How to cook a grog alcohol and non -alcoholic: the best step -by -step recipes

How to cook a grog alcohol and non -alcoholic: the best step -by -step recipes

Along with mulled wine and punch, Gog belongs to the most popular winter drinks. This hot, fragrant, and moderately strong liquid, is ideal for dank autumn and cold winter evenings, and an excellent addition to it will be the warmth of the fireplace and intimate conversation.

Homemade grog I am in demand all over the world. Over time, its variations of the preparation of diluted rum appeared in its different corners. In today's article, we will talk about the features of the grog and share our most interesting recipes, which everyone can cope with.

Classic Gog: History of the appearance

  • Skog is rightly by drinking sailors, because for the first time he was prepared on the ship. In the XVII century, the menu of British sailors included one and a half glasses of Roma - up to the middle of the last century, it was believed that such alcohol helps to warn the scurvy and some other diseases that people who are not on land are exposed for a long time.
  • However, such impressive portions of alcohol adversely affected the discipline on ships and often led to alcohol dependence, so they decided to dilute the rum with water - this is how it appeared gog, the recipe which was simple: alcohol, lemon juice, water.
  • As for the name, the drink received it, nicknamed Admiral Vernon, who was called Old Grog. It was this person who proposed to dilute the rum and, although indirectly, became the author of the drink, which after centuries is incredible popular on all continents.
  • Over the years, the Brog recipe has improved, many variations have appeared, among which even the most legible person will be able to find his beloved.
Delicious grog
Delicious grog

GOG alcohol: features and beneficial properties

  • This liquid is not only tasty and fragrant, but also useful if you use it in moderation. He will help strengthen immunity and protect against viruses. In utility with diluted rum, only mulled wine can compete - another type of heated alcohol. A cup of hot grog - first aid for hypothermia and a beginning cold.
  • The main feature of the drink is the use of a large number of various spices. Thanks to this, he helps out with a general breakdown of strength, raises his mood, and also copes with stress and overwork. They drink all over the planet gog at home, in restaurants, bars, and especially in ski resorts to warm up faster after conquering snowy tracks.
The drink is also very useful
The drink is also very useful

How to cook a grog at home: General rules

This warming liquid is perfect for any feast, as an aperitif or separately from a meal. Everyone can cook a fragrant drink at home - you just have to adhere to simple cooking rules.

  • The basis of the grog, if not taking into account its non -alcoholic options, is always alcohol. Moreover, instead of different varieties of rum, you can use Calvados, Cognac, Brendi and even whiskey. It is worth remembering that only for this drink is suitable high -quality alcohol, since heating perfectly shows all the taste faces, so impurities will be well felt.
  • You can dilute the grog with any drinks: From tea and coffee to juice and even milk. Moreover, the recipe allows you to do this in any proportions.
  • It is difficult to imagine gog without citrus notes. To do this, freshly squeezed and filtered juices are added to the drink lemon, grapefruit, lime, orange. As an option, you can add liqueurs with similar tastes. For atmosphere, a glass or a cup is always decorated with a slice of citrus.
  • As a sweet component, the mixture is added sugar or honey. Brown reed sugar is ideally combined with rum. And from white sugar, you can independently prepare a “burn” with a distinct caramel flavor.
  • Before enjoying the grog, let it stand for ten minutes so that the bouquet of aromas will open as much as possible. And so that the drink does not cool down, use vessels with thick walls or wrap a container with a fluid with a warm towel.
  • Ideal for Skog Tara are ceramic mugs or special glasses for hot drinks. In transparent vessels, this mixture looks especially beautiful!

Over the centuries of existence, the Brog recipe has been improved and changed more than once. Now there are a huge number of options - for different cases and people with different taste preferences. So, in addition to the traditional diluted rum, the mixture is prepared on the basis of other types of alcohol, as well as without alcohol at all.

GOG: Classic recipe


  • rum (amber or dark varieties) - 250 ml
  • water - 450 ml
  • lemon - 2 large
  • sugar - 5 tsp.

Grog cooking technology:

  1. Squeeze the juice of the citrus and filter it after a couple of layers of gauze or chintz.
  2. Boil water, then make a slow fire, pour in alcohol, juice, pour sugar.
  3. Cook the mixture for two or three minutes, not forgetting to stir constantly-the sugar should completely dissolve.

Despite the name, this recipe is variable. For example, instead of a dark rum, they use light or replace it with another type of strong. Sugar is perfectly replaced by honey, and for greater aroma, various spices are added to the drink (cinnamon, cloves and others).

GOG: Alcoholic Recipe  


  • dark varieties rum - 70 ml
  • lemon juice - 35 ml
  • strong black tea (brewed) - 70 ml
  • sugar - teaspoon
  • badyan - 1 pc.
  • cinnamon - 1 large stick
  • cloves-3-4 buds

Grog cooking technology:

  1. Brew strong tea, insist it for 7-10 minutes.
  2. Squeeze lemon juice into the liquid.
  3. Put the container with the mixture on a small fire, pour rum there, add sugar, mix.
  4. Cook for 3-4 minutes so that the sugar dissolves to the end, add spices, leave it on fire for another minute.
  5. Pour into the vessels.

Grog with coffee


  • yamaisky rum - 50 ml
  • fresh coffee - 320 ml
  • cognac - 45 ml
  • water - 60 ml
  • lemon - pair of lobules
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Coffee grog
Coffee grog

Preparation technology:

  1. Sugar should be thoroughly diluted in water.
  2. Pour alcoholic components, syrup into even hot coffee, then pour into the bowls and decorate with lemon slice.

Coffee grog is also prepared on the basis of port instead of rum with cognac. And sugar is replaced with condensed milk. Dried crusts of citruses, fragrant pepper and anise are perfect for these ingredients.

GOG: Home recipe


  • alcohol (use rum, vodka, cognac) - 420 ml
  • water - 320 ml
  • sugar - 240 g
  • cherry juice - 40 ml
  • black tea - 2 bags
  • raspberry is fresh or jam from it - 70 g

Grog cooking technology:

  • Bring the juice to a boil, add sugar, alcohol to it and cook over low heat for 4-6 minutes.
  • In a separate container, brew tea.
  • Mix two parts of the drink and add raspberries, then pour into cups.
You can cook a drink according to this recipe
You can cook a drink according to this recipe

Medovy grugg recipe


  • white rum - 110 ml
  • black tea (finished) - 450 ml
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • middle lemon juice
  • a small stick of cinnamon
  • two clove buds

Grog cooking technology:

  1. Pour 2 tsp into the container. Knights, the necessary spices and pour in boiling water - let it be brewed for 10 minutes.
  2. Strain the resulting liquid, add juice, honey and rum there.
  3. Pour into bowls.

Gog "Sea"


  • cognac - 50 ml
  • red wine - 50 ml
  • black tea (prepared) - 300 ml
  • cardamon, cinnamon - a little
  • apples and citrus - for decoration
  • honey (you can do without it)
Scarlet drink
Scarlet drink

Grog cooking technology:

  1. Mix all the liquids, pour spicy ingredients and leave for 10-12 minutes.
  2. Strain through a small sieve.
  3. Serve in cups, after decorating the drink in small pieces of fruit or cinnamon sticks.

Gog with wine: recipe

  • red wine - 300 ml
  • half of the average lemon
  • fresh ginger - a small piece
  • reed sugar - 2 tsp.
  • nutmeg - a pinch
  • cardamon - several grains
  • cinnamon - half a wand
With wine
With wine

Grog cooking technology:

  1. Cut the lemon with slices, clean the ginger and also cut the plates.
  2. Place all the components into a pan of the right size and put it on a small fire.
  3. Bring to a boil, but in no case let the mixture boil.
  4. Cook 6 minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. Remove from the stove, cover with a lid and insist for another 15 minutes.
  6. Strain the drink through a sieve and pour into glasses.

GROG: Recipe for women

Since alcohol is used for such a drink, which in diluted form can turn out to be too strong for the fair sex, a brog recipe was developed specifically for women. It has a softer taste and sophisticated smell thanks to the ingredients that are part of it. From the above number of ingredients, there is enough drink for mental gatherings in the company of close friends.


  • cognac - 1.5 cups
  • raspberry syrup - 1.5 cups
  • red wine of sweet varieties - 1.5 cups
  • raspberry liquor - 1.5 cups
  • dried mint - a couple of a pinch
  • vanilla sugar - 1.5 tsp.
  • cloves - 2 buds

Grog cooking technology:

  1. Mix wine with syrup in the container. Pour mint, cloves, vanilla and bring everything to a boil on a light of low power.
  2. Strain the resulting liquid and pour cognac and raspberry liquor there.
  3. Let the slogy brew for about 12-15 minutes, and heat up before use.

Non -alcoholic grog: recipe

  • This drink is ideal for those who do not drink alcohol, as well as children. It will help to warm up. A grog from colds is also used.
  • They drink it most often after being in the cold and before bedtime. While even diluted rum is recommended not to be zealous, stopping on one portion, a non -alcoholic version can be drunk two cups.
  • The basis for such a drink, instead of stronger, serves high -quality black tea. All kinds of berries, fruits and spices.
The drink can be non -alcoholic
The drink can be non -alcoholic

Recipe for non -alcoholic grog


  • black tea (already prepared hot) - 250 ml
  • cherry juice - 120 ml
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l
  • cinnamon - 1/2 sticks

Grog cooking technology:

  1. Place the components in a suitable container and put on medium heat.
  2. Heat them for 5-7 minutes, then pour into cups.

Skog from colds: recipe


  • hot Karkade
  • ginger - 2 small slices
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • cloves - 2 small buds
  • honey - at will.

Grog cooking technology:

  1. Mix all components in a spacious container and close the lid.
  2. Insist the resulting mixture for 18-20 minutes.
  3. After add honey (this ingredient is optional), heat and serve again.

Gog with pepper


  • hot tea (black or frame) - 1.5 cups
  • cinnamon - 1.5 tsp.
  • cloves - 3 buds
  • black pepper - 3 peas
  • juice of half of any citrus
  • honey - 50 g

Grog cooking technology:

  1. Pour tea into a pan and add spices to it.
  2. Greate a mixture of 3-4 minutes on low heat.
  3. Pour the filtering juice there.
  4. Remove from the stove and insist for 30-35 minutes.
  5. Heat the liquid again and add honey.

Children's grog in milk

This fragrant and healthy liquid will like not only crumbs, but also adults. Just imagine how exciting it will be to prepare a delicious drink with children! Spices of bizarre forms and how the mixture changes color in the process of preparation will certainly attract their attention.

You will get a beautiful drink
You will get a beautiful drink


  • milk - 2.5 cups
  • water is a glass
  • roybush tea - 3 tsp.
  • goroshinka fragrant pepper
  • buton of cloves
  • anise star
  • a pinch of vanilla sugar
  • honey - 2 tsp

Preparation technology:

  1. Place spices in a pan, pour water and milk there.
  2. Boil the liquid, and then pour the roybush in it.
  3. Cook the mixture for 3-5 minutes, then cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Strain the grog, add honey to it.
Grog recipe
Grog recipe

Now you know many options for this beautiful drink, which is perfect for cold winter and rainy summer evenings. To cook it, it is not necessary to wait for a special occasion - warm yourself and loved ones just like that!

We advise you to read interesting articles about drinks:

Video: Preparation of classic grog

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