the lady this beautiful!"

Leading: We are the first outbreaky toast here, we begin,
We will read the poetry of the congratulatory row,
We scatter lush bouquets at once,
In a fit of beautiful we repeat to you:
(Name, patronymic of the birthday girl) Many summer!
Guests: Long live the lady this beautiful!
Leading: Born, studied, was pretty,
In everyday life and work - everything is always fine.
In her head for all a clear estimate!
Guests: Long live the lady this beautiful!
Leading: Fate gave her a lot:
Spouse, children ... This is her strength in them!
They love her, often ask for advice ...
Guests: Long live the lady this beautiful!
Leading: Has a lot of good habits:
He appreciates his relatives - both matchmakers and demolitions ...
For them does not spare heat and greetings.
Guests: Long live the lady this beautiful!
Leading: This beauty is appropriate everywhere,
She's everything is curious, she is all interested in!
Fantasies are full of, like a poet’s muse.
Guests: Long live the lady this beautiful!
Presenter: She and good, she is smart,
And this evening she gives us!
And it is unlikely that we will find a lady better we somewhere.
Guests: Long live the lady this beautiful!

Hands raised my hands together,
They waved the right pen.
Well, the left hand drops while
On the knee. Not his own, but his neighbor.

The right handle is hot
We are a neighboring shoulder
We hug indecent.
Did you like it? Excellent!

They swayed to the left, right.
Swearing perfectly! Bravo!
Now stroke our stomach.
Smile in a full mouth.

We will push the neighbor on the right.
We will win around the neighbor on the left.
We continue fun-
Let's get rid of the neighbor on the right!

A glass so as not to fog,
Let's get rid of a neighbor on the left!
And with a neighbor a margin,
Support to the team!

Scream loudly:"Congratulations!"
And we drink everything to the bottom!

Leading: Friends at the table gathered today,
Zealous toasts poured river
Guests: Drink, drink vodka!
Leading: Our anniversary leads the feast
Wishing to drink - continuous expanse
Guests: Drink, drink vodka!
Leading:Women are quietly in love with you
The macho of our country consider you
Guests: Drink, drink vodka!
Leading: We know, you have golden hands,
They do not know peace and boredom.
Guests: Drink, drink vodka!
Leading: Stay further with an open soul,
Dear, dear, dear man!
Guests: Drink, drink vodka!
Leading: You are lucky on fishing, everyone knows
You know, you are interesting recipe!
Guests: Drink, drink vodka!
Leading: Schumacher, undoubtedly, you are driving
Well, today, while at the table
Guests: Drink, drink vodka!
Leading: You don't like to get sick and moan,
It is better to accept Mikstur together
Guests: Drink, drink vodka!
Leading: And in order to live up to a hundred years old,
There is one small secret - -
Guests: Drink, drink vodka!

Alcoholic chants for the anniversary of poetic

Alcoholic chants for the anniversary of poetic
Alcoholic chants for the anniversary of poetic

Alcoholic chants for the anniversary of poetry:

"Pour in a glass!"

The day is unusual today
We have excellent reason.
The holiday should be washed ...

"Watch guests with vodka."

We will dance together
Songs sing, play games.
And so that it was more fun ...

"Pour in a glass!"

We celebrate Victory Day
We are happy to meet guests.
How can everyone please them?

Watch guests with vodka.

We made the program
Competitions were composed to you,
And so that the games go haze

You pour in a glass!

Okay, do not scream
And do not wake your neighbors!
Pour it soon
For funny noisy days!

It's time to pour!

Men - "It's time to pour!"
Women - "There are few champagne!"

Leading: Today is the holiday - the anniversary,
Fill the glasses of the village!
And we will talk toasts -
Do not rush to drink right away!

The reason is wonderful - men will tell you,
To be sad, there is no reason to be upset!
And there is an opportunity to walk until night,
Men calling: "It's time to pour!"

Ladies embarrassed, look aside
At the same time whisper to men after:
"Do not forget the sausage and lard",
And women together: "There are few champagne!"

Friends come to the anniversaries
There is a big family in the hall today,
Love to remember all their youth,
Men will remind: "It's time to pour!"

All guests dance on the dance floor,
Problems, throw up the diseases!
The time of fun, believe me, it has come
And women ask: "There are few champagne!"

I don't want to count years today,
It looks (the name of the anniversary) is fine, on "Five!"
And to raise his mood
Men ask: "It's time to pour!"

And we will say the anniversary without flattery
Success, joy simply weigh
Did you guess a lot of cuckoo?
Women are glad: "There are few champagne!"

The holiday is successful, what to wait further?
Men's teams: "It's time to pour!"
So that a series of congratulations sounds
Women will say: "There are few champagne!"
All together are raising the glasses now
And scream the anniversary ...
“Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations !! "

Alcoholic chants at the table for the company of friends

Alcoholic chants at the table for the company of friends
Alcoholic chants at the table for the company of friends

Alcoholic chants at the table for the company of friends:

The motto of drunks does not change in the world:
Two few, three many? Take ka four!

You will send the fool to the store for a bottle, -
One will bring one with an idiotic grin!

The drunk will not spend a ruble (throws) into the wind:
Since he takes vodka, then he noticed beer!

Beer, vodka, cucumber -
So the little man drank.

Do not break our will -
We drank, drink and drink!

If you drank grams 200,
To drink 300 is a matter of honor!

Each drunkenness has a special smell:
The liquor smells of secret fantasies freedom.
Champagne smells of coquetry and flirting.
Broken muzzle - diluted alcohol.
Cognac smells of debauchery and passion.
An explosive positive - absinthe on an empty stomach.
Wine gives an expensive restaurant.
From Vermouth it smells of giggling drunk.
The roller and courage smell of cocktails.
The drill stimulates a drunk.
The loss of the ability to move is vodka.
The desire to walk on the women is a whiskey stack.
Gene smells like to get drunk beautifully.
It is likely to cast beer.
We hang out heavy in the morning - Armane ...
And only sobriety does not smell in any way!

Alcohol! Illuminated my sick soul ...
Not! I will not violate a degree of degree ...
Serpent! Green serpent torments my heart again
Oh, beer with vodka how to stir you to me?
My heavy cross is an eternal hangover.
Every day in the morning I am ready to accept a hundred grams ...
Not! Helpen is a rejected with a shade on the chela,
I will never be sober on earth
And after a booze I can't find peace
I will take a glass again with a trembling hand!

Who drinks a lot. He sleeps a lot
Who sleeps a lot, he does not harm
Who does not harm is clean,
Hence the conclusion, dear!

The rope is valued in length, and the better is the shorter
And if so, then in a good hour.
For all friends, for all for us.

How sad in the heart, it is dark in my heart,
Because there is no money for wine.
We can’t break our will - we drank, drink and we will drink!

Friends! He loves to drink, and eat delicious
I invite you to the table, there is still a lot of things on it.

If you want to be beautiful and have an elegant camp,
Refuse a beer mug, drink vodka glass!

To make the body younger
And the soul of sin wanted!
We will finally drink the waste cup
The most coveted, the most native!

Let the owner not be sung,
That we leave it,
Let him get to sleep, sober up,
It will come in handy to us.

We will drink once, we will drink two,
For the birthday women,
Let them not put your own,
No one, nowhere, is a pig.

We will shit one glass alone,
For life an important article,
Let it be a fat wallet,
Like a pig fat.

Let the snowball fall from you,
On your wonderful curl,
Your luxurious time
Let it last for centuries.

We will drink glasses to the bottom,
So that life goes without illnesses,
So that it does not disappear to nowhere,
Your luck is never.

We will not get drunk like a pig,
We will say glorious words
We will hug you hotly
And we will congratulate you, we still.

We will drink once, we will drink two,
For the birthday women,
Let them not put your own,
No one, nowhere, is a pig.

Alcoholic chants cool for adults

Alcoholic chants cool for adults
Alcoholic chants cool for adults

Cool alcohol chants for adults:

We pour, drink,
We continue the holiday further.

So that it all comes true
We have to raise the glass.

The glasses are all together, friends, friends
Per …. We can’t drink.

Today we can't miss
We will drink and pour it.

For the sweetest anniversary
We will raise a toast as soon as possible.

Let our districts drink
For congratulations to the spouse.

For this we need to drink to the bottom
Let's raise the glasses and shout "Hurray."

We drink for the father -in -law and for the father -in -law,
We drink for mother -in -law and mother -in -law,
So that they have reigned in their family
Faith, friendship and love.

For the family fortress,
For the love
Let's drink the guests at the wedding
We are one more

Vodka. Hello! I am vodka!
With me the holiday is clear.
Beer. To look beautiful,
Only beer helps.
Ruff. Mom is here! And dad is here!
Everyone's name is my name.
Moonshine. Respect for everyone! I am moonshine -
After vodka to catch up.
Champagne. You can stretch out cool
And with “Shampusic” - champagne.
Braga. Not! For a clear cutter
People choose a mash.
Dry. I'm sorry, no,
Because I'm dry.
Liquor. I will glue everything to you like a solution,
Because I'm a liquor.
Cognac. Who is the masteful of the Mastak?
Five -star brandy!
Port wine. Every third is my friend.
Who does not like the "port"?
Whiskey. If with soda-in English.
But the whiskey will do so.
Gin. And I'm tastier than all of you, damn it!
Even sary love gin.
Tequila. No Villa is a “pitchfork”!
But now there is tequila.
Pepper. There is a cedar, there is a stuff,
And for steep "pepper" - pepper.
Hennesi. Oh, excuse me, and I live -
Self -Paul Hennesi.

Leading:Friends! You need to try
Somehow all guests surrender.
Salad: (Runes with a large basin of salad).
Give up! I'm a salad!
I will be glad to your faces!
Leading: No, please pour into the glasses
Everything that soul wants!
Let's live, let's drink
Now annually!

Who is sitting, who sits to the right of the bottle -
Beat the beat rhythmically a glass with a fork.
Who is sitting, who sits from the bottle on the left -
Catch the plate with a fork boldly.
Who is sitting, who sits to the right of the herring -
Beat the plate with a fork and spoon.
Who is sitting, who sits to the right of potatoes -
Beat your knees with both palms.
Who was drinking at a very little at the table today -
Hit the spoon slowly
Who has come to this hall late today -
Knock carefully with a glass on the table.
Who came in time and came -
Beat how you know how to heap on the floor.
Who is pleased with everything - clap your hands!
Who was a little angry - do not hesitate either.
And now everything together is possible - at once!
Fun and joyful at the holiday with us!

A glass in color
Who is dressed today in red?
People are bright and passionate!
Independent, bold,
You yourself made your life!
You will show up to the people
Do not be lazy to drink on a holiday!

Who is the colors today snowy?
Good and tender people,
Pure, vulnerable people,
Callated with white swan.
Who is here in white? Rise!
Do not be lazy to drink on a holiday!

Who came today to black?
You are mysterious, undoubtedly
Absolutely brilliant
And, of course, sexy!
Pour the glass completely
And drink for the holiday!

If a yellow You put on
They wanted to surprise us all!
In life, you are always lucky -
All day or a whole year!
We are always very happy about you
Well, on the holiday you have to drink!

If you like it blue,
Then in the soul you are very strong!
You are serious, romantic,
Good -natured, pretty.
Rise, show yourself
Do not be lazy to drink on a holiday!

Kohl green you like it -
This is only your right!
You live with hopes,
You are floating with the flow.
You are always happy to rest
Well, on the holiday you have to drink!

If in motley You are an outfit -
Do not be sad, God's sake!
You like laughter and jokes,
Do not be sad for a moment!
You go up from the chair
Do not hesitate to drink on a holiday!

For spots on trousers my wife will suit me ….
Briefly speaking…. Clear!
They drink for women standing!

Guys, we sometimes forget
The answer to the question: who is the owner in the house?
Into the fire ahead ... What is the man left?
Although at the table to rise above them!

A well -known business, well, who does not know -
It climbs more into the standing body!
Standing pose will allow guys:
Shake the rest of the salad quietly.
We want to stretch the stiff legs,
Look at the neckline at once to women for many ...

The spouse will not say, leaning over the ear:
"Do not drink, enough for you!" Surface suicide.
The guys believe me, it’s worth listening -
Drinking men more profitable for men!

Rather, rather to us, friends,
At the table, in the circle is cramped, we are a family!
Get drunk drunk, until you fall!
Who was late as a reward
We pour five glasses to the row.

Fill the glasses! Let's say a toast,
And let it be straight and simple:
We don’t need honors and gold,
We are still rich

Thanks to everyone - who is here now:
Who is at the table or under the table ...
So let's drink for all for us,
For this house for the bakery,
For the fact that we walk in it.

For peace, for friendship, for love,
For happiness, not a little is drunk;
And the glasses are drained
For health, money, again and again.
But let's drink a thread for life,
To have enough strength to live.

Table alcoholic chants, drinking

Table alcoholic chants, drinking
Table alcoholic chants, drinking

Table alcoholic chants, drinking:

Drink - grief
And do not drink - twice!

The first glass is a stake,
The second is a falcon,
The rest are small birds!

Something hands began to chill,
Isn't it time for us to dick?

Something began to cold.
Isn't it time for us to give?

To promote the gut
I have to drink in the morning
And when the brains are upside down
We must drink before bedtime.

Who rumble in the stomach -
Take a liter per day,
And when the soul is abroad -
Just drink all day in a row!

A month shines, shines clear,
We drink wonderful for this moment!
The month is a young month,
Isn't it time for the second?

Let's make a "overson"
For the health of our wives!

And why pull the rubber?
- Let's drink just for a pattern!

Something for a long time we are sitting,
Maybe we will give in a little?

Let's drink the brothers so far,
In the next world they will not give.
Well, if they give there,
Let's drink the brothers here and here.

In paradise they will not give us beer,
Therefore, we drink here.

It’s dangerous to drink water.
Bacteria in it is terrible!
And she is tasteless
Poisons - chemistry is full!
The water blurs the mountain,
The water of the mill breaks!
And terrible with its spill.
Sprinkle with beer!

When the beer ends,
Who will you want to live?
In the meantime, we drink beer -
We will be alive, we will not die!

That we are woe and sorrow,
If the glasses sounded?
So that life does not go in vain,
Cover the stopar!
Fill the glasses to the edges.
Reason! .. God with you ...

Gloomy and sluggish,
We are sitting, tired
To cheer the heart,
It is necessary to pour a glass ...

Let's drink a glass to the bottom,
So that life is full!
So that we drink and danced,
And the ports would not have fallen!

Do not harm the liver and cells
Do not trust beautiful labels,
And to be healthy and happy
Drink only a home spill wine!

The sun shines behind the window
And the birds fly,
For the women present
Let's drink a glass!

Cut the glass
For Sasha’s health!
For Yurka's health -
Let's drink the polythery!
Do not accept. Lord, for drunkenness
Take the medicine.

We do not drink, Lord, but we are treated.
And not on a teaspoon, on a tea glass.
And not in a day, but every day.
And not for drunkenness for the sake, but so as not to wean.
So shift, unclean power, remain pure alcohol,
And do not harm the servant of God (name). Amen.

God forbid is not the last
And if the last, then God forbid! Amen!
In paradise they will not give us beer,
Therefore, we drink here.

That we are woe and sorrow,
If the glasses sounded?

So that life does not go in vain,
Cover the stopar!

Fill the glasses to the edges.
Reason! .. God with you ...

The sun shines behind the window
And the birds fly,
For the women present
Let's drink a glass!

A month shines, shines clear,
There are mineral water,
Pepsi-rolled drinks
Useful for the liver,
Pleasant tastes.
But I am normal miles,
Nicer alcohol,
And I am without them, believe me,
I can’t get around for a day.

I will accept a glass of "peppers",
I will pour it with "capital",
I will dilute the "Old Russian"
With "Kuban" in half ...
"Lemon", "special",
"Siberian", "wheat" -
For true Russian
You are a true balm!

I drank lickers different,
Cognac and beer is drunk,
Drinking first -class wine,
Champagne and rum.
But the most beautiful
Of these, ordinary
Simple vodka "Russian"
In a bottle with a "screw".

I will accept a glass of "Ryabinova",
I will fill it with "Moscow",
I will dilute after "Starchoy"
With "embassy" in half ...
"Hunting", "Petrovskaya",
"Streltskaya", "Smirnovskaya" -
For true Russian
You are a true balm!

When shit on the soul
And "Neskafa" does not climb into the throat,
You call me soon
We’ll scrape together to vodka!

There is wine on the table
I don't like it.
And with an unsteady gait
I'm going for vodka.

I would like on the Christmas tree
Instead of holiday animals,
There was exactly forty
Half-liter bubbles.

Today is the holidays with girls,
There will be a booze today.
And the cheek girls are burning
With a hangover, an instinct.
Girls stand, the girls are lying.
We have to cross.
Because for 10 girls
The boys took 7 to 0.5.

I remember a wonderful moment -
You stood in front of me:
Ugar -drunken vision -
A bottle of crystal purity.
A strong degree was furious inside,
And the harmful died a microbe.
Now I will experience joy
When alcohol goes through the pipes.
I raise a glass of faceted -
Frozen the whole world and ... do not breathe.
You, I praise you -
Oh, vodka - fuel of the soul.

Really, me? And loved you?
Can't be? Looks like I forgot.
I do not remember without a tip.
How much vodka was there?

Vodka in the sun in a glass sparkles,
Gently caressing my womb,
If vodka interferes with learning -
Well, her dick, such a study!

Who goes to visit in the morning
He acts wisely
Then there are one hundred grams, then there is one hundred grams,
That's the morning!

Call me with you,
When you go for vodka.
I'll go after you
With his big throat.
I'll go where you are
You drink this drink
And with your big glass
I'll give you a loss!

We will not drink vodka,
We will save money,
And we will accumulate five rubles,
Let's drink vodka again.

I love cold vodka
I just love warm vodka.
But if vodka interferes with work -
Throw her for your work!

Who drinks in the morning -
He acts wisely!
In the morning a glass, a glass at lunch,
I woke up - morning again.

Doctors caught up with us the countryx,
Like salt and sugar are a white enemy!
They did not take vodka into this circle ...
It looks like vodka is a white friend!

I poured a glass of faceted vodka,
Swallowed and poured five more times,
So that your dimple on the third chin
All night then I was pleased with the eye.

Want to change the gait?
Do not drink tea, but drink vodka!

Funny alcoholic chants, drinking

Funny alcoholic chants, drinking
Funny alcoholic chants, drinking

Funny alcoholic chants, drinking:

Three maidens by the window
They drank vodka, juice and rum.
Only one was a girl
Enter the Svetlitsa without problems.

He drank beer with diligence
He drank vodka and wine, -
On his face with a ram
Everything was reflected.

The night has come ...
And the stars in the window ...
Do not sleep, do not sleep ...
I would not sleep!

Sometimes it happens so bad,
That even tea does not climb into the throat!
And only beer helps,
Who drink vodka!

As soon as I drink alcohol
This is the trouble with me -
I do not say, but verb
And sometimes I say.
And those with whom I drink, tired soon,
And without catching the thread
Me in a table conversation
Hurry to overcome more.
Cover, and also print ...
They are all evil men.
And every time they tear my hat to me
Then the glasses are smashed ...

If you repair the wiring in the house,
And forget about beer, and about vodka!

Conducting nature by the sun,
It is a pity that in the stomach of Burda.
I remember that I drank on Saturday.
After he woke up - Wednesday.
Who goes to visit in the morning
He acts wisely
Then there are one hundred grams, then there is one hundred grams,
That's the morning!

Beer is the greatest invention.
The wheel, of course, is also nothing,
But the wheel with fish is still not that ...

Rain in thin streams falls,
As if someone is urinating on his head.
Even beer is not very happy.
I want something unbearably.
Looking at the feet of random,
Fucking a dark tree,
Beer spilled, I am saddened
On the head now the bump is huge.
Comparing the simplest factors:
Rain, “I want”, girls meet,
Dodged a drunken tractor
And he thought: "Spring begins."

I have one flaw:
I am rarely sober.
Usually - drunk.
And if I don't drink at all,
I don’t recognize myself.

I will drink beer in the morning
I just hang out.
I'll add it in the afternoon.
I'll get drunk in the evening ...

Without cognac
Life is not easy
And with cognac -
Life is a somersault!

Our motto is 4 words:
He drank it - sing another!

No, how much drunkenness
It has long been known in Russia.
The problem is friends in us,
You can’t drink at all without measure!

Morning melted in the fog,
Kamyshi rustles.
Graceful, like a lani,
Helpers walked across the field.

Even if alcohol freezes,
I won’t leave him anyway.
I will bite his teeth
Because he is good!

If you drank two hundred grams,
To drink three hundred is a matter of honor!
Everyone laughs very cute
All the wine united
In Christ and Judas, blood vessels expand.

If the Lord had no will,
We would not recognize alcohol
So, drunkenness is not a vice,
A lesson!

Gloom was dissipated before me,
It became easier and more joyful to live.
I was not a fool before to drink
And now not a fool to drink!

There was spring, and the ladies smelled
Like freshly picked plums.
Men gasped admiringly ...
But everyone preferred beer.

W conducting a fight against green potions,
In the soul we completely swear him,
But we always know how to pay debt -
If we have to drink, we drink!

Without wine and entertainment
Life is stupid - there is no doubt that
A radiant light sends us a glass -
And there is no grief, and no grief.

I'm drunk with life, burning drink
It spread over the veins, burning!
Do not do, fire, dust and torment,
Krushi, attract a whirlpool!

So he turns the wavy awl in the cork of the port
And then it extracts with her characteristic sound.
If there is no wavy awl at hand,
He beats powerfully with his palm along the bottom of the vessel,
The path is opening guilt.
Let's drink wine, wine from the winery work!

All the ailments of the heart are treated by wine,
Eternal Mind of Minda treats wine,
Elixir of oblivion and comfort
Do not be afraid, friends, everything will heal the wine!

If you are a caliph or a bazaar beggar
Ultimately everyone is one price.
So drink wine! It has a source of immortality and light,
In it - the flowering of spring and past summer.

They say to me: “Do not drink!”, And I do not drink. And what do I see?
My wretched wife and the leaky roof ...
Do not drink me, but I quietly drink and see:
Her beauty is a wife, her patched roof!
Let's drink for what makes our life better!

We live once in our lives,
What can we take from life.
And only that one is happy
Who will drink and pour it again!

That I am friends with wine, I do not deny, no,
But are you fairly blaspheming me, neighbor?
Oh, if all the sins gave birth to intoxication!
Then we would have heard only drunken nonsense.

They say as if drunkards to hell to please.
All nonsense! If the drinkers were sent to hell
Yes, all the wife there are after them,
Your garden would become empty as a palm.

If I get drunk and fall down -
This is a service to God, not a vice.
I can't break the plan of God,
If God has intended me with a drunk!

Wine amuses all hearts!
By barrel, guys, nand brother!
May anger disappears from the face,
Let everything be cheerful, everyone is blurry
Everyone is drunk!

Alcoholic chants for a friendly company

Alcoholic chants for a friendly company
Alcoholic chants for a friendly company

Alcoholic chants for a friendly company:

In anticipation of the feast,
I didn’t eat at home for three days.
And at a party he ate a jacket,
And from the cakes are a bald.

I love to go to visit
I immediately drink for the mistress.
And about the male of the hostess,
I will say: a very cute bunny. "

Was visiting Fedot yesterday,
Today, Fedot has become not the same.
I got drunk from yesterday,
Now I have registered in the toilet.

I hug a toilet
There is no better place now.
It was necessary to rush
So as not to be fenced away.

In the morning Semyon with Ignat,
They crawled from guests to the hut.
I got Semyon on the face,
And Ignat seems to be too.

To the payroll to survive,
You have to walk around the guests.
Since there are not even sausages at home
We’ll get around the list on the list.

The guest came to me yesterday,
I treated it from the heart,
Eats for a day, soon bursts,
Everything screams - dragging Harchi.

He invited Kuma to visit
What Lyada - I do not understand.
Instantly gobbled up all supplies
And the third hour is already sharpening the Lisas.

We will smear icores,
A thick layer for a sandwich.
Didn't you get into my mouth? Away, Vanyatka,
Open your mouth wider.

I like to go to visit
There is a jelly and drink vodka.
I love to eat salad,
Yes, I'm even sleeping in the salad.

The table was bursting with an abundance
And by the morning of the ball of Katya.
Oh, I love to eat away,
Do not take away from the table.

The hangover is different,
Gloomy, ugly,
Seeding, cucumber,
The hangover is eternal.

And only one is sweet,
What comes in the morning with affection,
With a smile, sparkling, nonsense
Naive, snow -white,

It is spring-clean,
Playful and radiant,
Clogant, beloved,
Bed and non-repentant.

Animals and alcohol
An elephant came out of binge,
He drank vodka a car.
Leva fox did
And conveyed to the registry office.
I'm a cobra, I don't dare to come up,
Stupid, no need for a port with vodka.

What pain, what pain
I finished the bear all alcohol.
The mouse drank wine
I'll wake up the cat will go.
They drove the turtle before the start of the runners,
Overtook the turtle of the best masters
The giraffe does not know how to drink much,
How long it flows down - sober.

So that there is no trouble
Do not take alcohol.
There is a dope in alcohol -
You will be drunk from him!

Alcohol wanders around the light
And the people are losing their minds.
If he comes to you -
You quickly brand your mouth!

If alcohol calls -
The thread will not save!
Need, brothers, dense tape
And a female smile!
To save medicines,
The deficiency of them to eliminate them,
This is what we offer you.

Than, whom and how to treat:
1. If it becomes dry in the throat -
We need to drink a glass of vodka,
2. And when the sneeze with a whistle -
Drink alcohol, but only clean.
3. In case of illness, say, ear
A mutter will help you,
4. If the blood went through the nose -
Overturning a glass of wine,
5. I turned the head awkwardly -
Peppering will help you here,
6. Well, a weak tone in the heart -
Feel free to drink moonshine.
7. To remove dandruff -
Vermouth needs to drink in the morning,
8. In case of hemorrhoid illness
Drink everything, but only standing,
9. And with an ulcer, God save,
Drink meads, but lying down
10. And for the best exchange -
The tincture of horseradish is good.
11. So that the urine is pouring wild,
We have to drink beer at night!
12. Drink champagne from pain and I advise you like this:
On a bottle - a spoonful of salt, drink only on an empty stomach!
And then for a century, a difficult time sinks,
And the people to scream will get tired of our doctors cheers!

Alcoholic chants, drinking for the new year

Alcoholic chants, drinking for the new year
Alcoholic chants, drinking for the new year

Alcoholic chants, drinking for the New Year:

New Year is already going on.
The whole people drink something.
Vano's neighbor
They drink Georgian ... (wine)
And our Deniska
Guests drink Scottish ... (whiskey).
The shortcom came out of the whiskey -
We caught up ... (moonshine).
There was only Pashka against
He prefers ... (mash).
Well, Masha is not a springs -
Zhigulevskoye drinks ... (beer).
Konstantin brought herring
And a bottle from under ... (vodka).
Only Mila was indignant:
Tell me, where is my ... (tequila)?
Explained: so yes,
No tequila - drink ... (cognac).
Suddenly Zhenkin's moan came:
Where is the triple ... (cologne)?
Dasha offered flirting,
In her pocket ... (alcohol).
Who is a little drunk, who is in the pivot.
Grandpa comes in ... (frost).
Do not lead the life of the philistine.
On New Year's Eve, everyone drinks ... (champagne)!

Leading: New Year is knocking on the door,
We gathered at the banquet,
Both diseases and lack of money
Let's say we today ...

Guests: "Fry!"

Leading: So that you are stubborn
And they did not give up problems.
All sorrows - grief,
We will shout fervently ...

Guests: "Fry!"

Leading: To be slender, beautiful,
Graceful, like a lynx,
Dull and dreary days
We shout very loudly. ...

Guests: "Fry!"

Leading: So that rewards, encouragements,
They poured a rain on you,
Let's breathe in the air,
And shout a bitter. ...

Guests: "Fry!"

Leading: And the size of the wage miraculous
Rushes sharply upward
Only the ordinary is tedious
We shout loudly ...

Guests: "Fry!"

Leading: To the overseas resorts
So that you get with your family,
Thoughts "This is impossible!"
Let's say firmly "well ...

Guests: "Fry!"

Leading: Let the dreams do not know the dreams
And always strive up!
Well, and thoughtless thoughts
In the New Year we will answer ...

Guests: "Fry!"

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree …

Where did this Christmas tree come from
And where did she live?

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
She grew up in the forest

And whose traces are under the Christmas tree?
Who ran nearby?

The coward of the bunny is white
I jumped under the Christmas tree.

Sanny skids creak,
And the snow sparkles around.

The horse is shaggy
Rushing, running.

And what is lucky the horse?
Probably a chest!

Lucky a horse of wood,
And in the firewood, a peasant!

A man is cool, probably -
With him, a large bag.

He cut off our Christmas tree
Under the spine!

We dressed up a Christmas tree, -
She is beautiful.

And a lot, many joys
I brought guests to all!

Friendly company!
Hurray, winter, and we walk,
And soon we celebrate the New Year
There are dreams, and there are desires
We generally ...

All guests:
Friendly company!

Sounded toasts, songs, speeches,
In the midst of New Year's Eve.
Women have a sea of \u200b\u200bcharm
We are generally.

All guests:
Friendly company!

Let Santa Claus slightly thin
And the voice is very young -
We will not pay attention
We generally ...

All guests:
Friendly company!

And how the Snow Maid is good -
Well, straight, trembling, already, soul!
Let it dance with us - there is a desire
We generally ...

All guests:
Friendly company!

Yes, dancing near the New Year tree -
Look so that the needles do not crumble!
Sometimes embrace-adultery-
We generally ...

All guests:
Friendly company!

We go all together on New Year's Eve
There are many desires - maybe two hundred?
Let everyone be fulfilled!
We generally ...

All guests:
Friendly company!

Video: Contest "Remove the glasses". 2 Interesting funny competitions for adults at home

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