The best recipes for preparing medicinal non -alcoholic mulled wine at home. How to make a delicious hot, non -alcoholic drink mulled wine from a cold from tea and juice?

The best recipes for preparing medicinal non -alcoholic mulled wine at home. How to make a delicious hot, non -alcoholic drink mulled wine from a cold from tea and juice?

In this article, we want to share with you recipes for non -alcoholic mulled wine that will help restore and strengthen health.

Mullynein is famous not only for raising the mood of long winter evenings, but also heals. O alcohol -based drink We wrote earlier, and in this article we want to share with you the intricacies of treatment with non -alcoholic mulled wine.

Non -alcoholic mulled wine: benefits and harm to health

  • This wonderful drink heating, tones, has quite tangible antibacterial properties. Mullyneine is often recommend in the following cases:
  • Angina - comes to the rescue honey, citrus drink
  • Cold or flufruits and spices Excellent help recover And, in addition, are useful for moral exhaustion. Recommended for infectious diseases. In general, such mulled wine will be equally useful both at the initial stage of the disease and with complications like inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis.
  • Cough - It is worth saying about him separately. Moreover, both dry and wet Kashans soften or disappear altogether after consuming mulled wine with spices or lemon. It perfectly warms up the body.

Important: it is recommended to drink such a tool before bedtime.

As for contraindications, then they are available in an alcoholic analogue - for some diseases, as well as for children and pregnant women. The non -alcoholic option is allowed to use everyone. The exception, perhaps, can serve as individual allergic reactions On the components of the product.

Blind mulled wine helps with colds
Blind mulled wine helps with colds

Is it possible for pregnant women non -alcoholic mulled wine?

As already written, take a drink without alcohol with pregnant women can. You even need:

  • Pomegranate juice removes an unnecessary fluid from the body of the future mother, thereby warning edema. Vitamins the same minerals There are a lot of it in it! And the improvement of appetite will allow cope with nausea.
  • Grape juice Contains Vitamins K, E, which improve blood coagulation. Vitamin A It is necessary when the baby is formed in the baby.
  • Apple juice It is simply obliged to enter the diet of the future mother, because it will not contribute to the excess of the daily calorie rate. Instead, juice it will reduce the risk of varicose veins, strengthen the heart, and establish the functioning of the nervous system.

Important: however, the indisputable benefit of such a drink should not be misleading - drinking a large amount of mulled wine is not recommended. Citrus components are contraindicated in allergies, and cinnamon can provoke a reduction in the uterus and a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.

Bedal -based juices are suitable for pregnant women
Bedal -based juices are suitable for pregnant women

Blind mulled wine from juice: which is better for?

Grape - fabulous refreshes, gives strengthand Strengthens the body In general, thanks to trace elements. It is recommended to use it in the season of diseases, because this drink helps confront infections. The content of a large amount trace elements and vitamins led to the occurrence of a whole direction practicing treatment with grape juice.

Cranberry - In addition to an unusual taste, it is amazing anti -industrial effects. Successfully copes with bacteria, good antioxidant. It is recommended to use as a basis for mulled wine and if there are problems with urinary tract. And due to the fact that the red drink improves bloodMany diseases are successfully receding.

Cranberry juice in non -alcoholic mulled wine will help to cope with a cold
Cranberry juice in non -alcoholic mulled wine will help to cope with a cold

Pomegranate - He enjoys the unlimited love of those who constantly care about health. They are antiseptic, And it helps with inflammation, and angina with bronchial asthma Destroyes.

Important: if a person has suffered a long disease and is exhausted, he just needs a drink based on pomegranate juice!

Cherry - The perfect find for lovers exquisite tastes. In addition, he is fine eliminates heat and generally speaking helps with colds. The high content of copper will put in order even the most affected nervous system. BUT together with orange juice cherry serves as effective warning of the development of cancer formations.

Juice2. Cherry juice for mulled wine is an amazing combination of taste and benefit
Cherry juice for mulled wine is an amazing combination of taste and benefit

Spices, spices and seasonings for non -alcoholic mulled wine

Carnation - famous not only aroma, but also with the ability kill microbes, eliminate colds and improve digestion.

Anisereduces temperature and pain. Will cheer up any patient and will improve his appetite.

Important: the perfect taste combination will be achieved along with cloves and cardamom.

Anise in mulled wine will cheer up and heat the heat
Anise in mulled wine will cheer up and heat the heat

Badyan - It is indispensable if you urgently need to return the headc and remove the cough. Improves digestion. A pleasant bonus is fresh breath.

Ginger - Urgently include mulled wine with hypothermia! He is also a real treasurer amino acids and vitamins.

Black pepper - It is considered good antiseptic.

Cardamom - It will turn out to be a pleasant find for those who need the best as possible activate the brain. Nervous systemsand also will be put in order. Its property will come in handy stimulate expectorant and remove throat spasmsarising during cough.

Important: if you cook coffee mulled wine, cardamom will soften the effect on the body of caffeine.

Cardamom, added to non -alcoholic mulled wine, activates the work of the brain
Cardamom, added to non -alcoholic mulled wine, activates the work of the brain

Bay leaf - Unexpected, but useful for mulled wine spices. It is believed that it acts as excellent catalyst of processes, occurring in the body . In addition, bay leaf is effective antibiotic.

Coriander - find for those who need improving digestion. Vitamins, a set of organic acids, micro- and macroelements They will make the drink miraculous. Awakens appetite.

Saffron - Positively affects work heart, eliminates pain, calms the nervous system And excellent tonizes.

Important: if you firmly intend to please yourself with a drink with saffron, do not add other spices - the saffron will kill their taste and aroma.

Safran in non -alcoholic mulled wine will be indispensable for cores
Safran in non -alcoholic mulled wine will be indispensable for cores

Honey - strengthen health in general, forms immunity. With a cold, excellent eliminates pain in the throat.

Dried fruits - bring piquancy to mulled wine and strengthen the immune system. Recommended dates, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs.

Dried fruits in non -alcoholic mulled wine - a storehouse of vitamins
Dried fruits in non -alcoholic mulled wine - a storehouse of vitamins

Non -alcoholic mulled wine - winter warm tea

You will need:

  • Black tea - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar - tablespoon or two
  • Carnation
  • A small piece ginger
  • Cardamom - 2 pcs.
  • Nutmeg


  • Holdy tea For some time insisted
  • They are added to it milk, spices, sugar

Important: do not forget to pour everything into a comfortable pan of enamel or stainless metal.

  • Remove from heat At the first signs of boiling
  • Five up
Spicy gallmine tea for warming
Spicy gallmine tea for warming

Medical non -alcoholic mulled wine with honey from a cold

For the old drink of the Slavs, which is also called "Sbiten", need:

  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water - half liter
  • Ginger - a small piece or 1/3 tsp.
  • Half lemon
  • Mint
  • Cloves and cinnamon At your discretion

It is easy to cook a downbreak:

  • Clean lemon from the peel
  • Zest Process with grater
  • Bring water to a boil
  • Now you can add honey, zest, spices, lemon juice
  • Mix Everything is carefully and insist In thermos about half an hour

IMPORTANT: SCETEN must also be filtered.

Non -alcoholic healing mulled wine with honey
Non -alcoholic healing mulled wine with honey

Can a warming non -alcoholic mulled wine at temperature?

Drink mulled wine at a temperature even need, because he removes heat and kills microbes. However, it is worth doing in small sips, To protect the throat. Recommended at the same time be under the blanket, because the patient needs to properly sweat.

For such a purpose, include the drink raspberry, anise, cranberries, lemon balm, cinnamon.

Important: keep in mind that all beneficial substances disappear from the drink when it is heated above 90 degrees. It is recommended to cook a decoction of herbs or spices separately, then adding to mulled wine.

Blind mulled wine with raspberries perfectly helps at temperatures
Blind mulled wine with raspberries perfectly helps at temperatures

Bezalcoal mulled wine: ginger recipe

The great benefit of health will be brought apple cider with ginger, which includes:

  • Job from apples - 2 l.
  • Ginger - a piece
  • Fruit - lemon, orange and pear
  • Cinnamon - 1 PC.
  • Carnation

We proceed:

  • Juice As soon as he gets to a boil
  • Fruits are thinly cut and add to the juice
  • Ginger rubs
  • For some time it is necessary warm Future mulled wine again
Excellent apple non -alcoholic mulled wine with ginger
Excellent apple non -alcoholic mulled wine with ginger

Cranberry non -alcoholic mulled wine on cranberry mars

For useful mulled wine on cranberry mars, you need:

  • Actually, himself morse - 100 ml.
  • Cranberry - 100 g.
  • Orange and apple juices - 500 ml.
  • Lyme juice
  • Lima and orange pieces

It’s easy to cook:

  • Mix All of the above juices and Heat them, almost bringing to a boil
  • Decorate the bottom of the mug berries and pieces of fruit
  • Pour them with juice
Healthy and beautiful non -alcoholic mulled wine on cranberries
Healthy and beautiful non -alcoholic mulled wine on cranberries

Blood mulled wine with raspberry jam

For useful mulled wine with raspberry jam, stock up:

  • Jam
  • Linden flowers
  • Spices taste

Important: Take dried flowers. If possible, raspberry berries.


  • In advance boil the flowers
  • Pour jam with waterHeat
  • Add linden and berries with spices
Blood mulled wine with raspberry jam
Blood mulled wine with raspberry jam

Non -alcoholic mulled wine with a frame

The tag was called the "drink of the pharaohs" as a means that cured from temperature, spasms, inflammations. For such a miracle, cutting the following is necessary:

  • Karkade own person - 50 ml. pre -brewed drink
  • Mint
  • Honey and lemon
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Berries - strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, currants to choose from

Important: frozen berries are quite suitable. In addition, it is easier to get them in winter.


  • Berries Need well mint
  • All this added to tea and mixed
  • Tea is heated, filtered And it is supplied lemon, honey
Mulled wine based on the frame
Mulled wine based on the frame

Lemon and cinnamon non -alcoholic mulled wine

A drink that will delight with excellent taste and aroma may be unusually useful. For the manufacture of this treasure of vitamins we need:

  • Lemon - More precisely, his zest
  • A couple of sticks cinnamon
  • Orange
  • Water - About 80 ml. and liter of apple juice
  • Cardamom - A pinch
  • Several buds cloves
  • Nutmeg Very small

It is easy to cook:

  • Orange in advance cuts into pieces
  • Everything folds in the container For cooking mulled wine
  • Keep on fire follows before the first signs of boiling
Healthy and delicious non -alcoholic mulled wine with lemon and cinnamon
Healthy and delicious non -alcoholic mulled wine with lemon and cinnamon

About alcoholic mulled wine with the addition of juicemany have heard, but not everyone knows that a non -alcoholic healing mulled wine can be done. He will definitely please everyone with long winter evenings. In the next article, we will talk about how to cook delicious non -alcoholic drinks for the New Year holidays.

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